Game 15

From Reydala

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Current revision as of 17:40, 13 November 2007

Log filename is "reydala2-01-10-05.html", system is is logging.
(3) Tony: Kiros could I get your mini url again? something got screwed up with it somewhere down the line..>_>
(5) Aknier: Alright. Cleric Spells, 0 lv. Resistance, Read Magic, and Guidance. 1st level, Magic Stone and Bless.
(5) Aknier: Oh sures.
(5) Aknier: Aknier2.png
(3) Tony: Thanks
(5) Aknier: Wizard spells, 0 lv. Detect Magic, Flare, Message and Mending. 1st level, Magic Missle x3
(5) Aknier: Er
(5) Aknier: Magic Missle x2, and Burning Hands (if I have that spell?)
(3) Tony: alrightyy
(2) Tanja: you do now  :)
(5) Aknier: xD
(2) Tanja: is this all of us?
(5) Aknier: Who's leader this time?
(1) Mikhal: [1d20] -> [18] = (18)
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
(5) Aknier: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
(1) Mikhal: me, it looks like? >_>
(2) Tanja: not it!
(2) Tanja: (*phew*)
(5) Aknier: (xD)
(5) Aknier: [1d12] -> [5] = (5)
(2) Tanja: the dice have a tendency to screw me over
(5) Aknier: Hai I see..
(5) Aknier: Er what the?
(2) Tanja: lol
(1) Mikhal: unless angel rolls higher then me?
(5) Aknier: .
(2) Tanja: hmm..
(2) Tanja: i broke the rpg.. *cry*
(2) Tanja: lol
(3) Tony: eh?
(2) Tanja: nothing, nothing..
(2) Tanja: brb a sec
(3) Tony: Please arrange the party within 8 squares.. >_>
(1) Mikhal: Mikhal, Evanthe
(1) Mikhal: Tanja, Jaze, Aknier
(1) Mikhal: hmm..move me and Evanthe over one square
(1) Mikhal: yeah, like that
(4) Evanthe: wait
(2) Tanja: yeah stick me out there
(4) Evanthe: why am i in the front >.>
(2) Tanja: lol
(1) Mikhal: because you have the second most hp?
(4) Evanthe: i'm the archer, yo
(4) Evanthe: no i don't :P
(2) Tanja: its either that or replace me with you, and you'd still be out there
(1) Mikhal: well, with the current party, you have the second most
(6) Tristen (enter): 22:10
(4) Evanthe: no i don't
(5) Aknier: Tell me I don't have the most.
(1) Mikhal: i have the most
(4) Evanthe: i have 25
(4) Evanthe: patti has 25 too
(5) Aknier: Ah.
(6) Tristen: Hey guys, sorry I overslept alittle
(1) Mikhal: who has a higher AC?
(6) Tristen: sooo tired
(2) Tanja: aiee...just replace me with eva..
(5) Aknier: I it 23 or 24?
(4) Evanthe: she's got elven armor, so i'm thinking hers is higher
(6) Tristen: you have 24 AC?
(2) Tanja: lets not fight so early >.>
(4) Evanthe: I'm not fighting :P
(5) Aknier: Oh no. >_>;;
(5) Aknier: HP
(4) Evanthe: I'm talking strategy
(6) Tristen: ahh
(1) Mikhal: switch Eva and Tanja
(1) Mikhal: and tristen goes next to Mikhal
(3) Tony: 3rd hp roll looking it up...
(5) Aknier: No, Aknier is not Neo.
(4) Evanthe: I'm mostly archer, so if i'm in the front, I don't wanna provoke aoo with archery :3
(4) Evanthe: that's all the logic i have there
(4) Evanthe: i mean, if that's bad, let me know
(1) Mikhal: you only provoke AoO if you are in the enemies melee range
(1) Mikhal: but, it doesn't really matter, i guess
(3) Tony: 24
(4) Evanthe: being in the front
(2) Tanja: which happens a lot
(2) Tanja: its okay now, right?
(2) Tanja: we're good?
(4) Evanthe: Why are we so averse to discussing things?
(4) Evanthe: We're not arguing
(4) Evanthe: Just discussing
(2) Tanja: i'm not...i just wanna get
(4) Evanthe: Okay good
(5) Aknier: Oh wow.
(5) Aknier: RIght.
(3) Tony: Everyone good?
(5) Aknier: Yep.
(3) Tony: Map is all black except for that bit at the bottom? (Paranoid now >_>)
(4) Evanthe: yep
(5) Aknier: That it is.
(4) Evanthe: and hullo J
(4) Evanthe: HELLO
(4) Evanthe: HI J
(4) Evanthe: HOW R U
(6) Tristen: heya haha
(4) Evanthe: ;D
(3) GM Voice: 5....4....3....2....57....32....1...
(3) GM Voice: *************************************************************************************
(3) GM Voice: A Heavy snow falls from the heavens above the Well of Tears...
(2) Tanja: ((brb..))
(2) Tanja: ((okay back)
(3) GM Voice: In front of them.... on a small inlet into the lake... is a fountain..... Surrounding it are 4 pillars.... one of which has been smashed in half... all are covered with the sign of Mulinel
(2) Tanja: ::scuffs her feet in the snow::
** (4) Evanthe sighs in relief, "We made it.." **
(1) Mikhal: yeah..we did
(4) Evanthe: ((wasn't there a figure over here?))
(3) GM Voice: ((Patience patiencee))
(4) Evanthe: ((sooorrryy)
(3) GM Voice: Further in, on the shore of the small peninsula, is a figure cloaked in blue robes... the snow piling around them... facing toward the center of the lake..
** (4) Evanthe steps forward hesitantly, looking to the others in a questioning look. **
(1) Mikhal: *shrugs his shoulders and moves towards the figure* hello?
(4) Evanthe: Aaron?
(6) Tristen: *stays back near Jaze and lets the others do their thing with the priest and keeps his eyes to the east (west?) where he sensed evil from*
** (3) Aaron lifts his head.... "Those Voices..." He says quietly, not turning around.. "Have I been out here too long?..." **
(4) Evanthe: Aaron!
(2) Tanja: long enough to worry people!
** (4) Evanthe rushes towards him **
** (3) Aaron turns his head around.... seeing them all... **
(4) Evanthe: ((don't zap me or anything))
(2) Tanja: ((*death*))
(3) Aaron: "W...why are you all here?!.."
(4) Evanthe: We..came looking for you.
(2) Tanja: would you believe we were here for the weather?  ::Joking::
(3) Aaron: "Then it was a crazy thing to do... It's dangerous here... "
(4) Evanthe: Exactly! What were you thinking coming out here alone?
(2) Tanja: you're one to talk...what're you doing here?
(2) Tanja: ((jinx))
** (3) Aaron turns his head back to the lake... **
(3) Aaron: "I had to try... to see again.."
(1) Mikhal: to see what?
(2) Tanja: ::stares out at the lake curiously:: i don't see anything except water...
(3) Aaron: "Mulinel..." Aaron sighs softly... "Yes, nothing but water.."
(1) Mikhal: how long have you been here for?
(4) Evanthe: You...saw Mulinel?
(2) Tanja: ::bites tongue, thinking to self---whoops::
(4) Evanthe: For weeks, Mikhal
(4) Evanthe: Much longer than expected.
(3) Aaron: "I saw her once, Long ago.... when this path was still safe, I came here with my family..."
** (4) Evanthe gapes **
** (1) Mikhal looks in awe **</font>
(5) Aknier: ((Dramatic!))
(4) Evanthe: Do you guys...I you
(2) Tanja: ::looks uncomfortable::
** (4) Evanthe looks at them willing them to know what she's referring too **
** (4) Evanthe motions towards Jaze with a quick nod. **
(1) Mikhal: isn't that what we came here for?
(4) Evanthe: ..?
** (3) Aaron turns to Mikhal... a questioning look on his face **
(1) Mikhal: *doesn't think he got the message*
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((scott I love you))
(1) Mikhal: ((why? XD))
** (4) Evanthe scoots over to Mikhal, whispering in his ear **
(4) Evanthe (whispering): Do you think Aaron could be the one that we need to speak with Mulinel for Jaze?
(1) Mikhal: [1d8] -> [1] = (1)
(4) Evanthe (whispering): The pure soul that we needed to find.
(1) Mikhal: ((whoops))
(2) Tanja: ((failed))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Tristen: *looks at the whole situation with one raised eyebrow*
** (1) Mikhal nods **</font>
(1) Mikhal: *was right after all*
(4) Evanthe: *sort of*
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
** (4) Evanthe approaches Aaron, putting a hand on his shoulder **
** (3) Aaron blinks... **
(4) Evanthe: It's good to see you, my friend.
(4) Evanthe: You really had us worried there, you know?
(3) Aaron: "I am fine, really... This, was more important than a moments safety...."
(2) Tanja: wish i knew how you did it then... ::scowls at remembering the giants::
** (4) Evanthe looks him over skeptically, **
(2) Tanja: (("oh i took the safe shortcut"))
** (3) Aaron appears somewhat gaunt.. apparently he's lost quite a bit of weight... **
(4) Evanthe: When's the last time you've eaten?
(1) Mikhal: ((he turned a magical bag of holding inside out and..walked through the mountain!))
(5) Aknier: ((xD))
(3) Aaron: "If you hear the patrols coming... they are easy to hide from....."
(2) Tanja: ((...))
(4) Evanthe: ((next time we throw mikhal out to fend for himself))
(2) Tanja: ((agreed))
(3) Aaron: "The last time I've eaten...?" He closes his eyes.. "I have been conserving what food I have left..."
(2) Tanja: ::skeptical look:: that's not really an answer
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head, digging out a ration and handing it to him. **
(4) Evanthe: Eat up
** (3) Aaron looks at the Ration... **
(2) Tanja: (("this isn't kosher..."))
(3) Aaron: "Really, you don't have to..."
(1) Mikhal: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: hey, eva doesn't give up food lightly
(2) Tanja: i'd take it if i were you
(1) Mikhal: she usually takes food from other people
** (4) Evanthe makes a face at them. **
** (3) Aaron nods quietly and takes the ration.. "...Thank you... but what was this reason you came here..?" **
(4) Evanthe: More than we let on, to be honest..
(2) Tanja: we were worried about you, first and foremost... isn't that a good enough reason?  ::wondering if anybody else will mention Jaze::
(4) Evanthe: We're...looking for someone.
** (3) Aaron smiles... "To visit a friend in the middle of this frozen wasteland is not a quest taken without reason..." He looks to Evanthe.. "Looking for who?" **
** (4) Evanthe glowers at him, "Do you question our friendship?" **
(4) Evanthe: The rest was an added bonus, but we did come here for you
(4) Evanthe: Well...okay I shouldn't say that
(6) Tristen: *sighs in annoyance and turns back to the west looking for the impending doom he felt before*
** (4) Evanthe motions Jaze over, "We also came for him." **
(2) Tanja: ::pointedly ignores Tristen's heavy exasperated sigh::
(3) Aaron: "Him....?" Aaron looks back to Tristen and Jaze...
(1) Mikhal: *unslings Jaze from his shoulder and holds him like a baby*
(2) Tanja: ((you make him sound like a duffel bag))
(4) Evanthe: Yes, we need to find...a follower of Mulinel.
(4) Evanthe: ((oh shit I forgot))
(6) Tristen: We dont have time for this, the boy is poisoned
(4) Evanthe: Can you help him?
(1) Mikhal: ((well, he is kinda unconscious))
(4) Evanthe: ((i forgot he was poisoned >.>))
(4) Evanthe: ((*slaps self*))
(4) Evanthe: ((remind me guys xD))
(2) Tanja: woah, no really Tristen? i think that's what we're trying to fix right now...
(2) Tanja: ((don't worry, i forgot
(1) Mikhal: ((i just remembered it a few minutes ago =x))
** (3) Aaron stares at Jaze, standing up from his position... **
(6) Tristen: Oh really Tanja, well you kinda edged along the point didnt you
(4) Evanthe: ((thanks for all your hints, Tony :P))
(3) Aaron: "Poisoned...? What happened?...."
(2) Tanja: ((lol...enemies for life! =D ))
** (4) Evanthe rubs her temples, "Tristen, not now." **
(6) Tristen: ((haha))
(1) Mikhal: he was struck by a poison arrow
(4) Evanthe: We can argue later, it's more important you help Aaron with the information he needs.
(2) Tanja: ::bites back a torrent of not nice words at Eva's point::
(6) Tristen: *hmphs* well atleast we found him
(4) Evanthe: Only...Tristen saw the arrow pierce..
(6) Tristen: I man claoked in darkness show this young boy in the back with a poison tipped arrow.
(6) Tristen: I know not the poison, but it was purple.
(6) Tristen: ((shot*))
(6) Tristen: ((cloaked))
(4) Evanthe: ((i man? what? engrish for teh win~))
(3) Aaron: "...the Ogres don't use such tactics..." Aaron studies Jaze....
(6) Tristen: ((bah A*))
(6) Tristen: ((so yeah I was thinking two sentences there))
** (4) Evanthe nods, "He got away" **
(2) Tanja: ::sulks::
** (4) Evanthe retreats slightly, letting Aaron do his work. **
** (4) Evanthe watches him, thinking of how different he seemed than when they first met him. **
(3) Aaron: "Poor Child..." Aaron sighs... "I am but a lowly priest... Poisons are still beyond my power...."
(2) Tanja: ((worthless!))
(3) Aaron: "Clearly.. The agent was potent, to bring about such a condition so fast..."
(4) Evanthe: ((brb))
(2) Tanja: so...we're stuck?
(3) Aaron: "Perhaps there is a hope for him, though..."
(1) Mikhal: what's that?
(3) Aaron: "Back when this road used to be safe.... There was a small cavern nearby that the priests used as a place to stay while paying their respects..."
(3) Aaron: "There was a place within where the priests grew special herbs, watered with Mulinel's blessings from the lake... treated so, even in the cold wastes the herbs would grow strong.."
(3) Aaron: "If perchance... some of those herbs remain..."
(1) Mikhal: it's worth a shot, it seems..
(2) Tanja: ::doubtful look:: i don't know much about herbs...
(2) Tanja: but like Mikhal said..its worth a shot
(3) Aaron: "In the meantime... I can stall the poisons progression... the waters are not much compared to Krasevae's but they do have some healing properties...."
(2) Tanja: that would be wonderful
** (3) Aaron takes Jaze from Mikhal... stepping slighting into the water... "Please hurry.. Though... " **
(2) Tanja: well...uh...which way?
(2) Tanja: have you been there recently? do you know what's there now?
(4) Evanthe: Will you be safe out here alone? *looks around doubtfully*
** (3) Aaron shakes his head.... "I Cannot say what has moved in since the pilgrims no longer come... It is a cavern near the northern shore.. The remainder of the markers will show the way..." **
(1) Mikhal: what does the herb weneed look like, or do you not know?
(3) Aaron: "If a patrol comes.. I hide beneath the surface of the lake... None have found me yet.."
(4) Evanthe: can protect Jaze?
(5) Aknier: ((Yeah...Jaze doesn't exactly have that Ocean domain...))
(3) Aaron: "Of course... He will be safe.. I will stake my life on it..."
(2) Tanja: ((we'll stick a straw in his mouth to breathe with..))
(3) Aaron: "The Herb.. If there is any left I do not doubt it would be the only thing growing in this wasteland...."
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Tristen: Well let us go then, we must move quickly.
(1) Mikhal: ah..thanks *under his breath*i guess..
(1) Mikhal: *heads off towards the cave*
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal departs.. noticing a few standing markers heading toward the north along the shore...
(4) Evanthe: Be careful Aaron
(4) Evanthe: that ration, okay?
(2) Tanja: thanks! take care out here, aaron! we'll be back soon!  ::waves hand, before following after Mikhal::
** (3) Aaron nods to Evanthe.. waving slightly to them all. **
** (4) Evanthe runs after the others **
(4) Evanthe: I was thinking that maybe since Aaron saw Mulinel, that maybe he could be the one that we need to help Jaze
(4) Evanthe: But...I'm not to sure
(4) Evanthe: What do you guys think?
