Aelthir Baequi'via

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Basic Statistics

Character Information
Name Aelthir Baequi'via
Age 60
Race High Elf
Campaign Setting {{{Campaign Setting}}}
Class/Profession Fabulous Shield
Home Country Leyandra
Home Town Allrevan
Deity Triana

Name: Aelthir Baequi’via

Race: High Elf

Class: Paladin

Gender: Male

Current Age: 60 years old

Birthday: 13th of Risveglio(Anfan)

Alignment: Lawful Good

Height: 5' 0"

Deity: Triana

Hair: Long Brown

Eyes: Blue.

Clothing: Aelthir is a paladin very extravagant tastes, ranging heavily in the fabulous and beautiful, so it stands to reason that his attire would match this. His battle armour is a deep and pure blue in colour with lots silver trim along its edges so that it stands out in all circumstances.

His sword can also be considered part of his clothing as he almost always carries it at his side, being used in both combat and ritual purposes. It is a silver longsword which has been enchanted with a secret power, sometimes giving off an odd glow upon its blue handle. As he is a fabulous man, Aelthir also usually carries around several extra sets of clothing for casual times, such as silk sleepwear, and silk clothing with intricate designs embroidered over the chest, arms and legs. (He used to carry a separate ritual longsword, but left it at the Baequi'via Estate after his first return.)

Other features: Aelthir sometimes has clips hidden within his hair to help keep it out of his face. This is usually only when he is on a mission however, where it could impede with his duties as a paladin. He has no scars, or at least none that are visible to him, thanks to several great healers in his life.

Background Information


Born in Allrevan, Leyandra; Currently a Traveling Adventurer with no specific home.

Family background

Aelthir was the first born child of Aris and Am’asha Baequi’via and is the former heir to the Main Family of the House of Baequi’via. The family banished Aelthir for breaking one of their cardinal rules and are generally not on good terms with him(more in relationships). Aelthir also has at least one younger sister named Syllae whom adores him, and whom Aelthir once played the overprotective older brother. Aelthir has no other siblings as both of his parents are deceased. Aelthir has many relatives who dislike him for becoming a paladin for a human goddess.

Family Statistics

The Baequi’via main family are a very wealthy family in Leyandra, and have followed a strict series of guidelines for several hundred years. The biggest rules in the family’s code are to be diligent in all you do, always maintain dignity and fabulosity, that is to say, always display traits that show just how powerful one is, and that they must pledge their honour to the Elemental Pantheon.


Thirteen years training in secret as a Paladin of Triana in the local Allreyan Hall of Human Worship(15-20); 5 years teaching in clothwork (while paladin training); Homeschooled from the young age of four to the age of eighteen.

General Personality

It can be said that Aelthir has completely different personalities based on what he is doing at the given time, or what circumstances are taking place at the time. However, it is more correct that Aelthir has separate parts to his personality which he masterfully uses more of when times call for it.

During any given situation that does not call for extreme amounts of seriousness, Aelthir is one to push his fabulosity to near extremes as he always carries a compact mirror on him so that he may adjust his makeup whenever needed. He wears the makeup so that he’ll always look like he’ at the top of his game, even if he’s a little tired. After all, if one shows his illness, one cannot throw on as much pressure as they may need. Also when Aelthir is being his normal fabulous self, he may speak in a philosophical and even a ‘preaching’ manner to his comrades and even strangers. He spends several hours every morning performing self preparation ‘rituals’(see external link section for that).

When in a combat situation, Aelthir becomes far more serious, his expression becoming as threatening as a beautiful elf can be. However, even though he adds as much grace and glamour to his battle technique as he can, his fabulousity takes a back seat to accomplishing the goal, no matter how he has to do it, usually opting for the smartest possible option, or sometimes even the trickiest he can muster if the case calls for it.

When his fabulous nature is desecrated on, such as his hair getting cut by an enemy or his body being drooled on by large tentacles trying to devour him, he will become enraged with his enemy and not hold back any of his strength, becoming rather reckless in his actions, whether it is taunting the enemy and striking with full force.

One other trait he has is that he has a tendency of overlooking small problems or issues if they will lead to a better outcome, or at least if he believes they will. He is not easy to lie to, and so he trusts his judgment greatly. In a similar respect, he overlooks trivial issues such as species, culture, and is just generally accepting of everyone.

He also has a slightly secretive side, especially when it comes to a few certain issues, such as his painful family history, or such what his intentions are, or what he originally set out on his pilgrimage for.

Aelthir has at least other dominant trait which has shown through more as of late, than ever before; this being just how ‘naïve’ Aelthir is when it comes to anything of a sexual nature. This is well displayed in game when Fal leaves Aelthir in a state of shock and confusion when he explained the meaning of a statement (to Aelthir) he made to non-player characters while inside a guild pub.

