Subsequent Visits

From Reydala

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As he slowly gained conciousness, Shutat was dimly aware that he was on his back, on something soft. Meanwhile, he was astutely aware of a throbbing headache. As he sat up, bracing himself with his arms, he became aware that he was in a bed in a rather sparse room. A window was right alongside the bed, letting in the sunlight, and a dresser and mirror was alongside the wall perpindicular. In the corner was Daved, hat pulled over his eyes while he sat on a stool and grinned at his compatriot.

"What happened?"

"I told you, m'man. That Enna didn't want to have a thing to do with you. She knocked you out, and we had to get you a room here." The elf shook his head. "I've never seen a woman knock a guy out in ONE PUNCH. You owe me a gold crown, by the way."

"Hold it!" Shutat swung his legs out so that he was sitting upright, properly glaring at his shipmate. "You know me, Daved. If a girl that small really knocked me cold in one hit, you know there isn't something right about her." He stood as he realized the second bit of information. "And what do you MEAN, a gold crown?! This room can't be worth more than a couple silvers! Argh..."

The rush to his head being too great for him in his weakened state, Shutat was forced to sit back down while Daved chuckled. "That's how much the innkeeper charged, yes, but you fail to take into account the taxes on me keeping that woman from killing you, carrying your ass up here, putting you in bed, going back downstairs to get a stool for myself, and of course how much it'll cost to keep me quiet about the whole thing."

"Bloody pirate..." Shutat leaned forward on his knees, hanging his head while he just desperately wished the pain would go away. "What else could go wrong?"

The other pirate grinned widely. "Well, since you ask...look in the mirror."

Shutat raised his head again, before resignedly standing up and walking to the mirror in question. As he saw what Daved was talking about, he had to brace himself on the dresser so he wouldn't just fall to the ground and start crying. What greeting him was an extremely roughed-up looking pirate, clothes rumpled, dried blood thinly caked on his upper lip (probably from when his face connected with the floor), and an angry, shining, purple mark around his right eye. As Daved began laughing, only one phrase came to mind that adequately summed up the situation.

"Son of a BITCH!"

---Later that Night---

Shutat wasn't pleased.

He scowled at his shipmates, Daved in particular, as the afformentioned finished telling everyone about Enna kicking his ass. Again. For the fourth time. "It's not THAT funny."

"Now, Shu'at; yeh don' need t'be shamed 'bout it.

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