(2) Tanja: i guess seeing a goddess and having the powers of a goddess are two different things...
(4) Evanthe: And...this person we need to find...would they just already know who they were?
(3) GM Voice: The giant footprints.. always present on the shore of the lake... turn to the right into another mountainous valley.... The markers continue to the north..
(1) Mikhal: it's possible that maybe Mulinel will come while we are in the cave
(2) Tanja: ::doubtful:: i don't know..
** (4) Evanthe sighs, "I just wish it was clearer." **
(2) Tanja: if...Mulinel was going to intervene in this, you'd think she would've done it sooner..
** (4) Evanthe nods **
(6) Tristen: Maybe it isnt only the faith the person has in thier god, but also the faith we have in him.
(4) Evanthe: But couldn't that be anybody then?
** (4) Evanthe scratches her head lightly. **
(3) GM Voice: Their feet break onto the fresh snow to the north.... the markers they pass seem to be in far better shape than the ones they passed before...
(6) Tristen: No, because the person also has an unerring faith in their god, and able to call down the god's power easily
(4) Evanthe: But, who are we to know who has unerring faith in their god?
(4) Evanthe: You could easily say that all the priests of the Temple in Krasevae have unerring faith
(2) Tanja: ::rubs temples::
(6) Tristen: I do think we have found the right priest if the stories about him you told are true.
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head, "I don't know...Aaron did have unwavering faith, but it seemed to be faith towards Alain's devotion." **
(1) Mikhal: to be able to stand out at the lake for weeks would be unerring faith to me
(6) Tristen: Listen, I am just saying have faith in your friend's power... take it as you will
** (4) Evanthe scowls at Tristen **
(3) GM Voice: They pass a few more of the markers... finally on the horizon, a dark cavern becomes visable through the harshly falling snow...."
(2) Tanja: ::slowly:: well...he could be having problems with his faith...
(2) Tanja: which...might be what drove him out here
(4) Evanthe: A...lot has happened to him *nods*
(1) Mikhal: that is also a possibility
(2) Tanja: you heard him.. ::shrugs, a little uncomfortable with the subject:: ...he was looking to see Mulinel the way he saw her before...
(6) Tristen: Maybe, though, if we have faith in him and his power, he can draw upon that to regain the faith he had before in his god.
(4) Evanthe: To play this game with the gods's such a cloudy thing.
(1) Mikhal: *Tries to find the words* isn't something that you can feel.
(6) Tristen: Its not playing games with gods, its renewing faith in them, no matter how its done... faith in a god is faith in a god.
(4) Evanthe: I mean trying to get them to work with us
(4) Evanthe: They come and go as they please
(2) Tanja: they're gods.. ::shrugs, as if that explains everything::
(6) Tristen: Ahh I am sorry, I mistook your meaing.
(6) Tristen: ((meaning*))
** (4) Evanthe nods **
(4) Evanthe: Wish they were easier to get in touch with *huffs*
(4) Evanthe: You'd think that in the history of the world, this had happened maybe they'd leave us a better clue
(6) Tristen: *looks at Mikhal quizzically* can you not feel the faith you have in your god?
(4) Evanthe: Or something at least
(6) Tristen: Do thoughts of him not empower you?
(1) Mikhal: goddess
(2) Tanja: ((introspection on the shores of the lake...))
(6) Tristen: *sighs alittle* weve been over this..
(2) Tanja: i don't know...they don't really need to show anything..
(1) Mikhal: and i don't feel my faith. i just know it's there
(6) Tristen: But fine, goddess
(5) Aknier: ((Good times?))
(3) GM Voice: They near the opening... It seems a wooden double door once stood here, keeping out the cold... The right side is hanging open... the left is on the ground nearby.. Both have chunks missing..teeth marks..
(4) Evanthe: Just hope for us to guess correctly each time?
(2) Tanja: or manipulate us to be in the right places at the right times.. ::nods::
(4) Evanthe: I suppose in a way that's good too...shows they have some faith in us as well *smiles slightly*
(2) Tanja: wow...that's...a big set of teeth..
(2) Tanja: ::stares at the doors, momentarily forgetting the conversation::
(6) Tristen: Just remember, they are gods, they will know what is going on, and probably would be eager to help us
** (4) Evanthe goes slightly starry eyed, "But I do envy Aaron for being able to see his deity...I'd love to see Ragnae" **
(6) Tristen: The ones we are fighting for dont want the world encased in undying winter.
** (1) Mikhal nods in agreement with Evanthe **</font>
(4) Evanthe: Er...looks like we're here..
(3) GM Voice: Beyond the doors... a passage descends.... quickly turning to pitch blackness..
(4) Evanthe: Not before something else though..
(1) Mikhal: *lights his lantern*
(2) Tanja: well...uh...maybe the herbs won't be too far in?
** (4) Evanthe sounds nervous in the darkness "Anybody got a torch?" **
(6) Tristen: *slides his sword out of his scabbard before he decends*
(4) Evanthe: Ahh lifesaver, Mikhal
(2) Tanja: ::edges away from Mikhal:: you mean Target, Mikhal... ::grin::
(4) Evanthe: And yes, Tanja, I really hope so. This place gives me the creeps
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal lights his lantern... shedding a spotlight on what's in front of them...
(1) Mikhal: *edges foward carefuly*
** (4) Evanthe scans the walls and such for any plant growth **
(3) GM Voice: The doors seem to have been the only manly addition to this cave.... the rest seems to be a natural formation...
(2) Tanja: ::watches her feet to make sure they don't step on the herbs accidently::
(3) GM Voice: The walls are covered with a layer of moisture..... but no green in sight..
(2) Tanja: i know maybe this doesn't matter if its...y'know...goddess water...but wouldn't herbs need sunlight?
(2) Tanja: ::looks around uneasily::
(1) Mikhal: maybe they are mushrooms?
(2) Tanja: herbs are most definitely not mushrooms
(6) Tristen: Evanthe would know better about plants then us I think.
(5) Aknier: (( know I"m technically not here, right?))
(4) Evanthe: ((you'd think so wouldn't you?))
(6) Tristen: ((haha))
(2) Tanja: ((really?))
(1) Mikhal: ((or are you?!))
(4) Evanthe: Tanja's right, Aaron said herbs
(4) Evanthe: ((*cough*))
(6) Tristen: ((well theres some moss that grows without sunlight I think... maybe.. x.x))
(5) Aknier: ((SUSPENCE!))
(2) Tanja: ((*dramatic chord*))
(6) Tristen: ((why arent you here Kiros?))
(4) Evanthe: ((the real question is: did tony know you're not here?))
(2) Tanja: ((does that mean i can slink in back now?))
(5) Aknier: ((Because I technically split off two games ago?))
(2) Tanja: ((really?))
(5) Aknier: ((To go warn my temple?))
(4) Evanthe: ((hahahaha whoops >.>))
(4) Evanthe: ((materialize before us))
(5) Aknier: ((That's why I haven't said anything. xD))
(2) Tanja: ((well...uh..teleportation and..uh..warp and...*trails off mumbling*))
(4) Evanthe: ((thought you were being antisocial))
(5) Aknier: ((You *know* I'd have comments concerning religious nature))
(5) Aknier: ((Especially about Mulinel))
(3) GM Voice: ((>_> ::moves tanja to the back::))
(1) Mikhal: ((|Teleport-Mulinel Priest Cave| |Do you need it?
(1) Mikhal: ))
(5) Aknier: ((xD))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Aknier: ((Offering 1,000 Gold))
(5) Aknier: ((Gil*))
(2) Tanja: ((you came up with spells before the game started, so i just kinda assumed...))
(1) Mikhal: ((i thought you were just being quiet ^^))
(5) Aknier: ((Ah. >_>;; Well I *plan* to show up))
(6) Tristen: ((haha scale down your monsters Tony!))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Aknier: ((Just waiting for a good time to do so. >_>;;))
(3) GM Voice: ((Do you want to be here?..>_> Lord Knows Locke has come up in awkward times..))
(2) Tanja: ((Hares in West Ronfaure-strength mobs, tony!))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((why not just have him bumbling around looking for us))
(4) Evanthe: ((got lost looking for us))
(5) Aknier: ((I think I have something if I may?))
(2) Tanja: (("oh wow, look at these herbs i just happened to find--oh hey guys!"))
(4) Evanthe: ((hid while giants came by...*glowers at Scott*))
(4) Evanthe: ((haha yes xD))
(3) GM Voice: ((Go ahead))
(5) Aknier: ((xD Perfect.))
(1) Mikhal: ((which hares, the ones near sandy, or the ones closer to la thiene?))
(2) Tanja: ::Huddles close to the light without making it look obvious:::
(2) Tanja: ((JEJ strength >.>))
(4) Evanthe: ((what scott?))
(5) Aknier: Huh? *a small light begins dancing as Aknier prepares a spell* Who goes there?!
(6) Tristen: ((probably an FFXI thing))
(2) Tanja: ::jumps at the sudden noise::
** (4) Evanthe whips out her bow **
(1) Mikhal: (yeah XD))
(4) Evanthe: Err...Aknier?!
(2) Tanja: who goes here? who goes there!
(5) Aknier: Eva?!
(5) Aknier: Is that really you?!
(2) Tanja: no, we're just faking you out
(2) Tanja: of course its us!
(4) Evanthe: What the hell are you doing here?
(5) Aknier: *A horse appears from the shadows, Aknier mounted on it*
(2) Tanja: ((...hey...where'd our horses go?))
(5) Aknier: I should ask you the same.
(3) GM Voice: Yes... Just around the corner, a familiar face comes into sight...
(4) Evanthe: ((we left 'em))
(4) Evanthe: ((...somewhere))
(3) GM Voice: ((Starved to death yonks ago))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
** (5) Aknier smiles widely. **
(4) Evanthe: ((i'll so kill jaze if that happens :())
(1) Mikhal: *goes foward into the chamber*
(5) Aknier: It's good to see friendly faces, though.
(2) Tanja: ((i think we left them at the base of the mountain---hey!))
(4) Evanthe: ((*cough*))
(3) GM Voice: ((Or alternatively.. You know that Jurassic park scene with the chained up goat?.. Frost worms, yeah, everyone hates em))
(5) Aknier: ((Oh, trust me, it's not permanent))
(4) Evanthe: I uh....did your horse happen to be hungry on the way in?
(2) Tanja: ((aww...))
** (4) Evanthe motions towards the broken door. **
(2) Tanja: ::stricken look:: no...!
(2) Tanja: he wouldn't have eaten...the..
(5) Aknier: Er...unfortuantely, I'm as worried as you are about those marks.
(2) Tanja: ((i guess put me back in front)
(5) Aknier: No, this horse wouldn't have...*the horse begins to glow white, as suddenly it disappears with a "crack", and Aknier falls to the floor*
(2) Tanja: ::relieved look::
** (4) Evanthe laughs, despite her uneasy feeling, "Maybe you should dismount first next time." **
(2) Tanja: i'd hate to...y'know...end this quest before we start
** (4) Evanthe reaches out a hand to help him up. **
** (5) Aknier takes Evathe's hand, and nods in thanks. **
(5) Aknier: I wasn't watching my time as I should have...
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal looks forward into the chamber... a few pieces of broken furniture....
(4) Evanthe: We've found Aaron...and left Jaze with him. He...was poisoned and we're searching out the healing herb.
(5) Aknier: Brother Aaron? So that's the figure the diviners were speaking of...
(3) GM Voice: On the floor nearby... a humanoid's skeleton... it's bony hand clutching a symbol of Mulinel...
(2) Tanja: well that's a great sign...
(1) Mikhal: it always is
(2) Tanja: ((*picks disconsolately through the bones...*))
** (4) Evanthe 's hand hovers near her bow **
(4) Evanthe: you uh...sense any evil...
(3) GM Voice: It also seems to be covered in some sort of ooze... in fact.. patches of it are everywhere on the floor... it shines in the light...
(2) Tanja: eeeyuck...
(1) Mikhal: what's..that?
** (5) Aknier bows his head in momentary morning. **
(2) Tanja: dare you to touch it ::to Tristen::
(3) GM Voice: It smells extremely bad in here....
(6) Tristen: *lets his senses outstretch with Regial's power for evil*
(6) Tristen: I dont sense anything, I think we are fine... perhaps.
(2) Tanja: perhaps?
(2) Tanja: ::bites tongue, unwilling to start arguing here, of all places::
(4) Evanthe: Not so soothing with a skeleton sitting next to us.
(6) Tristen: There are dangerous things that are not necesarily evil... ill remind you of the shadow creatures.
(3) GM Voice: ((Listen or Spot -4 for everyone... Whichever's higher))
(5) Aknier: ((What's the modifier?))
(1) Mikhal: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+7] -> [8,7] = (15)
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
(2) Tanja: ((since i don't have points into either))
(1) Mikhal: ((11..yay))
(4) Evanthe: ((do you want us to add in -4?))
(6) Tristen: Spot check [1d20] -> [7] = (7)
(3) GM Voice: ((Yup, If that's higher than your listen))
(6) Tristen: ((I added mine it))
(4) Evanthe: Spot Skill Check [1d20+11-4] -> [19,11,-4] = (26)
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(5) Aknier: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
(2) Tanja: ((go go gadget elf ears))
(1) Mikhal: ((that's elven eyes))
(2) Tanja: ((eyes too))
(6) Tristen: ((its that dark vision i tell you))
(1) Mikhal: ((elves get low-light vision ;) ))
(6) Tristen: ((same thing))
(1) Mikhal: ((no it's now))
(2) Tanja: ((you'd think the lantern would throw it off some..))
(4) Evanthe: ((wow who cares :D))
(6) Tristen: ((okay..))
(5) Aknier: ((No, they aren't Drow. >_>;;)
(3) GM Voice (whispering): As the latern light dances you think you see it hit a flash of green flesh.... Or listening... you hear squelching noices from the chamber ahead....
(1) Mikhal: ((i think yi ment to send that to eva ;D))
(5) Aknier: What is that noise...?
(1) Mikhal: ((think you*))
(4) Evanthe: Whoa
(3) GM Voice: ((I meant to send it to the three of you =p))
** (4) Evanthe tenses **
(5) Aknier: ((Mine was listen, sorry about that. >_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: I just saw something...a flash of green
** (4) Evanthe looks around wildly. **
(2) Tanja: a big flash?
(4) Evanthe: Green skin or something
(5) Aknier: I heard squelching...
(1) Mikhal: i hear a squelching noise..
(2) Tanja: bad feeling about this...
(4) Evanthe: Green skin? What on earth could it be?
(6) Tristen: *pulls the toruch of undying flame out of his pack* and hold it high*
** (4) Evanthe scoots closer to Mikhal and Tanja and the lamp. **
(6) Tristen: ((holds*))
(4) Evanthe: Be on guard everyone..
(5) Aknier: Right.
** (5) Aknier prepares a spell. **
(3) GM Voice: The light focuses more.... They see ahead of them what appears to be a huge green catapillar... about 10 feet it's head multiple tentacles writhe over the remains of another priest... gnawing on the bones with a massive maw...
(4) Evanthe: ((so...would I say "oh god" or "Oh Ragnae"))
(2) Tanja: ::nearly yelps, clapping hand over mouth::
(6) Tristen: *sarcastically* yes... perhaps.
** (4) Evanthe looks disgusted. **
(5) Aknier: (("oh gods"?))
(4) Evanthe: ((righto!))

