Game 16

From Reydala

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Current revision as of 02:38, 14 November 2007

Log filename is "reydala2-08-10-05.html", system is is logging.
(7) GIANT EVA (enter): 22:00
(3) Mikhal: flying upside down?
(5) Tony: It's waterrr dangit
(7) Tristen: there we go
(4) Tanja: yes..flying upside down
(4) Tanja: or...the map's upside down
(6) Locke: it's SEX
(5) Tony: Also, please excuse the sucky excuses for circles
(2) Balin (enter): 22:01
(7) Tristen: I am Tristen.
(7) Tristen: Whoops
(6) Locke: SEX
(6) Locke: :o
(4) Tanja: so uncircular circles and blue it
(3) Mikhal: and two more blue seaguls in the center
(7) Tristen: okay
(3) Mikhal: *just noticed them*
(4) Tanja: its the seagull nest
(4) Tanja: because they're babies
(3) Mikhal: that makes sense
** (3) Mikhal kills the seaguls for food **</font>
Game disconnected!
Locating server at
Game connected!
(6) Mikhal (enter): 22:05
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an <a href="">OpenRPG</a> server, version '1.6.1', named 'A Chronicle of New Hope'.


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            Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
               This product is licensed under the <a href="">GNU</a> <a href="">GPL License.</a>


(4) Balin-lurking (enter): 22:05
(5) Tanja (enter): 22:05
(5) Tanja: lol
(5) Tanja: all hail technology
Moving to room 'The Gates of Time'..
(6) Mikhal (enter): 22:05
Server Administrator-> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html>

 <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<a href=""><img src="images/splash.gif" border="0"></a>
            Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.
               This product is licensed under the <a href="">GNU</a> <a href="">GPL License.</a>


(2) Tony (enter): 22:05
(1) Evanthe (enter): 22:05
(3) Aknier (enter): 22:05
(2) Tony: Ahhh Kiros
(1) Evanthe: don't kill me.
(1) Evanthe: I love you.
(5) Tanja (enter): 22:05
(3) Aknier: Hello Tony~
(1) Evanthe: don't kill me.
(5) Tanja: lol
(4) Balin-lurking (enter): 22:05
(1) Evanthe: Again
(2) Tony: After a certain point in this game you will be able to learn and prepare spells as a 7th level wizard
(1) Evanthe: Don't kill me
(3) Aknier: *blink* Wh..wha?
(6) Mikhal: ;-;
(5) Tanja: it happens =D
(1) Evanthe: Everyone?
(6) Mikhal: Fireball? |Yes, please.|
(1) Evanthe: What
(3) Aknier: Angel: ?
(1) Evanthe: Fireball~
(1) Evanthe: What, Kiros?
(3) Aknier: You said "Everyone?"
(3) Aknier: I was replying?
(1) Evanthe: I'm talking to Tony :o
(3) Aknier: | Meteor Storm | | May I have it? |
(3) Aknier: Angel: Ah...
(2) Tony: (4/4/3/2/1) With bonus (5/5/4/3/1)
(5) Tanja: waitwait...i got lost somewhere...i was...uh..contemplating the map
(2) Tony: Feel free to prepare spells you haven't learned
(5) Tanja: yeah that's it
(1) Evanthe: Oh
(1) Evanthe: Patti, Scott.....Maf is going to lurk this game
(3) Aknier: Right. Any spell?
(2) Tony: Yup any spell
(5) Tanja: mmkay
(5) Tanja: lurkers galore tonight...i feel like we're up for awards here =D
(2) Tony: *Pressure*
(5) Tanja: lol
(5) Tanja: i'm ready for my closeup
(1) Evanthe: It's just Maf xD
(6) Mikhal: i'm ready for the killing! :D
(3) Aknier: Does this have to do with that big battle?
(1) Evanthe: J wants to do an hp roll for his sword
(2) Tony: Right right
(2) Tony: Go ahead
(7) Locke (enter): 22:08
(6) Mikhal: will my magic item activate this fight? >_>
(5) Tanja: brb..grabbing a drink real quick
(5) Tanja: caffiene = good
(1) Evanthe: [10d8+10] -> [7,6,8,6,7,3,7,5,3,7,10] = (69)
(7) Locke: make up your mind if it's F or f
(1) Evanthe: O_o
(7) Locke: :p
(7) Locke: god that's annoying
(3) Aknier: Oh! Also, Angel,
(1) Evanthe: 69 baybeee
(5) Tanja: from now on, it'll be PHisbawhiz
(5) Tanja: j/k j/k
(3) Aknier: You were saying something about a character sheet?
(7) Locke: [1d100] -> [46] = (46)
(7) Locke: [1d100] -> [27] = (27)
(7) Locke: roll until I get 69 :D [1d100] -> [56] = (56)
(7) Locke: roll until I get 69 :D [1d100] -> [67] = (67)
(7) Locke: roll until I get 69 :D [1d100] -> [22] = (22)
(7) Locke: roll until I get 69 :D [1d100] -> [16] = (16)
(7) Locke: roll until I get 69 :D [1d100] -> [100] = (100)
(7) Locke: >.>
(2) Tony: Fail =p
(6) Mikhal: [1d100] -> [10] = (10)
(5) Tanja: back
(3) Aknier: xD
(5) Tanja: okay okay
(2) Tony: Ah Aknier could I get your icon yet again?..>_>
(7) Locke: roll until I get 69 :D [1d100] -> [46] = (46)
(5) Tanja: lets not prove the dice rolling theory right agian
(5) Tanja: and spamming = bad
(3) Aknier: xD No problem.
(2) Tony: Don't make me moderate you
Log filename is "reydala2-08-10-05.html", system is is logging.
(7) Locke: roll until I get 69 :D [1d100] -> [67] = (67)
(7) Locke: XD
(6) Mikhal: close enough
(5) Tanja: lol
(6) Mikhal: *pokes tony* will my magic item activate? ^^
(5) Tanja: i don't wanna know don't say
(5) Tanja: i want it to be a surprise
(5) Tanja: don't pry into the storyline
(2) Tony: Exactly
(3) Aknier: IDontDoYaoi.jpg
(3) Aknier: Er.
(9) No Name (enter): 22:12
(3) Aknier: Crap. Wrong icon. >_>;;
(1) Evanthe: Maf, do /nick Maf
(3) Aknier: Aknier2.png
(1) Evanthe: Eva = Angel
(3) Aknier: Maf?
(1) Evanthe: Tanja = Patti
(9) Maf: eh
(1) Evanthe: Mikhal = Scott
(1) Evanthe: Tony = Tony
(1) Evanthe: Aknier = Kiros (yay new person)
(1) Evanthe: Locke = Flamer (yay nother new person)
(7) Locke: I'm no one :o
(1) Evanthe: And Kiros, Flamer this is Maf
(1) Evanthe: Long time friend of ours
(9) Maf: hi :D
(5) Tanja: we're conscripting an army here...
(7) Locke: hi there
(3) Aknier: Salutations~ Nice to me you. *nods*
(1) Evanthe: Sending you the char sheet Kiros
(1) Evanthe: looks best in wordpad :3
(2) GM Voice: Leader tonight?
(6) Mikhal: 7.3MB lef ton my angelfire account..
(6) Mikhal: [1d20] -> [8] = (8)
(5) Tanja: ugh...i hate this part
(5) Tanja: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
(5) Tanja: *phew*
(7) Locke: AngelFire sucks :x
(3) Aknier: Fun...
(1) Evanthe: i got space to spare if you ever need any, Scott
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
(3) Aknier: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
(6) Mikhal: it's free =x
(5) Tanja: oh lord
(1) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [17] = (17)
(5) Tanja: don't let me win witha 10
(5) Tanja: yay eva
(1) Evanthe: that was tristen. MOOHAHA.
(1) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
(5) Tanja: lol
(5) Tanja: yay tristen
(1) Evanthe: THAT was eva
(1) Evanthe: hahaha
(7) Locke: Eva is leader
(6) Mikhal: Tristen is leader
(6) Mikhal: J is over at Angel's
(7) Locke: man... that's confusing >.>
(1) Evanthe: Any questions about it and I'll clarify, Kiros :o
(5) Tanja: we'll leave it at...somebody at eva's computer is the leader
(5) Tanja: and let them decide
(2) GM Voice: Arrange the party within the Penninsula
(7) Locke: duel client? XD
(9) Maf: i had to steal someones wireless to watch this! arnt you all proud?
(2) GM Voice: General areas is fine
(1) Evanthe: Tristen Mikhal
(6) Mikhal: alright, log posted
(1) Evanthe: should we do 2 rows of 3 guys?
(1) Evanthe: or 3 rows of 2?
(1) Evanthe: just wondering about your view
(5) Tanja: two of 3, i'd say..
(5) Tanja: if you can fit that in the penninsula
(1) Evanthe: Good, I'm thinking that was good too
(3) Aknier: Er, juust for clarification,
(1) Evanthe: Plus, us in the back can try to take cover if necessary
(1) Evanthe: Okay
(1) Evanthe: Tristen Locke Mikhal
(3) Aknier: Am I praying with Aaron?
(1) Evanthe: Tanja Aknier Eva
(1) Evanthe: Everyone okay with that?
(5) Tanja: yup
(1) Evanthe: Any qualms?
(3) Aknier: Er ah. Hai, that's fine.
(5) Tanja: is that a pillar or a rock?
(5) Tanja: *curious*
(6) Mikhal: can i get a mountain dew? :D
(1) Evanthe: I hope it's a pillar
(5) Tanja: lol
(1) Evanthe: so w can run and hide...
(1) Evanthe: or uh
(1) Evanthe: something
(2) GM Voice: The 4 circles are pillars, the middle is a fountain... excuse the crappy art as always =p
(9) Maf: where are the cheetos?
(6) Mikhal: Eva ate them all. she eats everything
(1) Evanthe: Oh I see the water now haha
(5) Tanja: *reading up on ending to log* i forgot what i was doing *sheepish look*
(1) Evanthe: ;_;
(5) Tanja: yeah, blue seagulls = water
(3) Aknier: Mikhal: *red mage voice* Yes, you can get a moutain dew.
(1) Evanthe: Oh
(1) Evanthe: In the back back
(1) Evanthe: Jaze Aaron
(1) Evanthe: Just in case.
(5) Tanja: decoys
(5) Tanja: i mean...defensive positions...i
(1) Evanthe: ;)
(2) GM Voice: All present and prepared?
(5) Tanja: yessir
(3) Aknier: Present and uh...kinda prepared.
(6) Mikhal: yupyup
(3) Aknier: (My last question stands. xD)
(5) Tanja: let the weekly ass-kicking, physical and otherwise, commence
(10) Tristen (enter): 22:21
(6) Mikhal: Kiros, check your AIM
(2) GM Voice: (For now.. yes)
(3) Aknier: Right.
(3) Aknier: (Right, just double checking on that. Thanks~)
** (1) Evanthe yawns **
(2) GM Voice: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
** (7) Locke snores **
(7) Locke: (SEX))
(3) Aknier: ((MGS 2 Boss Battle music))
(2) GM Voice: Snow pours down from heavy... forboding looking clouds above...
** (1) Evanthe looks at Tristen, "What the hell is going on?" **
(1) Evanthe: Where are they going?
(5) Tanja: ::shifts from one foot to the other restlessly, trying not to think about how sick of the cold she is::
** (1) Evanthe points towards the Regal Knights **
(2) GM Voice: To the southwest... columns of regal knights march into the west....
(10) Tristen: Hald has amassed an army and the Ice Elves are upon us
(10) Tristen: We must prepare ourselves for battle. Ready yourselves.
(10) Tristen: We must protect Jaze and Aaron at all costs.
(2) GM Voice: Through the haziness of the snow you just see dark shadows nearing the knights...
** (7) Locke unseathes +1dagger **
(5) Tanja: ::gulps:: but...ah...who'll protect *us*?
(2) GM Voice: Squads and Squads of Ice elves... riding their lizard like steeds, head to toe in heavy ice blue armor...
(7) Locke: we... fight
(6) Mikhal: ourselves?
** (1) Evanthe looks around uneasily. **
(1) Evanthe: Hald?
(1) Evanthe: This is...I just didn't expect it so soon.
(5) Tanja: yes, but...its us...against all of that?  ::waves hand::
(2) Aaron: "The Ice elves..... We have no time..."
(10) Tristen: Our enemies are great, but we must be confident in ourselves. Regial is with us.
(7) Locke: well... where do we run?
(3) Aknier: Mulinel will protect us.
** (3) Aknier closes eyes with a focused wisdom. **
(1) Evanthe: In other words, what's the plan?
(5) Tanja: ::Mutters to self:: Triana would be wondering why i'm in this to begin with...
(5) Tanja: well...what about that cave we were in before?
(5) Tanja: we could go there...all we'd have to protect is the entrance
(2) Aaron: "Brother Aknier... They need your support.. I will petition the goddess..."
(5) Tanja: it didn't have an exit other than the entrance, right?
** (3) Aknier nods. **
(6) Mikhal: *shudders* i'd hat eto think of sometimes coming up from that evil place
** (1) Evanthe looks at Aaron, "Petition the goddess?" **
(5) Tanja: ::Shrugs:: i duno...i'm no strategist, but it seems logical to me
(5) Tanja: ((*dunno*))
(3) Aknier: May our Holy Mother hear your words, Brother Aaron.
(2) GM Voice: Behind the ice elves... a hideous, multi-headed beast appears that looks somewhat familiar...
(7) Locke: hydras... oh boy
(2) Aaron: "May she shield us all..."
** (1) Evanthe muses for a second, "Think it's the same one?" **
** (3) Aknier makes one last prayer, and goes to stand with the party. **
(7) Locke: probably is the same
(1) Evanthe: So...we need to buy Aaron time while he petitions the goddess?
** (7) Locke makes a silent prayer **
** (2) Aaron takes Jaze by the water front.... Kneeling by the child, praying to his Goddess as fervently as he can.. **
** (1) Evanthe looks longingly towards the cave, "I was hoping we'd all opt for Tanja's plan." **
(3) Aknier: If he is the chosen, basically.
(5) Tanja: ::half-laughs:: was i...
** (1) Evanthe puts a hand to her bow, "Guess it's time to start, then" **
(1) Evanthe: Sooo
(1) Evanthe: Anyone want a friendly wager?
(5) Tanja: well...plan B is hoping the Knights do their job...
(6) Mikhal: what's the wager?
(2) GM Voice: The Lines of Battle meet..... The sound of swords crashing against swords.... Screams of horror... Battlecries... Trumpet Blares....
(3) Aknier: Wager?
(1) Evanthe: Might as well lighten up the mood.
(1) Evanthe: I bet I can kill more Ice Elves than you!
(3) Aknier: Given the circumstances, I believe Mulinel would be particularly unhappy with me on that one. I'll pass.
(7) Locke: 5 silvers an ice elf!
(1) Evanthe: Good ol Locke
(1) Evanthe: Always dependable to take a bet
(7) Locke: a bet makes things a little more interesting
** (10) Tristen looks at Eva disdainfully, "This is no joking matter." **
(1) Evanthe: I understand that, but we don't all have to be so down in our spirits.
(2) GM Voice: Behind the hydras.... 2 Hulking giants, at least 15 feet tall... formed entirely of ice... covered in sigils that glow a bright green...
(1) Evanthe: We're stuck here, might as well make the most out of it
(1) Evanthe: Most..profit..
** (1) Evanthe winks at Tanja **
** (3) Aknier chuckles. **
(3) Aknier: You sound like a sell-sword.
(7) Locke: heheh....
(5) Tanja: nothing wrong with being a sell-sword  ::Sniffs:: everybody needs an occupation
(5) Tanja: ::trying to ignore impending doom::
(7) Locke: lets prepare then...
** (1) Evanthe nods **
(7) Locke: any traps or such to slow them enemy down?
(1) Evanthe: I....would entangle them..but there's not much plant life here.
(2) GM Voice: Ice Elf and Regal Knight clash on the western plain... Body after Body crashes from their mount onto the harsh ice below...
(5) Tanja: ::shrug:: i'm at a loss
(5) Tanja: that cave idea was the best i've got
** (1) Evanthe looks on, her face darkening. **
(6) Mikhal: we can really set up traps, i don't think we would have enough time
(6) Mikhal: ((can't*))
(7) Locke: want to put some trip wire up between the pillars?
(7) Locke: using your ropes
(5) Tanja: with what? highly visible rope?
(2) GM Voice: And Then..... The hydras crash into the lines.... breathing forth their cold....
** (1) Evanthe shrugs, "It's better than nothing." **
(2) GM Voice: A cold, harsh wind sweeps across the small shrine of Mulinel...
(7) Locke: it'll slow them down that little much
(5) Tanja: ::Doubtful look::
(1) Evanthe: I don't--I just hate waiting for them to attack us
** (3) Aknier prays hard, in the moments before conflict... **
(7) Locke: all the time we can get for Aaron
** (1) Evanthe nods **
(10) Tristen: *deep in meditation, preparing himself for battle*
(5) Tanja: ::shifts restlessly::
(7) Locke: who's rope shall we use? the less thicker one would be less seen
(2) GM Voice: One of the blue skinned hydras crashes through the lines of the knights... sending the warriors flying back... it doesen't stop running on it's powerful legs..
(7) Locke: ...*stares at hydra* we'll save the other rope for those hydras
** (1) Evanthe aims her bow at it **
(5) Tanja: i...don't think its strong enough
(2) GM Voice: The beast races toward the shrine, all five of it's heads concentrated on it's objective...
(5) Tanja: ((*dives into the water*))
(6) Mikhal: *readies his sword*

