Velia Marshall

From Reydala

Revision as of 09:58, 31 March 2019 by Katt (Talk | contribs)

Character Information
Name "Velia"
Age 12
Race Human
Campaign Setting {{{Campaign Setting}}}
Class/Profession Decker
Home Country Riscana
Home Town NW Riscana
Deity Nonpracticing



Name: John "Velia" Marshall

Alias:: Velia, Project Gnéchlár

Race: Human (Cloned)

Gender: Female

Age: 12

D.O.B: 00-00-8282

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: Nonpracticing

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Height: --

Weight: --

Build: --

General Appearance: --


dril @ twitter dot com





Party Relationships

Her "father" and legal guardian, John Marshall. Their relationship is strained, akin to that of two children who are still learning limits and discovering boundaries. Despite her scathing retorts at times, she clearly has some level of respect for the man and looks to him for guidance on runs. She seems confident in her own abilities and is above trying to prove herself to him which minimizes risks taken during runs. This gives her a bit of an ego, but that's to be expected from a twelve year old child who is left unchecked on the net.

Around the rest of the Runners, she seems to be reserved and well-mannered.

NPC Relationships

"Uncle" Cole Murphy: Connection 4, Loyalty 6. The man responsible for the gear she wears and her recently discovered love of hot chocolate. Definitely the kinder parent between the John-Cole duo guardianship.

Meiren "Ghost" Loi: Met in passing while visiting Xylon's shop, but there's an underlying connection between the two that has yet to be discovered...





External Links


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