(3) GM Voice:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(5) Aknier: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(1) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [5,2] = (7) Init
(2) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [6,4] = (10)
(6) Tristen: Tristen [1d20] -> [12] = (12) Init
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: Evanthe [1d20+4] -> [8,4] = (12) Init
(2) Tanja: ((well this is a great indication...))
(4) Evanthe: ((actually can't Tanja still be in the back since Jaze isn't here?))
(5) Aknier: ((lol indeed.))
(1) Mikhal: ((i always get crap init ;-;))
(4) Evanthe: ((it'd afford her extra protection :3))
(4) Evanthe: ((<3))
(3) GM Voice: The beast... as if smelling fresh flesh... turns around and starts to rapidly head toward the opening of the chamber...
(6) Tristen: ((so yeah, Tony will run out of neutral monsters eventually so I can start using my detect evil again))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Aknier: ((And I can use my Protection from Evil))
(4) Evanthe: ((it's not evil))
(4) Evanthe: ((because he hates us))
(2) Tanja: ((it was the SMRPG when we all had detect evil and cast it every two steps that made tony decide to change things....))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(1) Mikhal: ((yeah XD))
(3) GM Voice: From the left of the cavern, still shrouded in darkness... Another of the green crawlers comes into the light...
(4) Evanthe: (("YOU WALK 2 FEET" *detect evil/traps*))
(2) Tanja: ((...))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Aknier: ((I'm going to push for a Protection from neutral >_>;; ))
(5) Aknier: ((Which wouldn't make any sense...but still!))

(3) GM Voice:
Next init:
(14): Aknier

(6) Tristen: ((actually, try a protection from chaotic, since most beasts are chaotic))
(2) Tanja: ::gulps::
(5) Aknier: ((Really?))
** (5) Aknier found the F9 macro key **
(6) Tristen: ((I think so, I could be wrong))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: ((F9 apocalypse))
(3) GM Voice: ((Most animals are True Neutral..))
(1) Mikhal: ((so what does the F9 macro key do for Aknier?))
(6) Tristen: ((yeah Im wrong haha0)
(4) Evanthe: ((he's just eating people *shrug* that's not evil :D))
(3) GM Voice: ((Law or Chaos Require more thought than animals are capable of most of the time)
(6) Tristen: ((well then yeah we need a protection from neutral :P))
(5) Aknier: Two of them...*prays* Mulinel! Bless us, so that we may prevent these abominations from mulitating the bodies of your faithful!
(2) Tanja: ((protection against everything))
(2) Tanja: ::coughs:: way to put it...
(5) Aknier: ((Proteciton against GM's))
(4) Evanthe: ((shell~))
(1) Mikhal: ((|Protectra| IV |Can I have it?|))
(4) Evanthe: They're so.....slimy looking
(2) Tanja: ::looks disgusted::
(5) Aknier: ((And the F9 Macro allows me to spam "|Regenerating| |Mana|"))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier lets out a prayer to his goddess..... Everyone feels a little better.... Evanthe notices the arrows she recieved from Metaphon have begun to glow slightly after Aknier's spell...
(6) Tristen: ((*protects from Tentacle rape*))

(3) GM Voice:
Next init:
(12): : Evanthe

(2) Tanja: ((oooh))
(4) Evanthe: ((booyah))
(5) Aknier: ((Or whaver BLM's spam in FFXI. xD))
** (4) Evanthe looks at the arrows quizzically before pulling one out **
(4) Evanthe: Hmm
(2) Tanja: ((Firaga!))
(4) Evanthe: I think you've tapped my arrows, Aknier
(4) Evanthe: Let's find out.
(3) GM Voice: The blessed arrows are glowing with a bright blue light..
** (4) Evanthe aims at a carrion crawler **
(2) Tanja: ((arrows of insta-death))
(4) Evanthe: ((do we have bless oging?))
(5) Aknier: ((That's what I casted.))
(3) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [4,10] = (14)
(4) Evanthe: ((sad))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((those arrows might give insane bonuses though))
(4) Evanthe: ((I hope))
(4) Evanthe: ((if it hits nothing, I'm going to hunt for it later. Only 20 of these babies))
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe pulls one of the glowing arrows back in her longbow.... It flies past the Crawler, you hear a thunking sound beyond...
(2) Tanja: ::wince::
(4) Evanthe: ((hunting later!))
(2) Tanja: ((check))
(1) Mikhal: ((arrows that miss have a 50% chance of breaking))

(3) GM Voice:
Next init:
(12): : Tristen

(4) Evanthe: It's uh...hard to see in here
** (4) Evanthe coughs. **
** (5) Aknier looks pleasently suprised at first, then slightly embarassed. **
(4) Evanthe: I feel almost bad killing these creatures though
(4) Evanthe: If only we could get them out of here...and on the giants or something
(2) Tanja: what?! why?
(5) Aknier: Respect for all life, Tanja...
(6) Tristen: *does what he does best and charges at the beast with sword and shield in hand* [1d20 +7] -> [16,7] = (23)
(4) Evanthe: They're not evil, they're just doing what their instincts say
(5) Aknier: ((Yeah, what *are* the alignments of the Giants?))
(2) Tanja: yeah, well, that doesn't mean anything when we get eaten and can't save Jaze
(3) GM Voice: Tristen charges forward and slashes his sword at the left Catepillar...
(6) Tristen: [1d8+3] -> [3,3] = (6)
(4) Evanthe: ((so are these ordinary animals?))
(3) GM Voice: The blade cuts into the rubbery green skin...
(4) Evanthe: ((longshot, but making sure))
(3) GM Voice: As he looks forward... he sees another two of the bests approaching from the left.....
(6) Tristen: Theres more!
(6) Tristen: Theyre everywhere!
(5) Aknier: They're everywhere...

(3) GM Voice:
Next init:
(10): Tanja

(4) Evanthe: ((aka, can i try to charm/calm them?))
** (5) Aknier shakes his head. **
(5) Aknier: This doesn't make any sense...
(3) GM Voice: ((Hmm... Knowledge (Arcana) Checks if anyone has them)
(2) Tanja: ((*twiddles thumbs* not i))
(4) Evanthe: ((nossir))
(5) Aknier: [1d20+10] -> [11,10] = (21)
(1) Mikhal: Knowledge: Arcana Skill Check: [1d20+5] -> [5,5] = (10)
(2) Tanja: ((*praise*))
(5) Aknier: Test [1d20+10] -> [14,10] = (24)
(2) Tanja: ((arcana knowledge? wow...a kindler, gentler side to this barbarian...))
(5) Aknier: ((That second one doesn't count.))
(1) Mikhal: ((i need it for my prestige class ^^))
(2) Tanja: ((
(2) Tanja: ((i'm waiting on my turn 'til we hear the purpose for the check))
(2) Tanja: (so speak up when you find out))
(5) Aknier: These...aren't natural animals...
(4) Evanthe: ((damnit tony :())
(2) Tanja: ::bow taunt, ready to fire at the injured one, but holds her fire:: what do you mean?
(4) Evanthe: Do you know more than that?
(5) Aknier: They're like two different animals melded together.
(2) Tanja: ((...))
** (4) Evanthe looks shocked "What?" **
(1) Mikhal: that's..really strange
(5) Aknier: No. This defintely the work of another Arcanist.
(5) Aknier: A depraved one...
(4) Evanthe: Another arcanist...?
(4) Evanthe: Someone trying to stop us?
(4) Evanthe: Or..just a twisted fellow
(2) Tanja: the same person who fired on Jaze?
(4) Evanthe: He's using innocent animals for his own twisted ways *looks angry*
(2) Tanja: ::releases the bowstring, arcing an arrow towards the injured worm::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+5] -> [6,5] = (11)
(2) Tanja: ((poohsticks.))
(5) Aknier: Maybe...maybe just twisted...maybe slighted by Mulinel in general.
(3) GM Voice: Tanja pulls back her bowstring... the arrow bouncing off the rubbery hide of the beast.....
(4) Evanthe: Poor creatures.
(2) Tanja: ::grimaces::
(2) Tanja: i'm open for ideas if you want to avoid conflict...
(2) Tanja: they seem to have other ideas
(3) GM Voice: Another moves forward... it's tentacles writhe toward tristen!..
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head, "I can't communicate with them since they're not even animals anymore..." **
(2) Tanja: ((those're some ugly pictures, by the way))
(5) Aknier: He's sick, whoever he is...
(5) Aknier: Or she.
(4) Evanthe: Tristen, look out!
(3) GM Voice: ((3 Fortitude Saves Tristen))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Tristen: [1d20+8] -> [3,8] = (11)
(6) Tristen: [1d20+8] -> [17,8] = (25)
(6) Tristen: [1d20+8] -> [11,8] = (19)
(4) Evanthe: ((O_o))
(2) Tanja: ((i wish i could roll like that))
(6) Tristen: ((Devine grace is nice))
(4) Evanthe: (("Tristen dies"))
(4) Evanthe: ((divine grace my ass))
(3) GM Voice: Multiple Tentacles slaver over Tristen, dripping with slime..
(1) Mikhal: ((carrion crawlers paralyze))
(4) Evanthe: ((....*stays back*))
(6) Tristen: ((Im thinking its paralyze too))
(2) Tanja: ((its for that tentacle rape comment earlier..))
(6) Tristen: ((haha))
(3) GM Voice: Wherever the slime touches, his muscles stop responding......... he soon finds he can't move at all..
** (4) Evanthe watches Tristen go stiff, "Oh no.." **

(3) GM Voice:
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal

(4) Evanthe: Mikhal, don't let them touch you!
(2) Tanja: ((so...uh....yeah))
(6) Tristen: ((so yeah, how many turns does that last))
(4) Evanthe: This must be how they got all the rest...
(2) Tanja: ((someone run back and get some of that healing water lol))
(1) Mikhal: *rages, steps foward, and attacks the one on the right*
(4) Evanthe: ((last time i was paralyzed..the whole battle~))
(3) GM Voice: (( ^_^ 2d6 Minutes))
(2) Tanja: ((...))
(2) Tanja: ((okay, so type slow))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal Rages forward, swinging his blade...!
(6) Tristen: ((how long is a round again?))
(2) Tanja: ((ask questions))
(2) Tanja: ((omg i forgot my dice!))
(3) GM Voice: ((6 seconds))
(4) Evanthe: ((the whole battle.))
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+14] -> [20,14] = (34)
(1) Mikhal: ((:D))
(2) Tanja: ((i love that face tony made...he delights in killing us))
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+14] -> [16,14] = (30)
(1) Mikhal: ((critical, i'm hoping? ;D))
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal's sword cleaves into the first crawler that approached them...!
(3) GM Voice: ((Yes... =p I hate you))
(2) Tanja: ((pleasepleaseplease))
(1) Mikhal: ((x2 or x3?))
(2) Tanja: ((yaaay))
(4) Evanthe: ((slice it in half!))
(3) GM Voice: ((x2))
(2) Tanja: ((death! death! death! death!))
(6) Tristen: ((oh god tell me Mikhal has cleave))
(2) Tanja: ((kill all 3 at once!))
(1) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+10] -> [2,2,10] = (14)
(1) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+10] -> [3,2,10] = (15)
(1) Mikhal: ((unfortunately, i don't))
(6) Tristen: ((useless))
(5) Aknier: xD
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal's blade comes down on the back of it's head..... it cuts deep into the rubbery hide...... the head falls to the ground with a sickening plop.... green ooze flowing out from it's severed portions..
(2) Tanja: ugh..
** (4) Evanthe says in a dry tone, "Well there's a way to prevent it from touching you." **
(6) Tristen: *would grimace if he could move his face*

(3) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round

(4) Evanthe: Good job, Mikhal!
(4) Evanthe: Now dodge the rest of those suckers
(4) Evanthe: While uh Tanja and I ...protect Aknier
(4) Evanthe: And, you know, keep the back clear.
(3) GM Voice: The other crawler turns it's attention toward Mikhal... it's tentacles write toward him.....
(5) Aknier: It's apprciated, if slightly misplaced.
(3) GM Voice: ((2 Fortitude Saves))
(6) Tristen: ((bah, he only gets 2?))
(4) Evanthe: Watch out!
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: ((don't die!))
(1) Mikhal: Fortitude Saves [1d20+8] -> [1,8] = (9) [1d20+8] -> [4,8] = (12)
(2) Tanja: ((...))
(1) Mikhal: ((bah))
(2) Tanja: ((well, there goes that))
(4) Evanthe: ((so both our tanks die...;__;))
(2) Tanja: ((our front line!))
(6) Tristen: ((well while they eat us you guys can kill them))
(4) Evanthe: ((i say we tip them over and run for our lives))
(5) Aknier: ((xD))
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal gets slathered with crawler slime.. His muscles immediately freeze up....
(2) Tanja: ::suddenly has a thought, droppign to her knees and pawing through her pack frantically::
(2) Tanja: i know i had...
(3) GM Voice: ((Did you include bless with that save?...))
(5) Aknier: ((You *are* using your Bless bonus, right?))
(1) Mikhal: ((nope ^^))
(5) Aknier: ((jinx. >_>;;))
(1) Mikhal: ((i forgot the bless))
(6) Tristen: ((oh wait, I didnt include bless in my saves))
(3) GM Voice: ((Another save then))
(4) Evanthe: ((it'd be funny if you were still frozen regardless >.>))
(3) GM Voice: ((The 3 still fails))
(1) Mikhal: [1d20+9] -> [4,9] = (13)
(2) Tanja: ::holds up a few utensils::, not these... ::puts them back in, comes out with a large red ruby::, not this either... ::rummage rummage::
** (4) Evanthe watches Tanja curiously **
(4) Evanthe: ((anxiously*))
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal feels his muscles start to get sluggish.. but in his rage he tears free of the slime's effects...!
** (5) Aknier blinks, wondering if he saw that ruby the fair... **
(4) Evanthe: Mikhal, are you alright?