(2) GM Voice:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(1) Evanthe: Evanthe [1d20+4] -> [15,4] = (19) Init
(5) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [19,4] = (23)
(5) Tanja: ((oh bull))
(6) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [11,2] = (13) Init
(10) Tristen: Tristen [1d20] -> [5] = (5) Init
(7) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [3,1] = (4)
(7) Locke: ((shit...))
(3) Aknier: *readies spell* [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
(7) Locke: ((I'm meant to be first dammit >_>))
(3) Aknier: ((sdklfjaklsdf)
(1) Evanthe: ((wow))
(7) Locke: ((
(3) Aknier: ((Guess I'm praying too hard. >_>;;))
(1) Evanthe: ((better now than later :D?))
(7) Locke: ((same))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Aknier: ((True.))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(23): Tanja

(5) Tanja: ((or, if you look at it the other way, our rolls are gonna stink, angel))
(3) Aknier: (("Mulinel, please bless and prot---*stomp* WTH?!"))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((yeah, but that's nothing new for me))
(4) Balin-lurking (whispering): (Hi Mikhal. I'm looking into joining, but to write my character concept up i require the information needed to start piecing out my character. Because I am in canada this is my long weekend which means I have enough time this week to do so... I can't seem to find the setting writeup information anywhere on the livejournal community.... and I found a writeup that had Humans, Elves, Wild Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins. Is that the proper race writeup? Any help would be super appreciated.)
(2) GM Voice: The hulking beast appears rounding the corner of the lake's edge....
(5) Tanja: ((how far away?))
(2) GM Voice: ((30-35 feet))
whispering to Balin-lurking, we [retty much have all the standard races that normal D&D 3.5 uses. only difference is that we have ice elves. but i don't know if you can play as one</font>
(4) Balin-lurking (whispering): not looking too. I'll probably play a human.
(5) Tanja: ::tries not to look as nervous as she feels, takes out one of her poisoned arrows leftover from the fight not too long ago and draws her bow....hoping against hope she'll actually hit::
(7) Locke: ((*points to map*))
(5) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [7,4] = (11)
(5) Tanja: ((or...scare it off))
(5) Tanja: ((rawr!!))
(5) Tanja: ((i want that arrow back!))
(9) Maf: ((you are teh scary patti))
(1) Evanthe: ((let's go scrounging again later))
(2) GM Voice: The arrow flies through the air in lands in the snow before the Hydra's advance... it promptly crushes it underfoot
(5) Tanja: ((....))
(7) Locke: ((>_>))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): : Evanthe

(5) Tanja: ((permission to cry?))
(5) Tanja: ((maybe...uh...stepping on it stabbed it into its foot))
** (1) Evanthe aims at a head and fires off an arrow ((35ish feet away ;_;)) **
(5) Tanja: ((and its secretly poisoned))
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [3,8] = (11)
(1) Evanthe: ((wow))
(1) Evanthe: ((trodding arrows))
(7) Locke: ((>_>;;))
(4) Balin-lurking (whispering): I'm a huge fan of anime settings, or settings with any sort of anime influence. Half of Roleplay Refugee's regular crew is devout anime nuts. In anyrate, i'm excited to start writing up a concept.
(1) Evanthe: ((and thus our theory is proven))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe's arrow sails past one of the swaying and bobbing heads.... landing in the snow behind..!
(5) Tanja: ((Unfortunately...))
(1) Evanthe: ((*sleeps for the rest of the battle*))
(5) Tanja: ((hey!))
(2) GM Voice: The creature pays no heed... accelerating it's charge..
** (1) Evanthe looks angrily at her misaimed arrow. **
(5) Tanja: ((well...uh..brace yourselfs, guys in front))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(13): : Mikhal

(6) Mikhal: *rages and into the fray!I*
(6) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+13] -> [5,13] = (18)
(5) Tanja: ((i'm gonna use my dust of disappearance and hocuspocus myself outta here...))
(6) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+9] -> [3,4,9] = (16)
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal charges forward... summoning the depth of his inner rage.. his great sword plunges into the heart of the beast
(7) Locke: ((Whee~))
** (1) Evanthe looks relieved at Mikhal's hit **
(1) Evanthe: At least someone still has the touch

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(5): : Tristen

(5) Tanja: ((apparently stabbing hearts doesn't kill things..))
(6) Mikhal: ((maybe it has multiple hearts?))
(7) Locke: ((6 hearts))
** (10) Tristen moves forward, whispering a few words to himself (endure elements) **
(2) GM Voice: Tristen steps forward.... and chants the words of a spell under his breath... a translucent barrier appears around his person, protecting him from the winter's rage..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(4): Locke

(7) Locke: ((finally :D?))
** (7) Locke stands behind Mikhal and prays for a blessing **
(6) Mikhal: ((i hate having you calculate my STR bonus.. >_>))
(6) Mikhal: ((you = to))
(2) GM Voice: Locke steps behind the barbarian and chants to Sor for a blessing.... A soothing calmness comes to everyone, Evanthe's arrows begin to glow...

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(1): Aknier

(7) Locke: ((ooh, glowwie))
(6) Mikhal: ((oh, i thought it was bull's STR.. XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((maybe it'll work this time))
(7) Locke: ((Bull's Strength... next turn XD))
(5) Tanja: ((can you use those more than once? or no?))
(7) Locke: ((it doesn't stack :o))
(1) Evanthe: ((use what?))
(3) Aknier: Mulinel! This is our hour of need! Watch over all of us, and grant us your blessing!
** (3) Aknier prays for Bless. **
(1) Evanthe: ((er, don't we already have bless))
(5) Tanja: (('cause i kinda highly doubt this'll be the worst thing we fight tonight...maybe if you can't cast more than once, we save some for another fight?))
(1) Evanthe: ((does that mean +2? o.o))
(3) Aknier: ((By who?))
(6) Mikhal: ((bless doesn't stack ^^))
(1) Evanthe: ((Flamer *just* cast it xD))
(3) Aknier: ((Crap. Time Machine? =-D?*))
(3) Aknier: ((*wasn't paying attention*))
(2) GM Voice: ((Sure thing, Mr. Peabody))
(3) Aknier: ((...))
(1) Evanthe: ((xD!))
(6) Mikhal: ((O_o))
(2) GM Voice: ((I guess you're all too young for that one ;) ))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Evanthe: ((wayback machine, right?))
(7) Locke: ((restarting?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Re do your turn ;) ))
** (3) Aknier breaks his meditiation, slightly caught off guard. He begins chanting... **
(5) Tanja: ((lets go back further and let eva and tanja shoot again >.>))
(1) Evanthe: ((love it))
** (3) Aknier casts Magic Missle. **
(9) Maf: ((haha i got it tony..))
(3) Aknier: [2d4+2] -> [1,2,2] = (5)
(2) GM Voice: Aknier chants the words of a magic spell... two burning points of energy fly into the belly of the beast..
(3) Aknier: ((Ew))
(7) Locke: ((did you include bless? :o))
(6) Mikhal: ((bless doesn't add to bless damage))
(3) Aknier: ((I don't think I get bless for a spell?))

(2) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(23): Tanja

(7) Locke: ((I'll just sit here and nod))
(3) Aknier: ((And my optical wireless mouse is dying on me. brb))
(7) Locke: ((optical is evil for wireless XD))
(5) Tanja: ::nocks another poisoned arrow, hoping she has enough to last...::
(5) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [19,4] = (23)
(5) Tanja: [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
(5) Tanja: ((boo..))
(7) Locke: ((OMG XD))
(6) Mikhal: ((yay for hitting! :D))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja's arrow slams in next to the wound from Mikhal's sword....!
(5) Tanja: ((lol...maybe it inflicted SUPERDUPERpoison))
(5) Tanja: ::looks pleased with herself::

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): : Evanthe

** (1) Evanthe pulls out a glowing arrow, aiming steadily(we hope) at the hydra **
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [15,10] = (25)
(5) Tanja: ((whee))
(7) Locke: ((whee~))
(1) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+2] -> [3,2] = (5)
(6) Mikhal: ((yay :D))
(2) GM Voice: The glowing arrow flies in an arc and slams straight into the hydra's chest..!
(1) Evanthe: ((don't sputter out, glowing light ;_;))
(5) Tanja: ((*Bzzzzt!*))
(1) Evanthe: ((Yeah s'what I'm thinking xD))
(2) GM Voice: The light... upon hitting the monster.... fades

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(13): : Mikhal

(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((by the time i figure out what it's for, i'll have no arrows left xD))
(2) GM Voice: The hydra's heads twist and turn..... gaping maws aiming down at tristen and Mikhal...
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Mikhal: *yanks his sword out and slams it back it*
(7) Locke: ((500 damage :O))
(6) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+13] -> [19,13] = (32)
(6) Mikhal: ((crit! :D))
(1) Evanthe: ((nice!))
(5) Tanja: ((yikes))
(6) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+13] -> [13,13] = (26)
(5) Tanja: ((deathdeathdeathdeath))
(7) Locke: ((ooh :D))
(6) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [4d6+20] -> [2,5,4,5,20] = (36)
(5) Tanja: ((=D))
(1) Evanthe: ((O_o))
(1) Evanthe: ((that's love))
(7) Locke: ((:O))
(5) Tanja: ((so...62 damage in one hit))
(6) Mikhal: ((big stupid numbers = <3))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal gets bit by icy jaws for 7.. Dodging 2 other of the heads... Tristen gets bit once for 9, dodging another....
(6) Mikhal: ((err..that's just 36 damage))
(5) Tanja: ((anybody else wanna quit? mikhal could do this on his own))
(5) Tanja: ((oh...sorry))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Tanja: ((i saw two rolls))
(1) Evanthe: ((I'm all for going back and "protecting" Jaze and Aaron))
(5) Tanja: ((ditto that))
(5) Tanja: ((shove them all in the lake and start swimming for the opposite shore))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal pulls out his sword from the beast... as soon as he does.... the wounds seem to close up automatically....
(3) Aknier: ((Yeah...Aaron can't summon Muline on his own!))
(3) Aknier: ((*Mulinel))
(1) Evanthe: ((exactly ;D))
(5) Tanja: ((uh..))
** (1) Evanthe gapes at the wound **
(1) Evanthe: Did he just....did...
(5) Tanja: ::dumbstruck:::
** (1) Evanthe looks at the others in question **
(5) Tanja: so...uh...
(7) Locke: that's Mikhal for you.... *shock*
(3) Aknier: What in Mulinel's grace...?!
(1) Evanthe: The ..wound closed up.
(5) Tanja: ((DM automatically erases hits over 8 damage))
(6) Mikhal: ((i'm guessing +1 doesn't go over the damage reduction?))
(6) Mikhal: ((oh..and that should be 38 damage..i forgot to add the bless))
(2) GM Voice: Then... the barbarian hefts the blade over his shoulder.... slicing it across the monster's belly... the blade carves a huge notch across the belly of the beast... blue blood pours from the creature onto the white snow..
(5) Tanja: ::gags::
** (1) Evanthe looks away in disgust **
(7) Locke: ((XD))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(5): : Tristen

(10) Tristen: *doused in blood as he calls forth Regial for Holy Smite*
(10) Tristen: [1d20+12] -> [10,12] = (22)
(2) GM Voice: (Not evil)
(1) Evanthe: ((okay))
(10) Tristen: ((whoops))
** (10) Tristen hacks and slashes **
(10) Tristen: Longsword [1d20+8] -> [8,8] = (16)
(2) GM Voice: Tristen takes his blade in hand... seeing mikhal land a mighty blow.. he follows suit behind.... cleaving his sword through the monster..
(10) Tristen: Damage [1d8+2] -> [5,2] = (7)
(10) Tristen: ((+1 for bless))
(6) Mikhal: ((i wish i had 1d20+8 damage XD))
(7) Locke: ((this is like... David and Goliath fighting side by side XD))
(1) Evanthe: (( so do we ;)))
(2) GM Voice: The 5 heads of the beast twitch.... and then collapse...Mikhal and Tristen having to leap aside from some of the falling appendages....
** (1) Evanthe watches it fall, sighing in relief **
** (1) Evanthe looks over to Mikhal and Tristen, "Are you guys alright?" **
(5) Tanja: ::looks mournfully at her crushed arrow, poking out of the snow::: how inconsiderate...
(10) Tristen: Bleeding slightly *looks over to Evanthe and nods*
(2) GM Voice: A huge crashing noise echos off the surrounding mountains... one of the huge ice giants topping into the lake...
** (7) Locke kicks one of the heads **
** (1) Evanthe immediately turns to the noise **
(6) Mikhal: *smiles* i'm fine
(1) Evanthe: Doesn't look like we have any choice but to continue on
(1) Evanthe: ((yay giants!...kinda))
(7) Locke: ((*splat*))
(5) Tanja: ::turns too, biting back a bitter 'now what?!' in the process::
(2) GM Voice: A Rallying cry of the Knights is heard soon afterward... they push forward...
(2) GM Voice: ((Brb bathroom...>_> ))
(1) Evanthe: ((oh nevermind it's dead whoops))
(5) Tanja: ((*escapes*))
(7) Locke: ((...quick, steal that amulet of invicibility XD))
** (1) Evanthe rubs her arm, trying to warm herself **
(3) Aknier: ((*uses spell "Holy Hand Grenade*))
(7) Locke: ((Worms - Armageddon))
(10) Tristen: ((xD Kiros))
(5) Tanja: (( much you guys gonna pay me to go dig around in the corpse? >.> ))
** (3) Aknier breaths a sigh of relief, and returns to praying to Mulinel in the momentary calm)) **
(10) Tristen: ((brother manarch, do you have the holy hand grenade of antioch?))
(3) Aknier: ((xD))
(7) Locke: ((*throws Aaron's panties at the giant*))
(3) Aknier: ((Let me read from the book of Armorments, chaper 5))
(7) Locke: ((die die die))
** (1) Evanthe stares at the hydra in disgust **
(1) Evanthe: At least we know we can take those things down now, I guess
(10) Tristen: ((xD))
(6) Mikhal: ((i have the audio files of the holy hand grenade on my computer XD))
(7) Locke: ((hahah XD))
** (1) Evanthe glances behind the group, to check on Aaron and Jaze **
(7) Locke: ((Alleluja!! *BOOM*))
(5) Tanja: ((*they're gone*))
(2) GM Voice: A Few mounted ice elves escape on the Knight's left flank.... Their lizard steeds kick up the snow as they march...
(7) Locke: ((do any of us have steads?))
(5) Tanja: ((Yeah....down below the mountain))
(6) Mikhal: ((not with us))
** (2) Aaron frantically prays over Jaze's body..... clutching his holy symbol.. **
(1) Evanthe: ((Kiros can summon one and carry us all))
(5) Tanja: ((we had to leave 'em..couldn't bring them up)
(1) Evanthe: ((Go Kiros! :D))
(5) Tanja: so...uh...who's winning?
(7) Locke: ((Kiros should summon one for Eva to use or something XD))
(7) Locke: no one... yet
(10) Tristen: ((so how did the regal knights get their mounts up the mountain))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Tanja: ((they took the shortcut))
(1) Evanthe: ((plothole!))
(3) Aknier: ((er...I didn't get Mount...>_>;;))
(5) Tanja: ((the one the DM wouldn't let *us* take))
(7) Locke: ((just kidding :o))
(1) Evanthe: ((-5 points for the DM and free mounts for all))
(2) GM Voice: They start to near the penninsula... when suddenly a hail of arrows sail from the sky from the south....
(3) Aknier: ((Man. Times like this I wish I swas a sorcerer...))
** (1) Evanthe watches the arrows in awe. **
(5) Tanja: ::looks upwards, towards the south::
(1) Evanthe: Three armies facing each other?
(1) Evanthe: All for one small boy..
(5) Tanja: and we're caught in the middle...
(2) GM Voice: The Mounted ice elves get repeatedly skewered... two fall to the ground with at least 4 arrows sticking out from them.... the last one's mount takes an arrow and crashes to the ground, taking it's rider with it...
** (1) Evanthe nods **
(3) Aknier: I'm sorry your here...this was going to be Brother Aaron and my fate anyways, but...
(5) Tanja: ((note to self...examine bodies when safe))
(2) GM Voice: To the south... through the blinding snowfall.... blue cloaks come into view...
(7) Locke: don't apologize, we chose this path as much as you did
(5) Tanja: blue cloaks...
(5) Tanja: ((...which means..?))
(6) Mikhal: we will stand with you to the end
(6) Mikhal: ..clerics of mulinel?
(3) Aknier: Thank you...friends...
(7) Locke: ((reinforcements))
(2) GM Voice: More come into sight... some carrying large longbows... others curved blades...
(1) Evanthe: ((not if they're Hald's army))
(1) Evanthe: ((Hald wants the boy dead too))
(1) Evanthe: ((ice elves are better at this point since they want the boy alive))
(7) Locke: ((well then... more people for us to kill))
(5) Tanja: ((lets just kill everyone))
(2) GM Voice: They march toward the penninsula.... the archers are not firing, which is a good sign....
(7) Locke: they're saving their arrows for us
** (1) Evanthe tenses **
(5) Tanja: ::wary look:: that doesn't mean anything
(3) Aknier: ((Technically, I'm not suppose to be killing anyone...))
** (2) San'Shal comes into view on the front lines.. **
** (1) Evanthe looks surprised **
(1) Evanthe: You!
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Mikhal: this is a surprise..
(5) Tanja: ::eyes narrow::
(5) Tanja: not an altogether pleasant one...i don't remember parting on very good terms last time...
(2) San'Shal: "Our people have decided...."
** (1) Evanthe straightens, awaiting an answer. **
(2) San'Shal: "Instead of digging our own graves we shall die with our swords and our bows..."
(1) Evanthe: I hope that means you're on our side.
(2) San'Shal: "Whatever hope you hold... we will try our best to ensure it..."
(1) Evanthe: /me relaxes visibly
(7) Locke: ((what do we hope? XD))
** (1) Evanthe relaxes visibly **
** (3) Aknier looks up...and smiles. **
(6) Mikhal: ((riches and the world))
(1) Evanthe: Thank you...
(6) Mikhal: ((you know..the simple stuff :D))
(1) Evanthe: We know this wasn't an easy choice
(2) San'Shal: "The Fate of the world now rests upon your hope....." San'shal looks down slightly... "The People of Ohnben will show you their last flames with strength and courage..."
(7) Locke: give us your best, it may not be your last
** (6) Mikhal looks around to see how many of them are here **

