Game 5

From Reydala

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Current revision as of 23:13, 31 October 2006

Log filename is "reydala2-09-07-05.html", system is is logging.
(1) Mikhal: log on
(2) Tanja: i hate to sound like i'm rushing 'cause i'm not normally like that...but i just wanna be sure i'm around for the entire game before teh hurricane hits
(4) Evanthe: No biggy, it's understandable ;P
(3) Tony: alrighttt
(3) GM Voice: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(3) GM Voice: A night passes in the spartan living quarters of the Regal Knights in Passel...
(3) GM Voice: All through the nite, the sound of couriers heading back and forth down the halls with their mailed feet... yet.. the morning always comes.
(3) GM Voice: A knock on the door..
** (4) Evanthe lifts her head sleepily **
(2) Tanja: hwah..?  ::rolls over, foggy::
(2) Tanja: ::Mumble:: too...early...
** (4) Evanthe stands, stretches, and opens the door slightly, peeking out **
(3) GM Voice: Nolan is there, smiling cheerfully.
(4) Evanthe: Who...what?
(3) GM Voice: "Are you prepared to depart?"
(2) Tanja: ::draws the covers around her head::: no!
(4) Evanthe: What? Now?!
(2) Tanja: ::mumbles to Mikhal, half asleep:: make the loud man go 'way...
** (4) Evanthe glances at Mikhal. "He sleeps like the dead! *You* try to wake him." **
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) GM Voice: Nolan blinks in suprise "The morning bells have already chimed three times..."
** (1) Mikhal wakes up **</font>
(1) Mikhal: sorry..i was very tired
(2) Tanja: ::mutter:: traitor... ::stumbles out of bed::
(4) Evanthe: Uh...
(4) Evanthe: We..had a late night *lame smile*
(2) Tanja: three times means what here...? too early...?
** (1) Mikhal stands up and stretches **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::dark look::
(1) Mikhal: *smiles innocently*
(3) GM Voice: "Captain Remel, seeing the gravity of the mission, has went ahead with 5 brethren to Krasevae, He has left an escort for you as well."
(4) Evanthe: He didn't *wait* for us?
** (4) Evanthe rushes back to her bed, stuffing things in her bag **
(2) Tanja: ::rubs sleep from her eyes::: he went with only 6?!
(3) GM Voice: Nolan: "The bells ring once 10 Minutes before sunrise, another time at sunrise, and another time 10 times after"
(3) GM Voice: (10 minutes..>_>)
(2) Tanja: ::makes like evanthe and starts stuffing her items into her knapsack, whether hers or otherwise::
(4) Evanthe: ((this is why i avoided asking if 3 times meant 3am :x))
** (1) Mikhal stuffs his items in his backpack too **</font>
(3) GM Voice: Nolan: "Your Escort Is waiting for you by the stables, Is what I am here to inform you"
** (4) Evanthe rushes towards Nolan and past him "C'mon!" **
** (1) Mikhal chases after Evanthe **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::wheels out after evanthe, swinging her knapsack wildly:: outta the way!
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
** (4) Evanthe stops and peeks around the corner one more time. "Thanks Nolan~" **
(3) GM Voice: Nolan "Oof"'s slightly and catches himself on the nearby wall... as the three rush outside..
(2) Tanja: do we...know...where...stables are...?
** (4) Evanthe then rushes after the others **
(3) GM Voice: Nolan: "Oh.... Don't mention it.."
(1) Mikhal: uh..probably by the gates?
** (4) Evanthe stops. **
(4) Evanthe: Um
(2) Tanja: where're the gates?
** (1) Mikhal rushes back to grab Nolan to show the way **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::sighs::
** (4) Evanthe scratches her head. **
(3) GM Voice: Nolan "Hey!.. erm.... Okay.. I suppose I could escort you..."
(3) GM Voice: Mikhal carries Nolan outside the building..
(1) Mikhal: ((i'm carrying him?))