(3) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round

(6) Tristen: ((bah, so if I rolled a 12 I would have not been frozen?))
(2) Tanja: ::stuffs the ruby back in, coming up with a fistful of arrows:: aha!

(3) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round

** (4) Evanthe notices him still moving, albeit sluggishly **
(1) Mikhal: i'm..fine
(2) Tanja: special Tanja-brand arrows!
(3) GM Voice: (Er... Crapola..>_>)
(3) GM Voice: Aknier?
(4) Evanthe: Good, hang in there!
(5) Aknier: Er, yeah?
(4) Evanthe: ((it's your turn xD))
(3) GM Voice: ((Technology has failed me, your turn ^_^))
(5) Aknier: ((Oh right. >_>;;))
(2) Tanja: ::pats her arrows lovingly:: i had almost forgotten about you...
(4) Evanthe: ((as Aknier starts speaking to "voices"))
(6) Tristen: ((er... wouldnt I not be frozen then? if 12 overcomes the paralyze.. and I rolled an 11, and add one))
(2) Tanja: ((now i just gotta hit))
(5) Aknier: ((Hey, I heard a GM Voice who called me name, you know.))
(3) GM Voice: ((DC 13))
(6) Tristen: ((-.-))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
** (5) Aknier breathes for a moment, then begins chanting some strange words... **
(5) Aknier: Missial...arcadia...
(5) Aknier: ((Magic MIssle))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier chants some magic words.... casting forth a missle of magical energy.....
(3) GM Voice: ((Which one?))
(5) Aknier: ((Crawler #4, but don't I have 2?))
(5) Aknier: ((2 Missles, that is?))
(3) GM Voice: ((Yup ^_^))
(5) Aknier: ((Ah~ Just double checking))
** (5) Aknier stares directly at the Crawler in front of Tristen. **
(4) Evanthe: ((psst, damage))
(1) Mikhal: ((2d4+2))
(3) GM Voice: Two blazing missles slam into the crawler's rubbery green hide.....
(5) Aknier: I CAST MAGIC MISSLE [2d4+2] -> [3,4,2] = (9) AT THE DARKNESS!
(4) Evanthe: ((yay damage~))
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe?
** (4) Evanthe pulls out two glowing arrows and aims at crawler 4 **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [8,8] = (16)
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [5,8] = (13)
(4) Evanthe: ((what is this ;_;))
(6) Tristen: ((youre obviously not supposed to use these arrows yet or something))
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah I think I"ll stop))
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe sends out two arrows.... both sailing past the catapillar.... Skittering sounds beyond...
(3) GM Voice: ((I'm going from memory here.... butttt...)) Tanja?...
(1) Mikhal: ((tristen goes before that, but he is paralyzed))
(2) Tanja: ((wasn't eva before me?))
(2) Tanja: ((n/m))
(4) Evanthe: ((i just went))
(2) Tanja: ::slowly and carefully nocks one of the arrows retrieved from her pack, the arrowhead looking like it was dipped in some undesireable part of a snow spider...::
(2) Tanja: please hit... ::releases the bowstring and sends an arrow out towards Crawler 4::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+5] -> [19,5] = (24)
(2) Tanja: ((oh hallelujia))
(2) Tanja: ((praise dice and all things wonderful))
(3) GM Voice: Tanja pulls back a poisoned arrow in her bow...! It stabs deep into the hide of the crawler...
(4) Evanthe: ((yay :D))
(2) Tanja: ((now gimme some dice on these puppies))
(2) Tanja: [1d6[
(5) Aknier: ((Nice!))
(2) Tanja: [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(3) GM Voice: ((Crawler 4?..>_> Which one is that... Normal arrow damage, I roll a fort save against the poison on them))
(5) Aknier: ((The one infront of Tristen))
(2) Tanja: ((the same one eva said...))
(3) GM Voice: ((Since Eva missed I didn't need to know ^_^))
(5) Aknier: ((It's the one I targeted))
(4) Evanthe: ((stop confusing players))
(2) Tanja: ((lol well damn..yeah the one on tristen...the one with a 4 in the title..))
(5) Aknier: ((Yeah...are there 8 of these things? >_>;;))
(5) Aknier: ((Might want to check that next time.))
(2) Tanja: ((i think the numbers count us as well...but blew my secret))
(3) GM Voice: The arrow sinks into the flesh... A second later... it seems the tentacles of the beast start to move slower.....
(3) GM Voice: ((None of mine have labels..>_> Technology fails me again))
(2) Tanja: ((yeah i see a 4 on the one on tristen, a 7 on the one next to it, and an 8 on the one further back...))
(2) Tanja: ::nods in pleasure:: yeah, see? knew these things would come in handy
(3) GM Voice: The one in back moves forward.... attacking Mikhal with it's swarm of tentacles...
(5) Aknier: ((Grrr...move closer to Mikhal on the *other* side so I can fry you!))
(3) GM Voice: ((3 Fort Saves))
(2) Tanja: ((aiee...))
(1) Mikhal: Fort Saves [1d20+9] -> [20,9] = (29) [1d20+9] -> [4,9] = (13) [1d20+9] -> [17,9] = (26)
(1) Mikhal: ((...))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Tristen: ((hahah))
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal shrugs off the slime in a fit of anger!
(1) Mikhal: ((oh well, i r teh winnar))
(4) Evanthe: ((well i can spot things...but hitting them? not so much))
(3) GM Voice: The one that faces tristen suddenly freezes up entirely.. unable to move just like it's prey...!
(3) GM Voice: ((3 and a 2 on poison saves...Ouch))
(4) Evanthe: ((did tristen paralyze him with a glare?))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh nice :D))
(2) Tanja: ::Mumbles:: there...don't say i never did anything for you, tristen
(6) Tristen: ((I wish))
(4) Evanthe: ((you'd think they'd be immune to paralyze))
(6) Tristen: ((youd all be paralyzed))
(5) Aknier: ((Srsly))
(2) Tanja: ((i just saved your life!))
(3) GM Voice: ((Bit unclear where the Init goes from here.. but.... )) Mikhal I think?
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Tristen: ((haha yeah yeah))
(1) Mikhal: ((they are probably immune to their own paralysis..but not others?))
(2) Tanja: ((don't question!))
(2) Tanja: ::fingers another special arrow::
(5) Aknier: ((Different chemical composition))
(1) Mikhal: *stabbity to the one on my right!*
(2) Tanja: ((Frost spiders don't get along with Carrion Crawlers, apparently))
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+14] -> [2,14] = (16)
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal hefts his greatsword....! And plows it into the floor of the cavern...
(4) Evanthe: This is getting embarrassing..
(4) Evanthe: I think we're getting soft, guys
(6) Tristen: *thinks speak for yourself, I cant move*
(6) Tristen: ((Zinggg))
(4) Evanthe: ((haha dork))
(2) Tanja: ((well if you had passed your rolls.... bammmm))
** (5) Aknier looks around a bit, pretending to ignore the comment. **
(3) GM Voice: The leftmost crawler crawls up Tristen's paralyzed body.. positing it's jaw around his head...
(4) Evanthe: Oh gross!
(2) Tanja: ((oh yuck))
(4) Evanthe: It's trying to eat him
(5) Aknier: ((Totally not cool!))
(3) GM Voice: It's teeth dig into the Paladin's face....
(2) Tanja: ((oh man))
(4) Evanthe: Aagh!
(6) Tristen: ((just had to go for the face..))
(4) Evanthe: ((scarred for life. No girls for you))
(2) Tanja: ((disfigured by a carrion crawler...))
(5) Aknier: ((Isn't there a restoration spell for that type of thing?))
(6) Tristen: ((I hope so))
(4) Evanthe: ((shh let us delight))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((*cough*))
(5) Aknier: ((You guys are evil. =P))
(4) Evanthe: ((i was kidding! :D))
(6) Tristen: ((I agree Kiros))
(2) Tanja: ((just kidding, just kidding.... =D ))
(5) Aknier: ((I know. xP))
(3) GM Voice: ((Fort Save Tristen))
(6) Tristen: [1d20+9] -> [12,9] = (21)
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah so your face doesn't melt off))
(2) Tanja: ((but you'll still have nasty teeth marks))
(3) GM Voice: The Crawler's teeth gnaw repeatedly on the Paladin.... seemingly crazed with hunger...
(3) GM Voice: ((5 Damage))
(2) Tanja: ::gags::
(2) Tanja: y'know..i don't like the guy much, but that's a little bad even for me
(6) Tristen: ((kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: Yeah...just a bit
(5) Aknier: ((Doesn't that provoke an AOA?))
(3) GM Voice: The crawler in front of tristen is still paralzed....
(4) Evanthe: ((he's paralyzed))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier?
(4) Evanthe: ((doesn't matter))
(2) Tanja: ((you want me to risk shooting your head off with an arrow?))
(2) Tanja: ((william tell))
(6) Tristen: *((yes))
(2) Tanja: ((okay, just as long as i get your permission
(3) GM Voice: ((Coup De Grace's do provoke an AoE if there was someone in AoE range who could make one..;) ))
** (5) Aknier quickly scoops three rocks off the floor of the cavern. He then begins praying to Mulinel. **
(6) Tristen: ((Tony is trying to kill me... AGAIN))
(4) Evanthe: ((you're killable))
(6) Tristen: ((didnt have enough with Raistlin eh?))
(2) Tanja: ((boo....he's done that to us many, many times))
(5) Aknier: My Godess, let your power fill these stones. Magic Stone!
(2) Tanja: ((you can take a little abuse =D ))
(4) Evanthe: ((and hey, i actually died :P))
(2) Tanja: ((i came close...))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier fills some stones he finds with the power of his Goddess..
(4) Evanthe: ((so a little face chewing is nothing))
(3) GM Voice: ((Well if he fails his fort save.. he will die =p))
(6) Tristen: ((oh god... that even sounds disgusting))
(2) Tanja: ((well he better not fail then))
(4) Evanthe: ((shush :())
(4) Evanthe: ((okay maybe i'll shoot it this time))
(2) Tanja: ::tongue in cheek, concentrating on her next shot::
(6) Tristen: ((whats the DC of the save))
(3) GM Voice: ((10+Damage))
** (4) Evanthe watches the thing chew on Tristen's face anxiously **
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe?
(5) Aknier: ((Is it still my t...ah, okay))
** (4) Evanthe pulls another glowing arrow (last one >.>)) and aims it at the thing on Tristen's face **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+10] -> [9,10] = (19)
(2) Tanja: ((phew))
(4) Evanthe: ((still low))
(4) Evanthe: ((9 what glad for bonuses))
(6) Tristen: ((that thing better be a one hit kill arrow))
(4) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+2] -> [8,2] = (10)
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe's arrow stabs into the beast feasting on Tristen..!
(3) GM Voice: It stops glowing as soon as it hits the monster...
(4) Evanthe: ((no effect))
(2) Tanja: ((maybe it'll shock itself off you...))
(4) Evanthe: ((maybe that's for undead))
(5) Aknier: ((I'm begining to think that.))
(6) Tristen: ((well atleast you distracted it))
(5) Aknier: ((But after this, Aknier's going to ask to borrow one to study.))
(6) Tristen: ((I think Tristen is going to chop them into little pieces))
(6) Tristen: ((because even though I cant move, I can still see))
(3) GM Voice: Still green ooze pours from the wound... it starts to move it's tentacles toward the back of the party...
(4) Evanthe: ((o fux))
(6) Tristen: ((so yeah... im watching this thing gnaw on my face))
(2) Tanja: ((...))
(3) GM Voice: Tanja?
(2) Tanja: ::releases another of her special arrows at the crawler coming at them, hoping to slow it down with the poison::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+5] -> [15,5] = (20)
** (4) Evanthe looks warily at the tentacles **
(2) Tanja: [1d6] -> [1] = (1)
(4) Evanthe: At least it's not going to eat his face anymore..
(2) Tanja: ((..pfft))
(2) Tanja:'ll eat ours instead...
(3) GM Voice: Tanja'a arrow sinks into the face of the beast... but this one seems to shrug off the effects..
(2) Tanja: ((nooooo))
(4) Evanthe: Mikhal seems to be doing pretty well with shaking off the effects
(3) GM Voice: The one on Mikhal attacks again with a web of tentacles....!
(2) Tanja: ((jeez...don't they have any other attacks?))
(3) GM Voice: ((.....5 fort saves))
(4) Evanthe: ((naw they just want to eat us))
(2) Tanja: ((or are you just gonna keep trying until you paralyze him?))
(1) Mikhal: Fort Saves [1d20+9] -> [9,9] = (18) [1d20+9] -> [2,9] = (11) [1d20+9] -> [9,9] = (18) [1d20+9] -> [8,9] = (17) [1d20+9] -> [4,9] = (13)
(2) Tanja: ((ouch))
(3) GM Voice: ((Ooooh... so close))
(1) Mikhal: ((damn that 11 >_>))
(1) Mikhal: ((can i reroll it? ;-;))
(6) Tristen: ((I think Tony is enjoying this))
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal suddenly feels his body go numb......!
(4) Evanthe: ((he wouldn't be tony if he didn't~))
(3) GM Voice: It starts to move forward with it's slavering maw..
(2) Tanja: ((ugh))
(5) Aknier: ((Ew...))
(4) Evanthe: Noo
(1) Mikhal: (these things are too evil >_>))
(4) Evanthe: There's got to be another way to handle these things
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: ((it just ran over tristen!))
(5) Aknier: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: Any ideas guys?
(5) Aknier: I think I have one...
(3) GM Voice: The leftmost one crawls over Tristen's paralyzed form.... and swings it's tentacles toward Tanja...
(2) Tanja: ((run very fast?))
(2) Tanja: ::shields her face:: Noo...!
(3) GM Voice: ((. . .))
(3) GM Voice: And all 8 of the slithering swipes go far wide...
(2) Tanja: ((hot damn))
(5) Aknier: ((xD))
(1) Mikhal: ((|Mulinel| |Can we have it?|))
(2) Tanja: ((*flex thief powah*))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier?
(2) Tanja: get it off me...!
** (5) Aknier thinks briefly. **
(4) Evanthe: At this rate we'll be overrun
** (5) Aknier takes one of the stones, and inserts it into his mouth. He then moves, attempting to put himself between the Crawler, and Tanja. **
** (5) Aknier throws another one of his stones at the Crawler. **
** (4) Evanthe blinks at Aknier, not fully understanding **
(1) Mikhal: ((O_o))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier puts a stone in his mouth..o_O Throwing another one at the crawler in front of Tanja!
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) GM Voice: ((This is obviously a technique to confuse the DM))
