The Melody

From Reydala

Revision as of 03:23, 4 August 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Intermediate Deity

Symbol: Four Eighth notes, linked by their arms into a diamond pattern.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Portfolio: Music, Strength

Worshipers: Bards

Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG, N, LN, CN

Domains: Luck, Liberation, Strength, Retribution

Favored Weapon: Longbow

An enimatic Deity, The Melody holds a cherished place in the heart of every Bard on Reydala. It is through her great power that their songs are able to take on their magical power, taking them far above the level of art. If the Melody was not present, there would be no bards on Reydala, only minstrels. The Melody herself has no true voice, but speaks through music and dance. She has no churches, but all bards who invoke their powers see the Melody, dancing and lending her great voice to their songs. Most bards have come to believe that at one time everyone could hear the melody, but now all but the bards have forgotten her mystical songs. Her story is somewhat of a mystery, as her music has been interpreted in many ways, but most point to the melody long ago being key in an ancient battle that wracked the world. The details of which have long been forgotten.

The Melody appears as a young girl, about 15 years of age, with waist length blonde hair and wearing a white dress that flows cleanly as she dances. Her eyes are brilliant pools of green, and every movement she makes is filled with an unerring grace. She only appears to bards while they are performing, or in their times of great stress to comfort them and lend them strength against any foe.

All worshippers of the Melody of Bards, thus all Clerics of the Melody have at least one level of Bard as well. If a bard strays from the power of the Melody, their songs lose all power. Thus, all bards of Reydala are of the alignments listed above.


The melody seeks to aid all those victims of unjust punishment and persecution. She believes in the cause of good even where that cause is the clear minority. She's also fond of every sort of art as well as cheer and celebration. She wants to return to the hearts of all the people, and expects her followers to take every step they can toward that.

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