(3) GM Voice: ((You grabbed him =p))
(2) Tanja: ((well you did grab him))
(4) Evanthe: Mikhal, he can't really show us where to go if you're dragging him around like that
** (4) Evanthe smirks **
(1) Mikhal: ((i didn't mean it that literally))
(3) GM Voice: ((Don't you know me by now?))
(2) Tanja: ((everything in this game is literal... >.>))
(3) GM Voice: ((Never learn the wish spell, is my advice to you))
** (1) Mikhal sets him down on the ground =P **</font>
(4) Evanthe: Ever so gracious
(2) Tanja: ::jaw-cracking yawn:: so...earlyl...
(2) Tanja: ((early*))
(3) GM Voice: Nolan looks around the main courtyard, a bit disorientated from his unexpected jaunt.. "Urm... If you just follow the road west there.. you'll reach the gate.."
(3) GM Voice: "The Stables are just to the south of the gate.. your steeds will be waiting there"
(4) Evanthe: Ah okay
(2) Tanja: that helps
(1) Mikhal: thank you Nolan *rushes off to the stables*
(4) Evanthe: Thanks, doll. *winks, then rushes off after the others*
(2) Tanja: ((is this the same road we took to get in?))
(3) GM Voice: They all rush down the street.. it's past sunrise, by not by much.. it's still a bit dim out..
(3) GM Voice: ((yes ;) ))
(1) Mikhal: ((angel, enjoy playing with people?))
(2) Tanja: ((you're no fun))
(4) Evanthe: ((sure, why not? :) ))
(2) Tanja: ::follows::
(3) GM Voice: They pass the same stark buildings rising along the road..
(2) Tanja: i wonder where all the markets are...
(3) GM Voice: After a few minutes they arrive at the main western gate, with roads leading north and south, seemingly circular.. that seem to be more populated..
(2) Tanja: ::looks around with interest:::
** (4) Evanthe follows the southern road. **
(1) Mikhal: wow, there are people here
(2) Tanja: i never would have guessed from what i saw yesterday... :: in total seriousness::
(3) GM Voice: A Few regal knights are stationed at the corners, keeping the people to their respective streets.
(2) Tanja: ((*crash*))
(2) Tanja: i guess we should catch up with evanthe... :: eyes the guards warily::
(1) Mikhal: *rushes after Evanthe with Tanja*
(2) Tanja: ::waves at one while following mikhal::
(3) GM Voice: The stables are nearby to the south.. just as Nolan had said...
** (4) Evanthe yawns some more, stretching her arms over her head. **
(4) Evanthe: Good ol' dependable Nolan. *enters the stables*
(1) Mikhal: *gets on his horse*
(3) GM Voice: Evanthe enters the stables.. another Courier from the Regal Knights is there... "Ah... Leaving Again?"
(4) Evanthe: That we are. Now where's my sweet sweet Mochi?
** (4) Evanthe wanders in, looking for her horse. **
(2) Tanja: ((*cracks up*))
(4) Evanthe: ((I have so much fun with her :x))
(1) Mikhal: ((i don't have a name for my horse yet))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm racking my brain for one))
(3) GM Voice: "Yes.. Your steeds are right there, we parked them near the front for easy access..." He points slightly southward. "You should recognize them"
(2) Tanja: ((you...parked them?))
(2) Tanja: ((did you leave the keys in the ignition too?  :P))
** (4) Evanthe grins at the guard. "Why thank you very much kind sir." **
(1) Mikhal: ((they are VERY talented))
(3) GM Voice: ((At least you don't need Valet Fees =p))
** (4) Evanthe rushes off to find her horse, cooing and clacking the whole way. **
(4) Evanthe: ((;D))
(4) Evanthe: ((brb))
(3) GM Voice: They step into the stable proper... moving further south.. the horses are all enclosed in stone stalls, with 2 wooden bars on each assuring they don't wander off..
** (1) Mikhal scratches along the horses nose **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::runs ahead, easily picking hers out from the others:: Cinder!  ::grin grin::
(3) GM Voice: There are at least 40 such stalls... many of which are empty, the ones who aren't are occupied by horses clothed in complete battle armor.. Much like the regal knights, it shines exquisitely in the light as if it were polished daily..