(6) Tristen: ((haha))
(2) Tanja: ((good))
(5) Aknier: ((Trust me. I'm just being crative here))
(5) Aknier: ((*creative*))
(4) Evanthe: ((keep at it :D))
(5) Aknier: ((Remember, I moved))
(3) GM Voice: ((You can move and do a standard action))
(3) GM Voice: ((That's the close as you can get till between... They're kind of attached at the moment
(5) Aknier: ((Ah, right))
(2) Tanja: ((we're attached?!))
(3) GM Voice: ((D20 for the stone throw?))
(6) Tristen: ((Tentacle Rape!))
(5) Aknier: ((Yeah, I thought she dodged))
(2) Tanja: ((*cry*))
(3) GM Voice: ((Meaning... with all the tentacles you can't make it between them safely))
(2) Tanja: ((tony, you're invading my comfort zone here!))
(2) Tanja: ((Oh...okay, that's acceptable))
(5) Aknier: ((I'm not trying to be safe))
(1) Mikhal: ((Patti is gonna MPK him on FFXI =O))
(6) Tristen: ((I say just touch it with the rock instead of throwing it))
(5) Aknier: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(3) GM Voice: ((Dex Mod and +1 on that?...))
(5) Aknier: (er oops.))
(5) Aknier: Let he without Sin cast the first stone! [1d20+1] -> [3,1] = (4)
(5) Aknier: ((Cripes))
(4) Evanthe: ((well if it's +1 we just add it to you first roll anyway))
(5) Aknier: ((Sure~ I like that idea better. >_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((shh))
(1) Mikhal: ((i think they have an AC of 17 though))
(1) Mikhal: ((maybe higher))
(6) Tristen: ((I say just touch it with the stone personally :P))
(4) Evanthe: ((higher than 16 for sure))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier flings his stone at point blank... it *barely* whiffs past the creatures head....
(1) Mikhal: ((if 14 barely wiffs..they when do 16s miss? >_>))
(1) Mikhal: ((then*))
(4) Evanthe: ((just imagining him throwing it at a monster that's HUGE and 2 feet away.....and missing))
(3) GM Voice: ((Oops...))Then... as if the bless spell suddenly decided to come into effect... it boomerangs back!...
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((Aknier throws like a retarded girl :( ))
(2) Tanja: ((yay mulinel))
(3) GM Voice: ((BAB +1, +1 Enchantment, +1 Bless, 14+3 = 17))
(5) Aknier: ((Oh shush))
(4) Evanthe: ((;D))
(5) Aknier: ((BAB?))
(4) Evanthe: ((base attack bonus))
(3) GM Voice: The rock bonks the creature in the back...! A Small flash of light erupts from the stone...
(1) Mikhal: ((1d6+1 damage))
(5) Aknier: ((Besides, the Wizard hits with ranged weapons, and the Ranger misses? wth.))
(5) Aknier: [1d6+1] -> [6,1] = (7)
(4) Evanthe: ((he's 2 feet in front of you!))
(5) Aknier: ((WIZARD))
(3) GM Voice: The Stone bores a hole in the crawlers hide... the tentacles suddenly go limp.... it skulks to the floor in front of Tanja, moving no more...
(4) Evanthe: ((calm down, I was just kidding around))
(5) Aknier: ((No, that was actually a victory cry. >_>;;))
(2) Tanja: ::looks infinitely relieved::
** (4) Evanthe cheers **
(5) Aknier: ((Sorry about that))
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe?
(4) Evanthe: ((uh are both trying to eat our friends' faces?))
(6) Tristen: ((ones paralyzed))
(1) Mikhal: ((the one in front of tristen is paralyzed))
(3) GM Voice: ((One is immobile, the rightmost one is preparing for Mikhal Brains))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh awesome))
(6) Tristen: ((the one in front of mikhal is going for him))
** (4) Evanthe fires off two normal arrows at the one in front of Mikhal **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [7,8] = (15)
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [8,8] = (16)
(4) Evanthe: ((;____;))
(1) Mikhal: ((;-;))
(3) GM Voice: ((...))
(2) Tanja: (!!!))
(4) Evanthe: ((9 is my highest roll of the sad is that?))
(6) Tristen: ((your dice dont like you today))
(3) GM Voice: ((Statistics is a sham!))
(1) Mikhal: ((OpenRPG hates elves >_>))
(3) GM Voice: Two arrows sail to either side of the crawler... who pays no heed....
(3) GM Voice: Tanja?
(6) Tristen: ((I demand double exp for this fight today :P))
(5) Aknier: ((Conspiracy!))
(4) Evanthe: ((why, you just stood here xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((And so did I for that matter))
(6) Tristen: ((my face was gnawed off :P))
(2) Tanja: ::sighs in reluctance, and takes out another poisoned arrow::: i really didn't want to use this many...
(2) Tanja: ::draws her bow and shoots it at the one on Mikhal::
(2) Tanja: [1d20+5] -> [3,5] = (8)
(2) Tanja: ((not that it matters))
(2) Tanja: (('cause its whiffed anyway))
(3) GM Voice: Tanja's arrow sails over the head of the remaining bug...
(4) Evanthe: ((so uh, if we wonder why we're all dead an dparalyzed))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm arrow scrounging with you, angel))
(5) Aknier: ((Hey...there's no way I can push past Mikhal, is there?))
(2) Tanja: ((we just better hope that the paralysis on the crawler lasts just as long as the paralysis on Tristen...))
(3) GM Voice: The crawler crawls over mikhal's body... sensing a bigger threat... it swipes at the first thing it sees.... Tanja..
(2) Tanja: ::cries out:: not again...!
(2) Tanja: ((c'mon thief))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh god))
(2) Tanja: ((yay thief...c'mon thief))
(3) GM Voice: ((3 Fortitude Saves))
(2) Tanja: ((dammit tony))
(2) Tanja: ((what' fortitude based on again?))
(4) Evanthe: ((question...just occurred to paralysis considered a poison?))
(3) GM Voice: ((Con))
(1) Mikhal: ((Tanja's Evasion Skill goes down 0.6 points))
(3) GM Voice: ((Some Poisons can paralyze, but not all Paralysis inducing agents are poisons))
(2) Tanja: once... [1d20+3] -> [18,3] = (21) .. and again [1d20+3] -> [16,3] = (19) .. and a third time! [1d20+3] -> [7,3] = (10)
(4) Evanthe: ((so is this particular one poisonous?))
(6) Tristen: ((Oh come on Tony, you dont wanna start the game over, is THIS one a poison?))
(2) Tanja: ((well...uh))
(2) Tanja: ((two out of three isn't bad?))
(1) Mikhal: ((almost ;-;))
(4) Evanthe: ((and if i were to delay poison on her, would it stop her from becoming paralyzed just then?))
(4) Evanthe: ((and maybe just a bit...slower?))
(4) Evanthe: ((long shot, but i'm trying >.>))
(3) GM Voice: ((Technically... Contact poison I guess you can say, Delay poison doesen't cure what has already occured...))
(4) Evanthe: ((right, but it slows it down right?))
(3) GM Voice: ((CC Poison doesen't really have a second stage, so it'd basically have no effect..>_>))
(2) Tanja: ::has a feeling of impending doom::
(4) Evanthe: ((awww))
(3) GM Voice: Tanja's muscles freeze up under a lathering of Crawler slime..
(2) Tanja: ((go wizard! go ranger!))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier?
(4) Evanthe: ((so what happens when we all die anyway?))
(2) Tanja: ((we reload the game))
(4) Evanthe: ((cause i sure can't hit squat))
(1) Mikhal: ((Mulinel intervines? *hopefuly*))
(5) Aknier: ((I'm calling her to do so already. >_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((pray :( ))
(3) GM Voice: ((If you don't believe in yourself you'll never be able to succeed! *Cheesy anime line #531*))
(4) Evanthe: ((*stabs DM*))
(2) Tanja: ((getting her answering machine, i take it?))
(3) GM Voice: ((Time to start searching for Satan's number *nod*))
(4) Evanthe: ((or crying))
(2) Tanja: ((i think i've got it in my pack somewhere))
(2) Tanja: ((probably written on that ruby i pilfered))
(1) Mikhal: (("Hello, this is Mulinel. I cannot answer your prayer right now, so please leave your prayer and i might get back to you. *BEEP*"))
(5) Aknier: ((Angel...please dont' criticall miss...))
(5) Aknier: ((*ccritically))
(5) Aknier: ((..))
(6) Tristen: ((Aknier its your turn))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((Critically missing does nothing))
(5) Aknier: ((I know))
(3) GM Voice: ((Yeah, it's your turn..>_>))
(3) GM Voice: ((Unless you have poison arrows))
(5) Aknier: ((You'll see why))
(5) Aknier: ((Oh.))
(2) Tanja: ((take some and stab the crawler))
(4) Evanthe: ((i can't promise anything with these rolls, but i'll try :( ))
** (5) Aknier again, runs up to the incomming crawler, tossing another stone at it. **
(3) GM Voice: Aknier tosses another magically infused stone...!
(5) Aknier: Let he without Sin cast the second stone! [1d20+3] -> [5,3] = (8)
(2) Tanja: ((...aie...))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier's stone goes wide....!
(6) Tristen: ((what happened to magic spells anyways?))
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe..?
(2) Tanja: ((burning hands?))
(5) Aknier: ((burning hands would hurt you, the crawler, and Mikhal))
(2) Tanja: ((at this point, i dont' care as long as i live))
(5) Aknier: ((The first stone made me bold. >_>;;))
** (5) Aknier scowls a bit. **
(5) Aknier: You don't want her. You want me. Tenderized meat!
(6) Tristen: ((I can take the burning hands.. lots of HP))
** (4) Evanthe pulls out two more arrows and aims at the thing **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [8,8] = (16)
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [5,8] = (13)
(4) Evanthe: ((oh. my. god.))
(2) Tanja: ((uh...yeah))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm leaving. *packs up and leaves*))
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe litters the ground with more arrows...
(2) Tanja: ((how many minutes does tristen have left?))
(3) GM Voice: The lumbering catapillar turns to Aknier....
(3) GM Voice: ((I rolled a 10 for him... so 60 rounds..>_>))
(2) Tanja: ((well...fuck))
(1) Mikhal: ((..and me?))
(3) GM Voice: ((7 Fort Saves))
(2) Tanja: ((7?!))
(2) Tanja: ((are you serious?))
(3) GM Voice: ((Wizards = No AC))
(2) Tanja: ((tony, do you really hate us this much?))
(3) GM Voice: ((Hmmmm... We'll see ;) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((he didn't foresee my sucky luck with the dice))
(2) Tanja: ((what NPC haven't we seen in a while?))
(4) Evanthe: ((i sure as hell can't carry you all though))
(2) Tanja: ((take me! i'm lightest!))
(5) Aknier: [1d20+1] -> [8,1] = (9) [1d20+1] -> [18,1] = (19) [1d20+1] -> [3,1] = (4) [1d20+1] -> [18,1] = (19) [1d20+1] -> [6,1] = (7) [1d20+1] -> [11,1] = (12)
(2) Tanja: ((ow...
(5) Aknier: [1d20+1] -> [6,1] = (7)
(2) Tanja: ((9, 4, 7...))
** (5) Aknier quickly pushes the stone to the front of his mouth... **
(3) GM Voice: Aknier nearly drowns in monster ooze... He finds himself completely unable to move..
** (4) Evanthe panics **
(4) Evanthe: Maybe I...can...
(3) GM Voice: ((I figured you were going for that...>_> Technically mouth muscles are frozen too you know))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Aknier: ((We'll see what Angel does))
(3) GM Voice: .....Evanthe?
(4) Evanthe: ((angel's got nothing))
(2) Tanja: ((save the day!))
(4) Evanthe: ((don't count on me))
(5) Aknier: ((Think about it))
(4) Evanthe: ((why not just tell me what you're thinking))
(1) Mikhal: ((*cheers Evanthe on*))
(5) Aknier: ((Because technically i can
(4) Evanthe: ((not really the time to be mysterious))
(2) Tanja: ((yeah you can...we do it all the time... lol))
(5) Aknier: ((Hit my head. >_>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((hit your head?))
(5) Aknier: ((With your fist or something.))
(5) Aknier: ((That'll knock the stone lose))
(2) Tanja: ((but if your mouth musclse are frozen, won't it still stay there?))
(3) GM Voice: ((...I'd say she'd have more luck with arrows....>_>))
(5) Aknier: ((Yeah. Nevermind. >_>;;))
(3) GM Voice: ((Rather than using you as a bow to fire a stone))
(4) Evanthe: ((should I go with 2 arrows +8 or one +10 ? ))
(1) Mikhal: ((i personally say 2..but that's just me))
(4) Evanthe: ((alright))
(5) Aknier: ((I agree.))
(3) GM Voice: ((You're due for a 20... might as well have as many attempts as possible))
** (4) Evanthe fires off two more arrows hoping,wishing, invoking ragnae, crossing fingers,toes **
(2) Tanja: ((*pray*))
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [4,8] = (12)
(4) Evanthe: ((>.>))
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [17,8] = (25)
(1) Mikhal: ((yay :D))
(2) Tanja: ((woooo))
(5) Aknier: ((There we go!))
(4) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+2] -> [5,2] = (7)
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe launches two arrows..... the first sails wide once more.....! The second slams into the hide of the beast...!
(4) Evanthe: ((uh just need to do that 89 more times and it dies >.>))
(4) Evanthe: ((without it hitting me))
(3) GM Voice: It starts moving it's many feet toward the ranger....
(2) Tanja: ((so much for that))
(4) Evanthe: Ack!
(5) Aknier: ((Ow.))
(2) Tanja: ((if we all get paralyzed, do we have to watch our own face-eating death scenes...?))
(4) Evanthe: ((pretty much))
(6) Tristen: ((well you have that ring and a sword, drop the bow and such))
(3) GM Voice: ((One Fort Save....))
(2) Tanja: ((*pray*))
(1) Mikhal: ((unless you had your eyes shut when you were paralyzed))
(4) Evanthe: ((bah))
(2) Tanja: ((the entire game comes down to one save))
(4) Evanthe: Fort Save [1d20+4] -> [17,4] = (21)
(2) Tanja: ((c'mon ange!))
(2) Tanja: ((angel..))
(1) Mikhal: ((yay))
(3) GM Voice: Angel fights on with determination... shrugging off the crawler juice...
(1) Mikhal: ((now take a 5-foot adjustment backwords so it doesn't get AoO on you when you attack))
(3) GM Voice: ((Evanthe..>_>))
(2) Tanja: ((go eva! go eva!))
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe?
** (4) Evanthe steps 5 feet back and fires off two more arrows **
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [11,8] = (19)
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [13,8] = (21)
(2) Tanja: ((hallelujia!))
(4) Evanthe: Damage [2d8+4] -> [1,8,4] = (13)
(2) Tanja: ((death death death))
(1) Mikhal: ((Evanthe ftw!))
(5) Aknier: ((booyah!))
(3) GM Voice: Two arrows fly from Evanthe's bow.... Both slamming into the crawlers skin... Green ooze...oozes.... The beast falls down.. dead...!