(7) Locke: ((>.>))
** (1) Evanthe nods, "We will protect them." **
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal looks at all the blue cloaks.... and estimates there are about 40 total..
** (2) San'Shal turns to her people... **
(3) Aknier: Mulinel bless you...she will not let your people mearly perish...
(5) Tanja: ((well...battle's that way...refreshments afterward... *puts up party balloons*))
(1) Evanthe: ((xD!!!))
(1) Evanthe: ((stop cracking me up, haha))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Mikhal: ((can one of them cast refresh on Locke and Aknier?))
(5) Tanja: ((lol sorry...couldn't resist))
(3) Aknier: ((xD))
(7) Locke: ((refresh on me would be hawt, but... I barely did anything))
(2) San'Shal: "A Dark Army approaches.... There will be no retreat! Raise your swords, Raise your bows!... This is our last stand!"
(5) Tanja: thank you!
(6) Mikhal: ((|Refresh| whore, |Can I have it?|))
(2) GM Voice: To the west.... it seems the regal knights have all but eliminated their foes.... Another crash as a second giant topples to the ground.....
** (1) Evanthe looks on at the Regal Knights, a ghost of a smile on her lips, "I'm glad we're on their side." **
(5) Tanja: ::Grudgingly::: guess they aren't so bad in...uh...large groups...
(10) Tristen: *without turning around, a smile plays on Tristen's lips*
** (1) Evanthe grins fully now, "Yeah but they're still stuffy." **
(2) GM Voice: In the southern sky... black, winged creatures appear on the horrizon...
(5) Tanja: ::nods vigorously::
(1) Evanthe: It must help in battle.....for some, at least *eyes Tristen*
(6) Mikhal: i..wouldn't mind training with them. but i wouldn't want to be one of them
** (10) Tristen humphs, ignoring the others **
(5) Tanja: ((*Hums wicked witch of the west theme* winged monkeys!))
(7) Locke: ((dragon))
(2) San'Shal: "Show the Devils how Ohnben Fights! Ready Bows!"
** (1) Evanthe 's eyes widen **
(1) Evanthe: ((no dragons in reydala))
(1) Evanthe: What...what the hell is that?
(5) Tanja: ::gulps:: can't be good...
** (1) Evanthe looks around at the others for answers. **
(7) Locke: Eva, prepare to shoot that thing *points to it*
(10) Tristen: Hald's demons.
(3) Aknier: ((I'm still playing "Yell 'Dead Cell' " from Metal Gear Solid 2)
** (1) Evanthe nods at Locke, aiming an arrow at it. **
(5) Tanja: ((hey..take the fighting elsewhere! *shoos the ohnbens away*))
(3) Aknier: ((>_>;;))
(6) Mikhal: ((No ONe Mourns hte Wicked from Wicked just came on))
(2) GM Voice: From this distance... it appears to be massive cloud of bats....
(6) Mikhal: ((i love Wicked))
(1) Evanthe: ((get behind the ohnben >.>))
(5) Tanja: ::pauses in raising her bow:: they're...bats?
(1) Evanthe: I don't know..
** (3) Aknier clutches his holy symbol, and begins praying again. **
(1) Evanthe: Creatures I've never seen before are making their way into this battle
** (6) Mikhal usues super elven eyes to make them out? **

(1) Evanthe: How many people are really fighting today?
(5) Tanja: i guess it'd be too much to hope they're on our side... ::Noting the dark color::
(6) Mikhal: Spot Skill Check: [1d20+2] -> [17,2] = (19)
** (7) Locke continues eyeing the things **
(5) Tanja: ::Starts ticking off on fingers:: Let Knights...the Ohnben...
(2) GM Voice: Then.. as they come closer.... humanoid forms come into view, supported by the wings.... Their black bodies covered in spines.... their wings propelling them through the snow as if it were clear sky...
(10) Tristen: *shouts* Hald's devils are upon us, show them no mercy!
(7) Locke: ((or thing))
(5) Tanja: lets not forget...probably the Gods...
(7) Locke: Demons...
** (1) Evanthe 's eyes glint as she watches the things advance **
** (3) Aknier looks to Locke. **
(2) GM Voice: A multitude of red lights in the black cloud..... their eyes... shining through the darkness.....
(3) Aknier: It appears so...
(7) Locke: ((err.... Devils))
** (3) Aknier brings his symbol of Mulinel into the open. **
(6) Mikhal: ((tony, since Knowledge (Arcana) and give info on magical beats, would these fall under it? ^^))
** (7) Locke starts conversing with Aknier, "you got anything that'll help this fight greatly?" **
(2) GM Voice: ((Does it give info on outsiders?))
** (1) Evanthe pats her glowing arrows, "Maybe these will work." **
(6) Mikhal: (("Arcana (ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols, cryptic phrases, constructs, dragons, magical beasts)"))
(1) Evanthe: Those look evil enough.
(2) GM Voice: ((No dice then))
(3) Aknier: ((Outsiders? Can I use Knowlegde[Bad dice format] - [Planes]?))
(6) Mikhal: ((damn))
(2) GM Voice: ((That works))
(3) Aknier: ((Er
(7) Locke: ((did our bless wear off from the last battle?))
(5) Tanja: ((i still wish we could go back to that cave...))
(6) Mikhal: ((Knowledge (The Planes) works))
(3) Aknier: Let me think...
(7) Locke: ((I got Knowledge(planes) ))
(2) GM Voice: ((Everyone with it, roll it..))
(3) Aknier: ((Is that Wis or Int))
(7) Locke: ((1d20?))
(3) Aknier: ((Int, nevermind))
(3) Aknier: [1d20+6] -> [3,6] = (9)
(2) GM Voice: ((1d20 + Ranks + Int))
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
(7) Locke: ((ok, win))
(3) Aknier: ((You get to add your INT bonus and your ranks, Flamer))
(7) Locke: ((I don't know them >.>))
(3) Aknier: ((You may not have to use them anyways. xD))
(7) Locke: ((yeah XD))
(7) Locke: well... they're deifnitely devils... from the Abyss
(2) GM Voice: The sounds of a horde of flapping wings.... mad shrieks... demonic giggling....
** (1) Evanthe doesn't look encouraged **
(7) Locke: Spinagons ((not that I know what that is))
(7) Locke: they're only messengers
(1) Evanthe: Does that mean they won't attack?
** (1) Evanthe looks hopeful **
(2) GM Voice: The Women of Ohnben ready their bows....
(3) Aknier: ((er, I think we get to know what they do...))
(7) Locke: well, if they get back, a bigger force will be back
(2) GM Voice: They send a cloud of arrows into the sky...
** (1) Evanthe watches, silently cheering the Ohnben on **
(5) Tanja: not that...y'know...they don't already know what's going on here anyway
(1) Evanthe: Let's hope they're not that bright
** (1) Evanthe looks over to Locke, "Are they Hald's?" **
(3) Aknier: ((How far up are the devils?))
(2) GM Voice: Arrows pierce the devils.... they spiral downward, crashing hard into the snow beyond... more and more... yet.... It seems not to make a dent in the massive cloud..
(2) GM Voice: ((About a Hundred Feet away from you now..))
(5) Tanja: ::shrug:: it just seems to me that anybody against us already knows what's going on up here..
(3) Aknier: ((Think it's worth it to fire off a couple of Magic Missles at them?))
(5) Tanja: ::looks doubtfully at her own bow:::
(6) Mikhal: ((probably not))
(2) GM Voice: Part of the cloud descends upon the Ohnben.... the men take up their swords.... before being swallowed by the dark...
(5) Tanja: ((seems like there's a lot of them))
(3) Aknier: ((*nods* Right then.))
(7) Locke (whispering): is blessing from the last battle carried on? XD
(2) GM Voice: Some of the beasts continue onward... their red eyes glowing, shouting forth their shrill demonic laughter....

(2) GM Voice:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(1) Evanthe: Evanthe [1d20+4] -> [15,4] = (19)
(5) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [2,4] = (6)
(5) Tanja: ((6...hooray))
(3) Aknier: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
(10) Tristen: Tristen [1d20] -> [6] = (6) Init
(7) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [2,1] = (3)
(7) Locke: ((I WIN))
(6) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [13,2] = (15) Init
(3) Aknier: ((xD))
(2) GM Voice: (This makes it easier on me..)
whispering to Locke, not sure ^^</font>
(7) Locke (whispering): lol, ok

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): Evanthe

(1) Evanthe: ((Is bless still on?))
(2) GM Voice: 4 of the creatures seem to have broken off from the cloud... heading quickly toward the shrine..
(7) Locke: ((*wonders*))
(6) Mikhal: ((my guess is no..Locke's bless wears after 4 minuters (if he is level 4)))
(2) GM Voice: ((Nope))
(1) Evanthe: ((okay))
(3) Aknier: ((Right then.))
(1) Evanthe: ((100 feet away?))
(2) GM Voice: ((70, now))
** (1) Evanthe fires off two arrows, hoping for one to hit **
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+6] -> [2,6] = (8)
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+6] -> [13,6] = (19)
(1) Evanthe: Damage [1d8] -> [3] = (3)
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe's first arrow flies wide.... the second skewer's one of the approaching devil's wings.. a shrill shriek echos from the mountains..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): Spinagon

** (1) Evanthe looks semi satisfied with the shot, eyes glinting **
(2) GM Voice: The skewered ones continues on unhindered.... it hovers in the sky over the shrine.... it's red eyes glaring at the archer who shot it...
(7) Locke: ((and eats the blue upside down seagull :D))
(6) Mikhal: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Incredibly fast.... It wracks it's body.... spines fly from it everywhere....
(5) Tanja: ((*behind the pillar*))
** (1) Evanthe watches helplessly as spines shoot at her ((;_;)) **
(2) GM Voice: Two projectiles skewer the Ranger's leg and arm... ((9 Damage))
(7) Locke: ((:X))
** (1) Evanthe cries out in pain **

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(15): : Mikhal

(6) Mikhal: ((how high in the air are they? >_>))
(5) Tanja: ((its..uh...over the
(1) Evanthe: ((keep in mind it's above water too))
(2) GM Voice: ((Hovering 20-30 feet above))
(7) Locke: ((throw your sword? XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((throw tristen))
(6) Mikhal: ((holding action for one to come into range >_>))
(6) Mikhal: ((as in, on the ground, within my movement range))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal curses his luck as the beasts fly outside the reach of his muscles... he waits for an oppurtune moment..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(9): Aknier

(5) Tanja: ((they're putting an awful lot of faith in our ranged attacks...))
(1) Evanthe: ((let's uh not let them down then haha))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Aknier: Mulinel! This is our hour of need! Please, I beg of you, grant us your blessings!
** (3) Aknier casts Bless. **
(2) GM Voice: Aknier prays a blessing upon the party.. Evanthe's arrows glow once more..
(5) Tanja: ((*beeep* i'm sorry, I'm watching the game right now...))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(6): Tanja

(6) Mikhal: ((it's not exactly like i want to throw my sword as it))
(1) Evanthe: ((this better work this time >.>))
(1) Evanthe: ((or i'm throwing the arrows in the lake))
(5) Tanja: ::readies her bow, letting an arrow fly at the flying thing ((which i forgot how to spell))::
(3) Aknier: ((*hears message.* Damn it mother! You're additcted to your soap operas!))
(5) Tanja: [1d20+5] -> [2,5] = (7)
(5) Tanja: ((.....))
(5) Tanja: ((it was a normal arrow, by the way))
(5) Tanja: ((don't go chucking any of my poison arrows in the lake))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja's arrow aims at the one attacking Evanthe.... but fins it hard to hit the nimble creature...

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(6): : Tristen

(7) Locke: ((hahah, soap operas))
** (10) Tristen waits like Mikhal, waiting for a good time to attack **
(2) GM Voice: Tristen bides his time..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(5): Spinagon

(2) GM Voice: A second winged nightmare hovers around tanja's position...
(5) Tanja: ((*clings to the pillar*))
(5) Tanja: ((go thief DEX!))
(2) GM Voice: Spines fly from the devil in all directions... One stabs into the rogue's shoulder, despite the cold of the air the spike is red hot... it burns as it wounds.. ((6 damage))
(5) Tanja: ::cries out, biting back expletives::

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(3): Locke

(7) Locke: May Sor guide your attacks to their targets
** (7) Locke prays for Guidance on Eva **
(1) Evanthe: ((what does that mean?))
(2) GM Voice: Locke prays for guidance for Evanthe's arrows....
(7) Locke: ((+1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(3): 2 Spinagons

(1) Evanthe: ((wow thanks :D))
(5) Tanja: ::clutches her wounded shoulder, glaring daggers at the spinagon that wounded her::
(2) GM Voice: Two of the nightmarish creatures hover over Tristen and Mikhal...
(5) Tanja: you'll regret that!
(2) GM Voice: Spines rain down on the snow... melting the ice wherever they hit... Tristen and Mikhal each get punctured by one of the red hot projectiles.. ((7 each))
(6) Mikhal: ((tony, are there stones on the ground?))
(2) GM Voice: ((If there were they'd be covered by snow and ice))

(2) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round

(6) Mikhal: ((i hate you tony))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): Evanthe

(7) Locke: ((XD))
** (1) Evanthe pulls two glowing arrows out, firing them off at the one who attacked her **
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+9] -> [16,9] = (25) (guidance, whee)
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [4,8] = (12)
(7) Locke: ((bless + guidance + aid = win!! :D))
(7) Locke: ((I don't have aid yet though))
(2) GM Voice: One glowing arrow stabs straight into the heart of the devil attacking Evanthe...
(1) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+2] -> [4,2] = (6)
(6) Mikhal: ((aid = yay))
(9) Maf: ((okay guys, time for matt to go to bed, i work at 4am tomarrow... kill em all and have fun!))
(1) Evanthe: ((make the damn thing explode plz))
(1) Evanthe: ((Nite Maf! :D))
(2) GM Voice: Cracks of light appear everywhere in the monsters body...... It shrieks in pain as an explosion of light erupts from within it... It's body shatters, smoking pieces fall to the ground..
(6) Mikhal: ((night maffie))
(2) GM Voice: ((Night ^_^))
(1) Evanthe: ((oh god I was right xD))
(3) Aknier: ((Heh. Take care))
(5) Tanja: ((g'night))
** (1) Evanthe looks at the thing explode **

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): Spinagon

(2) GM Voice: *Dead*

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(15): : Mikhal

(3) Aknier: Mulinel's work be done...
(6) Mikhal: *fishes in the snow for a stone*
(9) Maf: ((tonyyyyy send me an im tomarrow... i wanna talk about joining the games if you'd all want me...))
(2) GM Voice: (Search check)
(5) Tanja: (( do realize there's two in front of you, right?))
(6) Mikhal: Search Skill Check: [1d20+5] -> [18,5] = (23)
(1) Evanthe: ((haha))
(6) Mikhal: ((they are still in the air though, right tony?))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal digs around in the ice and snow... picks up a stone buried by the winter's blanket
(2) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(7) Locke: ((finding stones during battle))
(7) Locke: ((reminds me of my thief on RO...))
(5) Tanja: ((ooh...this one's pretty... *pockets*))
** (6) Mikhal lobs the stone at the demon that attacked him **

(9) Maf: Disconnecting from server...
(9) Maf (exit): 00:12
(6) Mikhal: ((do i use STR or DEX for throwing?))
(7) Locke: ((lmao))
(5) Tanja: ((pointy stone of death!))
(2) GM Voice: ((Dex, Str for damage))
(6) Mikhal: Hit plz [1d20+7] -> [13,7] = (20)
(6) Mikhal: ((damage? :D))
(5) Tanja: ((i'll be upset if you kill one with a rock))
(2) GM Voice: ((1d4 + Whatever you got))
(6) Mikhal: [1d4+5] -> [3,5] = (8)
(7) Locke: I got my crossbow (with 8 bolts left)
(7) Locke: ((oops))
** (1) Evanthe nods at Locke **
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal rips up a stone from the ground and sends it flying at a devil... it flies with incredible speed and cracks against the creature's body..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(9): Aknier

(7) Locke: ((that was a suggestion to Tristen or Mikhal, if they can/want to use it :x))
(1) Evanthe: ((now i'm sad cause uh, mikhal did more damage with a rock than i do with arrows most of the time))
(5) Tanja: ((yeah i know))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Tanja: ((i'm salvaging the pieces of my shattered self esteem right now))
(6) Mikhal: ((get a magic bow and some magic arrows?))
(6) Mikhal: ((the bonuses from both stack))
(1) Evanthe: ((easier said than done!))
(6) Mikhal: ((yeah =x))
(5) Tanja: ((the next time we're in a town---oh wait, we aren't in towns anymore!))
(2) GM Voice: ((That last magic arrow did more damage, trust me =p))
(6) Mikhal: ((that's why i liked arcane archer ^^))
(1) Evanthe: ((don't worry, i still love you cause they die fast))
(6) Mikhal: ((brb, gonna see if there is a pizza in the garage))
(2) GM Voice: ((Thought that said garbage for a minute there...))
(7) Locke: ((I read that as garbage))
(2) GM Voice: Aknier?
(1) Evanthe: ((poor scott, rumbling through garbage for food))
** (3) Aknier eyes the Devil hovering over the water. He begins to chant again... **
** (3) Aknier casts another Magic Missle. **
(2) GM Voice: Two blazing bolts of energy fly from Aknier's fingertips.....
(3) Aknier: I CAST MAGIC MISSLE AT THE DARKNESS! [2d4+2] -> [2,2,2] = (6)
(2) GM Voice: ((D20+2 Aknier))
(3) Aknier: ((?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Spell Resistance))
(3) Aknier: [1d20+2] -> [6,2] = (8)
(5) Tanja: ((*sigh*))
(3) Aknier: ((Good thing I didn't maximize it.))
(2) GM Voice: Aknier's missles fly toward the hovering devil.... Who only giggles maniacly.... The magical bolts seem to just fizzle out a foot before hitting the devil...

