Game 7
From Reydala
Current revision as of 17:25, 16 April 2007
Log filename is "reydala2-23-07-05.html", system is is logging.
(1) Mikhal: log on
(4) Tanja: aye aye cap'n
(7) Locke: ooh, the DieHard Feat looks fun
(4) Tanja: *jams to aerosmith*
(2) Tony: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
(2) GM Voice: The quartet stands outside the library of Lucion southeast of Krasevae..
(4) Tanja: ((oh that's right....i wanted to throttle that kid))
(8) Evanthe: ((oh yeah, i was supposed to ask him to id my stuff ._.))
(4) Tanja: ::looks a smidge annoyed at the situation::
(7) Locke: ((*hugs crossbow*))
(7) Locke: ((oh wait.... SEX))
(1) Mikhal: shouldn't this *indicating the pather* be moved inside, and contained before it comes to?
(2) GM Voice: The elderly looking gentleman, with a long beard and holding a staff ending in 4 points that spiral around each other..
(4) Tanja: ::thinks to self---who in the world would teach a kid to summon a panther like that?::
(2) NPC: "Yes... We will handle that" He nudges his associate, who starts to drag the beast inside the building..
(8) Evanthe: So um....*rubs her arm*
(7) Locke: what potential for a child
(4) Tanja: ::coughs:: so...uh...can we ask you a favor now that we've done all this?
(7) Locke: ((LOOT))
(4) Tanja: or do you have some other menial task you'd like us to do instead of yourslves
(4) Tanja: ((*yourselves*))
(8) Evanthe: Errrrr
(8) Evanthe: What she means is, we came for a reason *smiles brightly*
(4) Tanja: ::sulk::
(1) Mikhal: *hides a smile*
(2) NPC: The old one nods.. "Of course... I am Jorue, abbot of this Library.. We will help in any way that we can, if it is feasible to do so..."
(8) Evanthe: We need information.
(8) Evanthe: On these *holds up the extra necklace*
(2) NPC: He raises his brow a moment.. "I see..." he says slowly, seeming to recognize the necklace. "Come inside, I'd like to hear your story.."
(2) NPC: He and his associate walk through the large wooden door of the library...
** (8) Evanthe slumps. "We have to tell our story again ?" **
(4) Tanja: we seem to be popular....maybe there'll be a song about us...eventually
(4) Tanja: ::follows him in, not really relishing telling it all over again::
(7) Locke: oh boy....
(2) GM Voice: They step into a hall.. lined on either side with great bookshelves that rise clear up to the 20 foot ceiling..
(4) Tanja: woah...
(2) GM Voice: Through an arch... into a large room with a simple, wooden round table in the center... every available wall is crammed with bookshelves...
(4) Tanja: :::walks over to one of the shelves, reading some of the titles::
(7) Locke: ((King Arthur and the Knights of the round table))
(4) Tanja: ((ye olde cookebooke))
(1) Mikhal: ((Prima's Official Guide to FFXI))
(2) GM Voice: Many of the books are written in other languages... Most of them seem concerned with Magical Theory and Origins.... "Dogan's Guide to the Origins of Magic" "Elemental Manipulation", and such
(4) Tanja: ::rubs eyes:: and you can read these?
** (2) Jorue sits at one of the seats on the far end of the table.. **
(7) Locke: ((Dorgan? the same from FF? XD))
** (8) Evanthe lets out a low whistle "Lotta books." **
(2) Jorue: "We have many books, as you can see.... Some even we cannot read, for they are in languages unknown..."
(8) Evanthe: Do you even know what these necklaces are?
(2) Jorue: "Still, we keep them in chance that someone will come and break their secrets.."
(4) Tanja: ::loses interest in the books she can't read and takes a seat at the table::
(7) Locke: ((I bet you one of the "unknown books" is a secret diary containing kinky details >.>))
(2) Jorue: "No doubt, we have had some of those necklaces come into our possession... Linked with the Ice elves, correct?"
(1) Mikhal: ((or maybe there is a book that tells how to take over the world))
(1) Mikhal: correct
(2) Jorue: "Mostly Krasevites bring them to us to determine their function..."
(8) Evanthe: And...?
(4) Tanja: ::blink:: so a lot of people know how to use these...?
(2) Jorue: "We are a small shrine at best, yet certainly we have attempted to analyze them... The main difficulty is that they are very fragile.."
(4) Tanja: ::horrified look, takes her pack out and inspects the one she has tucked away with her other items to make sure it isn't broken::
(4) Tanja: ((sorry guys, broken, guess i can't come...have fun!))
(4) Tanja: ((*runs off with aaron*))
(1) Mikhal: *grimices and takes a look also, hoping that wrestling with the panther didn't break it*
(8) Evanthe: ((the crazy guy :o))
(2) Jorue: He chuckles softly.. "Oh, they are quite resistant to normal bumps and bangs... but magic inspection seems to activate something..."
(8) Evanthe: Well
(8) Evanthe: We only have one be careful.
(2) Jorue: "I am curious how you came upon so many... Usually we see 1 at most... and those are months apart.."
(4) Tanja: ::takes hers out anyway and dumps it on the table:: so the ice elves built it to break whenever someone tries to make ti work?
(4) Tanja: ((*it))
(8) Evanthe: Ahh, but that's not really an issue
(8) Evanthe: We're just interested in getting it to work...and fast
(8) Evanthe: A friend's life depends upon it.
** (8) Evanthe looks off to the side at her slight exaggeration. **
** (7) Locke scratches head, think--"friend?" **
(7) Locke: ((thinking**))
(2) Jorue: "Mostly Correct... They tend to disintegrate when someone tries to gaze into it's purpose magically... So someone could use it well, we theorize, if they knew already how to activate it..."
(4) Tanja: do know, right?
(4) Tanja: (("No....but somebody on the other side of the continent might. go fetch!"))
(7) Locke: ...without trial and error methods or someone to tell them... not likely
(2) Jorue: "The Way to activate it..?" He sighs, "Unfortunately we've never been able to have one survive that long..."
(4) Tanja: ::tries to look hopeful anyway::
(7) Locke: (("oh wait, he moved to the planet mars"))
(4) Tanja: ::hopes dashed, looks at the table:: we're never gonna get there..
(12) No Name (enter): 22:53
(2) Jorue: "We do know that is a teleportation device... It is a stone that takes the wearer back to the one who originally enchanted it"
(4) Tanja: you mean right to the person directly?!
(4) Tanja: that might be a bit hard to explain away... ::mutter::
(7) Locke: that'll mean... we would go straight to the slaughtering house
(2) Jorue: "Either that.. or at a position that person has specified ahead of time"
(4) Tanja: oh that clears things up... ::thinks to self--not.::
(2) Jorue: "The Regal Knights have comissioned many similar devices from us.."
(1) Mikhal: each time you got a new necklace, where you able to examine it longer then the last..?
(4) Tanja: ::blink:: weren't they the ones that sent us here...?
(4) Tanja: .why couldn't they give us one themselves then?
(4) Tanja: ((ooh wait))
(7) Locke: because they gave them all here
(4) Tanja: ((nevermind...i misread))
(4) Tanja: ((i thought you meant gave them devices to go to the ice elves...har har...yeah selective reading tongiht :) ))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Evanthe: So how close are you guys to figuring it out?
(2) Jorue: "Every one that comes into our hands... We get a step closer to understanding it, yes... we have bits and pieces of the proper chant.."
(1) Mikhal: well, ther is proably a surplus of them in Kraseave now..
(8) Evanthe: If you want to go chipping through ice
** (8) Evanthe hands Jorue the necklace **
(7) Locke: maybe we should've searched that ice elf frozen in ice for another pendant
(1) Mikhal: (( i slaughter the spelling of the town))
** (2) Jorue holds it up to the light and examines it carefully.... **
(1) Mikhal: well, is either that, or wander around in the wilderness trying to find them
(4) Tanja: we may as well just walk to the ice elves then
(7) Locke: that can take months
(1) Mikhal: besides, the dmoe was already melting when we were leaving
(1) Mikhal: ((dome*))
(2) Jorue: "...Dome?" Jorue looks up from his examination.
(8) Evanthe: Well why don't we see if this good sir here can do anything before we go off gallavanting anywhere
(4) Tanja: that much ice will take days, if not weeks to melt..
(4) Tanja: ::Cough:: nothing.
(1) Mikhal: don't worry about it
(4) Tanja: ((don't make me tell it again....))
(7) Locke: ((*makes*))
(13) No Name (enter): 22:59
(8) Evanthe: ((O_o))
(4) Tanja: ((i need to have a summary i can copy and paste))
(1) Mikhal: ((hi, random people! ^^;))
(7) Locke: ((wait wait wait... change nicks XD))
(8) Evanthe: ((I don't know who they are :O))
(7) Locke: ((both are Khar))
(8) Evanthe: ((ooh yes))
(1) Mikhal: ((Random NPC 1 and 2?))
(8) Evanthe: Basically Jorue
(13) Khar: >.>
(2) Jorue: "Well, I suppose everyone's allowed their secrets..." He smiles to himself. "If you are in as much of a hurry as you imply, we can begin immediately..."
(8) Evanthe: Big battle at Kresevae left the town in a block of ice due to Mulinel's interference
(4) Tanja: ::sticks her pendant back into her pack before she forgets::
(8) Evanthe: Everyone is frozen
(8) Evanthe: And we're trying to get to the ice elves town to find Alain and kill him
(8) Evanthe: That's all, the end.
** (2) Jorue shakes his head... **
(4) Tanja: ::stares at the table::
(2) Jorue: "Mulinel... I suppose the intervention was partially justified.. but no doubt it causes us problems...."
(12) No Name (exit): 23:01
(8) Evanthe: After almost being killed by zombies, I'd say I agree
(4) Tanja: you mean the dead people? i don't see any justification in making zombies...
(7) Locke: nearly being killed
(2) Jorue: The old man coughs slightly... "So... Reanimation... No, no... Mulinel didn't do that.."
(4) Tanja: ::blink::
(1) Mikhal: it was mentioned before
(4) Tanja: ((but i thought..))
(1) Mikhal: since Mulienel intervined, another god, or goddess, intervined after she did
(2) Jorue: "How can I explain this... " He puts his fingers to his lips for a moment and taps... "You see..."