(2) Tanja: i can't believe we got these free horses!
(2) Tanja: ::stops, awestruck:: wow...
(2) Tanja: look at those horses! it looks so heavy!
(3) GM Voice: All the regal horses look more powerfully built than your own as well.. easily eclipsing their height by a foor or so...
(1) Mikhal: ((what's a foor? :) ))
(3) GM Voice: ((foorlong, they're really tall... seriously, don't mind my typing tonight))
(3) GM Voice: You find your own horses relatively easy among this regal company, and remove them from their stalls..
(1) Mikhal: *scratches behind the horses ears* there's a good Junon.. *takes him out of the stall and outside*
(2) Tanja: ::pulls hers out and climbs up into the saddle, uncaring that hers is the smallest in there::
** (1) Mikhal climbs up on Junon **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::follows after Mikhal at a walk all grins::
(3) GM Voice: As you step outside, you notice another of the Regal horses already outside... a Knight nearby seems to be tending to it, adjusting the armor straps, and generally checking that everything is in order..
(2) Tanja: ::watches with interest:: doesn't your horse mind carrying all that?
(2) Tanja: ((*stalling for angel to get back*))
(3) NPC: The voice is garbled a bit by the full helm that the regal knights wear, but it's obviously a woman.. "Our horses are specifically bred and trained for battle purposes.. So it's not as much of a burden on them as you would think.."
(2) Tanja: ::mightily impressed by the armor and the horse::: wow...
(4) Evanthe: ((okie))
** (4) Evanthe also looks on with interest. "Are you going with us?" **
(3) NPC: She turns to the group and stares a moment.. She reaches up and removes her helm, revealing long blonde hair and a very young looking face.. "No more of a burden than a wagon, in any case"
** (1) Mikhal smiles at the lady in armor "So what's your name?" **</font>
(4) Evanthe: ((Haha!))
(4) Evanthe: ((he thought he'd foil the flirting))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((gotta make tony think up's half the fun :) ))
(3) NPC: "Yes, I have been ordered by Captain Remel to provide you Escort to Krasevae... I am Sonya Detrelle, Knight Errant... Pleased to meet you all"
(4) Evanthe: ((flamah is heeere))
(1) Mikhal: ((yay))
(2) Tanja: ((i think tony came prepared))
(3) Sonya: "Are you prepared to depart?"
(2) Tanja: ((hurrah!))
(2) Tanja: ::nods once:: yup!
(1) Mikhal: yeah
(4) Evanthe: Good to see a softer face for once.
** (4) Evanthe grins, "Ready when you are" **
(6) Locke (enter): 23:07
(2) Tanja: ((i need a cute guy to show up in the game))
(2) Tanja: ((scott gets sonya now))
(3) Sonya: She nods.. mounting her horse with obvious skill, especially given that she does it in the full plate of the Regal Knights...
(6) Locke: ((ooh :o))
(4) Evanthe: (the last guy I hit on dug his nails into his head. I think I've found my area of bad luck))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: Alright then!
(6) Locke: ((sorry, sleeping in is bad... and sisters >_>;;))
** (4) Evanthe spurs her horse, heading towards Kresevae **
(4) Evanthe: ((welcome flamer~))
(2) Tanja: ::pats cinder's neck::
(2) Tanja: ((hiya!))
** (1) Mikhal follows after Sonya **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::follows after Evanthe, after shaking her head at Mikhal following Sonya::
** (4) Evanthe makes mocking kissy faces at Mikhal. **
(3) Sonya: "We Shall take a Direct route, passing beneath the mountains west..." She says, directing her horse onward with her feet...
(6) Locke: (("I need a cute guy to show up in the game" *pops on* :D?))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: ((*swoons*))
** (4) Evanthe nods. "Sounds like a plan." **
(3) Sonya: As they start to exit the gate... they note another wagon coming toward them..
(1) Mikhal: ((Chris = hot? ;D ))
(2) Tanja: how long will it take?