(4) Evanthe: ((talk about pressure))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm gonna have a coronary after this))
(2) Tanja: ((yaaaaaay))
(2) Tanja: ((now get the one that can't fight back, and we're good))
(3) GM Voice: ...Evanthe again!
(6) Tristen: ((kill it kill it kill it))
** (4) Evanthe fires off two arrows at the one not moving **
(1) Mikhal: ((pretty much..don't roll a 1 and you hit :D))
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [6,8] = (14)
(4) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [4,8] = (12)
(4) Evanthe: ((good thing, too))
(3) GM Voice: Both arrows slam in!
(4) Evanthe: ((haha))
(4) Evanthe: Damage [2d8+4] -> [3,7,4] = (14)
(3) GM Voice: The creature falls to the cavern floor.... dead...
(6) Tristen: ((can she do a coup de grace?))
** (4) Evanthe breathes a sigh of relief **
(2) Tanja: ((yaaay))
(3) GM Voice: ((Only if she's adjacent.. and it's a full round action... and it only had 5 hp left))
(5) Aknier: ((So hey. How does it feel to have 4 catatonic friends?))
** (4) Evanthe immediately runs to the oth ers, trying to see if there's anything she can do for them **
(4) Evanthe: Guys?
(4) Evanthe: Can any of you move at all?
(2) Tanja: ((*silence*))
(1) Mikhal: ((This is your chnge to slap tristen to see if he will unparalyze! >=D))
(1) Mikhal: ((chance*))
(3) GM Voice: They all make no reaction..... until some time passes....... first... Mikhal suddenly moves..... Then Tanja.... Aknier.... and Tristen.....
(2) Tanja: ::rubs her cheek muscles:: oh that feels good...
(4) Evanthe: Are you guys okay?
(1) Mikhal: *stretches himself out
(6) Tristen: *cries out in pain for a few seconds, his face torn*
(5) Aknier: Unfwa...
(2) Tanja: ::shudders:: i feel so gross
(5) Aknier: !
(6) Tristen: *places his hand on his face quickly trying to heal himself*
(1) Mikhal: i'm fine..just slimy
(6) Tristen: ((5 points :P))
(2) Tanja: ::examines the ooze on the ground:: ((still fresh, right?))
** (4) Evanthe goes searching around for re-useable arrows **
** (5) Aknier laughs weakly..."Looks like my little plan failed...I didn't expect my face to freeze up so quickly..." **
** (4) Evanthe and any loot the things happened to swallow **
(3) GM Voice: Tanja examines the ooze... which isn't hard since it's pretty much everywhere..
** (5) Aknier spits the last stone back into his hand. Seeing the power has left it, he drops it. **
(2) Tanja: ::dips one of her untainted arrows into the ooze experimentally::
(3) GM Voice: Given the amount of residue of the slime around the cavern though... it's safe to assume that the arrows would probably dry out before they found any use....
(2) Tanja: ((aww))
(2) Tanja: ((but you let my frost spider arrows keep!))
(6) Tristen: ((got a vial? you can scoop some of the slime up and cork it))
(2) Tanja: ((negative))
(3) GM Voice: ((Yeah, if you had a vial you could keep it fresh...))
** (5) Aknier examines the bodies of the dead crawlers. **
(2) Tanja: ::picks her way around the ooze::
(2) Tanja: hey...did you find mine?  ::peers over eva's shoulder::
(3) GM Voice: Aknier looks at the dead, fearsome beasts... doesen't see anything unusual, and doesen't want to touch the stuff again, for obvious reasons....
(4) Evanthe: Nothing yet
(3) GM Voice: ((How many blessed arrows did you fire.. 4?))
(4) Evanthe: ((yep))
(6) Tristen: *empties his water skin and hands it to Tanja*
(2) Tanja: ::wary look::
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe finds 2 of the blessed arrows still fit for flight... one lodged in a wooden door at the back of the chamber... the other in a corner... the other two are broken in half...
(5) Aknier: ...who are you, Arcanist, to fuse animals?
(6) Tristen: I saw your interest in the slime... here... it might be useful in the future
(2) Tanja: ::takes it tenatively:: uhm... thanks...and uh.... i'm glad your face didn't get chewed off..
** (2) Tanja found the F12 apocalypse macro key **
(2) Tanja: ((whoops))
(2) Tanja: ((sorry ))
** (4) Evanthe pulls one out of the door and the other out of the corner and puts it safely back in its quiver **
** (1) Mikhal finds the super secret Smite All button and presses it **
(3) GM Voice: The door in the back seems similar in shape and construction to the one from outside.. this one seems to be in much better shape...
(2) Tanja: ((i really didn't mean that =D ))
(1) Mikhal: ((lies!))
(4) Evanthe: Is everyone okay? Tristen how's your face?
(6) Tristen: Its ok now *rubs his face* turning away and searching the room
(4) Evanthe: There's a door over there
(5) Aknier: Hrmm...
(1) Mikhal: *walks around the edges of the room look for secret doors*
(3) GM Voice: There's a cabinet against the western wall..
(5) Aknier: Who has the best ears here?
(2) Tanja: ::takes the skin from Tristen and bends over the ooze, looking for a substantial amount to transfer to the skin::
(3) GM Voice: ((D20 Mikhal))
(1) Mikhal: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(1) Mikhal: ((any bonuses?))
(6) Tristen: *goes to look at the cabinet*
(1) Mikhal: (search, spot?))
(4) Evanthe: Why do you ask, Aknier?
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal thinks the walls are pretty solid... and it'd be hard to get a secret passage inside a natural rock cavern...
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((hey, you never know >_>))
** (4) Evanthe searches the cabinet **
(5) Aknier: Only to hear if there's something beyond that door, such as more crawlers.
(3) GM Voice: Tristen looks inside the cabinet.. There's a brown bag, tied up with golden string on the bottom shelf... on the top there are two flasks containing different colored fluid..
(1) Mikhal: *goes up to the door and listens*
(5) Aknier: Or possibly the Conjourer in question...
(1) Mikhal: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+7] -> [10,7] = (17)
(2) Tanja: ((so did i get crawler ooze into the skin?))
(4) Evanthe: Err wait, Tristen
(3) GM Voice: Tanja takes some of the crawler ooze with her in the water skin.. just hope she remembers that before she takes a chug
** (4) Evanthe tries to detect snares, or pits on the thing **
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: ((*gives skin to unsuspecting person*))
(3) GM Voice (whispering): Nothing heard
(2) Tanja: ::caps it tightly and straightenes, pleased with her find::
whispering to Tony, door open at all?</font>
(2) Tanja: ::snoops around for her missed poison arrow::
(3) GM Voice (whispering): nope
** (4) Evanthe frowns lightly, "It seems safe enough, but I don't know if there are any magical traps." **
(3) GM Voice: ((d100... 50+ and you got it))
(2) Tanja: ((*sorts out her pack* frost spider poisoned arrows here... paralysis ooze from carrion crawlers here...))
(6) Tristen: Aknier, can you detect any magical traps over here?
** (5) Aknier thinks for a moment. **
(5) Aknier: ((How far is the cabnet from the next door?))
(6) Tristen: ((walk over :P))
(2) Tanja: ((why?))
(3) GM Voice: ((The cabinet is about 20 feet..))
(2) Tanja: ((its a cavern...i didn't think there were any other doors))
(5) Aknier: ((Ah, good.))
(1) Mikhal: *goes over to the cabinet and searches of secret compartments*
(1) Mikhal: ((for*))
(5) Aknier: Right! One moment...
(1) Mikhal: ((search check?))
(6) Tristen: ((*bonks Mikhal for not understanding what we're doing*
(6) Tristen: ))
(2) Tanja: ((did you not realize they were looking for magical traps, scott?))
(1) Mikhal: ((i'll wait then))
(6) Tristen: ((searching for magical traps here))
** (5) Aknier begins chanting a few words... **
** (5) Aknier uses Detect Magic. **
** (5) Aknier holds his concentration on this spell. **
(5) Aknier: Intresting...the Door, the Vials and the bag are all magical...
** (5) Aknier continues concentrating. **
(4) Evanthe: Trapped?
(5) Aknier: I can't tell...
(5) Aknier: The door seems to be the strongest of all the Auras.
(2) Tanja: they could be just...magic
(5) Aknier: That they could be.
(4) Evanthe: Well
(4) Evanthe: Should we...
(6) Tristen: Only one way to find out...
(2) Tanja: ::longing look::
(2) Tanja: you know my answer
(6) Tristen: stand back
(5) Aknier: Wait a moment.
(5) Aknier: I'm not done yet.
(2) Tanja: what if we...dislodge it somehow?
(2) Tanja: ((you never tell us what you're doing :P lol ))
** (4) Evanthe stands back, watching Aknier curiously **
(5) Aknier: Er oh. No, I'm not supposed to be able to tell that. >_>;;
(5) Aknier: >.
(5) Aknier: ((slijfdalsjdf))
(2) Tanja: ::stops and wonders what a trapped doorw ould be doing in the middle of caverns that haven't been traveled in years...:
(4) Evanthe: Do you think that aracanist is around somewhere?
(4) Evanthe: ((arcanist))
(5) Aknier: If it were my guess...
(5) Aknier: I'd say this is his home...and my breatheren were unsuspecting pilgrams...
(5) Aknier: But it's too early to tell.
(2) Tanja: ::skeptical look:: Aaron said this was a cavern for the pilgrims..
(4) Evanthe: But look at all the dead pilgrims..
(4) Evanthe: Either way, I think there's a chance, so we should be careful nonetheless..
(5) Aknier: Hrm...the potions and the bag are relatively weak in magic nature.
(2) Tanja: ((bag...))
(4) Evanthe: Anyone want to try it?
(2) Tanja: ::longing look::
(5) Aknier: Don't quote me on this, but I don't think they're trapped. Or very minorly at best.
(2) Tanja: i'll give it a try...i'm not afraid
(5) Aknier: This door's a bit stronger.
(2) Tanja: ((hell, i almost killed myself on cases...this is piddly stuff))
(4) Evanthe: ((haha))
(6) Tristen: Ill try
(6) Tristen: ((I have better Will saves :P))
(4) Evanthe: Why don't you try the door, Tristen
(2) Tanja: ((my reflex rocks))
(4) Evanthe: Since Tanja has the bag
** (5) Aknier frowns at the door. **
(6) Tristen: Alright.
(5) Aknier: I don't like it.
(2) Tanja: do you have a better idea?
(4) Evanthe: Don't uh..get your face eaten off
** (5) Aknier breaks concentration, sensing nothing else. **
(2) Tanja: ::casually picks up the bag::
(5) Aknier: not really.
(6) Tristen: Thanks, ill keep that in mind... *moves to the door*
(5) Aknier: Becareful, Tristen.
(2) Tanja: ::hefts the bag experimentally:: i don't think...
(6) Tristen: Everyone stand back
** (5) Aknier backs up, not needing to be told twice. **
(3) GM Voice: Tanja picks up the bag... It's light.. something is inside it.. almost feels like sand
(2) Tanja: ::Peeks inside::
(2) Tanja: ::curiousity taking over::
(4) Evanthe: Maybe the bag has to do with the door
(6) Tristen: *his hand reaching for the door knob he stops... thinking about what Evanthe just said*
(2) Tanja: ((a crawler jumps out of the bag!))
(3) GM Voice: Tanja looks inside.. It looks to be sand of some sort..
(2) Tanja: its...sand.
(2) Tanja: ::Sigh:: how anti-climactic...
(6) Tristen: ((damn your puzzles Tony))
(5) Aknier: Anyways...a wizard who conjures things like *that*...*pointes to the carcas* would have no love or care for Mulinel pilgrams...
(5) Aknier: Sand?
(3) GM Voice: ((>_>))
(4) Evanthe: Perhaps the sand will dispel the magic on the door?
(4) Evanthe: ((what else was there in the cabinet besides the bag?))
(2) Tanja: ::takes one of the vials::
(5) Aknier: What a time to be caught wihout Identify spells....
(1) Mikhal: *checks the cabinet for any writing of anykind*
(6) Tristen: Are there any sort of instructions in the cabinet?
(2) Tanja: ::Examines the vial as well::
(3) GM Voice: No writing...
(1) Mikhal: *checks for a secret compartment*
(6) Tristen: *looks at the door for any writing*
(3) GM Voice: Tanja takes one of the vials... The fluid inside is orange... seems to be bubbling..
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal finds no secrets to speak of..
(2) Tanja: oh wow... :::intrigued::
(3) GM Voice: Tristen finds no writing on the door..
(4) Evanthe: ((there's another vial left?))
(2) Tanja: ((yeah))
(3) GM Voice: ((Yup))
(1) Mikhal: *takes the other vial and looks at it*
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal looks at the other vial... it's pale blue in color, non carbonated
(4) Evanthe: Try sprinking a little sand on the door?
(6) Tristen: I want to try an experiment... will you let me?
(4) Evanthe: Or mix it...or drink it, hah
(1) Mikhal: maybe something will happen if we mi the sand and the potions?
(5) Aknier: I'm wary...but in no position to protest.
(2) Tanja: we...don't really know that the door's trapped...
(6) Tristen: I was thinking of mixing it, first a pinch in the middle of the room, to see the reaction.
(5) Aknier: It's bad enough when Wizards test that which they know everything about.
(2) Tanja: for all we know, it could be rigged to alarm...
(5) Aknier: To be completely blind with arcane materials is reckless...*looks away*
(5) Aknier: Hrmm...
(4) Evanthe: I understand your reluctance Aknier, but we have no ideas
(5) Aknier: You know, I have a better idea, if you're willing to make camp here.
(2) Tanja: ::looks at the door with the eyes of a thief:: ((if that helps at all? lol))
(2) Tanja: ((can i tell if its trapped magically?))
(4) Evanthe: I'm just hoping we don't inadvertantly kill ourselves
(3) GM Voice: ((Search Check))
(5) Aknier: Though Ic ould easily understand if not.
(6) Tristen: *moves to Tanja* let me get a pinch of sand
(2) Tanja: [1d20+7] -> [16,7] = (23)
(4) Evanthe: What idea?
(5) Aknier: I could prepare some identify spells.
(6) Tristen: We Dont have time Aknier
(4) Evanthe: We also have time restraints...Jaze awaits us
(2) Tanja: ::lets them prattle on, distracted by the door::
(6) Tristen: Jaze is poisoned
** (5) Aknier 's jaw drops. **
(5) Aknier: He's...poisoned?
(4) Evanthe: I mentioned this to you earlier
(5) Aknier: Distracted I must have been...
** (4) Evanthe nods **
(6) Tristen: ((Yoda, you must be talking like ;) ))
(5) Aknier: Mulinel-speed, Tristen.
(2) Tanja: hey...uh
(2) Tanja: if this matters at all
(2) Tanja: i don't think the door's trapped
