| Exploit
| Action
| Target
| Bonus
| Damage
| Miss
Basic Attacks
| Magic Longsword +2
| Standard
| One Creature
| +10 vs. AC
| 1d8+4
| N/A
| Crossbow
| Standard (Load Minor)
| One Creature (15/30 Range)
| +7 vs. AC
| 1d8+2
| N/A
At-Will Prayers
| Divine Challenge
| Minor
| One Creature Close Burst 5
| N/A
| Mark the target. Target takes -2 penalty to attack rolls if you are not included as a target. Target takes 3+CHA modifier radiant damage each round before your turn, if it makes a at least one attack in which you are not included as a target. (Subsequent attacks before your turn do not cause this damage.)
| Mark ends if you do not engage the target or use Divine Challenge on another target. To engage the target, attack or end your turn adjacent to it. If you do not, or do not use Divine Challenge on a different target, effect ends and Divine Challenge cannot be used until after your next turn. Magical compulsion, doesn't require intelligence or language from target. Cannot be used on an already affected creature.
| Lay on Hands
| Minor
| One Creature
| N/A
| Lose a healing surge while the target gains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge. (Healing Hands: Target also gains additional hit points equal to your CHA modifier)
| You can use this power as many times per day equal to your WIS modifier (minimum 1), only once per round.
| Bolstering Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Charisma vs. AC
| 1[W] + CHA Modifier damage, gain temp hit points equal to WIS Modifier
| N/A
| Enfeebling Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Charisma vs. AC
| 1[W] + CHA Modifier damage. If you marked target, target takes -2 to attack rolls until end of your next turn.
| N/A
| Valiant Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Strength+1/Adjacent Enemies vs. AC
| 1[W] + STR Modifier damage.
| N/A
Encounter Prayers
| Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle
| Minor Close burst 10
| One Creature in burst
| N/A
| Target makes a saving throw with a bonus equal to your CHA Modifier.
| N/A
| Channel Divinity: Divine Strength
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| Apply STR Modifier as extra damage on your next attack this turn.
| N/A
| Hammer and Anvil
| Standard
| One Creature
| Strength vs. Reflex
| 1[W] + STR Modifier damage One ally adjacent to target makes a melee basic attack as a free action, adds your CHA modifier to damage.
| N/A
| Invigorating Smite
| Standard
| One Creature
| Charisma vs. Will
| 2[W]+CHA Modifier If bloodied, you regain 5+WIS modifier hit points. Bloodied allies within 5 squares regain 5+WIS modifier hit points
| N/A
| Benign Transposition
| Standard
| One Ally within WIS Modifier squares Secondary Target: One Enemy
| Charisma vs. AC
| 2[W] + CHA Modifier damage Switch places with one ally within a number of squares equal to WIS Modifier. If an enemy is within melee reach, you may make an attack against it.
| N/A
Daily Prayers
| Inspiring Word
| Minor Close burst 5
| You or One Ally
| N/A
| Target can spend a healing surge, regains additional +2d6 hit points.
| Radiant Delirium
| Standard
| One Creature Ranged 5
| Charisma vs. Reflex
| 3d8 + CHA modifier radiant damage Target is dazed until end of your next turn and takes -2 to AC (save ends)
| Miss: Half damage and dazed until end of your next turn.
| Hallowed Circle
| Standard
| All Enemies Close burst 3
| Charisma vs. Reflex
| 2d6 + CHA Modifier damage Creates a zone of bright light that grants you and allies within +1 to defenses until end of encounter.
| N/A
Utility Prayers
| Sacred Circle
| Standard
| Close burst 3
| N/A
| Creates a zone that that grants you and allies within +1 power bonus to AC until end of encounter
| N/A
| Divine Bodyguard
| Minor
| Ranged 5
| N/A
| Choose an ally within 5 squares. Take half the ally's damage until you end the effect (free action) or until end of encounter.
| Damage cannot be reduced.
Item Prayers
| Heavy Shield of Protection
| Standard
| You and one adjacent ally
| N/A
| Gain resist 10 to all damage until end of your next turn.
| N/A
| Symbol of Life +2
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| Until end of turn, any character healed by your encounter or daily powers regains additional 1d6 hit points.
| N/A