(2) Jorue: "We here on Reydala are bound by Reality.. Think of it as a long string.. "
(4) Tanja: ((lol oh goodie))
(2) Jorue: "But the Gods... Aren't bound by those rules... they can bend the string.. Some of them can basically bend reality into whatever they wish.."
(4) Tanja: i already kinda knew that...
(8) Evanthe: Well, that's why they're gods
(4) Tanja: but how does that relate to the dome and the zombies?
(7) Locke: he's getting to it
(2) Jorue: "However.. The string being bent is unnatural to reality, all the things that should've happend, don't... And these other realities float around, something that we like to call "Unreality".."
(2) Jorue: "Too much Unreality in a certain area... and unusual things begin to happen, one such thing is the reanimation that you witnessed.."
** (8) Evanthe nods **
(7) Locke: or just plain "unnatural"
(4) Tanja: ::shakes head::
(8) Evanthe: Okay, so their interference makes our world go wacky
(8) Evanthe: Which is why they don't often do it?
(8) Evanthe: Okay, gotcha. Now...about these necklaces...
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Jorue: He stands... "Basically, Correct.. Due to this many of the Divine sphere choose only to intervene when absolutely necessary.."
(7) Locke: ((talk about talking to yourself :P))
(7) Locke: many? you mean some do it more than when absolutely necessary?
** (8) Evanthe just gives Locke a look. **
(7) Locke: ((what?? XD))
(2) Jorue: "Unreality, is not all bad though.... Thanks to Lucion's guidance we have learned to manipulate it ourselves into what is known as Magic... Which allows us, among other things, to examine magic artifacts such as these"
(4) Tanja: ::lounges back in her chair, thinkingto herself--don't encourage him...::
(7) Locke: ((DOWN WITH MAGIC))
** (8) Evanthe 's stomach growls **
(2) Jorue: "It is quite a fascinating subject... That... Not all gods operate on an agenda that is friendly to ours... some downright want to flood the world with unreality..." he shakes his head
(4) Tanja: so...magic taps into the same stuff gods use? isn't that kinda...umm...not right?
(8) Evanthe: Not right?
(4) Tanja: ::frowns:: its hard to put into words
(7) Locke: depends on how you look at it
(4) Tanja: the stuff the gods use shoulld be only for the gods...right?
(2) Jorue: "Not exactly.... Magic uses the Residue the gods leave behind in our world... In casting our spells, we remove unreality from the world.."
(7) Locke: like Turn Undead
(7) Locke: ((*hides*))
(2) Jorue: "The magic that emulates that of the gods is strictly forbidden by Lucion.. Very few humans would be able to cast such spells, in any case.."
(4) Tanja: ::scratches head:: i dunno...this is why i didn't become a cleric
(4) Tanja: among...other reasons
** (7) Locke looks gloomy after that comment **
(7) Locke: ((darn it, if only my brother didn't delete my profile >_>))
(2) Jorue: "Jaze's magic has been more potent that usual lately.. more than he can control, as you have seen.... This is probably because of the Unreality spreading from Krasevae..
(7) Locke: ah, that would
(4) Tanja: so...if we wanted to go do something about the frost elves and needed to get there in a hurry, what would you suggest?
(4) Tanja: we were kinda hoping you could teach us how to use the amulets
(1) Mikhal: *thinks Locke doesn't know what he is talking about*
(7) Locke: *thinks he would listen for hours on this topic*
(2) Jorue: "Come to think of it.... We could capitalize on this ourselves... Use the abundance of unreality to examine these.." He nods slightly.. "It would be slightly more dangerous.. but We'll get much better results.. if all goes well"
(4) Tanja: and if all doesn't go well?
(4) Tanja: what would happen?
(8) Evanthe: Then looks like we're going ice chippin'
(7) Locke: the amulets shatter, if all doesn't go well...
(2) Jorue: "Probably nothing that we could not handle, but I doubt the necklace would survive it"
(7) Locke: maybe?
(8) Evanthe: Well how long would this process take?
(7) Locke: ((7 years :D))
(2) Jorue: "If we gathered as soon as possible... I might say we could complete our analysis in an hour or so.. at least, that is the normal time for our spells... It is unknown how the current forces will effect it"
** (8) Evanthe nods **
(8) Evanthe: I'd say take your time with this since it's a fragile thing...
** (2) Jorue nods slightly.. **
(7) Locke: lets sit back, grab some food and wait for them to do their thing
(2) Jorue: "We know well how fragile they are, we will take all necessary precautions.."
** (8) Evanthe nods gratefully **
(8) Evanthe: Thank you...for helping us.
(7) Locke: ((brb, grabbing food >.>))
(2) Jorue: "Lucion charged us with the duty of maintaining a balance of Unreality in the world... So we are foremost serving him in this... We will alert you to our findings as soon as we discover them.." He walks to another large door in the back, making a quick gesture to his assistant...
(2) Jorue: Who then leaves through a door to the east..
(4) Tanja: ((excellent...))
(4) Tanja: well...i guess we wait now
(4) Tanja: ::gets up and starts wandering around:::
** (8) Evanthe does the same, mumbling "Where is that brat" **
(1) Mikhal: around?
(2) Jorue: Numerous others begin to file in the room briefly, and then through the door that Jorue left through...
(4) Tanja: probably summoning up another problem for someone to deal with...
(4) Tanja: ::keeps her hands to herself while under supervision..:: ::coughs::
(8) Evanthe: I thought they'd at least feed us or something.
(8) Evanthe: Where's hospitality nowadays?
** (8) Evanthe makes faces at the door. **
** (2) Jaze stands among the line, heading steadily for the door.. **
(4) Tanja: ::point:: hey its...that guy!
(4) Tanja: what was his name...?
(8) Evanthe: Jaze
** (2) Jaze gulps, trying to hide behind the adult in front of him. **
(8) Evanthe: Waitaminute!
(4) Tanja: ((aww you ruined it..oh
(8) Evanthe: Is he going in there?
(8) Evanthe: I don't want him near those necklaces
(4) Tanja: ::runs ahead to go ask:: hey! wait up!
** (7) Locke sits back watching them run off **
(2) Jaze: <i>of course I'm going in there! I'm the most skilled wizard here! They need</i> me!" he blurts out, then covers his mouth
(8) Evanthe: YOU? Don't make me laugh, kid.
(4) Tanja: ::incredulous look:: what in the world are you saying?
(8) Evanthe: I'd like someone with experience.
(4) Tanja: you're crazy.
** (2) Jaze fumes. **
(2) Jaze: Who are you to judge me in experience!? Hmph!
(7) Locke: age doesn't always mean experience
** Sorry, don't understand what a /smiles is...
(4) Tanja: neither does arrogance
** (1) Mikhal smiles to himself and finds a place to sit down and watch **</font>
(8) Evanthe: I want someone with years of experience
(4) Tanja: who're you to judge us, who saved your life?
(8) Evanthe: This kid was in diapers years ago
(2) Jaze: I could've handled it!, I just caught off guard
(8) Evanthe: Not even that *many* years ago by the looks of it *mutters*
(2) Jaze: "Just you wait! I'll find that activation code myself!"... "....this time" he mumbles to himself..
(7) Locke: Jaze, don't do something foolish like that
(4) Tanja: ::mutters:: especially with one of our necklaces at stake...
(7) Locke: ignore their provocations, if you're that experienced
(7) Locke: ((cornering him))
** (8) Evanthe huffs "Kids these days have no respect" **
** (2) Jaze grins.. **
(2) Jaze: "Right Right... I'll show them all with actions, not words... just you wait"
** (2) Jaze heads into the examination chamber with the rest of them.. **
** (7) Locke leans back against a bookcase near the door **
(4) Tanja: ::sighs heavily:: well...what's the worst that can happen..?
** (8) Evanthe mimics in a high voice "I'll show them all with actions, not words" **
(7) Locke: the world blows up?
(7) Locke: ::sarcasm""
(7) Locke: ::*
(8) Evanthe: Well if that one breaks, let's give him Mikhals *grins*
(4) Tanja: ::laughs::
(2) GM Voice: All in all, about 15 Lucion followers enter the large door... and then, it closes behind them.
(8) Evanthe: That's an awful lot of people for one small necklace
(7) Locke: lets find some entertainment
(4) Tanja: maybe they mean business this time?
** (8) Evanthe looks down at hers "Just what are we getting ourselves into..?" **
(4) Tanja: we're already into it...its a little late to be wondering that
(1) Mikhal: *looks among the bookshelves some something easy to read*
** (7) Locke walks out the door exploring the library **
** (8) Evanthe nods **
(8) Evanthe: This place looks so boring *sighs*
(4) Tanja: ::looks around more closely::
(4) Tanja: ((c'mon...i need a souvenir spoon))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
** (8) Evanthe follows after Locke. "Wanna gamble?" **
(2) GM Voice: There are four doors in this chamber... The one you came from to the south.. The east where all the Lucionites came from... a door to the west which has remained closed.. and the casting room north
(4) Tanja: ::wanders over to the west door::
(4) Tanja: ::opens it and peeks out::
(7) Locke: (("how to cook your chicken" - "the food slut god"))
(4) Tanja: ((
(4) Tanja: ((peeks in?))
(7) Locke: on what?
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal finds some introductory magic books that even he can read..
(2) GM Voice: Tanja tries the west door, locked.
(4) Tanja: oh really now...?
(8) Evanthe: I'm not sure yet *scratches her head*
(4) Tanja: ::investigates the lock while the others are busy::
** (8) Evanthe goes to the door to the north **
(1) Mikhal: *shrugs to himself and takes out and introductory magic book and starts reading it*
** (7) Locke stands outside the door all the Lucrion followers went into **
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe heads next to the northern door... she hears a low droning chant from within.. the door locks out most of the noise though..
(2) GM Voice: Tanja examines the lock.. it seems rather simple..
(4) Tanja: ::looks about carefully, and attempts to...ahem...pick the lock::
(7) Locke: ((break in! break in!!)