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(6): Tanja

(3) Aknier: Giggle all you will, I've already ensured your passing in other ways...
(5) Tanja: ::angry now, aims an arrow at the one who attacked her and lets it fly!::
(5) Tanja: ((do we have bless on? i forgot already))
** (1) Evanthe shrugs off the pain in her arm and leg, staring angrily at the one next to Tanja **
(1) Evanthe: ((yep))
(3) Aknier: ((Yep))
(5) Tanja: [1d20+5] -> [17,5] = (22)
(5) Tanja: [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(5) Tanja: ((revenge!))
(1) Evanthe: ((+1 for bless :D))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja aims an arrow into the devil raining spines down on her.... the arrow pierces it through the wing...
(1) Evanthe: ((maybe it'll drown in the lake now))
(5) Tanja: yeah, how'd that feel??
(5) Tanja: not good, huh?!
(6) Mikhal: (( pizza))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(6): : Tristen

(6) Mikhal: (on a side note, it's cold enough outside to see my breath))
(10) Tristen: *draws his silver sword out, praying for Regial's guidance as he hurls it at the closest demon*
(5) Tanja: ((haha...))
(7) Locke: ((woah, he threw it o_o))
(10) Tristen: Silver Sword [1d20+1] -> [11,1] = (12)
(2) GM Voice: Tristen.... throws his sword?!?... ((Which? Bout Equidistant here))
(5) Tanja: ((i'm trying to picture this))
(1) Evanthe: ((he's got more))
(5) Tanja: ((i'd...uh...go for the one over land))
(5) Tanja: ((unless you wanna lose a sword in the lake))
(1) Evanthe: ((he did :o))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((the one closes to him))
(5) Tanja: ((tony said they're the same distance))
(7) Locke: ((closest))
(1) Evanthe: ((but he missed :D))
(3) Aknier: ((I'll ask Aaron to get the sword later. >_>;;))
(1) Evanthe: ((the one on the bottom))
(2) GM Voice: Tristen grabs the silver sword from his back....
(5) Tanja: ((oh...hahah))
(5) Tanja: ((yeah for selective reading))
(2) GM Voice: And with a mighty hurl... flings it at the Devil!
(1) Evanthe: ((....and misses!))
(5) Tanja: ((*drumroll*))
(2) GM Voice: However... longswords aren't exactly meant for throwing... it falls well short and stabs itself into the ground..
(7) Locke: ((the devil catches it))
(3) Aknier: ((Oh hell. xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(5): Spinagon

(3) Aknier: ((@ Flamer's comment))
(1) Evanthe: ((well that'd be better for them anyway, since Mikhal and Tristen want melee combat :3))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((these things are laughing at us))
(7) Locke: ((well, we're not made for air combat...))
(2) GM Voice: Spikes rain once again over Tanja's head.... but the nimble thief ducks and dodges every one of the red hot spines..!
(6) Mikhal: ((looks like i settle for ice cream))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(3): Locke

(5) Tanja: ::weaves skillfully::
(5) Tanja: try again!
(7) Locke: ((what's everyone's hp?))
(3) Aknier: ((24))
(1) Evanthe: ((16))
(10) Tristen: ((23))
(6) Mikhal: ((30/43, i think))
(5) Tanja: ((19....i think that last one was 6 damage, anyway))
(5) Tanja: ((lost it in the scroll))
(7) Locke: ((alright :o))
** (7) Locke prays to Sor for another Guindance to Tanja **
(6) Mikhal: ((i'm not exactly sure how losing HP works when raging ^^;))
(2) GM Voice: Locke again calls upon Sor to guide the Ranger's arrows...!
(7) Locke: ((heh :x))
(1) Evanthe: ((thief*))
(2) GM Voice: ((You lose as much hp as you gained when it's over))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(3): 2 Spinagons

(5) Tanja: ((woo...i'm a ranger now))
(2) GM Voice: ((Oh... Tanja))
(5) Tanja: ((i can be one of the Cool People now))
(6) Mikhal: ((alright, then i'm correct))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal dodges all the spines heading toward him with an arrow of backflips he learned during his time at the circus..
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Locke: (( off...))
(1) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) GM Voice: Tristen however, is not so lucky... one of the firey projectiles burns a hole through his armor.... stabbing into his flesh for 5

(2) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): Evanthe

(6) Mikhal: ((XD))
(3) Aknier: Locke, will normal bolts work on these creatures?
** (1) Evanthe pulls out a blessed arrow, firing it off at the one in front Mikhal **
(6) Mikhal: ((i never knew i could do backflips in armor =O))
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [14,10] = (24)
(1) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+2] -> [6,2] = (8)
(7) Locke: I... wouldn't know... I've only seen them in texts
(1) Evanthe: It looks like it
** (3) Aknier raises an eyebrow. **
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe fires another of the blessed arrows at the Devil hovering over Mikhal.... the projectile skewers the foul monster through the side..... it shrieks in agony as light consumes it... it's body bursts apart and again.. the shatterd remains fall down at Mikhal's feet...
(5) Tanja: if normal arrows do, normal bolts should
(3) Aknier: Thsoe texts never explained their defences?
** (3) Aknier turns to Tanja and nods. **
(3) Aknier: Right.

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): Spinagon

(7) Locke: no... only what they are
(2) GM Voice: *Still Dead*

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(15): : Mikhal

(6) Mikhal: *gets another stone*
(3) Aknier: ((xD))
(6) Mikhal: Search Skill Check: [1d20+5] -> [14,5] = (19)
(3) Aknier: ((I"m nto dead yet!))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal digs up another stone!
** (6) Mikhal throws the holy hand gre..i mean, stone at the demon **

(6) Mikhal: Stone Throw [1d20+6] -> [10,6] = (16)
(6) Mikhal: [1d4+5] -> [3,5] = (8)
(6) Mikhal: ( 1 on the to-hit))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal's stone sails through the sky again.... slamming into the body of the monster
(1) Evanthe: ((Mikhal is a badass with whatever he fights with))
(7) Locke: ((lmao))
(6) Mikhal: ((i should see how good of a weapon tristen makes next))
(3) Aknier: ((xD))
(2) GM Voice: ((*Gives him a greatsword that looks like the Kaleido Moon Scope*))
(3) Aknier: ((Hey...start saving your stones...))
(6) Mikhal: ((he is in full plate mail))
(3) Aknier: ((I can do something with them...))
(6) Mikhal: ((oo..Kaleido Moon Scope! :D))
(10) Tristen: ((half plate actually))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(9): Aknier

(1) Evanthe: ((you have to do twirls and pose, Mikhal))
(3) Aknier: ((Okay. I need to be explained what I can do in terms of my turn))
(5) Tanja: ((give him the crystal never did much, so turning it into a weapon would be interesting))
(6) Mikhal: ((*uses Starlight Honeymoon Therepy Kiss*))
** (3) Aknier notices Mikhal's constant rummaging of stones... **
(1) Evanthe: ((star gentle uterus ;_;))
** (3) Aknier begins to fish around for a few himself... **
(2) GM Voice: Aknier searches around the snow at his feet...
(3) Aknier: [1d20+4] -> [1,4] = (5)
(6) Mikhal: ((star sensitive inferno!))
(5) Tanja: ((stones for the poor...stones for the poor...))
(3) Aknier: ((Oh.))
(3) Aknier: ((My.))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Only finding snow and ice..
(3) Aknier: ((flkjsdf))
(7) Locke: ((oh god... XD))
(2) GM Voice: ((Snowball fight!))
(1) Evanthe: ((at least you're not like Tristen, who hurls random swords into the air))
** (3) Aknier sighs, and begins moving towards Mikhal, regardless. **
(1) Evanthe: ((HOPING they hit something))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Aknier: ((Start saving your stones))
(2) GM Voice: Aknier moves next to Mikhal..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(6): Tanja

(5) Tanja: ::yet another the same one she hit last time::
(5) Tanja: [1d20+5] -> [1,5] = (6)
(5) Tanja: ((...))
(5) Tanja: ((or...not))
(7) Locke: ((O_o))
(7) Locke: ((*prays harder to Sor* XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((she didn't claim guidance on it, so she can take that +1 next turn))
(1) Evanthe: ((loopholes ;D))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja pulls back her bow string... But her fingers slip on the string.... the arrow flies a measly 3 feet
(7) Locke: ((XD))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(6): : Tristen

(5) Tanja: ((i agree with that logic))
(5) Tanja: ((its still in effect!))
(10) Tristen: *holds his shield up high, awaiting the next attack (full defense)*
(2) GM Voice: Tristen lifts his shield high.. ready for anything

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(5): Spinagon

(5) Tanja: ((so tired...))
(2) GM Voice: Snickering at Tanja's archery attempt... the beast rains down spines again.... another red hot harpoon stabbing into the thief for 6
(5) Tanja: tch..!  ::clutches her wound, biting her lip::

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(3): Locke

(1) Evanthe: ((do you want me to aim for the one in front of you Patti, or go fro the one at the bottom?))
(5) Tanja: ((13 now))
(7) Locke: May there be mercy and hope left in the world...
(5) Tanja: ((uhm...probably the one on me...tristen went full defense, so i think they're good down there...but i could be just saying that to get it to stop killing me...))
** (7) Locke prays for a heal ((cure morerate wounds)) **
(1) Evanthe: ((naw, I just wasn't sure if you wanted to kill it yourself or not))
(2) GM Voice: ((On?))
(7) Locke: [Bad dice format] - [2sd8+2]
(7) Locke: [2d8+2] -> [6,3,2] = (11)
(7) Locke: ((Tanja))
(5) Tanja: (( way...any help is appreciated))
(2) GM Voice: Locke calls for his Diety's blessings upon Tanja..... the rogue feels healing energy flow through her..
(5) Tanja: ::wipes her hands in the snow to clean off the small amount of blood::: ah...thanks.

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(3): 2 Spinagons

(2) GM Voice: Tristen parries a rain of spines with his shield... deflecting them aside to the snow where they sizzle into the earth..

(2) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): Evanthe

** (1) Evanthe pulls another blessed arrow, aiming for the one in front of Tanja **
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [15,10] = (25)
(1) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+2] -> [8,2] = (10)
(3) Aknier: ((Woo!))
(5) Tanja: ((niceee))
(3) Aknier: ((| Death | | You can have it |))
(2) GM Voice: Another glowing arrow stabs into the devil on tanja.....a massive explosion of light..... the darkened, smoking husk crashes into the ocean below....
(5) Tanja: ::looks relieved::

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): Spinagon
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(15): : Mikhal

** (1) Evanthe turns her full focus on the on below the others **
** (3) Aknier frowns in disgust. **
(3) Aknier: It's polluting the water...
(6) Mikhal: **searches the snow*
(7) Locke: ...what?...
(6) Mikhal: Search Skill Check: [1d20+5] -> [7,5] = (12)
(5) Tanja: ::grimace:: better than the alternative, in my opinion
(3) Aknier: Nothing important.
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal can't seem to find something to throw this time..
** (1) Evanthe giggles despite the situation **
(1) Evanthe: If it makes you feel better Aknier, we can go fishing for demon remains later to cleanse the water
(3) Aknier: *smiles* Eva understood me.
(3) Aknier: Too much work. It will take care of itself. *nods*
(7) Locke: just wait for the things to wash up shore
(2) GM Voice: Anything else Mikhal?...
(6) Mikhal: ((nope ^^;))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(9): Aknier

** (3) Aknier also searches for another stone. **
(3) Aknier: [1d20+5] -> [12,5] = (17)
(7) Locke: ((hahah))
(2) GM Voice: Aknier finds a stone hidden in the snow and Ice..
(7) Locke: ((Kiros stole the stone))
(2) GM Voice: A Division of knights... spotting the new attackers, have begun to circle back toward the south.....
** (3) Aknier smiles, then fires a bolt from his crossbow at the devil. **
(3) Aknier: [1d20+1] -> [14,1] = (15)
(2) GM Voice: ((Is that including bless?))
(3) Aknier: ((Yep.))
(2) GM Voice: ((You should have at least a +1 BAB..>_> *adds that in*))
(3) Aknier: ((Er oh.))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Aknier fires a bolt from his crossbow up at the Devil.... It barely slams into the foul monster!
(5) Tanja: ((can you make up some modifiers for my attacks too?)
(3) Aknier: ((d8 or d6?))
(7) Locke: ((8))
(2) GM Voice: ((Yup. d8))
(3) Aknier: Eat this: [1d8+2] -> [1,2] = (3)
(3) Aknier: ((...))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: The Bolt barely knicks the Devil flying above Tristen..
(7) Locke: ((that's barely hitting alright))
(3) Aknier: ((I guess it's apporpriate))
(1) Evanthe: ((hehe))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(6): Tanja