(4) Evanthe: ((yes :x))
(2) Tanja: ::points:: hey, look! maybe its someone we know in there!
(2) Tanja: ((*states obvious*))
(6) Locke: ((according to people /swt))
(3) Sonya: "It depends on the Pace you would like to take... If we take it easy we should still arrive within 6 hours"
(1) Mikhal: ((send me a picture? XD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: Well...I kinda wanted to catch up with the rest of the guys
(3) Sonya: On the back of said wagon, stands a familiar looking cleric..
(2) Tanja: ::jaw drops:: that..?
** (4) Evanthe looks towards the wagon **
** (6) Locke waves nervously **
(3) Sonya: Do you... know that person?..
(2) Tanja: ::Yells loud enough to rattle windows:: where the hell did you go?!?
(4) Evanthe: Heeey! It's our old buddy!
(2) Tanja: we almost died!
(1) Mikhal: Hey Locke!
(2) Tanja: twice!
** (4) Evanthe starts to open her mouth, then stops, nodding in agreement. **
(6) Locke: sorry about that...
(2) Tanja: ::smug:: well...we got horses for sticking around
(3) GM Voice: The Wagon stops before the gate to wait for clearance..
** (4) Evanthe looks back to Sonya, "This'll take just a sec...our good friend here managed to get separated from us" **
** (4) Evanthe turns to Locke. "Well..??" **
(4) Evanthe: Are you coming with us or not?
** (3) Sonya Nods silently, looking out onto the road again politely. **
(6) Locke: definitely
(2) Tanja: ((so who gets to ride double?  :P))
(4) Evanthe: Umm...Sonya? Do you guys have any uh...extra horses?
(6) Locke: ((*jumps in with Tanja* :D?))
(2) Tanja: that you could...uh...lend us...
(4) Evanthe: Or something
(3) Sonya: I'm afraid all our horses are reserved exlusively for the Regal Knights, lest a knight be left without one in an emergency..
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: ((*whine*))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ::dark look::
(1) Mikhal: you can ride with me..i guess..
** (4) Evanthe looks to Tanja and Mikhal **
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: Oh good, I was gonna suggest rock paper scissors
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: (())*
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Sonya: Besides, our horses would be worth a small fortune to anyone interested in good horses... So it is only smart to only lend them to the Regal Knights who have earned the priviledge
(2) Tanja: (( hidden motive))
** (4) Evanthe nods, waving a hand "Got it, got it." **
** (1) Mikhal holds a hand down to Locke **</font>
(4) Evanthe: Let's get moving, shall we?
(2) Tanja: ::looks between the two of them and starts laughing::
** (6) Locke grabs on **
(1) Mikhal: ((*molests Locke innocently*))
(1) Mikhal: *pulls him up*
** (3) Sonya nods, and leads the group along the road.. leading west. **
(6) Locke: ((ooh, kinky... do that some more))
(4) Evanthe: ((weirdos))
(2) Tanja: ::follows, still snickering at the two guys::
(3) Sonya: ((Enough Horseplay))
(2) Tanja: ((agreed))
(1) Mikhal: ((but we wern't even playing with the horses...yet))
(2) Tanja: ((we were just horsing around...'scuse us))
** (6) Locke looks nervously at Tanja, thinking... what is she snickering about... ((>.>;;)) **
(3) Sonya: Just what happend in Krasevae?... If I may ask?... It is not a common destination for our order..
(2) Tanja: :::blinks innocent green eyes Locke's direction:::  ::snickersnicker::
(4) Evanthe: You...haven't been informed?
(4) Evanthe: I would have thought them to brief everyone beforehand.
(4) Evanthe: You all seem so organized that way.
(2) Tanja: especially with all the people arriving...
(1) Mikhal: well, it doesn't seem like gossip would spread in this town
(3) Sonya: Of course, I was told of Worms, of Ice elves... but these are nothing new to Krasevae..
(2) Tanja: it isn't gossip if it reallyhappened...
(4) Evanthe: Well, that's basically what happened. Ice elves and worms.