(8) Evanthe: It's probably magical
** (8) Evanthe looks over at Tanja **
(2) GM Voice: ((Open Lock check.. :) ))
(4) Tanja: [1d20] -> [18] = (18)
(7) Locke: ((nice))
(8) Evanthe: ((ooh))
(4) Tanja: (( did that ever happen? ::shoves the lock under the carpet:: ))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja takes her lockpick and with a small click, easily unlocks the door
(4) Tanja: ::slips the lockpick back into her bag and has a look inside, humming quietly to herself::
** (8) Evanthe grins at Tanja and tries to open the northern door. **
(2) GM Voice: The northern door is similarly locked...
(7) Locke: interrupting them would be pretty stupid
(8) Evanthe: What's with these locked doors?
(8) Evanthe: Where's the trust?
(4) Tanja: what locked doors? ::Innocently::
(4) Tanja: mine wasn't.
** (7) Locke eyes Tanja **
** (8) Evanthe giggles **
(1) Mikhal: *nothing looking up from reading* interuping magic spells can lead to horrific results
(2) GM Voice: Tanja lets the door open slightly... beyond is very dark, there's no lights in this section of the library.. it reeks of old books
(8) Evanthe: I was hoping for something interesting to happen *pouts*
(8) Evanthe: Hey Locke
(4) Tanja: ((we found the blacklisted books))
(8) Evanthe: I bet I can hold more books on my head without them falling
(7) Locke: you're on
(4) Tanja: hey umm...anybody got a light? ::cough::
(7) Locke: ((wtf? XD))
** (8) Evanthe goes and gathers an armload of books **
(8) Evanthe: ((hey hey i have limited things to work with xD))
** (7) Locke does so on the other direction **
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe and locke grab a pile of books from opposite sides of the room...
(8) Evanthe: 10 GP!
(4) Tanja: ::says to herself:: i have a flint and steel...i just wish i had something to burn...
(2) GM Voice: As the barbarian reads studiously at the table..
(8) Evanthe: No lights, sorry Tanja
(4) Tanja: ::starts to look speculatively at the books, then decides against it::
(7) Locke: 15
(8) Evanthe: Ooh, you're on
(1) Mikhal: *sets his lantern on the table*
** (8) Evanthe places a book on her head **
(2) GM Voice: *50 minutes until spell completion*
(4) Tanja: ::sigh:: i wish i didn't have to use this...
** (7) Locke starts placing a book on his head **
(4) Tanja: ::takes out a sunrod, looks both ways, and steps into the room, striking it on the doorframe as she enters::
(4) Tanja: ((insta-light!))
(4) Tanja: ((i've been dying to use one of these for a while))
(2) GM Voice: ((I swear.. you're just making make up how skills could be applied...))
(8) Evanthe: ((is there some kind of balance roll?))
(8) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: *stows the lantern back away and continues to read*
(2) GM Voice: ((Balance seems best to me ^_^*))
(2) GM Voice: ((Shutting the door behind you Tanja?..))
(2) GM Voice: 1d20 Each of you bookstackers
(1) Mikhal: ((or perform (book balancing), but i doubt eitehr of you have that))
(4) Tanja: ((No, leave it open...i don't want it locked behind me))
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
(8) Evanthe: ((naw we don't))
(7) Locke: ((booyah))
(8) Evanthe: ((oh shite))
(2) GM Voice: As Tanja leaves through the western door... holding a glowing light
(8) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(4) Tanja: ::investigates the room with her now lightened stick::
(4) Tanja: ((now-lit?))
(8) Evanthe: ((first one seems better *scratches head*))
(2) GM Voice: Locke and Evanthe both take turns stacking progressively more books on their heads
(8) Evanthe: You're not as bad as I thought
(7) Locke: ::grins:: you're not bad yourself
(8) Evanthe: One book is kids stuff!
(2) GM Voice: When they finally get to the 10th book... Something goes haywire in Evanthe's elven grace, and the entire stack topples to the floor..
** (8) Evanthe adds another **
(8) Evanthe: ((oh))
(8) Evanthe: Aw hell
(4) Tanja: ((my room! my room! what's in my room?))
(8) Evanthe: Double or nothing!
** (7) Locke puts the books on his head down **
** (8) Evanthe glances at the books on the floor **
(7) Locke: lets see what Tanja is up to
(8) Evanthe: Aww spoil sport
(4) Tanja: ::Hastily from inside:: no that's okay...go ahead! just a buncha books in here
** (8) Evanthe hands Locke 15gp **
(4) Tanja: ::sneezes for effect::
** (8) Evanthe waves a hand "A roomful of more books, joy." **
** (8) Evanthe heads on over to Mikhal, peeking over his shoulder "Whatcha readin?" **
** (7) Locke walks to the books Tanja found in the west door **
(1) Mikhal: it's an introduction bokk to magic
(8) Evanthe: Learned anything yet?
(1) Mikhal: ((book*))
(1) Mikhal: a little
(8) Evanthe: Show me!
** (8) Evanthe steps back, sitting on the pile of books she toppled over. **
** (7) Locke looks through the books **
(1) Mikhal: *pages though the book looknig for a cantrip to cast?*
(2) GM Voice: Locke heads out the western door, wondering where Tanja went... but he only sees a dark hall..
(7) Locke: ((oh))
(7) Locke: just a bunch of books... eh?
** (8) Evanthe just stares at Mikhal **
(1) Mikhal: ((Tony, any cantrips in the book i'm reading? >_>))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal looks through and finds a beginners spell.. Mage hand!
(1) Mikhal: well, here's one.. *rads the description on it, then casts it*
(2) GM Voice: The droning from the north room gets louder and louder...
(8) Evanthe: Hey
(8) Evanthe: C'mon, nobody is remotely curious as to wha they're doing?
(2) GM Voice: ((What are you casting it on?...;) ))
(8) Evanthe: A little peek couldn't hurt
** (8) Evanthe stands and approaches the north door again. **
(1) Mikhal: ((a book that Evanthe isn't sitting on))
(1) Mikhal: ((or standing/etc))
** (7) Locke walks down the dark hall in the west door ((if Tanja isn't in the room that is)) **
(4) Tanja: ((don't be nosey!! >.> ))
(1) Mikhal: *starts levatating a book*
(8) Evanthe: ((are you even doing anything? O_o))
** (8) Evanthe stares. **
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal concentrates on a book.. trying to levitate it into the air....
(4) Tanja: ((yes...i am))
(8) Evanthe: Neat trick!
(2) GM Voice: It starts to move on the table....
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Locke: ((*continues walking*))
(1) Mikhal: ((i was waiting for tony to say something.. >_>))
(4) Tanja: ((go away!))
(4) Tanja: ((i mean it!))
(8) Evanthe: Anything about unlocking doors in there?
(2) GM Voice: It only gets an inch or so up before it falls back on the table again..
(4) Tanja: ((*rawrs*))
(8) Evanthe: ((why?))
(8) Evanthe: ((o_O))
(2) GM Voice: Guess he'll have to practice that one some more
** (8) Evanthe goes back over Mikhal's shoulder **
(7) Locke: ((hidden masturbation? :o))
(8) Evanthe: ((*shrugs*))
(1) Mikhal: *looks for more spells*
** (8) Evanthe gets bored. **
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
(7) Locke: ((eh heh... >.>))
(8) Evanthe: ((? O_o))
(1) Mikhal: ((locke fails his move silently check?))
(8) Evanthe: ((patti's hogging the secret room ;P))
(4) Tanja: ((*cough*))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Tanja: ((i don't want to hear anything if i can pull this off. not a word.))
(8) Evanthe: Mikhal
(4) Tanja: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
(4) Tanja: ((*praises the dice gods*))
(8) Evanthe: Miiiiiiikhaaaaaaaaaaaal
(8) Evanthe: Mikhal Mikhal Mikhal
(1) Mikhal: what?
(8) Evanthe: Can I see that book?
(8) Evanthe: Oh hell, can you bash down that door?
(1) Mikhal: *hands if over*
(8) Evanthe: I want to see what they're doooing in there
** (8) Evanthe points to the door to the north **
(1) Mikhal: i could, but i won't
** (8) Evanthe makes a face at him. "You're no fun." **
** (8) Evanthe goes back to the lock, trying to get it open or something **
(8) Evanthe: They could have FOOD in there.
(2) GM Voice: *30 minutes until spell completes..*
(1) Mikhal: disturbing a magic spell could result in disaster
(8) Evanthe: Well from the looks of their "strongest" member, it doesn't take much to end up in disaster
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [8] = (8)
(8) Evanthe: And who knows? They could be taking a break
(1) Mikhal: even destroy the artifact before the spells completes
(8) Evanthe: Miiiikhaaaaaaaaal be spontaneous for once in your life
(4) Tanja: [1d20] -> [7] = (7)
(4) Tanja: ((booooo))
(4) Tanja: ((hisssssss))
(8) Evanthe: Just once.
(7) Locke: ((aww XD))
(8) Evanthe: This one time.
(8) Evanthe: I'll NEVER tease you again...probably.
(1) Mikhal: no thanks
** (8) Evanthe goes back to working on the door, sticking various objects in it in hopes of unlocking it **
(4) Tanja: ((i promise i'm almost done))
(1) Mikhal: *goes down the hall Locke and Tanja went*
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
(7) Locke: ((godamn >.>;;))
(8) Evanthe: ((it doesn't matter patti, i'm about to explode myself here))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal heads through the door... it's utterly dark in this hallway..
(8) Evanthe: ((see what locked doors do to us? ;P))
(4) Tanja: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
(4) Tanja: ((oh lord))
(4) Tanja: ((yeah i'm done))
(1) Mikhal: ((Evanthe is like a kender >_>))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Evanthe: ((sooooooo xD))
(4) Tanja: ((you might need a broom to come down and sweep up my remains though))
(8) Evanthe: ((besides, I dont' steal various objects *coughpatticough*))
(4) Tanja: [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
(1) Mikhal: ((can't i see with low-light vision?))
(7) Locke: ((*repeats*))
(4) Tanja: ((*cry* you don't understannnddd.....))
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
(2) GM Voice: ((There's no light at all))
(7) Locke: ((boo))
(8) Evanthe: ((zomg can i not unlock this godforsaken door?))