(5) Tanja: ::launches an arrow at the remaining flying devil::
(5) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [18,4] = (22)
(5) Tanja: [1d6+1] -> [6,1] = (7)
(7) Locke: ((win))
(5) Tanja: ((good thing i didn't hit last time =D ))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja's arrow skewers the creature..... it spirals and then crashes to the ground at tristen's feet... melting the snow around it...
(5) Tanja: ::victory sign::
(7) Locke: ((pi pikachu :p))
(3) Aknier: time, we are *bringing* stones with us.
(2) GM Voice: The lake starts to stir... sudden waves flow inward toward the center of the lake....
(7) Locke: yes... do that
** (1) Evanthe looks down, pulling the splines from her arm and leg. **
** (7) Locke looks at the lake **
(7) Locke: ((psst, Tanja, treasure))
** (3) Aknier immediately turns to face the lake. **
** (2) Aaron 's body glows faintly.... still praying over Jaze's body..... **
(3) Aknier: Brother...
(10) Tristen: *pulls spines from his body as well, coiffing his potion of healing serious wounds*
(10) Tristen: ((how much?))
(2) GM Voice: ((3d8+5))
(5) Tanja: ::pokes around in the bodies of the devils, the ice elves, and the remains of the hydra from an hour ago::
(10) Tristen: [3d8+5] -> [2,4,7,5] = (18)
(2) GM Voice: Tristen feels alot better after drinking the potion.. his wounds heal over...
** (1) Evanthe keeps an eye out, awaiting signs of more enemies **
(2) GM Voice: The bodies of the devils are boiling the puddles of water they made by melting the snow.. Tanja judges it prudent not to touch them..
** (3) Aknier notices Aaron's body glowing, and moves towards him. **
(7) Locke: ((another glyph of warding))
(2) GM Voice: The Ice elves are far to the southwest still... would still be risky with the battles going around...
(5) Tanja: ((rats))
(2) GM Voice: The Hydra's body reveals nothing of value in a precursory search...
** (1) Evanthe examines an arrow **
** (2) Aaron rises to his feet.... **
(5) Tanja: ((in a precursory search...))
(2) Aaron: "Mulinel..."
** (1) Evanthe turns at Aaron's voice, to watch him. **
(2) GM Voice: Waves crash in the center of the lake....
(10) Tristen: *goes to retrieve his sword and sheathes it back into the scabbard on his back
(10) Tristen: *
(6) Mikhal: *watches the lake*
(5) Tanja: ::watches the lake with interest::
(7) Locke: ((*watches porn*))
(5) Tanja: ((can i pickpocket a god? j/k j/k))
(2) GM Voice: From the south the cries of the Ohnben people fill the air, along with the chittering of devils.... the remaining Knights join the battle....
(3) Aknier: ((I'd be tackling you!))
(1) Evanthe: ((so would tristen probably))
(5) Tanja: ((yeah, probably))
(1) Evanthe: ((dogpile on tanja!))
** (2) Aaron steps out onto the lake..... his foot doesen't sink below the surface... he walks over the water, carrying Jaze with him... **
(7) Locke: ((I'd be worshipping you, since it's not my god XD))
** (1) Evanthe gapes **
(5) Tanja: ::jaw drops::
(1) Evanthe: I'd...say...he succeeded.
(7) Locke: ((it's jesus christ))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Aknier: ((Aknier says: Pfft! It's just a Water Walk Spell>))
(6) Mikhal: *stares in wonder*
(7) Locke: amazing
(1) Evanthe: I don't think he could do that before
(2) GM Voice: The very waves part around him...... a path of calm water leads into the center of the lake..
(2) GM Voice: As soon as Aaron gets some 10 feet away... a huge crashing sound comes from the south....
(5) Tanja: ((ugh))
** (7) Locke looks **
(5) Tanja: ((i was kinda hoping we wouldn't have to fight one of those))
** (3) Aknier makes no motion towards the sound. **
(7) Locke: ((this is war :O))
(1) Evanthe: ((I'm gonna write a spoof of this story..the gods pov))
(5) Tanja: ((well...uh...aaron's with the protection of his goddess, and he has jaze...))
(6) Mikhal: ((lol))
(2) GM Voice: A Huge pair of hooved feet... has just crashed upon the snow to the south..... a leathery pair of batlike wings.... at least 30 feet accross.....
(5) Tanja: ::shies away:: no way!
(7) Locke: ((Err.... gryphon?))
(5) Tanja: i draw lines somewhere!
(1) Evanthe: We have no choice now
(1) Evanthe: I don't think it has any qualms about eating us
** (7) Locke stares with suspicioius eyes **
(2) GM Voice: The owner.. the face of a human.... his left arm wielding a huge black greatsword..... It's right.... Hideously mutated and oversized, ending in a gigantic crushing claw...
(1) Evanthe: What the hell is it?
** (3) Aknier turns only his head. **
** (1) Evanthe looks to Locke and Aknier **
(5) Tanja: which part?
** (7) Locke looks at Aknier looking back **
(3) Aknier: ((It's Vincent with a sword))
(2) NPC: It speaks.... like a thousand voices speaking in unison.....
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Tanja: ((...and the crowd goes wild!))
(2) NPC: "It's been a long time.... Son of Uther..."
(7) Locke: ...Tristen?
(10) Tristen: Sanorak.
(10) Tristen: You shall die a thousand times for the death of my mother!
(5) Tanja: ((hmph...tristen gets all the j/k))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Aknier: ((xD))
** (2) Sanorak grins.... then laughs... the horrible grating sound echoing off the hills... **
(5) Tanja: ((paladin favoritism!))
** (7) Locke puts a hand on Tristen's shoulder **
(5) Tanja: ::Holds her ears:: ugh...knock it off!
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Tanja: what an awful sound
(7) Locke: *whispers* don't provoke it
(10) Tristen: *shakes with anger, gripping his sword painfully* Regial shall judge you. Your head will be on his block by the end of this day.
(2) GM Voice: The Regal Knights immediately start to turn...
(5) Tanja: ::scowls:: i don't think that's a problem right now...tristen's doing all the provoking for me
(10) Tristen: *shakes Locke off with a shake of his shoulder*
** (2) Sanorak steps forward... his large hooved foot making a booming echo as it slams across the ground.... **
(5) Tanja: (( were talking ot him))
(3) Aknier: I know not who you are.
(5) Tanja: ((haha...yeah...tired >.>))
(7) Locke: ((both :o))
** (3) Aknier walks over to the entrance of the parting waves. **
(3) Aknier: But...
** (3) Aknier turns to face his enemy. **
(3) Aknier: You...
** (3) Aknier pulls out his staff. **
(3) Aknier: Shall not...
(5) Tanja: ((pass!))
(1) Evanthe: ((pass!))
** (3) Aknier *slams* his staff into the ground. **
(7) Locke: ((*acts all dramatic too*))
(3) Aknier: PASS!
(5) Tanja: ((youuuuuuuu shall notttt.........passssssss!))
(1) Evanthe: ((oh god xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((Kiros you're cracking us up))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Mikhal: ((all Kiros needs is a staff))
(2) Sanorak: "The Ritual has already begun... Mulinel will play her cards..."
** (3) Aknier begins breathing heavily, his eyes begining to glow a faint blue... **
(5) Tanja: ::taken aback, muttering to self:: wish i had cool lines like that...
(5) Tanja: ((since when has a thief ever said anything memorable in a movie? *sulk*))
(3) Aknier: ((I do have a staff. =o))
** (2) Sanorak takes another step forward... the ground shaking... **
(10) Tristen: You will not live to see the end of it!
(7) Locke: ((FFVI, Locke))
** (2) Sanorak sneers.... **
(2) Sanorak: "Your Grandfather was much more than this.... I'm dissapointed...."
(1) Evanthe: ((oo burn))
(5) Tanja: ((point for sanorak))
(10) Tristen: His blood runs through my veins, and Regial is with me. I will show you the might of a paladin.
(2) Sanorak: "I shall enjoy making you scream.... just like your mother as I tore her apart...."
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
(7) Locke: ((that sounds so kinky somehow XD))
(6) Mikhal: ((it does =x))
(7) Locke: ((oh god.... *gets head out of the gutter*))
(2) Sanorak: "Regial?.... " Sanorak laughs.... "Your God Has all but abandoned you...."
(5) Tanja: ((*builds a snowman in the background*))
(2) Sanorak: "He is cowering..." A Grin... A step forward..."Afraid..."
(10) Tristen: *eyes narrow dangerously* Do not speak the name of my God or my mother, word from your mouoth befoul both their names
(10) Tristen: You will pay.
** (2) Aaron steps toward the center of the lake.... a brilliant radiance shines.... like a second sun..... **
** (1) Evanthe watches, not sure of what exactly to do **
(2) GM Voice: The beautiful face of Mulinel rises from the waters... her hair like the lake......
(5) Tanja: ::wonders who she should be watching more of::
** (7) Locke faces Sanorak, eyeing Aaron occasionally **
** (3) Aknier immeditatly snaps his head back. **
(3) Aknier: M...m...Mother...
** (3) Aknier opens his mouth slighly...fumbling for words. **
(2) GM Voice: She steps toward Aaron.... Them holding Jaze together in their arms....... A brilliant waves comes from the epicenter.....!
(1) Evanthe: ((we should take this time, while the focus is off, to run to that cave))
(5) Tanja: ((
(3) Aknier: ((I sound like an Advent Child. >_>;;))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((*nonchalantly walks away, whistling*))
(7) Locke: ((FFVII AC
(7) Locke: ))
(2) GM Voice: Light bathes everyone...... Evanthe's arrows glow brilliantly... Tanja's gloves burst into light.... Mikhal's gauntlets.... Tristen's blade.......
(3) Aknier: ((*cue motercyle chase*))
(5) Tanja: ((not my goddess, not my arch-nemesis...i've got no reason to be here))
(1) Evanthe: ((oo she's good))
** (1) Evanthe 's lips curve in satisfaction as her arrows begin to glow again **
** (3) Aknier falls to his knees...a tear streaming down his cheek. **
(5) Tanja: ::holds her gloved hand before her gingerly::
(2) GM Voice: Aknier suddenly finds the barriers of thought collapse around him... things previously out of reach now seem so clear........
** (10) Tristen drops his normal sword and pulls out his rusty blade **
(10) Tristen: *which is shining brightly now*
(2) GM Voice: The blade glows brightly.... through the rust and the grime...
(5) Tanja: ((*turns on Moon Revenge*))
(6) Mikhal: *takes off his normal gauntlets and slips the rusty glowy ones on*
** (7) Locke begins praying sliently **
(5) Tanja: ::Uncertain of what to do, takes a furtive glance at Eva to see what she's doing::
(5) Tanja: ::still holding her gloved hand out away from herself gingerly::
** (3) Aknier graps his is all he can do to keep himself from weeping fully in joy. **
** (2) Sanorak frowns.... glaring at the Goddess..... **
** (1) Evanthe glances at her arrows, to Mulinel, and back to Sanorak, eyes glinting with determination. **
(1) Evanthe: Looks like we get a ltitle help.
(1) Evanthe: ((little*))
(2) Sanorak: "Fools..... A bug is still a bug...." He lifts his sword.... "You die Today, Son of Uther... and your blasted Lineage will finally be smeared out of this world...."
** (7) Locke chants becomes an audible whisper and getting louder **

(2) Sanorak:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(3) Aknier: [1d20] -> [8] = (8)
(6) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [16,2] = (18) Init
(5) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [14,4] = (18)
(10) Tristen: Tristen [1d20] -> [19] = (19) Init
(5) Tanja: ((damn.))
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
(1) Evanthe: Evanthe [1d20+4] -> [6,4] = (10) Init
(7) Locke: ((that's 12 for me >.>))
(5) Tanja: ((hahahhaha))
(5) Tanja: ((*cracking up* the ultimate bad guy of the story arc....and its... "Monster". ))
(7) Locke: ((not that it makes ANY difference))
(1) Evanthe: ((well good news is that he wants Tristen dead first))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Sanorak: ((Shush =p))
(1) Evanthe: ((hehe))
(7) Locke: ((yeah, keep tristen alive))
(7) Locke: ((and the rest of yous are safe))
(6) Mikhal: ((ah we love you))
(1) Evanthe: ((*steps back* I'm not *with* him))

(2) Sanorak:
Next init:
(21): Sanorak

(3) Aknier: ((I'm enjoying this. xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Tanja: ((*giggling in the background*))
(7) Locke: ((this is fun))
** (2) Sanorak raises his demonic claw.... **
(7) Locke: ((it's like the final boss of the game))
(2) GM Voice: a pinpoint of flame.... a spark gathers.....
(6) Mikhal: ((it's like a strategy guide not wanting to show the final boss))
(5) Tanja: ((we should've done more sidequests... >.> ))
(3) Aknier: Spellcraft check [1d20+13] -> [1,13] = (14)
(7) Locke: ((like grab the prostitute's thong?))
(2) Sanorak: "See The Flames of Hell....!" He cackles...
(5) Tanja: ((*edges away from Tristen*))
(7) Locke: ((woah damn Kiros :O))
(10) Tristen: *raises his sword infront of him, the sword glowing in an ethereal light dispelling the spell*
(2) GM Voice: ((Ref Save Mikhal Locke Aknier))
(6) Mikhal: Reflex save: [1d20+3] -> [5,3] = (8)
(7) Locke: ((err.?))
(6) Mikhal: ((damn it))
(10) Tristen: ((what was the level of that spell?))
(5) Tanja: ((nice pillar we've got here, hm eva? >.> ))
(2) GM Voice: ((3))
(3) Aknier: ((Bless still going?))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(1) Evanthe: ((s'what i was thinking))
(3) Aknier: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
(7) Locke: [1d20+3] -> [14,3] = (17)
(1) Evanthe: ((*digs a hole*))
(3) Aknier: ((+1))
(7) Locke: ((oh, win))
(3) Aknier: ((Wiat a moment))
(2) GM Voice: The glowing spark travels toward Mikhal..... starting to grow larger.....!
(3) Aknier: (I said I moved too the pathway entry!))
(3) Aknier: ((*to))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Locke: ((he did too :o))
(2) GM Voice: ((Fine Finee))
(6) Mikhal: ((my reflex is a 9 then..not like it makes much difference, i'm guessing))
(1) Evanthe: ((quick everyone claim you moved too))
(2) GM Voice: When it reaches Mikhal.... the spark explodes into an inferno of Flame...... the snow instantly melts around it....
(1) Evanthe: ((he's soft he's soft))
(5) Tanja: ((yeah...i moved to the cave!))
(5) Tanja: ((didn't you see that?!))
(3) Aknier: ((Hey, I did! xP))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Aknier: ((Thank you by the way, Tony. *nods*))
(1) Evanthe: ((I know, I'm teasing xD))
(7) Locke: ((I jumped in the lake))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal feels his flesh burning, blackening.... Locke ducks behind his shield...
(10) Tristen: ((ok Aknier or lock, Im going to need you to anchor him))
(7) Locke: ((I had a shield? >.>))
(2) GM Voice: Tristen holds forth his sword.... The flames being absorbed into the blade...!
(6) Mikhal: *screams in pain*
(1) Evanthe: ((you do now))
(7) Locke (whispering): anchor? :o
(2) GM Voice: ((21 Damage Mikhal, 10 Damage Locke))
(6) Mikhal: ((my gauntlets do nothing to stop the flames? damn ;-;))
(6) Mikhal: ((down to 9 hp)
(3) Aknier: ((Right.))
(5) Tanja: ((well they're not invincibility
(7) Locke: ((19hp >.>))
(6) Mikhal: ((well, i COULD hope))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): : Tristen

(7) Locke: ((geez... EuphRO's latest patch is 18MB >.>))
(10) Tristen: *charges into sanorak his blade high into the air and calls upon all his strength and Regial's to smite him* [1d20+18] -> [6,18] = (24)
(5) Tanja: ((that's like...a guaranteed
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Tristen Charges the Demonic Sanorak...... Slamming his blade with the force of all his muscles and his God....
(7) Locke: ((we need another blessing too :x))
(10) Tristen: [1d8+21] -> [6,21] = (27)
** (2) Sanorak staggers before the blow.... "Is this... Uther's blade?..... No!" **

(2) Sanorak:
Next init:
(18): Tanja

(5) Tanja: ::brings her bow up, letting an arrow fly at Sanorak:::
(5) Tanja: ((bless up?))
(2) Sanorak: ((Yes))
(1) Evanthe: ((Did Flamer get a higher spell level too?))
(5) Tanja: [1d20+5] -> [6,5] = (11)
(5) Tanja: ((...))
(2) Sanorak: ((Nope ^_^))
(6) Mikhal: ((Mulinel hates Sor =O))
(3) Aknier: ((er...oh.))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja pulls an arrow back in her bow... somewhat suprised with how fast her hands are moving.....
(3) Aknier: ((Wha..?))
(5) Tanja: ((....oh...))
(3) Aknier: ((Wait. Does that mean I have to hate Locke?))
(1) Evanthe: ((oo go invisible and backstab him))
(6) Mikhal: ((i was kidding ^^;))
(5) Tanja: ::looks down in some surprise::
(3) Aknier: ((Right. /swt))
(2) GM Voice: Still... The arrow can't seem to find it's mark on the huge demonic entity.....

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): : Mikhal

(3) Aknier: ((Wait. Do we still have Bless?))
(2) GM Voice: ((........Yes))
(6) Mikhal: ((holding for teh healing goodness))
(1) Evanthe: ((methinks Mulinel blessed us if anything))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal, still smoking slightly... waits for a better moment...

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(11): Locke

(7) Locke: ((overkill this one Scott))
(6) Mikhal: ((i want more then 9 HP when i go into melee ^^;))
(1) Evanthe: ((well it's not his turn until later right? :O))
** (7) Locke prays for a Cure Moderate Wounds [2d8+2] -> [8,7,2] = (17) **
(7) Locke: ((on Mikhal))
(6) Mikhal: ((flamer, it's +3 since you're level 3))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal feels the healing breath of Sor......
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal?
(7) Locke: ((oh))
(6) Mikhal: *steps foward and slams his sword into the demon*
(6) Mikhal: *And rages*
(7) Locke: ((does that mean Tanja has one more life than she has now? XD))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal steps up next to Tristen..... Thinking his sword is feeling incredibly light just now...
(6) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+13] -> [20,13] = (33)
(3) Aknier: ((Okay. I need to know this))
(6) Mikhal: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((nice!))
(7) Locke: ((crit!! :D))
(3) Aknier: ((Nice!))
(6) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+13] -> [13,13] = (26)
(2) GM Voice: ((Again!))
(6) Mikhal: ((i think tony hates me XD))
(7) Locke: ((booya!!))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: ((>_> Indeed....))
(3) Aknier: ((If I cast a level 1 spell, do I get to cast a spell that I didn't know before?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Crit))
(6) Mikhal: ((can i get what the str bonus is from the gloves so i can accurately figure in the damage?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Sure if you wish))
(3) Aknier: ((Thank you. ^_^))
(2) GM Voice: ((I'll add it in =p))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Mikhal: ((just remember the + damage is 1.5 str bonus..whatever it's at ;D))
(7) Locke: (("I'll just Sagnorak die in three hits"))
(6) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [4d6+20] -> [5,1,4,5,20] = (35)
(2) GM Voice: ((Why do you always make so many crits >_<))
(6) Mikhal: ((right njow, my str is at 22))
(7) Locke: ((whee~))
(6) Mikhal: ((..forgot bless again >_>))
(7) Locke: ((I need bull's strength on you XD))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal raises his sword over his head........ Crashing it down into the Demon's body..!
(5) Tanja: ((there's enough left for me, right? >.> ))
** (2) Sanorak steps backward a bit...... under the massive force of the blow.... **
(6) Mikhal: ((who knows XD))
(3) Aknier: ((...This isn't cool))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Sanorak: "Most....Unexpected..." He hisses... "You have Power...."
(1) Evanthe: ((doubt he's dead))

(2) Sanorak:
Next init:
(10): : Evanthe

(3) Aknier: ((Well, it is. But I have a feeling I might not be able to pull what I"m about to do, off...))
(7) Locke: ((I want power >_>))
** (1) Evanthe pulls out a blessed arrow, aiming for Sanorak **
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [8,10] = (18)
(1) Evanthe: ((hmmm not sure about that))
(6) Mikhal: ((go archers! *waves thief and ranger flags*))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe pulls back one of her blessed arrows....
(5) Tanja: ((Nope, i'm gonna melee))
(5) Tanja: ((my glove is for melee'ng))
(7) Locke: ((O_o))
(7) Locke: ((slap him one!! :D))
(5) Tanja: ((...i have a mace  :P ))
(6) Mikhal: ((faster hand = more DEX, i think. but i could be wrong))
(7) Locke: ((literally slap him one though XD))
(2) GM Voice: The arrow sails through the cold winter air.... and... it seems like it's about to miss, yet.... By Some Miracle it turns and slams into the devil...!
(1) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+2] -> [2,2] = (4)
(6) Mikhal: ((why does that remind me of guided arrow in D2?))
(1) Evanthe: ((Um take that you giant monster))
(5) Tanja: ((*Poik!*))
(1) Evanthe: ((EAT MY 4 DMG))
(7) Locke: ((XD))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(8): Aknier

(6) Mikhal: ((plus what ever holy damage that arrow does))
(6) Mikhal: ((which apparently, on the sammer demons, did more then my crit for 38))
** (3) Aknier feels enlightened...with the power now coursing through his body... **
(6) Mikhal: ((smaller demons*))
(2) GM Voice: ((It did more than your stone... not your crit for 38 =p))
** (3) Aknier realizes what he must do. He begins chanting new words...ones he could have, but never chose to it feels like... **
(6) Mikhal: ((oh XD))
** (3) Aknier casts True Strike. **
(6) Mikhal: ((my brain isn't working correctly))
(7) Locke: ((I got that >.>))
(6) Mikhal: ((true strike is fun))
(7) Locke: ((how does it work?))
(2) GM Voice: Aknier sees a moment into the future..... and knows the exact position that Sanorak will be when Aknier next strikes...
(3) Aknier: ((+20 to my next attack roll))
(6) Mikhal: ((you get +20 on your next to-hit roll))
(7) Locke: ((oh XD))

(2) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(21): Sanorak

(3) Aknier: ((I dun wanna miss))
(2) Sanorak: "Playtime's Over...!"
(7) Locke: ((fair enough))
(7) Locke: ((Meteor Strike))
(5) Tanja: ((*hides behind her pillar*))
(1) Evanthe: ((well 'bout time to hide underneath this snow fort I made))
** (3) Aknier yet continues staring at Mulinel. **
(1) Evanthe: ((so..i'll be seein y'all))
(7) Locke: ((secks))
(3) Aknier: ((runs underneath Mulinel's dress))
(7) Locke: ((what colour is his panties Kiros?
(7) Locke: ))
(3) Aknier: ((Mommy, save me from the big bad stranger. *tugs*))
(5) Tanja: ((..his..))
(6) Mikhal: ((
** (2) Sanorak grips his blade in his human hand.... Striking it down upon Tristen...! It cleaves through his armor like a hot knife through butter.... The sword burns through his flesh... **
(7) Locke: ((errr... XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((pain))
(5) Tanja: ((....))
(3) Aknier: ((She's not wearing any. <3))
(1) Evanthe: ((now we have 2 tristens!))
(3) Aknier: ((She's not wearing any. *heart*))
(7) Locke: ((:o))
(7) Locke: ((omg! incest XD))
(6) Mikhal: ((<3)
(3) Aknier: ((NOT MY REAL MOTHER, YO!))
(1) Evanthe: ((er...yuck.))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: 16 Damage Tristen
(7) Locke: ((ok, enough of that... >.>))
(3) Aknier: ((Srsly))
** (2) Sanorak reaches his demonic claw toward Mikhal... **
(2) Sanorak: ((Grapple Check))
(6) Mikhal: [1d20+6] -> [16,6] = (22)
(7) Locke: ((win))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal sees the claw closing around him... he lifts out his arms, gripping both sides..... by some miracle of strength... he fights off the grasp of Sanorak.!
(6) Mikhal: ((it's because i'm too awesome))
(6) Mikhal: ((..or something))
(1) Evanthe: ((and full of yourself ;D))
(6) Mikhal: ((XD))
** (2) Sanorak howls in anger.... he brings his razor sharp wing edges around...... Ripping them through Tristen ((5)) and Mikhal ((7)) **
(7) Locke: ((here here :D))
(7) Locke: ((Storm Gust!!))
(6) Mikhal: ((wouldn't you be full of yourself if you did backflips to dodge attacks while in chain shirt? :D))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
** (2) Sanorak s sharply barbed tail shoots from out of nowhere..... Tristen barely has time to deflect it to the side with his shield...! **

(2) Sanorak:
Next init:
(19): : Tristen

(1) Evanthe: ((so when tristen dies, you think sanorak will want to be our friend?))
(5) Tanja: ((he gets 30 attacks to our
(10) Tristen: *goes full defense while his sword casts dispel evil on Tristen*
(6) Mikhal: ((lots of attacks = </3))
(2) GM Voice: Tristen conentrates on defense... his sword glows..... Tristen is surrounded by a holy white sphere of light......
(7) Locke: ((I think he'll be agood friend :o))
(1) Evanthe: ((same))
(7) Locke: ((we can get pissed and gamble his money to me))
(2) GM Voice: The lake is getting more tumultulous.... the light from the Goddess filling the valley..... Waves of light blow out from the center location.....!

