
From Reydala

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(Level 1 Daily Powers)
(Level 1 Daily Powers)
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   |Range='''Burst''' 2 within 10 squares.
   |Range='''Burst''' 2 within 10 squares.
   |Attack=Intelligence vs. Fortitude
   |Attack=Intelligence vs. Fortitude
   |Effect='''Hit:''' 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. The target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails the first saving throw against this power, the target is immobilized (save ends).
   |Effect='''Hit:''' 1d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. The target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails the first saving throw against this power, the target is immobilized (save ends).
Line 176: Line 176:
   |Attack=Intelligence vs. Will
   |Attack=Intelligence vs. Will
   |Effect='''Effect:''' All allies within the burst may immediately teleport 3 squares. <br> '''Nomad:''' Make an attack against all enemies within the burst. <br>      '''Hit:''' The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
   |Effect='''Effect:''' All allies within the burst may immediately teleport 3 squares. <br> '''Nomad:''' Make an attack against all enemies within the burst. <br>      '''Hit:''' The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
{{DailyPower|Name=Aspect of Dragon: Sapphire
  |Level=Psion Attack 1
  |Description=You create a unstable zone of force in front of you, resulting in a horrible crash of sound as it collapses.
  |Keywords=Psionic, Thunder, Implement
  |Action=Standard Action
  |Target=Each Creature in blast.
  |Range='''Close Blast''' 5.
  |Attack=Intelligence vs. Reflex
  |Effect='''Hit:''' 2d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage. 

Revision as of 21:04, 1 May 2009


Class Traits

Role: Controller
Power Source: Psionic
Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, and by sub-discipline.

Armor Proficiency: Cloth
Weapon Proficiency: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged
Implements: Crystals
Bonus to Defense: +2 Will

Hit Points at First Level: 10 + Constitution score
Hit Points per level Gained: 4
Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution modifier

Trained Skills: Psionics. From the class skills list below, choose three more trained skills at first level:

Class Skills: Arcana (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Endurance (Con), History (Int), Insight (Wis), Perception (Wis)

Psion Class Features

Discipline Focus

Psions are especially skilled within their field of expertise. They gain an extra bonus depending on which discipline they subscribe to.

Choose one of these options, you choice grants bonuses to certain psion powers, as detailed in those powers.
Egoist: When you grant healing with one of your Psion powers that has the healing keyword, add your Constitution modifier to the hit points the recipient gains.
Kineticist: You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of psionic powers equal to your Strength modifier. The bonus increases to your Strength modifier + 2 at 11th level and your Strength modifier + 4 at 21st level.
Nomad: Whenever you use a power that allows you to move by teleportation, teleport an additional number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier.
Shaper: You can alter the shape and form of your Psi-crystal and use it as an ally.
Telepath: You can designate one creature you have manifested a psion power upon that has an effect that lasts until the subject succeeds on a saving throw. That creature takes a penalty to its saving throws against that effect equal to your Charisma modifier.

Ritual Casting

You gain the Ritual Caster feat as a bonus feat, allowing you to use magical rituals. You own a ritual book, and it contains two rituals of your choice that you have mastered.


Psions make use of crystals to help channel and direct their psionic powers. Without an implement, a Psion can still use his or her powers. A Psion wielding a crystal can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and the damage rolls of Psion powers, as well as Psion paragon path powers, that have the implement keyword.

Creating A Psion


Your primary powers deal with the discipline of psychometabolism, permitting you to manipulate physiologies with the power of your mind. Intelligence is the key to your psionic powers, so make that your primary ability score. Constitution adds bonuses to several of your powers and makes your psychometabolic healing better, so it should be your second-best score. Consider wisdom as a tertiary stat as it enhances your will defense and several of your class skills.


Manipulating energy with your mind is the focus of your powers and the bane of your foes. Intelligence is the key to your psionic powers, so make that your primary ability score. Strength enhances many of your powers and allows you to do greater damage as well, so choose that as your second-best score. Consider Constitution or Dexterity as a tertiary score to enhance your survivability.