(4) Tanja: ((leaving this place goes against every thieving fibre of my body))
(1) Mikhal: *takes out his lanter and lights it*
(8) Evanthe: ((at least tell me i can't so i can wreck havoc somewhere else))
** (7) Locke sees light behind him **
(1) Mikhal: *then walks down the hallway*
(8) Evanthe: ((if your rolls are what we'll roll during a fight))
(8) Evanthe: ((I'm scared))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal nearly bumps into Locke before turning his lantern up.. he sees doorways to the north and south.. and a stairway leading down to the west..
(1) Mikhal: err..hi!
** (8) Evanthe kicks the door **
(8) Evanthe: ((still here!))
(7) Locke: good, you're here... listen around for which direction Tanja went
(7) Locke: she disappeared
(1) Mikhal: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+4] -> [12,4] = (16)
(4) Tanja: ((you're kididng me))
(4) Tanja: ((you're freakin' kidding me))
(2) GM Voice: A loud shrill voice echoes from the staircase...
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Tanja: ((i think i just killed myself, guys))
(4) Tanja: ((Like, seriously))
(8) Evanthe: ((what?))
(7) Locke: ((O_o;;))
(2) GM Voice: "Goddamnit!" it cries... it's Tanja!
** (1) Mikhal rushes down the staircase **</font>
(4) Tanja: ((see, you shouldn't go poking around magical stuff))
(8) Evanthe: ((did I hear the scream?))
** (7) Locke rushes down the staircase **
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal rushes down the stairs... followed by Locke...
(4) Tanja: ((i told you you'd need a broom))
(8) Evanthe: ((*twiddles thumbs*))
(2) GM Voice: The stair way turns right.. and right again.. and they find themselves in a large room lined with glass cases...
(4) Tanja: ((*cheesy grin*))
(2) GM Voice: A smell of burning flesh is in the air...
(7) Locke: Tanja! you alright? ::shouts::
(4) Tanja: ((i couldn't leave the cases!))
(4) Tanja: ((they had jewelery and stuff!))
(8) Evanthe: ((can I get some acknowledgment?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Yes you did))
(8) Evanthe: ((thanks))
(1) Mikhal: *cringes at the smell and walks foward*
(4) Tanja: ::unable to answer....assumed::
(2) GM Voice: The burning body of a certain thief is no illuminating the room in the center..
(4) Tanja: ((lol i don't believe it...tony actually killed someone))
** (7) Locke runs to the burning body **
** (8) Evanthe turns and stares down the long dark hallway **
(4) Tanja: ((yay tony!))
(8) Evanthe: What the hell is going on
(2) GM Voice: Locke and Mikhal clearly See Tanja....
** (7) Locke uses heal the skill to check for life and medical aid, if possible **
** (8) Evanthe ventures in towards the shouts and stuff **
(7) Locke: ((wow, dead :x))
(4) Tanja: ((*giggling*))
(8) Evanthe: ((what))
(4) Tanja: ((yah, i did a good job of it))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe heads down the stairs... and sees the same thing the others see...
(4) Tanja: ((tony baited me...that's my only defense))
** (8) Evanthe looks on in horror, trying to douse the fire **
(7) Locke: ((XD
(2) GM Voice: Locke thinks it's time to dispense with the heal skill and get with the spells
(7) Locke: ))
(8) Evanthe: What the hell, help me help her guys!
(1) Mikhal: (( shaun looking at you funny, since you're so happy about dying?))
(7) Locke: ssh, I am...
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe takes out a blanket and tries to smother the flames... pressing it around her entire body she puts the flames out...
(4) Tanja: ((i already told him...he told me i'm a bad thief))
(8) Evanthe: Oh can you hear me?
(7) Locke: ((I thought the flames were out >.>))
(4) Tanja: ((i dunno...can i?))
(1) Mikhal: ((i misread that..i though Tanja wasn't on fire >_>))
(8) Evanthe: ((it said she was BURNING ;P))
(2) GM Voice: She doesen't respond.... multiple burn marks cover her skin...
** (8) Evanthe checks for a pulse or something **
(4) Tanja: ((well...there goes my level =D ))
(1) Mikhal: ((Chris, start using healing spells >_>))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe checks for a pulse.... it's very very faint....
(7) Locke: ((I burned it before :x))
** (8) Evanthe tries to make Tanja's body stable **
(1) Mikhal: ((you have multiple casting >_>))
(8) Evanthe: ((with that heal skill))
(2) GM Voice: ((d20))
(7) Locke: ((oh))
(8) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [8] = (8)
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
(8) Evanthe: ((oh lord))
(7) Locke: ((booyah))
(4) Tanja: ((<3 locke)))
(4) Tanja: (( lovelove locke))
(1) Mikhal: ((Crhis, 1d8+2 ;) ))
(1) Mikhal: ((chris*))
(8) Evanthe: ((I can't kill her more, can I?))
(7) Locke: [1d8+2] -> [1,2] = (3)
(2) GM Voice: Locke scrounges his knowledge for burn victim treatment, and properly tends to Tanja's wounds.... she stabilizes....
(7) Locke: ((god.... damn))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
** (8) Evanthe sighs in relief **
(2) GM Voice: ((Hm.. does any healing still bring to 0 in 3.5?))
(7) Locke: ((what were the chances? a high and low))
(1) Mikhal: ((*checks*))
(4) Tanja: ((*still overcome by giggles* i'm a walking crisis center))
(1) Mikhal: (("A stable character regains no hit points but stops losing them."))
(8) Evanthe: ((well...first aid stabalizes them but they dont' regain points))
(2) GM Voice: ((I know that..))
(2) GM Voice: ((Oh right.. nvm...))
(8) Evanthe: ((spelled right))
** (8) Evanthe glares at Mikhal **
(7) Locke: what happened?
(8) Evanthe: So what exactly are you doing?
(2) GM Voice: Locke chants a spell over Tanja's body... and gives her a spark of life back...... she's still in very bad shape, but regains conciousness at least...
(4) Tanja: ((can i talk?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(8) Evanthe: Oh THAT'S right. Absolutely NOTHING
(4) Tanja: ((i don't think i want to now...))
(2) GM Voice: *10 Minutes until spell completes...*
(8) Evanthe: we have to get her out of here
(1) Mikhal: ((tony, did locke get back ALL of his spells?))
(4) Tanja: ::weakly:: dammit
(2) GM Voice: ((Yup))
(8) Evanthe: The least you can do is pick her up and carry her, Mikhal
(8) Evanthe: Stop standing there like a dolt!
(4) Tanja: ((didn't you look at the cases?? jewelry! weapons! look around yoU!))
(7) Locke: lets get her back to the main room
(4) Tanja: ((*stretches* the...cases...!))
(1) Mikhal: ((Crhis, you can heal Tanja more ;) ))
** (7) Locke catches a glimpse of the treasure and ignores it **
(7) Locke: ((I can? o_o;;))
(4) Tanja: ((*claws floor* don't worry about me! the treasure!))
(2) GM Voice: Glints of metal and jewels glimmer from the cases...
** (8) Evanthe 's mouth drops. **
(7) Locke: lets get out of here
(8) Evanthe: I....see.
(1) Mikhal: *Glares at Evanthe* moving he rin this condiction would cause her considerable amounts of pain
(2) GM Voice: *5 Minutes...*
(4) Tanja: might...want to...think up..story to i got... burned..
(7) Locke: it's nearly been an hour, we don't want them to get suspicious
(8) Evanthe: Are you stupid?
(8) Evanthe: We can't be CAUGHT here
** (7) Locke starts pushing everyone out ((XD)) **
(1) Mikhal: ((and tony, 5 minutes wouldn't pass that fast >_>))
(4) Tanja: ::attempts to stare at mikhal:: upstairs. now.
(2) GM Voice: ((I hold the clock ;) ))
(4) Tanja: ((Yeah don't push him))
(2) GM Voice: Locke rushes upstairs...!
(4) Tanja: ((he just killed me off...don't push him))
(4) Tanja: ((*rocks in the corner*))\\
(7) Locke: ((XD))
** (8) Evanthe mutters about useless elves and tries to help Tanja out somehow **
(1) Mikhal: *sighs and wraps Tanja gingerly in a blanket and carries her upstairs*
(8) Evanthe: ((ohkie that works too))
(1) Mikhal: ((well, you could of atleast healed her a bit more >_>))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe and Mikhal team up and take Tanja back to the main room..
(1) Mikhal: ((*glare glare at chris*))
(7) Locke: ((*innocent look*))
(8) Evanthe: ((hey hey))
(2) GM Voice: The chanting from the north is growing to a climax...
(1) Mikhal: Locke, can't you do anything more for her?
(4) Tanja: ::attempts to point at the door::: close it...
** (8) Evanthe tends to Tanja, ignoring the chanting **
(4) Tanja: ((hide the evidence!))
(8) Evanthe: What the hell can we say happened...
(7) Locke: ((we're in the main room?))
(8) Evanthe: Aha!
(1) Mikhal: *extingues the lanter, puts it away, and closes the door*
(2) GM Voice: ((Which kind of means.. Hide the body!))
(4) Tanja: ((they don't need to see me!))
(4) Tanja: ((i got tired and..uh...went
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal closes the door to the lower chamber..
(8) Evanthe: I...we need to not let them know about this
(4) Tanja: ((stff me under table))
** (7) Locke carries Tanja behind the bookself **
(4) Tanja: ::smiles weakly:: good. job.
(8) Evanthe: We are *not* stuffing her there
(2) GM Voice: All the bookshelves are snugly against the walls...
(8) Evanthe: We have to get her out of here
(7) Locke: we have no choice
(8) Evanthe: No, we have to get her out of here
(7) Locke: out of here will be too dangerous
(8) Evanthe: Dangerous?
(8) Evanthe: There are no worms around here
(8) Evanthe: And no panthers either
(4) Tanja: ::draws in a breath:: stop..arguing..just do it..!
(4) Tanja: not enough time
(7) Locke: *sigh* if you say so
(1) Mikhal: Locke, can't you heal her more?
(8) Evanthe: Both of you go!
(8) Evanthe: Take her, I'l talk to them
(7) Locke: I will
** (7) Locke carries Tanja out **
(2) GM Voice: The sound of a the north door unlocking....
(2) GM Voice: as Locke carries Tanja out the door and back to the horses
(2) GM Voice: A column of Lucion's followers emerge from the northern room...