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): Tanja

(5) Tanja: ((if i put the glove over my feet, can i move faster?))
(5) Tanja: ((J/k j/k))
(1) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Mikhal: ((lol))
(6) Mikhal: ((if you can get it over your head you can headbang faster!))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Aknier: ((xD))
(5) Tanja: ::digs in her pack and comes out with the invisibility powder...taking a deep breath, she sprinkles a portion of the dust over herself::
** (3) Aknier smiles...a feeling of relief falls over him, as though he knows everything will be alright... **
(2) GM Voice: Tanja takes a pinch of the dust of dissappearance.... and sprinkles it over her head.... She fades from view..!
(7) Locke: ((when'd she get that?))
(6) Mikhal: ((last game))
(5) Tanja: ::switches to her mace while invisible, and starts flanking Sanorak::
(5) Tanja: ((can't make it in one turn, can i?))
(7) Locke: (("stop hitting yourself"))
whispering to Tanja, you know, we would be able to see your foot prints in the snow =x</font>
(1) Evanthe: ((backstab is such love))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja sneaks around to the monsters rear..... finding her feet moving faster than they normally did....
(2) GM Voice: ((You're there... attack next round))
(5) Tanja (whispering): yeah, but its not for your think i'm running away?
(5) Tanja: ((check))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): : Mikhal

(7) Locke: ((Tony loves you :p))
whispering to Tanja, i know, lol</font>
(6) Mikhal: *slams his sword in again*
(6) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+13] -> [15,13] = (28)
(6) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+11] -> [5,4,11] = (20)
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal again blasts his sword into his demonic foe.. taking no heed of the beating he is taking...!

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(11): Locke

(3) Aknier: ((See Locke Heal.))
(3) Aknier: ((Heal Locke, heal.))
(7) Locke: ((heal what? :o))
(1) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) GM Voice: ((Sanorak.. Mikhal Crits hurt))
(6) Mikhal: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((xD!))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((do hp checks))
(1) Evanthe: ((how much ya got Mikhal?))
(6) Mikhal: ((Locke: hur hur hur okay!
(10) Tristen: ((15 here))
(6) Mikhal: *heals sanorak*))
(1) Evanthe: ((LOL))
(7) Locke: ((:o))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((Scott *dies laughing*))
(5) Tanja: ((*cracking up*))
(3) Aknier: ((ROFL!))
(6) Mikhal: ((28 with rage, when it goes out, i go down by 8))
(7) Locke: ((Mikhal's hp?))
(6) Mikhal: ((unless i secretly have more hp with the gauntlets))
(2) GM Voice: ((Survey says no))
(1) Evanthe: ((audience applauds your attempt, though))
(5) Tanja: ((i wanna keep mine))
(7) Locke: ((so... I'm lost XD))
(6) Mikhal: ((28/51 hp))
(5) Tanja: ((tristen's kinda hurt too...))
(1) Evanthe: ((lost about what?))
(2) GM Voice: Tick tock tick tock
(6) Mikhal: ((tristen can touch himself and heal))
(5) Tanja: ((not when damage is more important :P ))
(7) Locke: ((Bull's strength? XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((i'd say any other spell other than healing is out))
(5) Tanja: ((*huge yawn*))
** (7) Locke casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Mikhal once more [2d8+3] -> [1,1,3] = (5) **
(7) Locke: ((>_>))
(1) Evanthe: ((are you kidding me?))
(5) Tanja: ((ouch))
(6) Mikhal: ((i demand a reroll ;-;))
(3) Aknier: ((>_>;;))
(1) Evanthe: ((i demand a heal on tristen >.>))
(2) GM Voice: Sor Hates you!
(1) Evanthe: ((that was fuxxed anywho))
(7) Locke: ((gee thanks >_>))
(5) Tanja: ((guess nobody heard my advice about healing
(2) GM Voice: Locke touches Mikhal.... who feels a tiny tiny bit better
(3) Aknier: ((I bet you he'll trade a re-roll for a re-roll on the crit xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((yeah patti...i don't think they wre listening))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(10): : Evanthe

(7) Locke: ((like I said... I don't know >.>))
** (1) Evanthe pulls out another glowing arrow, firing it off **
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [1,10] = (11)
(1) Evanthe: ((next time we'll tell you specifically then))
(5) Tanja: ((well...i dunno either ))
(5) Tanja: ((i gave advice))
(5) Tanja: ((dunno what more you
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe's blessed arrow falls miserably short this time... even the biggest of miracles have limits...

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(8): Aknier

(1) Evanthe: ((thanks for rubbing it in xD))
(2) GM Voice: ((Anytime ^_^))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
** (3) Aknier finds himself momentarally stunned, in awe at the radience of the one he believed in. **
(5) Tanja: ((..uh?))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Aknier: *It is only the graveness of the situation, and a sudden realization that the others are hurt, that give him the strangth to turn.*
(7) Locke: *cough*
(3) Aknier: Did you not hear me...?
** (3) Aknier speaks in a strange, calm tone. Almost as a father would to a michivious child. **
(5) Tanja: ::bites lip against sarcastic comment about being a little busy at the moment....knowing that to speak would reveal her position::
** (3) Aknier begins hovering slightly, his eyes suddenly glowing fiercely blue. **
** (1) Evanthe is still staring at her arrow in the damn snow **
(5) Tanja: ((try to leave a little left for my
(5) Tanja: ((i'd hate to have wasted this powder))
** (3) Aknier brings his hands close to each other, small arcs of green lightning jumping back and forth between his fingers. **
(6) Mikhal: ((you do go before i go? :D))
(5) Tanja: (("super magic missile!"))
(7) Locke: ((KAME HAME))
** (3) Aknier suddenly pushes his arms forward, casting Dimentional Anchor. **
(7) Locke: ((HA!!!!))
(5) Tanja: ((...whazzat?))
(3) Aknier: I said you SHALL NOT PASS! [1d20+21] -> [8,21] = (29)
(6) Mikhal: ((ooo))
(7) Locke: ((good thing for true strike XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((+21 huh...i like that bonus))
(6) Mikhal: ((with dementional's more of a "YOU WILL NOT LEAVE"))
(3) Aknier: ((Tis very nice~))
(1) Evanthe: ((haha xD))
(6) Mikhal: ((dimentional anchor will prevent him for returning to his plane of existance))
(6) Mikhal: ((from*))
(7) Locke: ((and DIE in our plane))
(3) Aknier: ((Actually it's more like HADOKEN~))
(2) GM Voice: An Emerald beam flies out from Aknier's hands..... An aura surrounds the demon....
(7) Locke: ((they're both fireballs))
(6) Mikhal: ((usually to kill a powerful demon, you have to travel to their home plane to kill them))
** (2) Sanorak snarls in rage...! **
(5) Tanja: ((okay, i'm reading the spell now))

(2) Sanorak:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) Sanorak:
Next init:
(21): Sanorak

(1) Evanthe: ((irc planning for teh win))
(6) Mikhal: ((^^))
(3) Aknier: ((He's pissed...))
(1) Evanthe: ((yeah let's hope he takes it out on or something))
(7) Locke: ((he casts "I pwn you now" and deal 999 damage that cannot miss))
(5) Tanja: ((*stays very small*))
(2) Sanorak: "You have trapped me here...! Now There is no escaping my wrath!"
(3) Aknier: No...
(5) Tanja: ((dontseemedontseemedon'tseeme))
(7) Locke: SSHH
** (7) Locke cuts words short **
(3) Aknier: All there is now is for you to perish, and die in vain from your miserable existance.
** (2) Sanorak lifts his sword again.... slamming into the paladin..... The blade sizzling against his flesh and his bone..... **
(1) Evanthe: ((well uh...ouch :o))
(5) Tanja: ((Betcha wish you had healed the paladin >.> ))
(3) Aknier: ((Okay. You alll have 8 minutes to kill him. Ganbatte! *waves flags*))
(1) Evanthe: ((amen to that))
(2) Sanorak: "DIE!... If I will be dragged to my death here, then I shall take the Son of Uther with me...!"
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
(5) Tanja: ((*steps on his tail*))
(2) GM Voice: ((17 Damage Tristen..))
(5) Tanja: ((...))
(5) Tanja: ((well now.))
(10) Tristen: *collapses*
(7) Locke: ((steps on tongue))
(7) Locke: ((he fainted?))
(1) Evanthe: ((
(1) Evanthe: ((yes he was at 15 remember?))
** (2) Sanorak smirks... **
(7) Locke: ((just checking >.>))
(5) Tanja: ((15 - 17 = -2
(5) Tanja: ))
(2) Sanorak: "No.... You were no Uther..."
(1) Evanthe: Tristen!
(1) Evanthe: ((*delayed*))
(5) Tanja: ::Bites tongue yet again::
** (2) Sanorak s eyes flash.... "NEXT!" his demonic claw reaches toward mikhal again..! **
(2) GM Voice: ((Grapple!))
(5) Tanja: ((i'm praying for like the godultimate in backstab on my turn))
(6) Mikhal: [1d20+6] -> [9,6] = (15)
(6) Mikhal: ((*hopes*))
(2) GM Voice: The demonic claw closes around Mikhal's body... he can't break free of the grasp....!
(5) Tanja: ((aiee...))
(7) Locke: ((well.... >.>))
(6) Mikhal: ((tony and his never ending mission to kill us))
(5) Tanja: ((guess the thief tanks))
(2) GM Voice: The Demon lifts mikhal off the ground...
(1) Evanthe: ((well you have 30 hp at least right?))
(5) Tanja: ((24 right now))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): : Tristen

(1) Evanthe: ((no no, imean mikhal))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): Tanja

(1) Evanthe: ((so he should be fine))
(5) Tanja: ((
(6) Mikhal: ((33, currently))
(3) Aknier: ((Oh man...I could have just cast this next spell instead...>_>))
(1) Evanthe: ((yeah you're more than fine))
(5) Tanja: ::shifts her mace in her hand, slowing bringing it back..lining up her target...before she lets Sanorak have it!::
(5) Tanja: [1d20+3] -> [18,3] = (21)
(5) Tanja: ((thank god))
(3) Aknier: ((Didn't need to get all dramatic))
(5) Tanja: [3d6] -> [4,1,3] = (8)
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
(2) GM Voice: ((Add another Attack))
(5) Tanja: [1d6] -> [5] = (5)
(6) Mikhal: ((oo))
(1) Evanthe: ((plus bless!))
(5) Tanja: ((*klonggg!*))
(7) Locke: ((Cure Serious Wounds))
(7) Locke: ((Kiros can use that :p))
(2) GM Voice: ((d20+4 again))
(5) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [20,4] = (24)
(5) Tanja: ((thank god))
(1) Evanthe: ((oh baby))
(5) Tanja: ((*dance*))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: ((And again....))
(5) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [11,4] = (15)
(7) Locke: ((pwnage))
(5) Tanja: ((c'mon...tanja feels lucky))
(3) Aknier: ((Actually I can't))
(2) GM Voice: ((Another damage.. but normal damage))
(3) Aknier: ((I only got a bonus to my Wizard Spells))
(5) Tanja: [1d6] -> [3] = (3)
(1) Evanthe: ((yay! *cheers*))
(5) Tanja: ((1d6 is normal damage...))
(7) Locke: ((:O))
(6) Mikhal: ((+str modifies, +bless))
(5) Tanja: ((well i got that nice backstab i wanted ))
(5) Tanja: ((he said normal damage...i thought that meant without it))
(5) Tanja: ((do i stay invisible to boot? =D ))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja lifs her mace....... slamming into Sanorak's back!.... An audible crack.......! Her hands move quickly... reaching back for another strike...! *CRACK!*
(5) Tanja: ::grins in sheer pleasure::
(7) Locke: ((didn't know Tanja had it in her... we need Tristent to faint more))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((Tristen*))
(1) Evanthe: ((yeah not really))
(2) Sanorak: "Pests...... WORMS!"

(2) Sanorak:
Next init:
(18): : Mikhal

(5) Tanja: ((am i still invisible?))
** (6) Mikhal breaks free of the grip **

(2) Sanorak: ((Greater invisiblility with DoD, so yup))
(3) Aknier: Cry all you want. It does not change your situation.
(5) Tanja: ((awesome...))
(6) Mikhal: [1d20+6] -> [6,6] = (12)
(6) Mikhal: ((damn it))
(6) Mikhal: ((DoD?))
** (3) Aknier says this in the same tone as before. **
(7) Locke: ((:o))
(5) Tanja: ::voice out of nowhere::: keep thinking that
(6) Mikhal: ((oh, aha))
(5) Tanja: us "worms" are gonna step all over your body when we're through
** (2) Sanorak keeps his grip tight around the barbarian.... **

(2) Sanorak:
Next init:
(11): Locke

(7) Locke: ((alright........))
(1) Evanthe: ((i'm going to swim in the lake for my arrows after this battle))
(7) Locke: ((I'll revive Tristen? >.>))
(3) Aknier: ((If you have a spell that'll do so, go for it!))
(7) Locke: ((only cure light wounds :x))
(3) Aknier: ((Ah. Eep.))
(7) Locke: ((which I'm not sure of >.>))
(6) Mikhal: ((cure light wounds will revive him))
(1) Evanthe: ((don't think it's worth it really))
(1) Evanthe: ((cause if you use cure light wounds, and he gets hit again, he'll die))
(5) Tanja: ((sanorak will kill him off next turn...yeah))
(1) Evanthe: ((*shrug* not much to do now))
(2) Sanorak: ((Tick tock tick tockkk))
** (7) Locke casts shield of Faith on Mikhal **
(2) Sanorak: ((10...9...8...))
(7) Locke: ((3...2...1... :D))
(2) Sanorak: Locke manages to get a grab on Mikhal's foot as the Demon raises him... giving him some added protection...!

(2) Sanorak:
Next init:
(10): : Evanthe

** (1) Evanthe fires off another blessed arrow **
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [15,10] = (25)
(5) Tanja: ((yaayy))
(1) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+2] -> [6,2] = (8)
(7) Locke: ((eva's back))
(1) Evanthe: ((mhm))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe's arrow slams into Sanorak's chest... Exploding with holy power..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(8): Aknier

(5) Tanja: (( chat freeze?))
(5) Tanja: ((n/m))
(7) Locke: ((*freeze*))
(2) GM Voice: ((Nope....*tap tap*))
** (3) Aknier studies Sanorak's grip placed on Mikhal... **
(3) Aknier: ((How far can I move, again?))
(2) GM Voice: ((And still cast a spell?.. 30 ft.. otherwise 120 feet))
(3) Aknier: ((Right))
(3) Aknier: ((Actually, I'm within 60 feet of Mikhal, correct?))
(2) GM Voice: Easily
(3) Aknier: ((Excellent))
** (3) Aknier reaches into the suddenly obtained knowledge. He points at Mikhal, chanting... **
** (3) Aknier casts Enlarge person. **
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal suddenly starts to grow larger...!
(2) GM Voice: ((New Grapple Check Mikhal))
(6) Mikhal: [1d20+8] -> [13,8] = (21)
(7) Locke: ((fat ass))
(6) Mikhal: ((don't large creatures get a bonus on grappling too..?))
(5) Tanja: ((you passed.))
(2) GM Voice: ((You Negate Sanorak's Bonus))
(6) Mikhal: ((ah))
(2) GM Voice: Even growing much larger.... Mikhal just can't seem to free himself... it's too much...