Aelthir is not all that strong in regards to his intellect, however where he lacks in book smarts, he easily makes up with his oddly charismatic and courageous presence that he carries alongside with his fabulousness and the wisdom he has gained over the years of his pilgrimage and through all of the experiences he has ever been through.

Religious Ideals

He feels that everything that has ever happened to him and will happen to him is all experiences he can cherish and that each challenge prepares him for the next, and that he makes the best out of everything he can. “One should always live life to the fullest and believe in the experiences they’ve had will lead them to victory in the darkest of eras.” “Nothing is black and white, given context the dark can become of light and the light can become the dark.”

Summary of Aelthir's History

Meeting with Master Paladin Palmeiro / Training to be a Paladin of Triana (Ages 15-29)

At the age of fifteen, Aelthir meets a Paladin of Triana and is taken by the man’s presence and how he spoke and how he stood. He’d describe it as something ‘called’ to him on that day, so he secretly went to the human gods place of worship and learned about something about Triana and the great journey by Master Paladin Palmeiro.

After the meeting, Aelthir spent several years training to be a Paladin under the Discipline of Triana, and then lived his life secretly as a Paladin of Triana for the remainder of fourteen years (since he met the master) before he was discovered by his father at his place of worship.

Ninth-Thread Cloth Works (Ages 15-Current)

“I am the soul of my needle. Cloth is my body, thread is my blood. I have tailored over a thousand pieces of cloth. Not known to man, nor known to wife. Yet this body will never wear any. So as I pray; Ninth-Thread Cloth Works!”

During the ages of fifteen to twenty, as the successor of the House of Baequi’via, Aelthir was also the heir to the family’s haberdashery, and thus was taught in the arts of tailoring. He had some trouble at first with the accuracy of where he needed to thread. Eventually he created this chant to make him focus to the point he became extremely skilled with the needle and cloth, but he has never spoken the last line of the prayer while performing the chant. The final line “Ninth-Thread Cloth Works” refers to a style of threading that he became a master of. Specifically, this was stitching an item nine times for maximum thread re-enforcement.

“Ninth-Thread Cloth Works” is also the name of Aelthir’s brand of tailoring and has been used to lure people in so Aelthir could interrogate for information on possible cultists.

Banishment and The Pilgrimage (Ages 29-Current)

Fourteen years after Aelthir meets his former paladin master, his cover is blown when his father catches him worshiping the Goddess Triana. When questioned about this, Aelthir made no action to deny his worship, and was proud of it. As Aelthir broke the cardinal rule of the House of the Baequi’via, his father ordered for his banishment from the family and his rites of succession were revoked.

Aelthir proceeded to seek refuge in the temple where he was taught, and was rewarded with a mission of the utmost importance(at least to him). Aelthir, ever devoted to his goddess easily agreed to the terms of the mission and began his journey to learn about the Cult of Laviege, so that he may properly fight them in the honour of his goddess. Aelthir was fully aware from the beginning that this would eventually lead to his demise as he was only mortal, but he would follow his quest without fail.

Pilgrimage Tour of Duty: Enforcers (Ages 29-49)

The first major task in relation to the mission that the church had bestowed upon them was to find a group known as the Enforcers and work for them. This required Aelthir to travel for a few years to actually find the Enforcers, as the Libraries of Lucion are not to be found in Leyandra. Upon actually finding the Enforcers, he offered his blade to the cause.

For the remainder of the twenty years of his initial pilgrimage, Aelthir studied the behaviours and methods of the Laviege Cultists, as well as the cultures of the other peoples within the world. This helped develop Aelthir’s general acceptance of all race and species. This is of course, while serving the Enforcers’ cause.

Pilgrimage and The Nuln Adventurer’s Guild (Ages 49-Current)

With his time with the Enforcers complete, Aelthir decided to travel to Nuln so he could continue his fight against Cultists of Laviege. During his travels, he met with the group of Fal, Vidar, and Katrin and offered his blade to assist in their job, free of charge. Needless to say, he continued to act fabulous.

After a few jobs with the group(and addition of another member of the group named Alis), Aelthir joins up with the Nuln Adventurer’s Guild and continues traveling along with them, and gathering information about Laviege’s Cultists in secret. He became friends with those he traveled with and trusts them throughout their jobs and even during their experiences within Laviege’s Cube, he has joined with new allies and made new friends in both the party he travelled with, and a second group of travelling guild members. He was recently promoted to the rank of “Hunter” within the guild after his experiences within Laviege’s Cube. (Check Logs for Current Day)

Returning Home (Age 56)

After Aelthir reunited with Ansr'onna and was informed of his parents’ untimely death, Aelthir found himself forcibly delivered back to Allrevan, Leyandra and to the Baequi'via Estate, where he met up with Syllae. The experience was in no way too great for the paladin, who found himself trolled by his friends and family. He did however make peace with Syllae in the end and left his ritual sword 'Ari'avel' behind with his sister. He was reinstated as a member of the Baequi’via family as well. However, he did also learn the true motives behind his banishment and found out that it wasn't as simple as he once believed.