(5) Aknier: That matters quite a bit Tanja.
(4) Evanthe: Well, let's try the door then
** (5) Aknier sighs, relieved. **
(2) Tanja: ::doubtful look:: i could be wrong, lookks normal to me
(2) Tanja: ((and with a roll as high as 23...))
(6) Tristen: Alright, ill try the door.
(5) Aknier: Why is it magical though...
(2) Tanja: ::stands back anyway, just to be safe::
(6) Tristen: *moves back to the door and waits till everyone is at a safe distance*
(2) Tanja: ::shrug:: if you guys really think this is someone's lair, i'm inclined to think it'll alert him when it's opened
(2) Tanja: like a...doorbell
(6) Tristen: *holds his sword ready, waiting for anything up to 5 pit fiends to jump out at him*
(5) Aknier: It would be more powerful than that...
(4) Evanthe: ((at least none of us are hurt :D))
(6) Tristen: *opens the door*
(5) Aknier: THough it's possible the Alarm spell is only one of several spells...
(3) GM Voice: Everyone gets to a safe distance.... Tristen Girds his loins.. and....opens the door!
(3) GM Voice: It swings open with a slight creek..
** (4) Evanthe cringes slightly, waiting for an explosion or something **
(2) Tanja: ::watches intently::
(3) GM Voice: Tristen looks inside... seeing a narrow column of light in the distance ahead... daylight...
(6) Tristen: wait still... I want to test something
(6) Tristen: *bends down and picks up a rock and tosses it through the doorway*
(4) Evanthe: I think it seems okay now
(3) GM Voice: Tristen tosses a rock through.... it skitters on the ground...
(6) Tristen: *shrugs at the others, and walks through the doorway*
(4) Evanthe: I'm getting kinda bored standing here *stretches her arms over her head*
(3) GM Voice: Tristen walks through the doorway..
(2) Tanja: ::looks pleased with self::
** (4) Evanthe follows after Tristen **
(1) Mikhal: *goes through the door*
(2) Tanja: ::follows::
** (5) Aknier follows Evanthe. **
(4) Evanthe: Daylight
(3) GM Voice: Everyone but Tristen, will save
(2) Tanja: daylight....maybe the herbs?
(2) Tanja: ((except tristen?))
(4) Evanthe: Better than darkness I say
(5) Aknier: [1d20+3] -> [7,3] = (10)
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
(4) Evanthe: Will Save Roll [1d20+4] -> [18,4] = (22)
(1) Mikhal: Will save: [1d20+1] -> [18,1] = (19)
(3) GM Voice: Everyone else who tries to enter the room starts to feel extremely uncomfortable... Aknier and Tanja can't even take a step inside.. Evanthe and Mikhal are able to bear it but still feel like this is the last place they want to be...
(4) Evanthe: Ugh
(4) Evanthe: This...feels...
(2) Tanja: ::cowers by the door::
(5) Aknier: I shoudl have known better...
(4) Evanthe: I don't like it
(1) Mikhal: what is this feeling..?
(4) Evanthe: Tristen?
(4) Evanthe: I think we should go back
(4) Evanthe: I hate it here
(2) Tanja: ((go in and get our herbs))
(2) Tanja: ::Frantic:: come back!
(6) Tristen: *looks at the others... confused*
(2) Tanja: its... ::shudder::
(5) Aknier: Spellcraft check [1d20+11] -> [20,11] = (31)
(4) Evanthe: It's...I hate this place!
(2) Tanja: ((damn))
(1) Mikhal: Knowledge: Arcana Skill Check: [1d20+5] -> [19,5] = (24)
(1) Mikhal: ((yay? :D))
(3) GM Voice: ((>_>))
(6) Tristen: ((my fear aura should negate effects on others too :P))
(5) Aknier: ((This is a spell, right?))
(4) Evanthe: Tristen, let's go!
(4) Evanthe: It's a terrible plac
(4) Evanthe: e
(4) Evanthe: Our herbs couldn't possibly here
(2) Tanja: please...c'mon you guys.. ::claws the doorway::
(4) Evanthe: Aaron must have been m istaken
(6) Tristen: No, we must press on
(3) GM Voice: ((Yes, but you're not seeing anyone cast it..>_>))
** (5) Aknier heart begins to race. **
(3) GM Voice: Tristen looks ahead...
(2) Tanja: i can't!!  ::yells::
(2) Tanja: don't make me!
(5) Aknier: ((Hrmmm...))
** (4) Evanthe starts to sweat, "'s a terrible place, Tristen." **
(4) Evanthe: Can't you sense that?
(1) Mikhal: ((toniy, don't i get anything with my roll? ;-;))
(3) GM Voice: The chamber only goes on for a short distance.... at the end... the column of light from above comes from a hole in the ceiling....
(6) Tristen: *tires to spread his anti-fear aura to encompass the others*
(4) Evanthe: ((so like, I don't know what "uncomfortable" means, but I'm going off of what I'm thinking))
(3) GM Voice: ((You get that it's definitely a spell...))
(2) Tanja: ((yeah i'm thinking its like...fear-ish))
(5) Aknier: ((20 + spell level Identify a spell thats already in place and in effect. You must be able to see or detect the effects of the spell. No action required. No retry. ))
(2) Tanja: ((just go ahead and get the herbs))
(5) Aknier: ((Use this skill to identify spells as they are cast or spells already in place. ))
** (4) Evanthe grasps Tristen's arm in slight fear **
(6) Tristen: Evanthe, go back, I will find the herbs
(4) Evanthe: You...can't...stay here alone
(2) Tanja: you're...going in...?!
(6) Tristen: If anything happens I will come back ok?
(4) Evanthe: It's a terrible place
(4) Evanthe: No! You almost got your face eaten off!
(4) Evanthe: You have to come back with me
(5) Aknier: Anitipahty spells...
(5) Aknier: Several of them.
(6) Tristen: Ill be fine, Regial has protected me thus far, he will protect me further.
** (4) Evanthe growls at him **
(3) GM Voice: The hole in the ceiling provides gentle sunlight on a small patch of dirt below.....
(2) Tanja: ::steps back from the door visibly sweating:: i can't..
(4) Evanthe: Let's just...get the herb and get the hell outta here
(3) GM Voice: In the center of which is a solitary green plant.....
(4) Evanthe: This is a bad place....terrible..
(6) Tristen: Yes, stay here though, I will go.
(4) Evanthe: Don't leave me alone!
** (4) Evanthe clings tighter to his arm. **
(2) Tanja: come back here, eva...!
(2) Tanja: anybody?
(4) Evanthe: But..Tristen..
(2) Tanja: ((if i back away from the door...will the effect wear off?))
(1) Mikhal: *shudders visibly and holds eva's hand*
(5) Aknier: ((Yes, I think so))
(6) Tristen: *guides Evanthe back outside of the door way*
(3) GM Voice: ((Yes.. But will come back into effect if you reenter))
(2) Tanja: ((okay))
(1) Mikhal: *or not*
(2) Tanja: ((just everybody get back in here to think normally, and let tristen go get our
** (5) Aknier quickly jumps back. **
(2) Tanja: ::sits down in the middle of the floor:: well...that was mildly unpleasant
(1) Mikhal: *voice shaking* there is a plant righ there *points a shaking arm at it*
** (4) Evanthe stops Tristen **
(4) Evanthe: Get the damn plant before we leave
(6) Tristen: Alright, I wont leave you
(5) Aknier: Mikhal, Evathe, get back over here.
(5) Aknier: NOW
** (4) Evanthe blinks at Aknier **
(4) Evanthe: You get in here, damnit
(5) Aknier: It's a spell.
(1) Mikhal: that much is obvious
(6) Tristen: *Moves to the plant slowly guiding the two fearful companions into the room*
** (4) Evanthe grasps Mikhal's hand **
(4) Evanthe: We're almost done getting this herb
(4) Evanthe: We need it for Jaze
** (4) Evanthe grits her teeth. **
(1) Mikhal: *takes deep breaths*
(2) Tanja: ::mutters:: yeah guys do that, i'm sitting here
(6) Tristen: *steps into the sunlight and kneels down to pluck the herb*
(5) Aknier: Somehow, I think Tristen can take care of it.
(3) GM Voice: Tristen steps up to the plant... It has three leaves that rise from the soil in a triangle formation.... in the center of the leaf triangle are three small red flowers..
(5) Aknier: Neither of you will be able to think straight in there, however.
** (4) Evanthe snarls at Tristen "Can you move a little faster? We'll get eaten at this rate." **
(2) Tanja: let them go, aknier
(5) Aknier: *sigh* Right...
(3) GM Voice: Tristen kneels and carefully pulls the herb from the ground..
(6) Tristen: *takes the herb, roots and all and goes to move out of the room quickly to get his companions out of there*
(3) GM Voice: Then leaves the room, companions in tow...
(2) Tanja: have a nice time?  ::politely::
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head, clearing it out **
(1) Mikhal: *stops shuddering upon leaving the hallway*
(6) Tristen: *gives the herb to Evanthe, I must go check the room again*
** (4) Evanthe holds the herb carefully **
(4) Evanthe: No reason to go back in there now that we have it!
(4) Evanthe: Crazy
(6) Tristen: There is something here.
(2) Tanja: ::sitting crosslegged in the middle of the floor away from the effects of the door::
(1) Mikhal: and i rather not know what that something is
** (4) Evanthe nods **
(3) GM Voice: Tristen goes back into the room...
(2) Tanja: go ahead, just if something tries to eat you, yell loud so we can get a head start
** (4) Evanthe shudders slightly, "I'm not going back in there." **
(4) Evanthe: We got the herb, that's good enough.
(3) GM Voice: Besides the small dirt patch... there is a small watering pot nearby, filled with crystal clear water...
(1) Mikhal: i'm not either..
(3) GM Voice: Doesen't seem to be anything else of interest though...
(5) Aknier: That's a very strong spell...
(4) Evanthe: A spell?
(2) Tanja: hey, what doesn't kill us...only makes us stronger
(1) Mikhal: maybe one of the gods doesn't want us to cure jaze?
(5) Aknier: Yes. That's what I was yelling about.
** (4) Evanthe was too afraid to make much sense of Aknier before. **
(2) Tanja: yeah..didn't you notice you're not as afraid the further you get away from the door?
(1) Mikhal: and put the spell there?
(6) Tristen: *makes a long look around the room making sure there is nothing else in it before he picks up the pot of water*
** (4) Evanthe nods slowly, "I....yeah." **
** (5) Aknier looks at Evanthe, then understands... **
(4) Evanthe: I felt a lot better leaving the room...
** (5) Aknier smiles a bit, sympathetically. **
(3) GM Voice: Tristen searches and checks.. but doesen't seem to find anything else...
(5) Aknier: Mikhal: Antipathy isn't that strong...
(6) Tristen: *moves back out of the room carrying the pot of water*
(5) Aknier: A god would have done something else.
(2) Tanja: maybe it was that guy...y'know...the one that shot Jaze?
(4) Evanthe: A...pot of water?
(2) Tanja: maybe he didn't want us healing him..
(6) Tristen: Come, let us cure Jaze.
(2) Tanja: so he...trapped the door?
** (4) Evanthe nods **
(2) Tanja: ::gets up, brushing dirt off her clothes:: yeah, lets get out of here
(4) Evanthe: But...why isn't Tristen afraid?
(3) GM Voice: Tristen carries the watering pot outside the chamber
(4) Evanthe: ((give me religious Regial protects me mumbo jumbo ;D))
(6) Tristen: ((haha thinking one up ;) ))
(5) Aknier: Knowledge Religion [1d20+11] -> [13,11] = (24)
(5) Aknier: Because his holy Aura as a paladin steels his mind...
(6) Tristen: Regial's power flows through me, I feel no fear. Fear is the mind killer, I let it pass over me and through me and it is no more.
(2) Tanja: ::blinks::
(4) Evanthe: Oh....kay
** (4) Evanthe just keeps going **
(6) Tristen: ((*plagerizes from Dune*))
(2) Tanja: ::follows::
(5) Aknier: more thing.
** (5) Aknier checks the bodies of the deceased pilgrams. **
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe starts to head out of the cavern...
(2) Tanja: ::plugs ears:: you people....i've heard more about religion these past few weeks travelling with you guys than i've heard the entire rest of my life!
(3) GM Voice: ((Spot Check))
** (5) Aknier laughs a llittle. **
(6) Tristen: ((all of us?))
(4) Evanthe: ((me?))
(5) Aknier: Tanja, you're questing to call upon one god to stop another. It should be expected.
(3) GM Voice: ((Aknier))
(5) Aknier: [1d20+3] -> [16,3] = (19)
(2) Tanja: ::mutters something about ulterior motives and leaves it at that::
(2) Tanja: ((find me some trap glasses))
(2) Tanja: ((one big fat ruby to whoever finds me some trap glasses!))
(6) Tristen: ((I dont think the thing that died has trap glasses :3))
(5) Aknier: ((Ursa's Glasses!))
(2) Tanja: ((you never know...we've found odder things))
(1) Mikhal: ((maybe we'll find neptune's boots one day..))
(5) Aknier: Hrmm...*reachs carefully into the eyesocket of the last pilgram*
(6) Tristen: ((oh god..))
(3) GM Voice: Aknier reaches inside... but there's nothing there...
** (4) Evanthe looks back to see if the others are coming, spots Aknier in his antics and looks at him in horror **
(6) Tristen: ((dont touch it!))
(2) Tanja: ((hey...uh))
(4) Evanthe: What are you doing?!
(2) Tanja: ((read the log of the last game!))
(5) Aknier: I saw something...
(4) Evanthe: ((if scott even posted it))
(2) Tanja: ((if it was purple, leave it alone))
(5) Aknier: Something purple flashed...
(6) Tristen: *stops*
(4) Evanthe: Agh!
(5) Aknier: ((>_>;;?))
(4) Evanthe: Did you touch it?
** (4) Evanthe runs to Aknier **
(4) Evanthe: Did you touch it?
(5) Aknier: No?
(2) Tanja: ::muses out loud::
** (4) Evanthe sags in relief. **
(4) Evanthe: It was cursed
(2) Tanja: you know...its kinda strange
** (5) Aknier backs away a little, confused and worried. **
(4) Evanthe: It's a curse
(6) Tristen: The Death god... is keeping a close watch on us.
(2) Tanja: purple gems that appear and disappear to distract us...
(2) Tanja: purple poison...
(4) Evanthe: What the hell is going on
(6) Tristen: I have an explaination
(4) Evanthe: There's gotta be another god involved
(4) Evanthe: Rooting for the Ice Goddess
(5) Aknier: Well...if you heard Metaphon...not neccassarally...
(5) Aknier: Just trying to use the easy way out instead of the right way.
(6) Tristen: Before Jaze was shot... he told me about the Goddess of Death and Undeath, he said the purple gem we keep seeing in these skulls is her eye. She is watching us.
** (4) Evanthe shivers **
(2) Tanja: (( yeah...share this
** (5) Aknier furrows his eyebrows... **
(4) Evanthe: Well...if we touch the eye we're cursed
(4) Evanthe: So I figure she can't be all that good
(6) Tristen: ((I think I said it last game, but we were too caught up in confusion))
