
From Reydala

Revision as of 07:49, 10 August 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


Environment and Geography

Banato is frighteningly hostile to anyone trying to make a home for themselves there. The Jungle is severely hot and humid all year round, with tempetures often breaking into the 130s during the day. As if the heat were not enough there are many animals, and indeed plants, that could easily end the life of an unsuspecting mortal to face them. If one were to try to invade Banato, it would certainly not be to make it your home.


The people of Banato are nestled between three seperate countries, with Riscana across their northern border, Walstad across the southern, and a small section of border shared by the jungle nation and Nuln. Most of the area of Banato lies very near to Reydala's equator. Most villages in the region are on the shores of the two great rivers that run through the country.

Important Terrain Features

  • Deshuto Jungle: The largest and most inhospitable of Banato's jungles, and indeed of all Reydala.
  • Sasarai River: The major river that descends from near Reydala's north pole, through Riscana, through Banato, and finally proceeding to form the natural border between Nuln and Walstad. It's flow is generally slow and steady, so by the time it reaches banato the water is nearly undrikable due to heavy sediment content. The Wild elves have placed many sentry points along this river to look for ships from Riscana, any threats are usually met with deadly force.
  • Baraiu River: An offshoot of the Sasarai River that heads east through Banato, feeding into the Dukuru Gulf. Its flow is much faster than the Sasarai and thus is somewhat cleaner. Most Villages in Banato are along this river.
  • Dukuru Gulf: The widening of the Baraiu leads to the Dukuru Gulf, a large body of water that eventually joins up with the Leyandran sea. Since traveling by water is a much easier entrace to Banato than by foot, the Wild Elves are constantly patrolling the Gulf in their own ships.

Unique Flora & Fauna

  • Black Lotus: A deadly flower that blooms only in the darkest parts of the Deshuto forest. Even the aroma of the Black Lotus is incredibly toxic to most forms of life, the inhaled particles quickly inflitrate the bloodstream and attack tissue, organs, and muscles. If they remain in the area, death is usually inevitable within 30 minutes unless the individual has an exceptional constitution. The Black Lotus itself has but one flower but an expansive root system under the soil that can spread out for thirty feet or more. Corpses of those killed by its venom become fertilizer for the plant. Alchemists can grind down a black lotus into an even more potent poison, however the danger in retrieving a specimen means that it is (thankfully) prohibitively expensive to acquire.
  • Kilshuo (or Death Spore): A type of fungus found sometimes on the banks of the Sasarai River, usually found at the roots of waterfront trees. The Kilshuo resemble a large puffball fungus, immature ones a sickly white, growing blacker and blacker as the fungus matures. The more mature it becomes, the more delicate it gets, and the more spores reside inside it. When a Kilshuo is ruptured, spores quickly erupt in all directions. The spores if inhaled cause terrible nausea, sickness, and eventually death (Within 6-8 hours in most cases). The Wild elves in Banato harvest this fungus as a sort of biological weapon, most often flinging them with catapult like devices onto enemy ships. Outside of Banato they are referred to as Death Spores, the name coined when a derelict ship floated back into Riscana's waters, all of its crew dead, with only some residue fungal matter left as evidence to the mystery.

Residents and Culture

The Banato Wild Elves

Major Cities


Major Personalities




Foreign Affairs

Other Residents

Personal tools