** (8) Evanthe slips to the floor, picking up the nearest book and pretending to read it. **
(2) Jorue: "The activation words have been found..." He looks rather grim..
** (8) Evanthe looks up. "At what cost?" **
** (7) Locke lays Tanja relatively close to the building walls and casts all the heal spells left in him **
(1) Mikhal: what's wrong?
(2) Jorue: "The necklace probably still exists, but it is no longer in our possession.. we apologize..."
(8) Evanthe: Er....
(1) Mikhal: each of us has one
(8) Evanthe: What exactly happened?
(8) Evanthe: Wait
(8) Evanthe: Who did you guys accidentally teleport?
** (2) Jorue gives a heavy sigh.. **
(8) Evanthe: Was it JAZE?
(1) Mikhal: ..JAze?
** (2) Jorue nods... **
(7) Locke: [2d8+4] -> [5,6,4] = (15)
** (8) Evanthe stands "I knew it!" **
(8) Evanthe: I knew that kid shouldn't have gone in there
(7) Locke: ((all better? :D))
(8) Evanthe: Oh great, now we have to rescue him.
(2) Jorue: He discovered the words first.. and his excitedness spoke them....
(4) Tanja: ((pretty darn close))
** (8) Evanthe nods **
(7) Locke: ((I bet >.>))
(8) Evanthe: Then we have no time to waste, right?
(8) Evanthe: We can't just leave him there, brat or not.
(4) Tanja: ((now we can waltz in and pretend nothing happened))
(2) Jorue: Locke heals Tanja to near full... many of her burn scars begin to disappear.. she only seems slightly singed
(7) Locke: ((aside from your clothes being burnt :P))
(4) Tanja: ((oh right))
(1) Mikhal: ((wrap the blanket around yourself like a cloak))
(8) Evanthe: ((you're wrapped in a blanket))
(2) Jorue: Feel no obligation to rescue him... It was his own fault, do not let it interfere with your own duties... " He says sadly..
(4) Tanja: (('cause its cold...yes, i see))
(8) Evanthe: Are you kidding me?
(4) Tanja: ::gets to her feet immediately:: we need to get inside before someone notices
(8) Evanthe: I thought you guys were his family of some sort
(7) Locke: save? who?
(1) Mikhal: well, do you have the activation words to the spell written down?
** (8) Evanthe waves a hand. **
(4) Tanja: ::Cough:: umm...thanks for..ah...healing me, by the way...
(4) Tanja: ::looks away::
(7) Locke: take care next time
(2) Jorue: "In a sense... we are.. but it is beyond our power to go after him now...." He looks at Mikhal... "Yes, we have recorded it..."
(8) Evanthe: ((flamer you're still outside ;p))
(4) Tanja: ::wraps the blanket around herself like she's cold and rushes into the room from outside:: sorry i'm late!
(2) Jorue: "We cannot expect to put this task upon you travelers...."
** (8) Evanthe tenses at Tanja's return, relief in her eyes " You're on time." **
(1) Mikhal: well, we are already going there in the first place
(4) Tanja: i couldn't find my blanket...somebody buried it in my pack... ::scowls at mikhal::
(7) Locke: what happened?
(8) Evanthe: Jaze seems to have teleported
(1) Mikhal: *thinks back to the beginners magic book* does Jaze have his spell book with him?
(8) Evanthe: So we can get there now
(2) Jorue: "The boy can be amazingly resourceful at times.. despite the impression he gives..."
(8) Evanthe: Though we're not necessarily bound to rescue him according to them *tilts her head in the others direction*
(7) Locke: *sigh* arrogance gets people into trouble...
** (2) Jorue nods to Mikhal **
(7) Locke: it'll be best to try go after him
(8) Evanthe: I don't think it was arrogance so much as excitement, Locke
(4) Tanja: ::sigh:: we're not honor bound...but maybe he'll be on the way to wherever we're going... ::falls into the conversation without missing a beat::
(8) Evanthe: Either way, we can't leave him..
(4) Tanja: and we can rescue him
** (8) Evanthe nods. **
(8) Evanthe: But uh...*cough*...the sooner we leave the better
(1) Mikhal: *takes his necklace out and puts it around his neck*
(4) Tanja: i agree..
(8) Evanthe: ((and never have to come back and face suspicion :D))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Tanja: (( i was close!! ))
** (7) Locke takes his amulet out of his pack **
(4) Tanja: ::retrives hers from her pack::
(7) Locke: ((you and your treasure hunting wants :P))
** (8) Evanthe slips her necklace over her neck. **
(1) Mikhal: ((did Tonja learn something today about magic traps?))
(8) Evanthe: ((she wouldn't be a thief if she didn't *try* :P))
(4) Tanja: ((not really))
(4) Tanja: ((it was all right there...tony baited me!))
(7) Locke: ((we can talk about it when we warp))
(4) Tanja: ((Oh boy))
(4) Tanja: ((yes daddy :P))
(8) Evanthe: ((i was thinking that :3))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Locke: right... so, what's the enchantment?
(2) Jorue: They all put the necklaces around their necks...
(7) Locke: ((woah woah, I'm gonna hold mine XD))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Jorue: ((Or hold them =p))
(4) Tanja: what about our horses?
(8) Evanthe: I suppose the only thing to do is hope that we all end up the same place...
(7) Locke: yes... hope
(4) Tanja: ::still clinging to her blanket::
(2) Jorue: "We have limited facilities... but We can take care of them... "
(8) Evanthe: Take extra care of my Mochie!
(4) Tanja: Cinder's very careful
** (2) Jorue nods slowly.. **
(2) Jorue: "Please do all you can for Jaze..."
(1) Mikhal: don't worry, i'm sure he will be safe
** (8) Evanthe mutters "Oh now he's concerned." **
(4) Tanja: ::shifts restlessly::
(2) Jorue: "We wish you luck..."
(4) Tanja: ah...thank you
(4) Tanja: ::Tries not to look guilty::
** (2) Jorue bows, as does the rest of the order... **
(4) Tanja: ((ouch. that's a kick to the conscience))
** (7) Locke bows slowly **
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Evanthe: Wait what the hell...
(8) Evanthe: Did he leave the chant for us?
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((tony?))
(7) Locke: they're still here
(2) Jorue: ((er...thought I did.. ))
** (2) Jorue hands over the scroll with the incantation.. **
(2) Jorue: Just speak these words, and the teleportation will occur... I can't begin to say where you will end up..
** (8) Evanthe accepts it, nodding. **
(2) Jorue: Or even if it works both ways..
** (8) Evanthe unfolds the scroll **
(8) Evanthe: You guys ready?
(4) Tanja: ((*bad feeling*))
(8) Evanthe: ((ditto))
(4) Tanja: not really, but lets get this over with anyway
(1) Mikhal: i'm ready
(7) Locke: well... if it worked both ways... Jaze would be back in Krasavae ((sp?))
(8) Evanthe: Let's read it together then
** (1) Mikhal stands next to Evanthe **</font>
(4) Tanja: ((there's noplace like home...there's noplace like home...)
(8) Evanthe: ((bla bla bla bla ))
(8) Evanthe: ((yeees))
(8) Evanthe: ((*clickclickclick*))
(2) Jorue: The words read.... "Exshartiva Mal'heu"..
(7) Locke: ((I wish I was in disneyland....I wish I was in disneyland....))
(7) Locke: Exshartiva Mal
(7) Locke: 'heu
(4) Tanja: ::stares::
(7) Locke: ((yeesh :x))
(2) GM Voice: Locke speaks the words.... his necklaces starts to glow a bright white light....!
(7) Locke: ((*gets warped to hell))
(1) Mikhal: Exshartiva Mal'heu!
(2) GM Voice: A column of light engulfs him.... and then he is gone!
(8) Evanthe: Exsht--what
(4) Tanja: Exshart...iva.... Mal'heu...? :::has difficulty::
(2) GM Voice: The same happens to Mikhal..... and then to Tanja..
(8) Evanthe: ((great minds think alike))
(4) Tanja: ((lol...guess i was close enough))
(8) Evanthe: Exshartiva Mal'heu!
(2) GM Voice: Then finally, Evanthe disappears....
(8) Evanthe: ((did you just make that up tony?))
(8) Evanthe: ((like, type gibberish and place apostrophes in random places?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Nobody knowsss))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Evanthe: ((that's a yes :D))
(7) Locke: ((looks ordered to me))
(2) GM Voice: Stars... Planets.... Mountains... Trees.... the feeling of all creation passing by you in an instant...
(4) Tanja: ((he's had to make up things on the spot for years...he's got practice))
(8) Evanthe: ((true, true))
(7) Locke: ((ooh, interesting XD))
(7) Locke: wow... this is amazing
(4) Tanja: ((its probably off a random name generator
(2) GM Voice: Bursting into a view of pure light....
(7) Locke: ((*voice echoes*))
** (8) Evanthe squints her eyes **
(2) GM Voice: ((*sulks* I can be creative dangit...))
(4) Tanja: ::shields herself::
** (7) Locke closes eyes **
(4) Tanja: ((don't mind me...i'm still bitter))
(2) GM Voice: and then.... the light fades....
(8) Evanthe: ((glad I didn't see what you saw then))
(2) GM Voice: When sight returns... they find themselves standing a room carved of pure ice..
** (7) Locke slowly opens eyes **
(2) GM Voice: Icicles in the corners from stalagmites and stalagtites....
(2) GM Voice: On the floor around them is a large circle... that is glowing faintly with red light...
(4) Tanja: :::still with her eyes closed::: are we there yet....?
(7) Locke: I believe so
(2) GM Voice: Many arcane runes surround the drawing...
(4) Tanja: ::Peeks::
(2) GM Voice: Four balls of light illuminate the area well.. seemingly of magic origin...
** (7) Locke looks around **
(8) Evanthe: Glad we're still together
(2) GM Voice: They are positioned in the corners..
(4) Tanja: at least its...well-lit?
** (8) Evanthe looks for an exit **
(4) Tanja: ::still with her blanket around her::
(2) GM Voice: There is a single door to the south... crafted of wood, put into a pure ice frame..
** (7) Locke approaches the door **
(8) Evanthe: So um
(8) Evanthe: Whoaaaa
(8) Evanthe: What if there's ice elves out there?
