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Basic Information

Name: Siri Rask

Aliases: See-Wee (Christened thusly by Cap'n Val, the name is now used almost exclusively used by Nole)

Nationality: Kaltian

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Height: 5’4”

Weight: Roughly 110 lbs.

Hair: Strawberry-blonde. Long and tied up in a ponytail for in-helmet storage, often let loose otherwise.

Eyes: Green.

Skin: Ghostly pale - Siri's complexion is pallid by Ohnben standards, normal by Kaltian. Her white skin is offset by a quartet of markings upon her cheeks; four red tattoos, a small circle directly under and to the side of each eye, and a second, smaller circle under each of the above.

Build: Average. Siri edges very close to the "small and wiry" side.


Of clothing personally owned, Siri has... not much in her personal possession. A single Kaltian pilot suit and one set of undergarments is about the sum of it - during less-hectic times she's managed to get by with loaners. Though sometimes she feels like she's worn the same suit for an eternity. While in Navo, Siri armed herself with a pistol found amid old man Ghan's black tech. Attempts to use the weapon culminated in the realization that it is, in essence, an energy whip. Siri generally carries it in a holster at her hip.

Energy Whip: Level 2 Weapon - Flexible (3), Incapacitating (3, Paralysis), Reach


A self-described "bad girl", Siri either gives herself too little credit or too much, depending on one's point of veiw. While she is indeed crass, a tease, and profane at times, she also has moments where she's polite, well-mannered, and just generally pleasant to be around. Overall, she's a very headstrong and confident idnividual - these traits almost coming off to the point of arrogance. ince joining the OB-A2's group she's become gradually less outgoing, to a small degree. Time spent with internal clashes of loyalties does that to a person. As is, she's not quite certain where she's going - save, for the moment, continuing to live day-by-day.

Two facets of Siri's personality of particular note are as thus;

  • That she will never, ever purposefully cause harm to a freind or ally.
  • That she loathes traitors, unconditionally.

Needless to say, in the event the group she's come to affiliate herself with trade blows with the Kaltian army, the subsequent mental overload could prove a good show.


( Fill in later. Keep forgetting to talk to GM to verify the finer points. Also lazy. )



Edena - To be honest, Siri's not quite certain to make of the little girl who may be one of the fabled "gods". Generally she tries not to think about it and simply treats the kid as... well, a kid.

Capt. Val J. Kaizan - Siri holds a good deal of fondness for Cap'n Val. In part due to his outgoing - if somewhat intoxicated - nature and charisma, in part due to him (apparently) sticking his neck on the line to help her assimilate with the Ohnben troops, and in part due to seeing things in him that remind her of her own father - both men have very similar mentalities towards their jobs, on the surface.

The Matron - There is an almost grudging respect for The Matron, now that the Kaltian's actually met her. She sees a tired woman burdened by the responsibilities of her office instead of the despotic devil-woman the Kaltian media's portrayed her as.


Axel - (Flavor-quote pending!) The Riscanan "specialist" seems to be throwing Siri for a loop. At times he seems more "millitary-man-with-stick-up-ass" than Osen, and at times he seems more laid-back like the rest. As is, while not partucularly fond of the amnesiac, she also does not dislike him.

Nole"Those sunglasses... they're your real eyes, aren't they?" Despite that Nole was, indeed, the one who'd shot her down upon her first meeting with the group, Siri rather enjoys his company. At a glance, they've similar world-veiws, so it's not surprising.

Osen - "What, no more "Kaltian Dog"? I'd almost gotten used to it. ...That was a joke, Osen. A joke." Siri may well relate to Osen the most - similar upbringings, albeit more severity in Osen's case, and more "rebellion" in Siri's. She generally gets along well with him, but sometimes his thick-headedness and overly-thoughtful nature will wear on her nerves.

Riou - "It's a mystery to me how you can have such patience for the, ah, finer points of computers. Any pointers?" Riou may be a man of few words generally, but those Siri's been around to hear have put him in a rather favorable light. Once in a while she'll muse over whether or not his opinion of her is decidedly cool due to a bad first impression involving minimissiles - only once in a while though.

Tyra - "I still don't get how you're so attached to these slow piles of ju- Oh, come on! You know I was kidding!" The tomboyish mechanic is the member of the Ohnben crew Siri seems to like the most. As an something of an ametuer mechanic, Siri is rather impressed by Tyra's skill, and on a less business-like level the Kaltian find's Tyra's personality the easiest to get along with.

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