| Exploit
| Action
| Target
| Bonus
| Damage
| Miss
Basic Attacks
| Magic Longsword +2
| Standard
| One Creature
| +9 vs. AC
| 1d8+4
| High Crit
| Crossbow
| Standard (Load Minor)
| One Creature (15/30 Range)
| +7 vs. AC
| 1d8+2
| N/A
At-Will Prayers
| Divine Challenge
| Minor
| One Creature Close Burst 5
| N/A
| Mark the target. Target takes -2 penalty to attack rolls if you are not included as a target. Target takes 3+CHA modifier radiant damage each round before your turn, if it makes a at least one attack in which you are not included as a target. (Subsequent attacks before your turn do not cause this damage.)
| Mark ends if you do not engage the target or use Divine Challenge on another target. To engage the target, you must attack or end your turn adjacent to it. If you do not, or do not use Divine Challenge on a different target, effect ends and Divine Challenge cannot be used for one round after. Magical compulsion, doesn't require intellegence or language from target. Cannot be used on an already affected creature.
| Bolstering Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| ??? vs. AC
| 1[W]+??? Modifier damage.
| You can move 2 squares before the attack.
| Enfeebling Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| ??? vs. ???
| 1[W]+??? Modifier damage.
| Valiant Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| ??? vs. AC
| 1[W] + ??? Modifier damage.
| If the target attacks you before the start of your next turn, make reposte as an immediate interrupt: Strength vs. AC, 1[W] + STR Modifier damage.
Encounter Prayers
| Hammer and Anvil
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 2[W] + DEX Modifier + STR Modifier damage
| Invigorating Smite
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 2[W]+DEX Modifier
| Target grants combat advantage until end of your next turn.
| Benign Transposition
| Standard
| One Creature
| Desterity vs. Fortitude
| 1[W] + DEX Modifier damage
| Target takes a -2 penalty to AC and reflex defense until the end of your next turn.
Daily Prayers
| Radiant Delirium
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 3[W] + DEX modifier damage, Slide target one square.
| Until the end of encounter, each time you hit target, slide it one square.
| Hallowed Circle
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. Fortitude
| 2[W] + DEX Modifier damage, ongoing 7 damage (save ends)
| Miss: Half damage, no ongoing.
Utility Prayers
| Sacred Circle
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| Make a thievery check as a minor action.
| N/A
| Divine Bodyguard
| Move
| Personal
| N/A
| If you are marked, end that condition. You can shift a number of squares equal to your speed.
| N/A
Item Prayers
| Duelist's Rapier +2
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| You have combat advantage against the next creature you attack with this weapon this turn.
| N/A
| Thunderburst Dagger +1
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| Next ranged basic attack with this weapon becomes burst 1 centered on the target, defense to attack changes to vs. fortitude. Each target takes thunder damage equal to the normal damage you would deal with that attack.
| N/A
| Cloak of Resistance +1
| Minor Action
| Personal
| N/A
| Gain resist 5 to all damage until the start of your next turn.
| N/A