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From Reydala

Revision as of 07:13, 4 August 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Reydala is the name of a whole new roleplaying world, based on Dungeons and Dragons 3.5E rules (d20 SRD). Players are encouraged to both roleplay in games and via roleplaying posts on a specially set up LiveJournal Community.


The World of Reydala

Reydala is the second planet from its sun, orbiting with an average distance approximately 1.2 Astronomical Units.A complete orbital cycle takes approximately 400 days to complete, with the days being slightly longer than an earth day (Just over 25 hours). It is the only planet in the system known to harbor life. Most of Reydala's surface is covered by great oceans, once surrounding a pangea-type continent before it broke apart from seismic forces, most of the land mass drifting toward the northern hemisphere of the planet.

Reydala has a sizable Tundra and a cooler average climate than Earth, though deserts and jungles of great heat exist around the equator, they do not get quite as hot as their earth equivalents, though the freezing nights in the desert can be said to be even harsher. Climate remains fairly regularly from year to year, in part thanks to Reydala's Gods and Goddesses. Typical temperature ranges from -20 to 80 degrees in the tundra regions, and from 40 to 100 degrees closer to the equator.

Reydala has many moutain ranges, most on the fringes of the established continents. For the most part they are tall, barren, and home to many volcanoes. Thanks to Terrema these mountains are filled with a large amount of precious minerals, making their control an important factor for several nations.

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