Movement across the battlefield is your field of expertise, and the groundwork for the majority of your powers. Intelligence makes your powers more powerful, so it should be your primary ability score. Dexterity enhances many of your powers as well as your armor class, so make it your second-best score.



You specialize in communicating and manipulating the minds of others. Intelligence fuels your powers so make that your best ability score. Charisma enhances many of your powers and makes your enfeebling powers more effective, so make that your second-best ability score.

Psion Powers

Class Features

Level 1 At-Will Powers

Psionic Bolt Psion Attack 1
Concentrating your mind, you blast your foe with a bolt of powerful psychokinetic energy.
At-Will ✦ Psionic, Force, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage
Increase damage to 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage at 21st level.
Special: This power counts as a ranged basic attack. When a power allows you to make a ranged basic attack, you can use this power.
Energy Shift Psion Attack 1
For a moment, your form becomes pure energy, blazing through your foes at the speed of light.
At-Will ✦ Psionic, Teleportation, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Personal
Target: Any creatures on path.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Effect: Teleport three squares, make an attack against any opponent between your origin and your destination.
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage
Increase damage to 2d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage at 21st level.
Interference Psion Attack 1
You implant your thoughts into another, causing them to lose their train of thought
At-Will ✦ Psionic, Psychic, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One Creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Slide the opponent a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier.
Increase damage to 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage at 21st level.
Surge Spike Psion Attack 1
You defy the limits of your own body, hardening your skin and sending one of your digits expanding and ricocheting through the air as a lethal spike to impale your foe.
At-Will ✦ Psionic, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One Creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier piercing damage. Gain a power bonus to AC equal to your Constitution modifier until the end of your next turn.
Increase damage to 2d8 + Intelligence modifier at 21st level.

Level 1 Encounter Powers

Hypermetabolism Psion Attack 1
With a simple focus, you greatly speed the natural healing of the target's body.
Encounter ✦ Psionic, Healing
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One Creature
Attack: N/A
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge.
Egoist: If the target is bloodied, they gain regeneration 5 until the end of the encounter.
Mindfire Psion Attack 1
Eerie purple flame surrounds you like a halo before suddenly rushing outward in a blazing cascade.
Encounter ✦ Psionic, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Close Burst 2
Target: Enemies in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
Psychokineticist: Push the targets a number of squares equal to your strength modifier.
Spatial Tear Psion Attack 1
You forcefully rip an opponent through the astral plane.
Encounter ✦ Psionic, Teleportation, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One Creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Slide the target 3 Squares.
Distortion Psion Attack 1
You distort the mental processes of your foe, leaving them stumbling in a daze.
Encounter ✦ Psionic, Psychic, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One Creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Level 1 Daily Powers

Seize the Body Psion Attack 1
You attack the basic connections between muscle and mind, causing your opponents to slow and freeze in their tracks.
Daily ✦ Psionic, Psychic, Implement
Standard Action Burst 2 within 10 squares.
Target: Each creature in burst.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. The target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails the first saving throw against this power, the target is immobilized (save ends).
Seize the Will Psion Attack 1
You summon a zone of faint purple light that robs your opponents of their perseverance.
Daily ✦ Psionic, Psychic, Implement
Standard Action Burst 1 within 10 squares.
Target: Each Creature in burst.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. If an enemy enters the zone or begins their turn inside it, they suffer psychic damage equal to your intelligence modifier.
Telepath: Enemies inside the zone suffer a penalty to their will defense equal to your charisma modifier.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Teleportation Wave Psion Attack 1
An wave of astral energy emanates from you, letting you and your allies to suddenly leap to new locations.
Daily ✦ Psionic, Psychic, Implement
Standard Action Close Burst 3.
Target: Each Creature in burst.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Effect: All allies within the burst may immediately teleport 3 squares.
Nomad: Make an attack against all enemies within the burst.
Hit: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Aspect of Dragon: Sapphire Psion Attack 1
You create a unstable zone of force in front of you, resulting in a horrible crash of sound as it collapses.
Daily ✦ Psionic, Thunder, Implement
Standard Action Close Blast 5.
Target: Each Creature in blast.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage.
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