Regal Knight

From Reydala

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(For more information about the Regal Knight organization, see: The Regal Knights)

You are good, friend! But are you Regal? -Former Regal Captain, during interviews

BAB +6
Ride (6 Ranks)
Diplomacy (6 Ranks)
Ability to Cast 1st Level Divine Spells
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Regial
Hit Dice: d10

Table: The Regal Knight

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Special Spells Per Day
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Divine Synergy +1 Level Existing Divine Spell Casting Ability
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Light Blade +1 Level Existing Divine Spell Casting Ability
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 +1 Level Existing Divine Spell Casting Ability
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Righteous Wave +1 Level Existing Divine Spell Casting Ability
5th +5 +1 +1 +4 Slow Release
6th +6 +2 +2 +5 Greater Light Blade +1 Level Existing Divine Spell Casting Ability
7th +7 +2 +2 +5 +1 Level Existing Divine Spell Casting Ability
8th +8 +2 +2 +6 +1 Level Existing Divine Spell Casting Ability
9th +9 +3 +3 +6 Versatile Slow Release +1 Level Existing Divine Spell Casting Ability
10th +10 +3 +3 +7 Regial's Blessing, Complete Light Blade

Divine Synergy: The Regal Knight pools all his Spells per day as well as his Spell lists. This means that the Regal Knight can cast Paladin and Ranger spells as Cleric spells. In the case that a spell has Multiple spell levels for different classes, he always uses the Highest spell level. Regal Knight levels stack with Paladin levels for mount, smiting, and lay on hands abitilies, and the (Regal Knight level)-2 is added to turn undead checks. NOTE: This ability does not allow a character access to spells they would otherwise not have. It only allows the character to use all existing divine spell slots to cast divine spells of the same level in all classes. For example, a Paladin 6/Cleric 5/Regal Knight 1 may use their 1st-level spell slots to cast "Bless Weapon", a 1st-level Paladin spell. They may not use their 3rd-level spell slots to cast "Heal Mount," a 3rd-level Paladin spell.

Light Blade: As a standard action, the Regal Knight can use up a spell with the "Good" descriptor and charge the positive energy into their weapon. The Next melee attack they connect with deals an extra 1d8 damage for every spell level to Evil opponents. Against undead, this increases to 1d10 damage for every spell level. A Regal Knight of 2nd level can utilize spells up to 3rd level for this ability, a 7th level Regal Knight can utilize up to 6th level spells, and a 10th level Regal Knight can utilize up to 9th level spells in this fashion. The weapon remains charged until the knight successfully hits his opponent. The Knight can choose to forgo melee damage to make this attack a Touch attack if he desires. This damage is not multiplied in the case of critical hits, and replaces damage done by holy descriptor weapons. The damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction, fast healing, and regeneration abilities of evil creatures.

Righteous Wave: As a standard action, the Regal Knight can attack an opponent through the force of his will, in the form of a weapon-energy wave. The Regal Knight makes a ranged touch attack based on his WIS-modifier vs. any enemy within 50 feet. The attack does damage equal to what the Regal Knight's weapon would have done with melee, +1 for every Regal Knight and Paladin Level. This ability uses a smite evil attempt. This attack ignores the normal miss chance for Incorperal creatures. Regal Knights without Paladin levels cannot use this ability.

Slow Release: After 5th level, Instead of Releasing a lightblade's burst all at once, the Regal Knight can opt to slowly release it over time. For a number of Rounds equal to the spell level infused with the weapon, the Regal Knight's weapon is considered to have the holy descriptor (+2d6 damage vs. evil opponents). The spell level limitations listed under Lightblade still apply. At 9th level, the Regal Knight can choose any descriptor from this list, though once it is chosen it cannot be changed until it dissaptes: Axiomatic, Bane (Aberrations), Bane (Outsider, Evil), Bane (Outsider, Chaotic), Bane (Undead), Ghost Touch, Merciful, Defending, Wounding, Holy, Brilliant Energy (Half Duration, round down), Disruption. Unlike the burst lightblade, Slow release does not have the ability to automatically bypass damage reduction, though it may yet if the appropriate descriptor is chosen.

Regial's Blessing: At 10th Level, the Regal knight becomes wholly attuned to Regial, Their type and that of their mount becomes Outsider with the Good subtype. They are no longer subject to poison, disease, hunger or aging. In addition The Regal Knight gains Spell resistance equal to their Divine spell casting level + 10. At what would be the chronological end of the character's life, they do not die but travel to Regial's plane to become part of the Deity's personal army.

Ex-Regal Knights: A Regal Knight who is discharged from the order cannot advance as a Regal Knight, whether they Retain their Regal Knight abilties is up to Regial's judgment. If the character becomes either unlawful or evil, they lose all Regal Knight abilities. If such a character attained a level 10 in the Regal Knight prestiege class, Regial ends their life immediately and they can never be raised or ressurected except by a Deity's hand.

Special Equipment:
Regial's Pendant: This sword shaped pendant not only serves as a divine focus, but allows the Regal Knight to contact his superior at any moment. The regal knight can perform no other actions while doing so. If the Regal Knight's HP falls below -10, the Pendant teleports their body back to Passel. This item is given to all who achieve the Rank of Regal Knight.

Mount: Every Regal Knight recieves a Fully Barded heavy warhorse, this creature automatically takes on the spiritual mount properties if the Regal Knight has paladin class levels.

Armor: Every Regal Knight recieves a specially crafted suit of Full-plate in the design of the Regal Knights, if the wearer already has better armor, it is acceptable to only wear the Regal Plate on ceremonial occaisions. Many choose to wear it regardless of better armor however.

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