| Spell
| Action
| Target
| Bonus
| Damage
| Miss/Special
At-Will Spells
| Grasping Shards
| Standard
| Burst 1 (Within 10)
| Wisdom vs. Fortitude
| Wisdom Modifier radiant damage.
| Target slow until end of your next turn.
| Sun Strike
| Standard
| One Creature (Range 10)
| Wisdom Vs. Reflex
| 1d8 + WIS Modifier radiant damage.
| Slide the target one square.
Encounter Spells
| Infernal Wrath
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| +1 Power bonus on next attack against enemy hit last turn.
| If attack hits, add CHA mod as extra damage.
| Armor of Wrath
| Immediate
| One Creature (Close Burst 5)
| N/A
| Target takes damage equal to CON mod.
| Can push target 2 squares.
| Rebuke Undead
| Standard
| All undead (Close Blast 5)
| Wisdom vs. Will
| 2d10 + WIS Modifier radiant damage. Push target 2 squares.
| Target dazed until end of your next turn.
| Spear of the Inquisitor
| Standard
| One creature (Range 10)
| Wisdom vs. Reflex
| 1d10 + WIS Modifier radiant damage.
| Target immobilized until end of your next turn.
| Chains of Carceri
| Standard
| All in burst 1 (Range 10)
| Wisdom vs. Reflex
| 2d8 + WIS Modifier damage.
| Target slowed until end of your next turn.
| Rain of Blood
| Standard
| All enemies burst 2 (Range 10)
| Wisdom vs. Fortitude
| 2d6 + WIS Modifier damage. Target vulnerable 5 until end of next turn.
| Allies in burst get power bonus to attack rolls equal to CON modifier.
Daily Spells
| Purging Flame
| Standard
| One Creature (Range 10)
| Wisdom vs. Reflex
| 1d10 + WIS modifier fire damage, ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends)
| Miss: Half damage, ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
| Grasping Chains of the Justiciar
| Standard
| All enemies burst 2 (Range 10)
| Wisdom vs. Reflex
| 1d6 + WIS modifier force damage, target immobilized (save ends)
| Miss: Half damage, target is slowed until end of your next turn.
Utility Spells
| Emissary of the Gods
| Minor (Daily)
| Personal
| N/A
| +5 power bonus to next Diplomacy or Intimidate check.
| If part of a skill challenge, get 2 successes with one pass, and no failures if fails.
| Astral Step
| Move (Daily)
| You and allies (Close Burst 5)
| N/A
| Teleport each target 3 squares.
| N/A
Item Exploits
| Skald’s Armor
| Immediate (Daily)
| Adjacent Creature
| N/A
| Enemy targets you with melee attack - instead it targets your choice of adjacent creature.
| Always passive +2 item bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks
| Ritual
| Time
| Duration
| Component Cost
| Component Type
| Key Skill
| Hand of Fate
| 10 minutes
| 10 minutes
| 70 gt
| ¯\(º_o)/¯
| Religion
| Tenser's Floating Disk
| 10 minutes
| 24 hours
| 10 gt
| ¯\(º_o)/¯
| Arcana