** (8) Evanthe listens for noises behind the door. **
(4) Tanja: ::exaggerated look around:: well...i don't see anywhere else we can go...
(7) Locke: I wasn't going to open it
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe listens... but doesen't have to very hard.. in fact they all hear something...
(4) Tanja: ::Freezes::
(2) Jaze: Hey!.. Let go of me! *struggle* I'm Important you know!
(7) Locke: ...dumb child...
(8) Evanthe: Well that works.
(4) Tanja: ::anime sweatdrop::
(8) Evanthe: Let's go save him or something
(7) Locke: not yet
** (8) Evanthe draws her bow. **
(1) Mikhal: *readies his greatsword*
(7) Locke: check for numbers first
(8) Evanthe: While there's still the element of surprise, don't you think?
(4) Tanja: ::draws her bow as well::
(8) Evanthe: Ah, right
** (8) Evanthe tries to determine how many people are outside the door...somehow. **
** (7) Locke opens the door slightly **
(7) Locke: ((check now? :D))
(1) Mikhal: *creeps up to the frame of the door*
(4) Tanja: ((*creeeeeeaaaaaaaaakkk*))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe tries to sense the prescence of enemies through power of will.... but can't seem to get the hang of it...
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Locke pushes the door open slightly...
(8) Evanthe: ((hehe))
** (7) Locke peers through the slightly opened door **
(2) Jaze: "HAHA! See, my bodyguards have come to kick your butt!"
** (7) Locke mutters--"THAT FOOL"" **
(4) Tanja: ::Mutters:: i'm so strangling him..
(7) Locke: so much for the element of surprise
(2) GM Voice: Locke peers through and sees Jaze being carried by four bulky looking Ice elves....
(2) GM Voice: Jaze is now pointing excitedly back at Locke..
(8) Evanthe: aha...
(7) Locke: Evanthe, shoot...
** (8) Evanthe steps out the door "Let him go!" **
(7) Locke: ((hit Jaze please))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: *sighs and then charges at the nearest ice elf*
(8) Evanthe: We're protected by Mulinel's grace! You cannot harm us!
(8) Evanthe: ((so i'm bsing a little))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Tanja: (("in the name of the moon..."))
(8) Evanthe: Except that big one there
(8) Evanthe: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((start battle sequence?))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal charges through the door....! Init!
(2) GM Voice: ((er... yeah))
(2) GM Voice: ((Just a sec))
(1) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [7,2] = (9) Init
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives
(7) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [2,1] = (3)
(7) Locke: ((I love my rolls >.>))
(8) Evanthe: Evanthe [1d20+4] -> [5,4] = (9) Init
(7) Locke: ((all extremes))
(8) Evanthe: ((wooohah))
(4) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [4,4] = (8)
(2) GM Voice: ((oh ^_^... ))
(1) Mikhal: ((whoops..roll again? ^^;))
(2) GM Voice: ((Got so used to doing it manually..>_>))
(8) Evanthe: ((do we?))
(4) Tanja: ((pleaseplease?))
(2) GM Voice: ((There we go ^_^))
(2) GM Voice: The two Ice elves near the front drop their grasp on Jaze and reach for their swords...!
(4) Tanja: ((i've decided i don't like high init))
(4) Tanja: ((because if i go first, i gotta decide what we do))
(7) Locke: ((heh))
(7) Locke: ((then, you'd want my roll :p))
(4) Tanja: ((mine works))
(8) Evanthe: ((kill 'em all :D))
(1) Mikhal: ((i like high init ^^))
(2) GM Voice: Each takes a swipe at the barbarian with their swords...! One cutting deep into his arm for 5!...
(8) Evanthe: ((I like it when you kill things))
(1) Mikhal: ((me too))
Next init:
(9): Mikhal
(1) Mikhal: ((map?))
(4) Tanja: ((we'red oing it blind))
(1) Mikhal: *slashes out and the one who cut him*
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [20,6] = (26)
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [19,6] = (25)
(4) Tanja: ((Jesus))
(1) Mikhal: ((err..XD))
(8) Evanthe: ((O_o))
(1) Mikhal: ((should i bother rolling damage?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Ow... just ow))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) GM Voice: ((Roll it..))
(1) Mikhal: ((twice?))
(4) Tanja: ((i should've come back upstairs and brought you down with me tos mash the case, scott))
(1) Mikhal: ((or is it 3x?))
(2) GM Voice: ((4d6+YES))
(8) Evanthe: ((yay mor fuel for my mulinel's grace thing!))
(1) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+6] -> [5,2,6] = (13)
(1) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+6] -> [1,1,6] = (8)
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Evanthe: ((more))
(1) Mikhal: ((that sucked ;-;))
(4) Tanja: ((yes it did))
(7) Locke: ((still slaughtered :O))
(4) Tanja: ((i'm gonna go after the hurt one 'cause i'm cheap like that))
(1) Mikhal: ((maybe i should of raged..oh well))
(2) GM Voice: The other ice elf looks utterly horrified as Mikhal cleaves his greatsword into his partners shoulder... cleaving him in half diagonally, his blade exiting by the poor ice elf's waist...
(8) Evanthe: I warned you!
(4) Tanja: ((oh nevermind...not necessary))
(7) Locke: ((holy shit XD))
(2) GM Voice: His torso falls to the ground with a disgusting plop... followed by his legs..
(8) Evanthe: I...eugh...we're protected!
(2) GM Voice: Jaze's eyes go wide and he covers his mouth
(1) Mikhal: *smiles grimly at the other elf, eyes full with battle lust*
** (7) Locke whispers to self--"he still amazes me" **
Next init:
(9): : Evanthe
(4) Tanja: ::thinks to self--maybe that'll shut him up for a bit::
** (8) Evanthe aims an arrow at the other one that attacked Mikhal **
** (7) Locke thinks this will shut Jaze up for a long time **
(8) Evanthe: Longbow [1d20+5] -> [18,5] = (23)
(8) Evanthe: [1d8] -> [1] = (1)
(8) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(8) Evanthe: ((I WIN))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Tanja: ((maybe he's a wimp))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe fires her bow, lodging an arrow between the armor plates of the other leading ice elf...!
(1) Mikhal: ((you obviousaly accidently grabbed your smallest arrow))
(8) Evanthe: ((I hope so))
(8) Evanthe: ((yeah, my bad))
(2) GM Voice: It seems to barely scratch him, however...
(7) Locke: ((I swear I can't see the chars on the map
Next init:
(8): Tanja
(7) Locke: ))
(4) Tanja: ((i can't either))
(8) Evanthe: ((I can see the top of tanja's head))
(4) Tanja: ::fires an arrow at the one barely wounded by Evanthe::
(1) Mikhal: ((i see the top of tanja's head too))
(4) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [5,4] = (9)
(8) Evanthe: ((rub it in why don't you :P))
(4) Tanja: ((i give up))
(4) Tanja: ((at least you hit =D))
(8) Evanthe: ((i'd rather have missed, wasting a roll like that :3))
(2) GM Voice: ((Bah, screw technology and it never working *Drags up the map for more chat*))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja tries to get off an arrow as well... but it bounces off their armor..
(7) Locke: ((brb, I forgot what Guidance does))
(4) Tanja: ((Brb bathroom))
(2) GM Voice: The two in the Rear take out bows and return fire... One arrow slamming into the ice behind Tanja... the other slamming deep into evanthe's leg for 7.
(1) Mikhal: (("This spell imbues the subject with a touch of divine guidance. The creature gets a +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. It must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies."))
(8) Evanthe: ((what the ;_;))
(8) Evanthe: ((if I get hit again, i die ))
Next init:
(3): Locke
** (8) Evanthe cries out in pain. **
(8) Evanthe: ((can we even buy healing potions?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Nobody checked..^_^, you can certainly make them))
(8) Evanthe: ((I'll be sure to ask you about that after game then))
** (7) Locke touches Evanthe with the Shield of Faith **
(2) GM Voice: ((I believe you used up all your level 1s in the healing spree..))
(4) Tanja: ((with good cause))
(7) Locke: ((oh :p
(7) Locke: ))
(8) Evanthe: ((oh boy.))
(7) Locke: ((*resistance then? XD))
(2) GM Voice: Locke helps Evanthe to feel a bit more resistant...
(8) Evanthe: ((thanks :D))
(2) GM Voice: The warrior in front of mikhal slashes at the barbarian again..! Nicking his shoulder for 3
(8) Evanthe: ((what're you down to, Scott?))
(2) GM Voice: ((He's quite fine))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(8) Evanthe: ((okay))
Next init:
(9): Mikhal
** (1) Mikhal runs the next elf through **
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [15,6] = (21)
(1) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+6] -> [3,1,6] = (10)
(1) Mikhal: ((i'm down to like..24 hp))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal brings his greatsword down again on the arm of the elf in front of him... he screams in pain as the blade tears into his flesh..
Next init:
(9): : Evanthe
(8) Evanthe: ((can i borrow some ;_;))
(8) Evanthe: ((is that elf dead?))
(2) GM Voice: ((not yet))
** (8) Evanthe aims at the elf and lets loose an arrow **
(8) Evanthe: Longbow [1d20+5] -> [12,5] = (17)
(8) Evanthe: Damage [1d8] -> [3] = (3)
(8) Evanthe: ((better than 1 i guess <.<))
(8) Evanthe: ((whoops >.>))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe's arrow bounces off the Elf's thick armor..
(8) Evanthe: ((welllll nevermind))
Next init:
(8): Tanja
(4) Tanja: ((tony's not making this game very archer-friendly)
(7) Locke: ((o_o))
(8) Evanthe: ((discrimination, i tell you))
(7) Locke: ((*hides sickle*))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) GM Voice: ((You can't start every battle on a cliff looking over an army of cushions.. I tells ya))
(4) Tanja: ((guess i get to melee... how close are we to them? since i have no map to use...))
(7) Locke: ((just run up to him? if you want to melee)
(2) GM Voice: ((Very close.. Mikhal is fighting with one just 5 feet in front and to the side of you..))