Image:Icon013.gifAlis "I trust you and would fight alongside you, just I request you do not roofie me again."

Image:Icon013.gifFal Indelstan "The coolest of the cool, also sometimes the most foolish of fools"

Image:Icon013.gifKatrin "I'd be dead long ago without your protection. Thanks for your support"

Image:Icon013.gifVidar "I'd gladly fight alongside you, Sir Jumbo."

Image:Icon011.gifNanashi "Honourable until the last, it is an honour to fight with you."

Image:Icon010.gifNaomi "Your clothing is beautiful, and you sing wonderfully when not to your enemies."

Image:Icon010.gifLykai "(Maybe something after some travel time!?)"

Image:Icon010.gifVirlym "(Maybe something after some travel time!?)"

Image:Icon010.gifCaelam "(Maybe something after some travel time!?)"

Other (NPC) Relationships

Aris and Am’asha Baequi’via “I understand now, I give my sword as a sign of peace.”

-Status: Deceased/Deceased

Aelthir’s father and the man who banished Aelthir from his family all those years ago; Aris Baequi’via is a man of much wealth and power within the elfin community of Allrevan. Aelthir’s banishment is still a topic of much pain to the elfin paladin, but Aelthir holds no anger toward his family. He admits that he has no idea how such a feeling is possible for him. They kept to their ideals, as he kept to his in the most peaceful manner possible. He could not be angry over that. His relationship with his father is a lack thereof as the two did not speak to each other prior to Aris' death.

Am’asha is Aelthir’s mother, and is just a set in the old ways as her husband is. Although, she had some issue with banishing her first born child, she ultimately agreed with her husband and watched her son be banished from his family without doubt or remorse. Aelthir’s relationship with his mother is also a lack thereof as he did not contact her after his banishment until after her death. Aelthir learned that his banishment was not quite as simple as he once made it out to be, and that they banished him so as to protect him and Syllae from their family, whom had all looked down upon him for his choices; whether they agreed or not to them.

Syllae Baequi’via: “I’ll return someday, little sister.”

-Status: Alive

Syllae is the younger sister to Aelthir and one of the people that the elfin paladin cares about the most. It is no secret to say that the paladin would gladly give up his life to protect her. He is also bound by the promise to return to Allrevan one day to see his sister at least one last time(even though he was there a year prior to present day). He thinks about his sister fairly often and he worries about her. His relationship with her is one of a Knight Templar Big Brother to a younger sister; he is extremely protective of her and loves her very much. She loves him greatly as well, but she treats him in more of a harsh way for multiple reasons as shown when he did return to her. She is the present head of the Baequi'via Family. Syllae has a group of contacts throughout Reydala known as 'Sylthi' or "Fairie's Wings" which basically inform Syllae on various matters of even more varying levels of importance to the woman(Such as her brother's whereabouts), and can run errands for the Baequi'via family in their name. Syllae is not very cultured when it comes to cultures outside of Leyandra, nor is she familiar with other species. She held a very skewed image of her brother which was quickly broken and changed throughout Aelthir’s last visit to Leyandra.

Ansr'onna Gyssebrar: “Lady Onna, I leave my sister in your capable hands.”

-Status: Alive

The daughter to Ansr'esti Gyssebrar and her husband 'Captain Gyssebrar'; Ansr'onna lived on the boat Aelthir traveled to Nuln on, which belonged to her parents. She is the best friend to Syllae Baequi'via and the first of Syllae's 'Sylthi'(Fairie's Wings). She contacted Aelthir after Aris and Am'asha's death in place of Syllae and had the job posted in the Nuln Adventurer's Guild Hall at Crossamar for Aelthir's comrades to locate. She and Aelthir have a friendly relationship. She calls him "Aelthiria", because when they traveled together(she was fifteen) she thought that Aelthir was actually a woman for most of the trip. She ultimately was responsible for the group ‘escorting’ Aelthir back to Allrevan, four years prior.

Master Paladin Palmeiro: "I found my path, thanks to your guidance."

-Status: Deceased

The Master Paladin Palmeiro is the paladin who (albeit unintentionally) introduced Aelthir to the teachings of Triana which ultimately led to the elfin man to become a paladin under her service. He taught Aelthir all the skills he needed to know to be a good defender as well as the theology behind his goddess. He is also the man who had Aelthir swear to be an enemy to Laviege’s cultists, and sent him onto his pilgrimage where he loaned his sword to the Enforcers for the better part of twenty years. Aelthir delivered the last rites to a dying Palmeiro before he left on his pilgrimage. His relationship with his master was one of pure undying respect.

Stories/Externally Posted Resources:

Morning Rituals/Ninth-Thread Cloth Works

Reid Pax @ Deviant Art - Credit for Aelthir's Portrait

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