(2) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(21): Sanorak

(7) Locke: ((errr....))
(3) Aknier: ((Did you include "Bless"?))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: (( ^^;))
** (2) Sanorak relishes in Crushing mikhal in his claw... **
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((doesn't he have to make a new grapple check on his turn too?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Maintaining hold is a free action))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((ah))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((i never really got into grappling stuff ^^;))
(5) Tanja: ((cashing in everything you can think of to get out of that, aren't you? =D ))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((of course! :D))
(7) Locke: ((you never grappled stuff? lies))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal feels the pressure of a strength that could be even greater than his own.... his bones seem to be about to snap.... ((20 Damage Mikhal..))
(5) Tanja: ((...ugh...))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((i've only grappled once))
(5) Tanja: ((and with only a cure light wounds between us all))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((divine intervention! ;-;))
(1) Evanthe: ((out of tanks))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal goes limp...
(1) Evanthe: ((i sure can't tank anything))
(5) Tanja: ((maybe i can...uh...hit him really hard from behind and dislodge you))
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
(5) Tanja: ((Maybe i could with my dex...))
(2) GM Voice: Sanorak's tail darts behind him.... searching for the one who smashed his back....
(7) Locke: ((*uses sp pots* *uses elixir*))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((err..i had more then 20 hp))
(5) Tanja: ((i'm good at dodging...most times...))
(1) Evanthe: ((we know scott, just planning your death))
(5) Tanja: ((though that means no sneak attack...))
(2) GM Voice: ((Bah... How much then? >_>))
(5) Tanja: ((63))
(2) GM Voice: ((My count must've gotten mixed....))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((you can still sneak attack. he doesn't know exactly where you are :) ))
(3) Aknier: ((1337 HP))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((i would have 13 left))
(5) Tanja: ((not if i have to tank it))
(1) Evanthe: ((well flamer healed him 5hp when he had 28))
(2) GM Voice: ((And I believe he took 27... so he should have 6 okay))
(1) Evanthe: ((okie))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((yuo just said i took 20 damage though *confused* O_o)
(5) Tanja: ((i think he meant in total...))
(2) GM Voice: Fort Save Tanja
(5) Tanja: ((what's that based on? *tries not to sound like a n00b all over again*))
(2) GM Voice: ((Con))
(1) Evanthe: ((so much for our anchor plan ;_;))
(5) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [18,2] = (20)
(5) Tanja: ((*cheer*))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((Tanja ftw!))
(1) Evanthe: ((and yay patti))
(5) Tanja: ((maybe i'll..uh...singlehandedly save everyone))
(2) GM Voice: The sharp tail stabs around the area.... and finds Tanja....! The bladed point cuts in.... she starts to feel weaker, but summons all her strength and shrugs it off...((8 Damage))
(5) Tanja: ((phew...that would've been bad))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): : Tristen
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): Tanja

(5) Tanja: ((down to...16 if my math is right))
(5) Tanja: ::ignoring the pain from the wound, winds up...and strikes another crushing blow!:: ((i hope))
(5) Tanja: [1d20+3] -> [7,3] = (10)
(5) Tanja: ((or...whiff really badly))
(2) GM Voice: ((Second attack))
(5) Tanja: [1d20+3] -> [12,3] = (15)
(5) Tanja: ((third pity attack?))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja tries to strike the demon... but every strike seems to go awry..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(18): : Mikhal

(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((she does get bonuses for flanking and being invisible))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: Let me go! >_> [1d20+8] -> [14,8] = (22)
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal summons up the last remaining bit of strength he has..... and pulls the claw apart...! He drops to the ground once more
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((attack?))
(2) GM Voice: ((That counts as an attack))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((>_>))
(5) Tanja: ((now would be a good time for that goddess watching this catastrophe to chime in))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(11): Locke

(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((hey tony..))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: (("Attack of Opportunity. You provoke an attack of opportunity from the target you are trying to grapple. If the attack of opportunity deals damage, the grapple attempt fails. (Certain monsters do not provoke attacks of opportunity when they attempt to grapple, nor do characters with the Improved Grapple feat.) If the attack of opportunity misses or fails to deal damage, proceed to Step 2."))
(2) GM Voice: ((Hm?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Certain monsters))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((i hate you))
(2) GM Voice: ((Says mr. kill all my monsters in one hit))
(5) Tanja: ((i...dunno how we're gonna
(2) GM Voice: Locke?
(1) Evanthe: ((damage would be good))
(3) Aknier: ((xD))
(2) GM Voice: ((Go Go Go Go))
** (7) Locke prays all he can to heal Mikhal **
(7) Locke: Cure Light Wounds [1d8+3] -> [2,3] = (5)
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
(5) Tanja: ((hey that's 11...that's double digits)

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(10): : Evanthe

(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((i hold dearly to the fact that i have more hp then tony said))
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: ((because i was at 33 hp, and he said that last attack did only 20))
** (1) Evanthe fires off two blessed arrows **
(1) Evanthe: ((scott let it go))
(1) Evanthe: ((sheesH))
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [6,8] = (14)
(1) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [11,8] = (19)
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: (("(2) GM Voice: Mikhal feels the pressure of a strength that could be even greater than his own.... his bones seem to be about to snap.... ((20 Damage Mikhal..))"))
(1) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+2] -> [6,2] = (8)
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe's first arrow flies wide.....
(1) Evanthe: ((Stop complaining. Tristen has the most to complain about))
(5) Tanja: ((...let it go? please? all i wanna do is get this over with, not debate HP totals...))
(1) Evanthe: ((yep))
(2) GM Voice: The second, slams hard into Sanorak's chest..... light cracks all over his body... his wings start to crumble...... Light explodes out from his chest... Consuming him...!
(5) Tanja: ((phew))
(7) Locke:'s..... over....? *pants*
(2) Sanorak: "UnnnnnnnggggggRAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The cry of pain sounds throughout the valley as he disintegrates into a pile of dust.......
(3) Aknier: And they that.
** (1) Evanthe immediately goes over to Tristen and binds his wounds **
** (7) Locke runs to Tristen **
** (7) Locke does a heal check **
(5) Tanja: ::holding her light wounds, makes her (invisible) way over to the others::
(6) GIANT MIKHAL: *kneels panting on the ground*
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe stops Tristen's bleeding....
(5) Tanja: ::stopping to check the demon's leftovers on thew ay!:
(5) Tanja: ((godly items plz))
** (3) Aknier walks, seemingly hovering over to Tristen, and spontainiously casts a Cure Light Wounds spell. **
(2) GM Voice: Tristen's flesh where the vile blade struck is blackend.....
** (3) Aknier also forces all of his energy into the spell. Sudden Maximize. **
(7) Locke: he's... alive, good
(2) GM Voice: Aknier summons forth all of his power into this healing spell...... Tristen comes back to the world of living.... though he still feels the world of pain...
(5) Tanja: ((nevermind that we stole his kill...maybe he'll understand >.> ))
(10) Tristen: *eyes fly open, attempting to jump and continue fighting*
(1) Evanthe: ((this is tristen we're talking))
(1) Evanthe: ((he'll probably kill himself))
(3) Aknier: I apologize that's all I can do...
(5) Tanja: ((yeah...nevermind))
** (6) GIANT MIKHAL gazes out to the lake **

** (3) Aknier immediately turns to the lake. **
** (1) Evanthe puts a hand on Tristen, calming him **
(1) Evanthe: He's..dead.
(7) Locke: we're all drained of energy, we'll need to rest
(5) Tanja: ::hops backwards, though nobody can see her, startled at Tristen's reaction:: hey..!
(10) Tristen: What..? *looks confused, disbelief in his eyes*
(5) Tanja: ::disembodied voice:: you kinda got knocked around...we ended up finishing him off... ::shuffles feet in the snow::
(2) GM Voice: Mulinel stands next to Aaron... Hugging him and the child...... Her face looks up, seemingly looking at Aknier for a brief moment.... she smiles...
(10) Tristen: *sees Sanorak crumpled body* .............
(5) Tanja: it was..uh...either that or let him kill us all?
(10) Tristen: My vengeance was stolen from me
(10) Tristen: *deflates, sinking back into the snow*
(7) Locke: let your mother's memory rest in peace
(5) Tanja: well...uhm...i'm going to...uh...see what can be salvaged...
(5) Tanja: ::retreats to the demon's body, poking about for...y'know...godly stuff::
(3) Aknier: *The tears return in full Aknier smiles back.*
(2) GM Voice: Mulinel then becomes one with the water once more.... her body turns transparent...and joins the waves......
(10) Tristen: *snarls at Locke, lunging* Don't ever speak of my mother.
** (2) Aaron steps back upon the water to the shrine.... holding the child in his arms... **
(2) GM Voice: A Second Sigil has been drawn on his forehead... one of deep blue.. like the oceans....
(6) Mikhal: *gets to his feat very shakily*
(2) GM Voice: ((Suggest someone heals Mikhal before his Rage goes))
(5) Tanja: ((lol))
** (1) Evanthe pulls Tristen back, shaking her head gently while looking over at Jaze/Mulinel **
(6) Mikhal: ((it's already gone ;) ))
(6) Mikhal: ((i'm still up))
(6) Mikhal: ((just at..3 or..something
(6) Mikhal: ((i'm not sure of my hp total anymore))
(3) Aknier: ((Just incase))
(7) Locke: ((Kiros...?))
(1) Evanthe: ((it doesn't matter, we're not fighting anymore))
(7) Locke: ((I got none left for today))
(5) Tanja: ((yeah))
** (3) Aknier uses the last of his Orisons to heal Mikhal. **
** (2) Aaron smiles at Aknier... Evanthe... **
(2) Aaron: "It is done...."
(10) Tristen: *shakes Eva off angrily, stalking off by himself*
(5) Tanja: ::sighs and shakes her head, thinking to herself--you really can't ever please that guy...::
(6) Mikhal: what's sigil
(7) Locke: what was Mulinel supposed to do?
** (1) Evanthe hugs Aaron happily, "Thank you Aaron...thank you." **
** (3) Aknier nods slowly. **
(2) GM Voice: The Din and Roar of battle still echoes from the cavern walls.... Evanthe's arrows, Tristen's sword, Mikhal's gauntlets, Tanja's gloves... lose their glow.. turning to their normal selves..
** (7) Locke sighs and gives Tristen a pat on the back **
(5) Tanja: ((aww..))
** (3) Aknier grasps Aaron's hand, and pulls him close, also hugging him. **
(5) Tanja: ::still poking around the demon body...not liking touchy-feely scenes::
(10) Tristen: *pushes Locke away roughly*
** (7) Locke looks out over the water **
(10) Tristen: Get away from me.
(2) Aaron: "This is the counter spell... There will be no more pain... and the spell will be canceled... both sigils will disappear once the original would have been cast...."
(1) Evanthe: ((tristen is gonna go emo now guys :o))
(7) Locke: ((yeah, really))
(5) Tanja: ((bah...i gave up trying to accomodate him))
(5) Tanja: ((he's always better the next game anyway =D ))
(1) Evanthe: ((guys...he's been living his whole life to avenge his mom ;P))
(7) Locke: ((I'm just gonna watch the waters))
(2) Aaron: The roar of battle eventually fades......
(3) Aknier: ((*Hands Tristen a Laptop, LJ already pulled up*))
(1) Evanthe: ((like, this was his whole purporse xD))
(5) Tanja: ((well gee...kinda hard when he's trying to kill we could've gotten the demon to wait while we revived tristen, we would'
(6) Mikhal: ((*gives tristen a CD player with Linkin Park*))
(1) Evanthe: ((well gee...that's not what's really on his mind at the moment))
(7) Locke: ((Linkin Park will drive him to suicide >.>))
(5) Tanja: ((don't mock my well
(1) Evanthe: ((well you understand what i mean))
(2) Aaron: A Squad of Regal Knights comes back from the south...
** (7) Locke thinks to self -- "it'll be best for Tristen to think things through for himself" **
(5) Tanja: ((Yeah i do, but still...we did the damn best we could))
(1) Evanthe: ((but nobody ever said otherwise :o))
** (2) Solomon marches forward, spurring his horse... Looking at Jaze "Is it complete?...." **
(7) Locke: (("it's only just begun"))
** (1) Evanthe nods, looking at Solomon meekly **
(7) Locke: ((from here on, the journey shall bring you great treasure and woe))
** (2) Solomon turns and looks at Tristen... **
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(10) Tristen: *kneels to Solomon, face grim and hardened*
(1) Evanthe: Yes it is done.
(1) Evanthe: ((whoops))
(10) Tristen: Yes, it is done.
(10) Tristen: ((haha))
(10) Tristen: Jaze has been imbued with the power of the gods.
(2) Solomon: "Solis... " He stares.. "Why do you frown when good has triumphed...?"
(10) Tristen: Sir, I was unable to avenge my mother.
(10) Tristen: In the end, Sanorak, my greatest enemy, struck me down.
(2) Solomon: Solomon stares at Solis, as if analyzing him.."Did you fight with honor?"
(10) Tristen: Yes sir, I tried my best to take him down.
(10) Tristen: But in the end...*looks away* I did not have the strength.
(3) Aknier: *Though the power that gave him flight and the light in his eyes have left him, Aknier speaks in the same mannor as before.* aided in his demise...
(7) Locke: we couldn't have done it without him
(3) Aknier: That in itself, is avengence.
** (1) Evanthe nods. **
(7) Locke: *quietly*
(2) Solomon: "Your friends speak wisely, Solis.... There is much you can learn from them..."
(2) Solomon: "Have you forgotten the purpose of the Regal Knights?..... One man's shoulders can not bear the world!"
(10) Tristen: Yes sir.
(2) Solomon: "You fought with honor... Your mother is avenged... Your mother is proud... Do not dishonor her with sorrow!"
(2) Solomon: "Stand Tall, Solis!"
** (3) Aknier nods. **
(10) Tristen: *stands tall and says quietly* Yes, she has been avenged.
(7) Locke: so then...
(7) Locke: shall we be heaading back for booze and banquets?
** (3) Aknier smiles and nods to Locke. **
(7) Locke: ((add some light air in here... *cuts air with knife*))
(5) Tanja: ((not tonight, for me...i need sleep))
(7) Locke: we didn't kill any ice elves, so I keep my money *grins slightly*
** (1) Evanthe approaches Aaron and Jaze, checking on the boy **
(3) Aknier: Indeed~ If you are willing to ride with me south, I...own a pub. I would be willing to treat you to a proper victory celebration!
** (2) Solomon stares at Solis... "Until you learn this lesson.. To rise above yourself, you shall never become a Regal Knight..." *He spurs his horse.. and rides off toward the south.. **
** (1) Evanthe makes a face at Locke, "If I had known!" **
(7) Locke: I did say 5 silvers an ice elf
(10) Tristen: *watches him ride off to the south then looks to the others, saying nothing*
(6) Mikhal: maybe we should of bet on a hydra instead..
(1) Evanthe: True, you did
(7) Locke: I shall follow to your pub, sounds fun *to Aknier*
(1) Evanthe: Or maybe those devil thingies
** (3) Aknier puts a hand on Tristen's shoulder. **
(1) Evanthe: I knocked off a few of those
** (2) Jaze opens his eyes... looking up at Aaron and Evanthe... **
** (1) Evanthe scratches her head, "Next time I shouldn't be so discriminatory " **
(3) Aknier: Your mother is happy. That, above all else, should be the most important thing.
(1) Evanthe: Jaze!
** (1) Evanthe hugs him exuberantly. **
** (2) Jaze then touches his forehead.... **
(3) Aknier: Where she is right now, no blade can cause her pain...only your sorrow and bitterness can.
** (2) Jaze hugs back weakly.. a bit disoriented... "Wh..what happend?.... I Remember the river....." **
(5) Tanja: ((i'm sorry guys, i can't stay up any longer...i'm tired))
(6) Mikhal: ((night patti))
(3) Aknier: ((Not a problem. Sleep well, Patti~))
(7) Locke: ((dragged on too long :o))
(7) Locke: ((sleep well))
(1) Evanthe: ((nite Patti))
(5) Tanja: ((g'night))
(2) GM Voice: ((ahah okay ^_^* It's just fluff from here on in.. nightt ^_^))
(5) Tanja: Disconnecting from server...
(5) Tanja (exit): 03:24
(10) Tristen: *nods once, saying quietly* Thank you Aknier...
(3) Aknier: ((, but it must be hell on the east coasers...))
(2) Jaze: "And.... I saw a lady... smiling at me..."
** (1) Evanthe grins, ruffling his hair fondly, "You're all better now!" **
(1) Evanthe: Didn't we tell you we'd do it?
** (3) Aknier nods, patting Tristen, and smiling warmly. He turns to Jaze. **
(6) Mikhal: that would of been Mulinel
(7) Locke: ((oh, I love how I get the cold shoulder and Kiros get the praises))
** (2) Jaze blinks... "It's done already?..." **
(1) Evanthe: ((his commander talked sense into him >.>))
** (6) Mikhal nods to Jaze **