(4) Tanja: (('cause i can't switch weapons if they're too close))
(2) GM Voice: The others ((and Jaze)) are standing about 15 feet behind
(2) GM Voice: ((You're safe to change))
(4) Tanja: ::Switches to her light mace and goes smashsmashsmash on the ice elf fighting mikhal::
(4) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [16,2] = (18)
(7) Locke: ((ooh))
(4) Tanja: [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(4) Tanja: ((*bonk*))
(7) Locke: ((heheh))
(2) GM Voice: ((Going around to flank?))
(4) Tanja: ((yesssir))
(2) GM Voice: ((Tumple roll to avoid AoO))
(4) Tanja: ((additional roll for that?))
(4) Tanja: [1d20] -> [2] = (2)
(4) Tanja: ((bullshit.))
(4) Tanja: ((erm...sorry, log's on.... cow crap.))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja tries to duck and dodge around the enemies swipes..
(8) Evanthe: ((hahahaha))
(7) Locke: ((AoO??))
(8) Evanthe: ((attack of opportunity))
(4) Tanja: ((it isn't my night to be a thief))
(7) Locke: ((ooh))
(4) Tanja: ((i can't use any thieving abilities))
(7) Locke: ((yeah... >.>;;))
(2) GM Voice: One of the elves swipes takes off a few of her hairs..! but leaves her unharmed... she now finds herself in back of a preoccupied foe...
(4) Tanja: ((*blink*))
(4) Tanja: ((with a TWO? wow i rock.))
(7) Locke: ((lucky))
(2) GM Voice: She takes out her mace..... and slams it into the elf's brain!
(1) Mikhal: ((it's because of mobility :) ))
(2) GM Voice: ((Sneak attack damage))
(4) Tanja: ((which was that again? its been a while since the first game))
(2) GM Voice: ((2d6))
(4) Tanja: ((i'm making a note of it now))
(4) Tanja: [2d6] -> [5,2] = (7)
(4) Tanja: ((is that in addition to my 1d6 i rolled before?))
(2) GM Voice: The elf staggers toward Mikhal... his eyes rolling up into his head... as he falls at the barbarian's feet.
(8) Evanthe: ((awesome :D))
(4) Tanja: ::cheesy grin at Mikhal as she topples the elf:: hyah!
(7) Locke: ((*surprised look*))
(1) Mikhal: *eyes shift over tanja and locks onto his next target*
(2) GM Voice: Both the other elves drop their bows... One draws a sword quick as a flash and advances on the triumphant tanja...
(8) Evanthe: ((he's in the zone))
(4) Tanja: ::Squeaks::
(7) Locke: ((::facepalms::))
(2) GM Voice: A sword blade stabs into her 9 damage!..
(8) Evanthe: ((why ;_;))
(8) Evanthe: ((we need to get more hp for as hard as these guys hit))
(4) Tanja: ((tony hates me ;_; ))
(7) Locke: ((how much hp you got left?))
(2) GM Voice: The other grabs Jaze in his arm as the little mage squeaks, and makes a run to the south....!
(4) Tanja: ((i dunno...lets see...))
(8) Evanthe: Ah! Stop him!
(4) Tanja: ((you healed me for 15... plus whatever i was at when i was barely conscious...2? 3?))
(1) Mikhal: ((3))
Next init:
(3): Locke
(4) Tanja: ((i'm at 9 now))
(7) Locke: ((ok))
(7) Locke: ((I got a couple of level 0 skills, so...))
(8) Evanthe: ((get jaze :o))
(7) Locke: ((>.>;;))
** (7) Locke looks at the running Jaze and the injured Tanja **
(8) Evanthe: ((oh
(7) Locke: Team first
(8) Evanthe: ((can you heal? :o))
** (7) Locke touches Tanja with a touch of resistance **
(7) Locke: ((no more for today))
(8) Evanthe: ((right right))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja feels more resistant!...
(4) Tanja: ((to death?))
(4) Tanja: ((resist death 100%))
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(9): Mikhal
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: ((since i can't really tell, can i do a charge attack on the fleeing ice elf?))
(4) Tanja: ((*watery eyes*))
(2) GM Voice: ((Tanja's right in front of you))
(4) Tanja: ((so much for team first))
(8) Evanthe: ((i like tanja alive :D))
(1) Mikhal: ((err..then, is the other elf withon 40 feet?
(2) GM Voice: ((Can't get a clear charge))
(4) Tanja: ((lol....i think i do too))
(2) GM Voice: ((The one fighting Tanja? Easily... The other one had a head start on you so he's about 45 feet away))
(4) Tanja: ((when i'm a level 53 thief, i'mgonna go back to that library))
(4) Tanja: ((i promise))
(8) Evanthe: ((53 O_o))
(7) Locke: ((lmao))
(4) Tanja: ((yup...53))
(1) Mikhal: *stabstab diediedie*
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [6,6] = (12)
(1) Mikhal: ((damn it))
(7) Locke: ((oh hell))
(2) GM Voice: The Elf attacking Tanja deftly parries Mikhal's sword with ease
Next init:
(9): : Evanthe
(8) Evanthe: ((i need to buy another weapon :3))
(4) Tanja: ((wish i could flank him on me... "hey look, over there!" *points to distract, bashes him in the head*))
** (8) Evanthe fires off an arrow after the running elf, hoping to slow him down **
(8) Evanthe: Longbow [1d20+5] -> [4,5] = (9)
(8) Evanthe: ((and here they come))
(1) Mikhal: ((you might be able to take a 5 foot adjustment to flank?))
(4) Tanja: ((not if his attention's on me, i don't think))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe's arrow skitters across the floor.... Which might be a good thing as both Mikhal and Jaze are providing partial cover
(2) GM Voice: ((Attention is on the last one who attacked, so he's focused on Mikhal right now))
(1) Mikhal: ((if i'm on one side of the monster, and you are on the opposite side, it's considered flanking))
(4) Tanja: ((oh okay))
Next init:
(8): Tanja
(1) Mikhal: ((even if his attention is on you))
(4) Tanja: ((you made it sound like he was still on me...that'll work then))
(8) Evanthe: ((so can she do another backstab?))
(2) GM Voice: ((She'll have to tumble, but yeah))
(4) Tanja: ::attempts to flank and bash more brains in on the one in front of her::
(4) Tanja: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
(4) Tanja: ((easily))
(7) Locke: ((nice))
(4) Tanja: ((now is it 1d6, plus another 2d6? or is it a 2d6 only?))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja tumbles like a circus performer....
(4) Tanja: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(4) Tanja: ((to hit))
(2) GM Voice: But studying the back of the elf... she can't find a hole in the armor.. .the mace glances off the steel harmlessly
(4) Tanja: ((what?!))
(4) Tanja: ((you're freakin' evil tonight, tony))
(8) Evanthe: ((aww even with her +2))
(4) Tanja: ((what'd i do to you?))
(2) GM Voice: ((They got Great armorr))
(4) Tanja: ((was it the ring thing?))
(4) Tanja: ((you can have my ring back))
(1) Mikhal: ((+2 for flanking and +whatever you str is?))
(1) Mikhal: ((evil = evil))
(4) Tanja: ((its only me *Cry*))
(2) GM Voice: ((..Nevermind....))
(2) GM Voice: Tanja's mace bangs into another brain..!
(8) Evanthe: ((erha?))
(4) Tanja: ((shh don't question))
(4) Tanja: ((smilenodthx))
(2) GM Voice: ((You people should put your mods into your throws so I don't assume you have +0 Attack bonus ;) ))
(4) Tanja: ((you should remember things like this, DM god))
(4) Tanja: ((2d6?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Evanthe and Mikhal do it just fine ^_^))
(8) Evanthe: ((oh))
(2) GM Voice: ((3d6 total))
(4) Tanja: [3d6] -> [2,6,5] = (13)
(8) Evanthe: ((nice :D))
(4) Tanja: ((i usually do too...i just forgot this once...and i get crucified for
(8) Evanthe: ((honest mistake))
(4) Tanja: (("put your modifier in your roll! RAWR!"))
(2) GM Voice: A massive clang rings through the ice hall.. the Ice elf staggers, but remains on his feet...!
(4) Tanja: ooh...stubborn
(2) GM Voice: The Ice elf brings his blade back on Tanja...
(4) Tanja: ((ooh death))
(4) Tanja: ((again))
(7) Locke: ((:x))
(8) Evanthe: ((twice in one game! new record!))
(4) Tanja: ((maybe i'll make it below level 2))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) GM Voice: It slashes across her... a spray of blood.... Tanja falls to the ground... ((At 0))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(8) Evanthe: ((holy crap :o))
(4) Tanja: ((*dying*))
(4) Tanja: ((like..laughing))
(8) Evanthe: (( I hope he doesn't hit me again ;_;))
(7) Locke: ((:o))
(4) Tanja: ((i make a rotten thief))
(8) Evanthe: Tanja...!
(2) GM Voice: The sound of a door opening and closing from the far end of the hall... the muted cries of a child...
(4) Tanja: ::collapses....again::
(8) Evanthe: ((had to))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: no... not again
(8) Evanthe: Jaze!
Next init:
(3): Locke
** (8) Evanthe looks around wildly **
(4) Tanja: ((this time you can't heal me either))
(8) Evanthe: ((KILL him))
(4) Tanja: ((next time i need resist damage 100%))
** (7) Locke runs up and slashes at the ice elf who slain Tanja **
(8) Evanthe: ((at 0 she doesn't lose hp, right?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Yup, she's stable))
(8) Evanthe: ((okay good))
(4) Tanja: ((*beep...beep...beep...beep..*))
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
(2) GM Voice: ((*crucify*))
(8) Evanthe: ((...go mikhal! xD))
(1) Mikhal: ((Resistance: You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects it from harm, granting it a +1 resistance bonus on saves.))
(4) Tanja: ((can that save me?))
(2) GM Voice: ((.... what weapon are you using even?..o_O))
(8) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Tanja: ((superduperweapon + 2341))
(1) Mikhal: ((a vorpal longsword))
(8) Evanthe: ((one that'll hit :D))
(1) Mikhal: ((+10!))
(7) Locke: ((sickle? :o))
(4) Tanja: ((one that'll kill))
(2) GM Voice: Locke swings his sickle hard at the elf... it bounces off the armor, just as hard..
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(9): Mikhal
(8) Evanthe: ((go mikhal!))