(5) Aknier: Using the bodies of my breatheren...
(2) Tanja: ((yeah true...i probably just missed it))
(2) Tanja: lets...get out of here
(2) Tanja: please?
** (5) Aknier blesses each pilgram. "May Mulinel guide you to her shores..." **
** (5) Aknier gets up. **
(5) Aknier: Alright yes, agreed. I did what I needed to.
** (4) Evanthe continues out **
(6) Tristen: Also, I have been detecting great evil to the west (east?) I believe it is her followers
(2) Tanja: ::follows::
(2) Tanja: ::closely::
(4) Evanthe: Mental note to steer clear of skeletons
(6) Tristen: *continues on*
** (4) Evanthe mutters, 'If only this place wasn't riddled with them." **
(2) Tanja: that means she knows what we're up to
(2) Tanja: no chance of surprising
(4) Evanthe: I wonder if wer'e in over our head...
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe exits the cavern, heading southward.... Faint clamor is heard echoing off the mountains from the south.....
(4) Evanthe: I don't know Tristen..
(4) Evanthe: If they were her followers, and she was on the side of the Ice Goddess
(5) Aknier: A mad conjurer, a death god...what next?
(4) Evanthe: Why would they poison Jaze?
(4) Evanthe: They need Jaze alive to complete the spell
(2) Tanja: didn't we...leave Jaze and Aaron in the south?
(6) Tristen: I dont think they are following the Ice Goddess, she might want to destroy Jaze to stop the spell.
(2) Tanja: ::looks uneasily in the direction of the noise::
** (4) Evanthe nods at Tanja **
(6) Tristen: *hears the clamor* The Regal Knight!
(6) Tristen: ((s))
** (4) Evanthe throws up her hands **
(2) Tanja: ...or more problems
(4) Evanthe: Evil not being on evil's side anymore
(4) Evanthe: It's not so easy to tell
(4) Evanthe: The Regial Knights?
(4) Evanthe: What?
(6) Tristen: They have found the army of Elves that were after us.
(2) Tanja: ::hastening to the south::
(2) Tanja: ::back to aaron and jaze::
(6) Tristen: *grasps his pendant and tries to make contact with any of his commanders*
** (5) Aknier looks at Tristen, surprised. **
(2) Tanja: no time to stand around and talk...
(4) Evanthe: From the looks of the Knights, they can handle it better than we can
(2) Tanja: please...lets hurry?
(5) Aknier: How did you...?
(3) GM Voice: They walk further... toward where they left Jaze and Aaron.... Tristen spies a red banner in the distance... with a silver sword...
(5) Aknier: Yes, lets.
(4) Evanthe: ((we can walk AND talk ;P))
(2) Tanja: ((i didn't see anybody saying they were
(4) Evanthe: ((nobody ever stopped xD))
(2) Tanja: ((sorry..))
(6) Tristen: LOOK *points at the banner and sprints into a run holding his sword high now expecting a battle*
(2) Tanja: ::hand to head:: aiee aiee...
(2) Tanja: guess we know what gets him all excited
** (4) Evanthe looks towards the banner **
(4) Evanthe: Tristen!
(5) Aknier: ((They may take our Jaze. But they'll never take...OUR FREEDOM!))
(4) Evanthe: What the heck are you doing?
(2) Tanja: if you want him to follow us, we need to get a hold of one of those flags
(2) Tanja: he'll follow that unconditionally
** (4) Evanthe stifles an unwilling giggle **
** (5) Aknier covers his mouth, and stifles a laugh. **
(1) Mikhal: i would probably be hard to steal one though
(1) Mikhal: it*
(5) Aknier: ((...>_>;;))
(2) Tanja: i'll ask
** (4) Evanthe makes a face at Mikhal **
(1) Mikhal: *makes a face back*
** (4) Evanthe calls to Tristen once more ((which way is he headed anyway?)) **
(2) Tanja: ::still following after Tristen towards jaze and aaron::
(4) Evanthe: ((oh he's still moving towards jaze and aaron?))
(2) Tanja: ((((i dunno))
(1) Mikhal: ((i think he is going to the knights))
(2) Tanja: ((last i heard the noise was coming from the south..and jaze/aaron are south)
(2) Tanja: ((so i kinda assumed they were together)
(4) Evanthe: ((oh okay))
(6) Tristen: *Is deep in concentration whilst running back to the ruins, one hand holding his sword the other holding his pendant*
(4) Evanthe: ((that works))
** (4) Evanthe sprints after Tristen **
(2) Tanja: ::yells after him:: dont' run into a tree!
(2) Tanja: ::mental image highly amusing::
(6) Tristen: *slows down and sighs audibly relieved and starts walking again*
(3) Remel: As they come closer... rows and rows of Regal Knights come into view... riding their horses, gleaming with silver in the sun......
(2) Tanja: ::More concerned with Jaze and Aaron than a bunch of regal knights, looking around for them::
(6) Tristen: *looks through the rows, looking for Captain remel, dropping his hand from his pendant*
(2) Tanja: ::Under breath:: the more i see the knights in action, the more i'm convinced they're some sort of cult...
(3) Remel: Aaron stands near the fountain, seemingly in disbelief at all the knights... holding Jaze.....
(2) Tanja: aaron!  ::waves hand::
(5) Aknier: Brother Aaron!
(1) Mikhal: *goes over to Aaron and Jaze
(3) GM Voice: Tristen notices Captain Remel.... mounted in a row next to Lord Solomon...
(1) Mikhal: *
** (5) Aknier makes the sign of Mulinel over his heart. "How fair you, Brother?" **
(6) Tristen: *starts suprised as ever and drops to one knee before his commander leaving the others to Jaze*
** (3) Aaron greets the returning party... **
** (4) Evanthe gapes at the Knights **
(4) Evanthe: What....
(3) Aaron: "I get the feeling that something is going on that you are not telling me....."
(4) Evanthe: What are you guys doing here?
(2) Tanja: more importantly...we have the herbs!
(2) Tanja: ((or...rather...tristen does...))
** (4) Evanthe shakes out of her reverie, "Yes!" **
(6) Tristen: ((actually Eva does))
** (4) Evanthe hands the herb to Aaron **
(2) Tanja: ((oh good))
(5) Aknier: I know as much as you, brother. *looks over at the Regal Knights*
(2) Tanja: ((i was afraid we'd have to pry Tristen away from his religious ecstacy... lol j/k j/k  :) ))
(6) Tristen: ((hahah :P))
(4) Evanthe: It has to do with this we said
(3) Aaron: "I am glad there was still some growing.... Jaze should now be fine, with this healing herb... " Aaron gazes at the Knights...."They marched in from the south...."
(4) Evanthe: ((as we said before*))
(4) Evanthe: There were ice elves moving towards us..
(2) Tanja: did they...uh...say anything?
(3) Aaron: "The Child?..... Even for a poisoned boy, this seems a bit extreme..... any temple could of...."
(6) Tristen: *kneeling before Lord Solomon with his head bowed*
(4) Evanthe: But I didn't think that Captain Remel himself would come out..
(4) Evanthe: No...
** (4) Evanthe gesturse towards Jaze's sigil. **
** (5) Aknier looks in awe over the Well of Tears. **
(5) Aknier: So this is it...
(3) Aaron: "They Asked If I had seen one known as Tristen.... I told them I knew no one of that name, but upon recieving their description, I recognized him as the one that was traveling with you..."
** (4) Evanthe nods **
(2) Tanja: hope he's not in some sort of trouble..
(2) Tanja: ::clears throat:: more for the fact that we've been associating with him than...anything
(3) Solomon: "Solis...... Glad to see you are alright, the Priest informed us of the poison, everything is well now I trust?".. Remel bows to his commander and allows him to question..
** (3) Aaron looks at the Sigil.... **
** (4) Evanthe looks at the others, mouthing "Solomon himself?" **
(3) Aaron: "I had meant to mention something.... "
(3) Aaron: "What is this mark....?..."
(2) Tanja: ::shrugs::
(4) Evanthe: A...spell.
** (5) Aknier sighs. **
(5) Aknier: It's a torture device for Arcanists.
(4) Evanthe: He is...a catalyst for the Ice Goddess's spell
(6) Tristen: Sir, I hope so, we have quested after an herb. With much peril, we have found something that might cure young Jaze of the treacherous poison.
(4) Evanthe: ...that will pretty much kill us all
(3) Aaron: "That's... horrible...... Who would put this on but a child?...."
** (4) Evanthe looks away. **
(4) Evanthe: ...
(5) Aknier: *Anger flashes in Aknier's eyes*
(5) Aknier: You know the traitor as well as I do, brother..."
** (3) Solomon Salutes "You Have Done Welll Tristen... As we have come to expect from you.." **
** (3) Aaron 's expression darkens.... **
(3) Aaron: "What can I do?... I will do anything... March to the corners of the earth...."
(3) Aaron: "To undo the work of that man..."
(4) Evanthe: We...we need to make contact with Mulinel
(6) Tristen: Thank you sir. I will continue to perform to the best of my abilities and vanquish any evil in the name of Regial.
(2) Tanja: ((yeah aaron...we know you have the number to her hotline!))
(5) Aknier: ((xD))
** (3) Solomon 's expression turns Grim... "We may have more worry than the Ice Elves however... I have assembled all my captains.... I fear there will be a mighty battle..." **
(3) Aaron: "Contact with Mulinel......"
** (3) Aaron turns to Aknier a moment... **
** (4) Evanthe sneaks another peek at Tristen and the Regial Knights **
(4) Evanthe: ((I assume we can hear the conversation?))
(2) Tanja: ::Cranes her neck with interest, trying to get a glimpse of Solomon::
(3) Aaron: ((Not Really.. you see them talking though..^_^* just too much trouble for whispers...))
(2) Tanja: ((i thought they were a bit away))
(2) Tanja: famous people...
(5) Aknier: Brother...tell it true? I've've viewed our holy mother with your own eyes...
(4) Evanthe: ((okay))
(6) Tristen: *looks up from his bowed head* More then Ice Elves? Might this have anything to do with the Lady of Death and Undeath?
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe looks over at Tristen and the Royal knights.... He seems to be talking to Solomon and Remel...
(6) Tristen: ((whats her name again?))
** (4) Evanthe sits back, still wondering what was big enough to bring Remel and Solomon **
(2) Tanja: ((*looks speculatively at the knights* i bet it'd be difficult to steal...))
(3) Aaron: "As but a child.... At this very spot.... and it planted the faith inside my heart....."
(4) Evanthe: ((they'd all kill you xD))
** (5) Aknier nods slowly... **
(2) Tanja: ((its worth a brief thought =D ))
(4) Evanthe: ((you wouldn't be a thief if you didn't ~))
(4) Evanthe: Did she...did she speak with you?
(3) Aaron: "I feel some trepidation in her voice.... Since Krasevae... "
(4) Evanthe: Or smile at you?
(3) Solomon: "Laviege.... We still don't know what role she has to play... But we believe Hald might be forming an army as well..... I do not doubt that the poisoner was one of Hald's assassins..."
(5) Aknier: Brother...we need the assistance of one of the most exceptional of our church. One who is *chosen* by Mulinel...
(2) Tanja: ::bored, speculative look at the knights::
(2) Tanja: ((tristen'd kill me if i got away with it))
(4) Evanthe: ((okay so...none are really on the side of the ice goddess since they'd prefer domain for themselves?))
(4) Evanthe: ((or are just good))
(5) Aknier: I've never had such a privlage to witness her firsthand. *Aknier looks away slightly.*
(6) Tristen: Hald... *tristen spits the name out like a bitter taste* Then sir I must report that Laviege has also been watching us closely, we have spotted her eye in various skulls since we arrived.
(3) Aaron: "I cannot begin to think it is I that you are searching for..... That...they...are searching for.." he looks at the knights.... "But...... I will pray.... I will pray with all of my soul..... Brother, I ask you pray with me...."
** (4) Evanthe places a hand comfortingly on Aknier's shoulder, "Nor I with my goddess." **
** (3) Remel glances toward Solomon.. **
** (5) Aknier is comforted by Evanthe's touch. He looks briefly at his spellbook. "I will explain later, Evanthe..." **
** (5) Aknier looks at Aaron. "Brother, I would be honored." **
** (4) Evanthe nods **
** (3) Solomon sighs... "Thank you, Young Solis.... We will have to be ever vigilant for this threat as well.. Laviege..." **
(2) Tanja: ::shuffles feet::
(3) GM Voice: Far to the west....a horn blows.....
** (4) Evanthe goes to Jaze, trying to make him more comfortable on the ground. **
(2) Tanja: ::perks up:: hey...what was that?
(3) GM Voice: It's sound echos off the tall peaks...
(6) Tristen: *looks to the west and looks back to Lord Solomon* The evil I sensed? Hald's Army?
(3) Solomon: "It Begins.... Young Solis, Stay by Jaze and protect him!"
** (4) Evanthe looks around **
(3) GM Voice: Remel Raises his sword.. the Knights immediately begin to move...
(6) Tristen: Yes sir! *stands and salutes Lord Solomon vigorously and clangs his sword against his shield*
** (4) Evanthe stands, looking slightly alarmed at the Knight's movement **
(3) Solomon: "If some break through our line.... You must be the last line of defense... Let Regial be your shield!" He turns to Remel.. "Onward!!" He spurs his horse toward the west..
(2) Tanja: ((uhoh))
(4) Evanthe: What's going on?
(6) Tristen: May Regial guide your sword *calls after Solomon*
** (5) Aknier face turns grim...but clutches his symbol of Mulinel and prays with Aaron. **
(6) Tristen: *turns to Evanthe and the others*
** (4) Evanthe hovers near Aaron and Aknier protectively. **
(2) Tanja: are we going to die again?
** (3) Aaron looks to the west, shivering slightly.... "Mulinel be my Strength..." **
(3) GM Voice: *************************************************************************************
(6) Tristen: Its not only Ice elves, Hald has amassed an army and it is heading here now.
(4) Evanthe: BOO
(2) Tanja: lol
(5) Aknier: CLIFFHANGAR!!!
(2) Tanja: woooo
(3) GM Voice: The epic conclusion... next episode!
(4) Evanthe: :P
(6) Tristen: that was fun :D
(5) Aknier: Will the Regal Knights be overrun? Will the party defend the priests? Will Aaron and Aknier invoke the magic of Mulinel? And will Tony devour our souls?!
(4) Evanthe: not really
(4) Evanthe: my rolls were pathetic
(4) Evanthe: that SUCKED
(2) Tanja: we were one save throw away from cashing in the game

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