From Reydala
A Chronicle of all the major events that have happend in Reydala, by year.
- 0 - Reydala is born.
- 0 - The First Elves Walk the Land in the region of Leyandra.
- 103 - The First Elven City, Elannariel, is founded.
- 126 - Pallenon is founded.
- 3234 - Arciel is born in Pallenon.
- 3252 - Lucion expels dragons from the world.
- 3332 - War of the Enforcers begins.
- 3337 - Cease Fire between the Enforcers is called, "treaty under the half moon" is signed, Full Moon and New Moon Enforcer organizations are formed.
- 335X - (circa 56-57) Aknier is born, location unknown.
- 3376 - First members of the party, Mikhal, Evanthe, Tanja, and Locke gather in the center of Kraseave.
- Tristen joins after being sent by the Regial Knights to assist the city of Kraseave. - Seara joins after a chance meeting in a Library of Lucion (while researching a pendant). - Aknier joins after being freed from an Ice Elf prison. - Several months later, Seremela and Dagnir join after rescuing Aknier. - Dante joins after a corrected misunderstanding with the group. - Aelis and Wren join after being attacked during their stay in Sanoan. - Kaer joins after being sent to assist the party by the Full Moon Enforcers.
- 3377 - Present Day.