(7) Locke: ((*donk*))
(1) Mikhal: *die! >_>*
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [2,6] = (8)
(4) Tanja: ((...))
(1) Mikhal: ((...))
(8) Evanthe: ((this is bad))
(7) Locke: ((;-;))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((reroll? ^^))
(4) Tanja: ((shaun thinks i'm crazy 'cause i keep giggling))
(8) Evanthe: ((hehe))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Again the elf Parries Mikhal's sword seemingly effortlessly... his style far more focussed on finesse than Mikhals..
(4) Tanja: ((tony, i'll buy you your next weapon + 1 if you make me alive again))
(2) GM Voice: ((Tempting....))
(8) Evanthe: ((Okay, who do I have a clear shot of?))
Next init:
(9): : Evanthe
(4) Tanja: ((your choice =D ))
(2) GM Voice: Locke and Mikhal are now mobbing the elf in sight... the other one is now long gone...
(2) GM Voice: If you move to the other edge of the hall though.. you can get in a clear shot
(7) Locke: ((raping Jaze))
(4) Tanja: ((i'll camp spiny spipi))
** (8) Evanthe moves to the other edge of the hall trying to get a clear shot of the ice elf **
(2) GM Voice: ((How about an Joyeuse? ^_^))
(4) Tanja: ((oh that hurts))
(4) Tanja: ((can i price it out first? >.>))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe moves to the other edge of the hall.. aims her bow...... and...
(8) Evanthe: ((right, whoops))
(2) GM Voice: ((Or an enhancing sword.. if you're cheap ;) ))
(8) Evanthe: Longbow [1d20+5] -> [20,5] = (25)
(2) GM Voice: ...d20 again!
(7) Locke: ((holy...))
(4) Tanja: ((oooh don't call me cheap))
(8) Evanthe: More Longbow or something [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
(2) GM Voice: ((. . .))
(7) Locke: ((for god's))
(8) Evanthe: ((more than one please))
(4) Tanja: ((woah))
(2) GM Voice: (3d8)
(4) Tanja: ((kill!!))
(8) Evanthe: Damage [3d8] -> [1,2,2] = (5)
(8) Evanthe: ((LOL))
(4) Tanja: ((avengeee mee))
(4) Tanja: ((LOL))
(7) Locke: ((O_O))
(8) Evanthe: ((what a waste...again))
(2) GM Voice: ((Man I was going to give you a cool mikhal'ish slaughtering scene, but you had to roll THAT))
(8) Evanthe: ((I know, I know ;_;))
(8) Evanthe: ((make it cool anyway))
(4) Tanja: ((*giggling*))
(4) Tanja: ((this game's awesome))
(1) Mikhal: ((tony, that was an 8 and two 7s in disguise))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe notches a bow into her arrow.... fires with deadly aim... an arrow flies through the air seemingly impossibly fast....
(4) Tanja: ((*becomes a new goddess*))
(2) GM Voice: It finds an opening in the Ice elf's armor... sinking straight into his throat...
(8) Evanthe: ((dude, can i get a reroll because....well just because))
(8) Evanthe: ((oh))
(8) Evanthe: ((well if he dies that's okay))
(2) GM Voice: The Ice elf chokes desperately as his windpipe is punctured.... yet he doesen't seem to want to give up just yet...
(4) Tanja: ((...))
(8) Evanthe: ((DIE ALREADY))
(4) Tanja: ((for gods sake))
(8) Evanthe: ((Locke, bash his brains in))
(4) Tanja: ((tony, what the heck are you ON tonight? lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((die, damnit! >_>))
(8) Evanthe: ((sorry my roll sucked ;_;))
(7) Locke: ((pot is good~, isn't it Tony? ;D ))
(2) GM Voice: As if knowing of his eminent death.... He pulls his sword with all his strength and rams it hard into Mikhal..
(4) Tanja: ((and kills him too))
(2) GM Voice: ((HAIL the blue swirlies!))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(8) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Tanja: ((oh god))
(1) Mikhal: ((;-;))
(4) Tanja: ((i maxxed my HP roll for my leve with that die))
(1) Mikhal: ((tony, i forbid you to use blue swirlies))
(4) Tanja: ((Unless its for my HP roll))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal takes 8 points of damage from a sword going dangerously far into his gut...
(4) Tanja: ((...))
(4) Tanja: ((and we can't heal))
(8) Evanthe: Agh, Mikhal!
(7) Locke: ((>.>))
Next init:
(8): Tanja
(8) Evanthe: Kill him, Locke!
Next init:
(3): Locke
(1) Mikhal: ((8 wouldn't be that dangerous >_>))))
(4) Tanja: ((finish him!))
(8) Evanthe: ((for me it would be :D?))
(2) GM Voice: ((Oh shush mr. 32 hp))
(1) Mikhal: ((*contemplates on running after Jaze))
** (7) Locke mutters under his breathe-- "give me strength Sor" **
(4) Tanja: ((and leave me behind?))
(8) Evanthe: ((sor's off burying dead people ;_;))
** (7) Locke slashes at the ice elf who is inevitibly dying **
(4) Tanja: ((some team player you are))
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
(7) Locke: ((...))
(8) Evanthe: ((yep sure is))
(7) Locke: ((thanks for jinxing :P))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(8) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Tanja: ((*plays cards with Sor*))
(2) GM Voice: Sor decides not to send more people to their graves today.. Locke's sickle goes way wide..
(8) Evanthe: ((xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: ((sor is preparing graves for us))
(8) Evanthe: ((not for *you*))
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(9): Mikhal
(4) Tanja: ((Killl himmmm))
(1) Mikhal: *diedamnitdie*
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [13,6] = (19)
(1) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+6] -> [3,6,6] = (15)
(8) Evanthe: ((yay!))
(2) GM Voice: ((Cursing = Improved operation!))
(8) Evanthe: ((agreed))
(4) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((maybe we should curse more often in your attacks))
(1) Mikhal: ((our*))
(8) Evanthe: ((for my damage rolls, at least))
(8) Evanthe: ((damage damnit!))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal heaves his sword over his shoulder... swings it once, using Evanthe's arrow for a nice target.... He chops into the soldier's neck... his head plops to the floor and his helmet clangs against the ground..
(8) Evanthe: ((that was so my death scene ;_;))
(2) GM Voice: ((He only had 1 hp left too ^_^))
(4) Tanja: ((...))
(8) Evanthe: ((don't tell me that ._.))
(1) Mikhal: ((your death scene would of been sending an arrow straight through the head))
(4) Tanja: ((no kidding))
(1) Mikhal: ((*kicks you*))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Tanja: ((helloo...dead person on the floor))
(2) GM Voice: The ice has been stained red....
(8) Evanthe: ((he woulda done something cool like made his head asplode or something))
** (8) Evanthe tends to Tanja **
(4) Tanja: ((...again))
(8) Evanthe: ((..somehow))
(2) GM Voice: ((Yes.. and tanja should have gotten BURNINATED ;) ))
(1) Mikhal: *removes the sword protruding fro his gut*
(8) Evanthe: Mikhal! Can you run after Jaze?
(4) Tanja: ((*scowl*))
(8) Evanthe: Err...
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(8) Evanthe: Are you alright?
(8) Evanthe: Maybe you better go see, Locke...
(4) Tanja: ((sure....lemme just hold my kidney in..))
** (8) Evanthe clutches at her leg. **
(1) Mikhal: ((tony, still normal functions?))
(7) Locke: Alright... we're all exhausted to go chasing after Jaze...
(8) Evanthe: We can't forget about him
(2) GM Voice: ((You're a big boy, the old gut stab isn't much to a seasoned barbarian such as yourself))
(1) Mikhal: i'mm see if he is still close by
(7) Locke: we can't do anything, we're too battered from that battle alone
(1) Mikhal: *dashes off*
(8) Evanthe: You're not!
(4) Tanja: ((....))
(4) Tanja: ((scott))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal runs to the end of the hall... finds the door they heard opening earlier..
(1) Mikhal: ((i'm only looking to see if he's close by))
(4) Tanja: ((and if you run into 10 more elves, you're all dead))
(1) Mikhal: *pauses at the door listening*
(2) GM Voice: No sound...
(1) Mikhal: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+4] -> [14,4] = (18)
(8) Evanthe: I bet he's long gone after reinforcements now
(1) Mikhal: *opens it slowly*
(8) Evanthe: We can't stay here anyway
(4) Tanja: ((...))
** (8) Evanthe stands gingerly "Locke can you help me get Tanja up?" **
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal opens the door... inside is another room similar in size to the one they teleported into...
(4) Tanja: ((quick, while they're slaughtering mikhal, teleport us out of here))
** (7) Locke helps Evanthe with Tanja **
(2) GM Voice: There's three other doors... one for each wall, there's no telling which one the guard used....
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: *sighs and goes back tot he group*
(7) Locke: ((we
(8) Evanthe: Did you find them?
(4) Tanja: ::Thnks light thoughts::
(7) Locke: are dead without Mikhal))
(1) Mikhal: there were 3 other doors in the next room
** (8) Evanthe sighs and nods. **
(1) Mikhal: don't nkow which one was used
(8) Evanthe: We...have to sit and rest before going on...
(1) Mikhal: *check the elves for stuff*
(4) Tanja: ((that's my job... *watery eyes*))
(8) Evanthe: Tanja seems okay though
(2) GM Voice: ((You and your stuff... =p))
(13) Khar: ((I gotta go, but I wanna take part in this next week if possible :D later~))
(7) Locke: ((you need rest))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal finds some stuff....
(8) Evanthe: ((okay Khar :D))
(7) Locke: ((:D))
(1) Mikhal: ((bye ^^))
(4) Tanja: ((stuff mkaes the world go 'round, tony))
(13) Khar: Disconnecting from server...
(13) Khar (exit): 02:00
(2) GM Voice: ((Get in touch with me sometime in the week for character creation ^_^))
(2) GM Voice: ((D'oh))
(8) Evanthe: ((I'll tell her))
(1) Mikhal: ((my mom is getting antsy to get on the computer.. >_>))
(2) GM Voice: The group decides to lick their wounds before going further in search of Jaze...and Alain....
(2) GM Voice: **********************************************************************
(4) Tanja: well.
(4) Tanja: that was interesting.