(1) Evanthe: ((he wouldn't listen to anyone else really))
(3) Aknier: ((Yeah..I kinda just added to what his commander said.))
(6) Mikhal: ((which is swhy we should steal one of the banners))
(7) Locke: ((*cough* like I didn't say anything XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((So he's not mad at any person per se, he's just upset ya know?))
** (2) Jaze smiles brightly.. "Well, obviously a product of my great constitution..! I always recover quickly, ever since I was a kid.." He nods.. **
(1) Evanthe: ((if you guys understand that))
(3) Aknier: Jaze, you were hugged by the most important person to Aaron and myself. I'm jealous.
** (3) Aknier sticks a tounge out at Jaze. **
** (1) Evanthe laughs, flitting Aknier softly **
(1) Evanthe: Oh, I'm not that important.
** (2) Jaze blinks..... "Who?.. That lady?.." **
** (1) Evanthe flutters her eyes in an exaggerated manner **
(1) Evanthe: I'll give you a hug too Aknier *winks*
(3) Aknier: Oh my...
** (7) Locke mutters very quietly to Aknier "flirt" **
(1) Evanthe: ((xD so eva likens herself to goddesses, it happens))
(6) Mikhal: ((so quietly that Eva's super ears can;t pick it up?))
** (3) Aknier 's eyes grow wide, and he blushes, losing all previously gained composure. **
(7) Locke: ((yep))
(1) Evanthe: ((nothing eva's ginormous satellite ears can't hear))
(3) Aknier: Er...*cough* *regains wits*
(3) Aknier: That's right, Jaze.
(6) Mikhal: ((Mikhal has supe rears too..just not as super as Eva's))
(3) Aknier: That lady is *verra* important to Aaron and I.
(6) Mikhal: ((XD))
** (1) Evanthe nudges Aaron **
(1) Evanthe: You never compliment my hugs like that.
(7) Locke: brothers to the end, shall we head somewhere before we be merry anymore?
(2) Jaze: /me blinks again, rubbing his forehead... "Well... I don't really remember... it was fuzzy... she seemed nice... is she your girlfriend?.."
** (3) Aknier laughs heartily. **
(3) Aknier: If only.
** (1) Evanthe grins at Locke, "Don't forget sisters! I can outdrink most of the men here." **
** (2) Aaron coughs lightly.... **
(3) Aknier: I jest, brother.
** (6) Mikhal smiles at Eva "you havn't had a drinking contest with me yet" **

(3) Aknier: *slightly embarassed*
(7) Locke: you were against a drinking contest when it came
(7) Locke: *to Mikhal*
** (1) Evanthe grins wickedly, "Not yet " **
(7) Locke: *grins*
(6) Mikhal: because we were traveling outside of the city
** (1) Evanthe stomach rumbles **
(1) Evanthe: How about food time?
(1) Evanthe: We haven't eaten in a long time, guys
(7) Locke: EXACTLY
(1) Evanthe: Seriously, it's important to stop and eat.
(6) Mikhal: when isn't it food time for you?
(2) GM Voice: What regal knights that remain are now grouping into formation in the south... and marching off toward the east, back toward Passel...
(1) Evanthe: Aaron did you eat that ration?
** (2) Aaron nods... "But... I think I should like to stay behind a moment.... to say a thank you..." **
** (3) Aknier looks to see if any of the people in blue (forgot the name) are left. **
(10) Tristen: I must return to Passel
** (1) Evanthe makes a face. "Passel? Why?" **
(6) Mikhal: i was thinking of heading there myself
(10) Tristen: It is my ultimate goal to become a Regal Knight. It is my goal to vanquish all evil, not just that of Sanorak.
(3) Aknier: Brother...I would wish to stay with you to do the same. And when we are finished, I would be honored if you ride with us to Sanoan.
(2) GM Voice: looks on toward where the Ohnben were standing... two figures cloaked in blue sit against the cliff face to the east.... the only ones that stand from the ground....
** (1) Evanthe looks around confused. **
(1) Evanthe: Where are we going?
(7) Locke: to Aknier's pub!!
(1) Evanthe: You guys can't all go to different places! We...we have to stick together now!
(7) Locke: lets not wait anymore, off we go
(1) Evanthe: We're family
(2) Aaron: "You are very welcome to stay with me a moment.... but... I must return to Krasevae...... To right... what was wronged....."
** (1) Evanthe catches sight of the Ohnben, waving frantically with both hands. **
** (2) San'Shal looks up weakly toward the party.. toward the child.. **
(10) Tristen: I have to meditate to rid the evils that have polluted my mind
** (1) Evanthe gives San'Shal a thumbs up sign, pointing at Jaze excitedly. **
** (2) San'Shal then shudders faintly.... she grips at her chest.... obviously wounded.. yet she raises her head... and waves slightly... **
(6) Mikhal: i'm gonna go out for a week or so to see what i can learn about these *motions to his guantlets*
(3) Aknier: A shame, but indeed neccassary. In that case, may our holy mother look over you, and may our paths meet again under better circumstances.
(10) Tristen: *smiles somberly at everyone* Thank you for helping me achieve my goal. I hope that our paths cross again.
** (1) Evanthe blinks, "Wai--what!" **
(1) Evanthe: We can't separate!
(3) Aknier: I will not forget this day brother. You *are* a saint of our church.
(1) Evanthe: We have to take Jaze back to the Library
(6) Mikhal: Aknier, where is the pub? i'll be going there as soon as i finish
** (2) Aaron nods... "Same with you Brother.... If you are ever in Krasevae... I'm sure the temple will welcome you readily..." **
** (3) Aknier calls out to Mikhal. **
(3) Aknier: In Sanoan!
** (1) Evanthe throws her arms up in the air **
(1) Evanthe: Men *mutters*
(6) Mikhal: don't worry Eva, i'll come back jsut for you *winks at her*
** (3) Aknier nods to Aaron. "As would you, the temple of Sanoan." **
(1) Evanthe: You had better, Mikhal! Or I'll beat you soundly.
** (2) Aaron shakes his head.... "I am not a saint... I am but a lowly priest..." Aaron smiles... **
(3) Aknier: Don't be so modest. *smiles*
(10) Tristen: *moves off in the directions of the Knights heading to Passel, waving*
(7) Locke: ((are we really gonna end this?))
** (1) Evanthe suddenly hugs Jaze, "You're not leaving me huh?" **
(1) Evanthe: ((naw, everyone will meet again xD))
** (3) Aknier yells. **
(6) Mikhal: ((yeah XD))
** (2) Aaron turns around a moment.... heading over to the fountain and kneeling... **
(1) Evanthe: ((it's just a random break))
(7) Locke: ((I mean for today >_>))
(6) Mikhal: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((awww let us have our fun))
(1) Evanthe: ((I think the tender moments are the most fun :D))
(3) Aknier: Until our paths cross again.
(3) Aknier: *!
** (2) Jaze grins "Anyone's better than Master Jorue.." **
(2) GM Voice: ((I'll go as long people want to go ^_^))
** (3) Aknier turns to the remaining group. **
** (1) Evanthe smiles brightly, "I knew I could count on you, shortstuff" **
(3) Aknier: Please...I wish to finish this with Aaron. Then we ride?
(1) Evanthe: ((I'm sorry xD I'll end it if everyone else wants to, I just got into the rp mode :3))
(6) Mikhal: i'll be heading back to the library first though. i want to see if the library has any information
(2) GM Voice: Tristen heads down the path... meeting up with the knights... noticing a few missing faces... and those remaining looking somewhat grim...
(3) Aknier: ((Oh no, I'm good for a few more hours. xD))
(7) Locke: ((I don't mean to be a kick in the backside :p))
(1) Evanthe: What are you searching for, Mikhal?
(1) Evanthe: ((naw Flamer, we understand))
(6) Mikhal: i just want to know more about these gauntlets, and how to make them work
** (2) Jaze blanches at Mikhal... "If Jorue sees me he won't let me leave for months!" **
(7) Locke: well... Mulinel seems to have been able to activate them
(1) Evanthe: Tsk, he'll have our heads if we keep you away any longer than necessary.
(7) Locke: you could ask Jaze or Aaron even
(7) Locke: *to Mikhal*
** (3) Aknier goes over to Aaron's side and also kneels to pray. **
(10) Tristen: *hails the other Knights, nodding in understanding of the losses*
(6) Mikhal: i'm pretty sure they need to be worked over..they are a bit..rusty
** (1) Evanthe eyes Mikhal's gloves **
(1) Evanthe: Would you ever wager those in a drinking contest?
(2) GM Voice: The other knights salute Solis, recognizing his role, the most important....
(6) Mikhal: Jzae, do you know a better place to go to for information on magical objects?
** (7) Locke holds up 50silvers, with a daring look at Eva ((>.>)) **
(6) Mikhal: i wouldn't. ever.
** (1) Evanthe makes a face at Mikhal, "You're boring." **
** (2) Jaze blinks... **
(1) Evanthe: Locke, anytime!
(2) Jaze: "If you want the best of the best.... The National Library at the capital...."
(1) Evanthe: Whether it be horseriding or drinking, I'll never back down from a challenge.
(6) Mikhal: *Eyes eva* would you ever wager a full quiver of mulinel's arrows?
(7) Locke: nor will I
(2) Jaze: "Some of those guys are even better than me, there... Jorue took me once when he went for a conference..."
(1) Evanthe: Of course I would
(1) Evanthe: Nothing ventured nothing gained!
(6) Mikhal: ((capital as in Kresavae?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Krasevae isn't the capital.. it's a border city ;) ))
(7) Locke: of course, some people won't give any gains
(10) Tristen: *salutes back, and prepares to depart with them*
(6) Mikhal: i think some things are just too valuble to wager
** (1) Evanthe shakes her head, "Not if you're sure of yourself." **
(6) Mikhal: ((where is the capital located them, in relation to sanonan?))
(1) Evanthe: I mean, I was sure we'd cure Jaze.
(1) Evanthe: Even though he's an annoying short brat who thinks he knows more than he does.
(2) GM Voice: ((Oh... about 900 Miles east))
(6) Mikhal: ((damn it))
(7) Locke: we found a counter at least, I hope...
** (1) Evanthe looks thoughtful, "Speaking of valuable items..." **
(3) Aknier: ((Someone make a Knowledge(region) check. xD))
** (2) Jaze fumes... "I am not Short! I'm average!" **
** (1) Evanthe stands and approaches Sanorak's body, searching for goodies. **
(6) Mikhal: i think the capitol is just too far away
** (1) Evanthe calls back, "Shorter than me!" **
(6) Mikhal: *looks Jaze over* how old are you? ((and how tall is he?))
(7) Locke: *cough*
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe looks at the pile of dust that was once Sanorak... A good part of it has blown off in the wind... what remains is simply dust...
** (2) Jaze raspberries... "I'm almost 13! I'll grow yet! Unlike certain stodgey old elves" **
(6) Mikhal: ((how tall is jaze?))
** (7) Locke holds Eva back **
(2) Jaze: ((4'5"))
(6) Mikhal: *smiles back at Jaze* do you even know how old we are?
(7) Locke: 50000years old
(2) Jaze: 300?... 500? *jaze grins..*
(1) Evanthe: Stodgey? Old?!
(1) Evanthe: I'll rip you apart kid!
(6) Mikhal: *Eyes jaze* i'm quite a bit younger then 300
** (1) Evanthe sniffs, "I'm still young and beautiful thank you very much" **
(2) GM Voice: One of the Knights speaks to Tristen... "It seems Remel was Grieviously Injured... He would like to see you when you return to Passel, I'm sure of it..."
(6) Mikhal: *winks at Eva* you don't look a year older then 80
** (1) Evanthe shakes her fist at Mikhal, "I'll rip you apart too!" **
** (3) Aknier finishes praying wtih Aaron, satisfied. He joins the group once again. **
(3) Aknier: You're not that much younger, child. I'm 19.
(6) Mikhal: ((Angel, 80 is young for elves ;) ))
** (2) Aaron raises from his knees... "Then.... Let us go... let our journey be our Praise.." **
** (3) Aknier sticks out his tounge at Jaze, again. **
(1) Evanthe: ((Oh, I have no idea how old Eva is anyway haha))
(3) Aknier: Indeed Brother.
(10) Tristen: *looks at the Knight in surprise and concern* We must move quickly then, I wish to speak to him as well.
(1) Evanthe: Aaron's coming now?
(3) Aknier: Only as far as Kravese, I assume.
** (1) Evanthe happily grabs Aaron's arm **
(6) Mikhal: *looks over Aknier* i'm more then 100 years older then you
(3) Aknier: ((Kresavae*))
(2) GM Voice: The Knight Nods... "Solomon is Marching us Double Time.. We will arrive soon, if tired"
(3) Aknier: I'm only human, Mikhal...
** (2) Aaron nods... "I must help Rebuild the temple... and restore the love of Mulinel to the city...." **
** (7) Locke does a sight check to see if he sees anything on the ground [Bad dice format] - [1s20] **
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
(10) Tristen: Aye
(6) Mikhal: Jaze, when you and Jorue went to the capitol, how did you get there?
(2) GM Voice: The Regal Knights in the south march to the east through a wide valley.... departing the well of tears...
** (1) Evanthe watches the Regal Knights leave, "Well....there they go" **
(1) Evanthe: I guess we should, too?
** (3) Aknier mumbles to himself. "I'll ask father to send aid to Kresavae when we reach Sanoan..." **
(2) Jaze: "It was a long trip.... but I saw lots of great things along the way... Master Jorue took me on his horse...."
(6) Mikhal: *was hoping there was an easier way to get there*
(2) Aaron: "Brother... The greatest wound cannot be healed with Aid.. only time.... We must call the people to trust us again... after Alain used them so bitterly...." Aaron looks down..
(7) Locke: I'm sure they will
(7) Locke: forgive you
(7) Locke: just be true to your word
** (1) Evanthe puts a hand on Aaron's shoulder, "They will trust you again, because Alain betrayed all of Krasevae, including Mulinel's Temple." **
(3) Aknier: ((Whoops. I thought the town was phsycially destoryed))
(2) Aaron: ((A Good portion of it was..))
(3) Aknier: ((Ah, right)
** (3) Aknier looks with slight surprise. **
** (2) Aaron looks up at Evanthe.... "If all the people have your wisdom.. then I truly have nothing to fear.." he smiles slightly... **
(3) Aknier: Of course, Brother. I mearly figured perhaps the town could use help in being rebuilt, no?
** (1) Evanthe beams back. **
(3) Aknier: Tis our duty to assist our breathern and flock.
(2) Aaron: "I understand the Regal Knights have helped the town greatly..." Aaron says softly... "We of the temple must now tend to their hearts..." Aaron looks at Aknier.. "Of course brother, any aid you can send will be graciously recieved..."
** (3) Aknier nods and smiles. **
(3) Aknier: Twould not be by my hand, but indeed. I shall petition on your behalf.
** (1) Evanthe stretches her arms over her head, yawning mightily. **
** (2) Aaron looks out over the battlefield, with a moment of sadness... "I fear the well of tears shall grow... so much bloodshed..." **
(3) Aknier: ((I assume we're walking towards your horses, correct?))
(1) Evanthe: ((sure xD))
(2) Aaron: ((Yup yup))
(7) Locke: ((oh, we're walking...))
(3) Aknier: Indeed...this place is not a fitting grave for the valient souls that fought on this day.
(3) Aknier: Or rather, they deserve a proper burial...
** (1) Evanthe nods somberly. **
** (2) Aaron looks back toward San'Shal... **
** (3) Aknier sighs. **
(3) Aknier: Were I to have the power, I would gladly return life to whom I could.
(1) Evanthe: We should help the Ohnben
(3) Aknier: Can we?
(1) Evanthe: I know San'Shal is wounded...and...I'm not a healer, but..whatever we can do.
(1) Evanthe: I just...I don't think we could have done it without them.
(3) Aknier: Indeed. Sanoan can wait.
(2) Aaron: "Her words before.... She has great pride..."
(1) Evanthe: Do you think she would refuse our help, then?
(2) Aaron: "At least we can get her back on her feet.... but I fear she would not allow us to help her people.."
** (1) Evanthe nods in understanding. **
(1) Evanthe: ((I think we're losing people now xD))
** (2) Aaron moves back to San'Shal.. **
(3) Aknier: Let us do what we can then.
** (2) San'Shal looks up, her eyes red with sadness... "So....Ungg.... You've succeeded...." **
** (1) Evanthe nods, "Mulinel has reversed the spell.." **
(3) Aknier: We have. And we could not have, without the strength and help of your people.
** (2) San'Shal nods faintly... "You really pulled it off.... we never thought...and yet... looking at us now, a part of us must" **
(3) Aknier: You're hurt...
(3) Aknier: Brother.
** (3) Aknier begins to tend to Shan'Shal's wounds. **
** (1) Evanthe watches somberly. **
** (7) Locke comes from the background of listening to aid Aknier **
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
** (2) Aaron nods... Kneeling next to San'Shal... speaking some words of healing.... **
(2) San'Shal: "Stop!... Our people.. no... I have no more strength left to fight.... Please... give your help....
(1) Evanthe: What..?
(7) Locke: rest well...
** (7) Locke bows head **
** (2) Aaron smiles faintly.... completing the spell... San'Shal's wounds fade from her body... Aknier bandages anything reamining.... **
(2) San'Shal: "It is too late to be concerned with the pride of our people.... our people are no more, only I..." She lowers her head..
(1) Evanthe: I thought--but I thought the Ohnben clan was numerous
(2) San'Shal: "Many clans live in Ohnben... but those clans are individually small... "
** (1) Evanthe nods sadly, "I'm...sorry." **
(7) Locke: it is a pity that different beliefs would sub divide them like that...
(3) Aknier: Indeed Locke. It is the same with all creatures of the world...
** (2) San'Shal rises to her feet.... "We made our choice... I stand by the decision...." **
(2) Aaron: "Why don't you come with us... back to Krasevae..? ..There is nothing more here..."
(1) Evanthe: may yet find some solace there.
** (3) Aknier nods in responce to Aaron's comment. **
(7) Locke: ((*starts playing rock scissors paper with self*))
(2) Aaron: "These is someone... That I think would understand there... "
** (2) San'Shal blinks slightly... looking over on the battlefield... "No....there is nothing more here...." She slowly begins to walk.... **
** (1) Evanthe smiles brightly at her, hovering close in concern. **
(2) GM Voice: .....And so.... they returned to Krasevae... Tristen returned to Passel...
(7) Locke: ((and we all die of long convos XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((skipping merrily!))
(1) Evanthe: ((only you Flamer, Kiros and I were having fun xD))
(3) Aknier: ((*MGS 2 Theme playing in the background*))
** (7) Locke rushes to the puc **
(7) Locke: ((*pub))
(7) Locke: DRINK!! I NEED A DRINK!!!
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Evanthe: ((Kay I'm good with ending it now xD))
(3) Aknier: ((Can't you wait until Sanoan?))
(3) Aknier: ((Ditto))
(7) Locke: ((can't we wait until the drinking contest? :o))
(2) GM Voice: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(2) GM Voice: Phewww..

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