(2) Tanja: its all Alain's fault.  ::scowl::
(4) Evanthe: With a little betrayal mixed in.
(3) Sonya: "Alain?" She asks, flatly..
(1) Mikhal: that's most of it, in a nutshell
(2) Tanja: uh...
(2) Tanja: yeah. Alain
** (4) Evanthe perks "You know him?" **
(2) Tanja: ((uhoh...ex-girlfriend alert))
(6) Locke: I'd imagine she would
(3) Sonya: The road curves a little to the southwest... around the mountain in front..
(4) Evanthe: Really? *turns to Locke* How do you figure?
(2) Tanja: ::studies Sonya with interest, waiting for her response::
(3) Sonya: "The High priest of Mulinel is near public Icon.. It is mostly common knowledge"
(2) Tanja: you didn't sound too thrilled to hear his name...
(4) Evanthe: Did you guys also find it to how fast he came up in the ranks?
(3) Sonya: "Krasevae's Affairs are matters of Krasevae... Especially so with the Temple.. I am of course not thrilled to find he might have played a hand in an attack.."
(4) Evanthe: Right, right, but that doesn't mean that you can't form an opinion.
(4) Evanthe: you remember the High Priest before Alain?
(6) Locke: ((bet you that high priest's soul was stolen by DEMONS))
(1) Mikhal: ((or sacrificed))
(3) Sonya: "Relations were positive.. All sources listed him as a kind and honorable man.. I heard that he had passed away, There was much Grief in our nation."
** (4) Evanthe taps her chin. "Passed away, huh.." **
(2) Tanja: How long has Alain been the High Priest?
(2) Tanja: ((i don't remember if that was ever covered...))
(1) Mikhal: ((nope))
(4) Evanthe: ((not specifically I don't think))
(3) Sonya: "It has been a year now since his predessesor passed on, so I would guess not much less than that... Not terribly long considering it is a position for life"
(6) Locke: only a year... interesting
(2) Tanja: a year... ::thinks to self--what a long time to pretend to be a High Priest...::
(4) Evanthe: So...during his tenure...did the attacks increase?
(3) Sonya: "We have not been called to Krasevae for many years.. Therefore we could only assume that all was well.. "
(3) Sonya: "We find many cities reluctant to call on us, even when in need... it is a function of pride.."
(2) Tanja: ::Thinking out loud:: i don't think he would increase the attacks if he and the Ice Elves were planning anything...
(2) Tanja: if he did that, people might start suspecting....and he wouldn't be able to obtain what he really wanted
(6) Locke: well, with as good a cover as he had, no one could've suspected anything
** (3) Sonya looks pensive a moment.. **
(6) Locke: even if the attacks did increase
** (4) Evanthe nods. **
(4) Evanthe: He sure did this well. *sighs*
(3) Sonya: The Evacuations went well?.. I hope..?
(2) Tanja: they might not have suspected him exactly, but certainly the artifacts would have been more closely guarded...
(1) Mikhal: we didn't suspect anything even when the temple was attacked
(6) Locke: yes, the unguarded artifact was strange
(2) Tanja: ::Looks away:: we got as many people out as we could
(4) Evanthe: Evacuations....well..
** (6) Locke looks away **
(3) Sonya: I see...
(2) Tanja: they should have been arriving before we left...we passed them all on the way
(2) Tanja: the ones that made it there, i mean
(1) Mikhal: well, it's no use to dwell on the past too much
** (4) Evanthe yawns again, stretching her neck. "Jeez, we missed breakfast in all the rush." **
** (3) Sonya remains silent.. steering her horse on steadily.. **
(2) Tanja: ::Mumbles:: we missed sleeping too
(2) Tanja: what's the matter, Sonya?
(6) Locke: yes, lets look at what we can do, instead of what we could've done
(4) Evanthe: The cold will wake you up *winks at Tanja*
(2) Tanja: you seem quiet all of a sudden
(3) Sonya: It is nothing.. merely a worry that is silly without confirmation one way or the other..
(1) Mikhal: ((hey flamer..who's in front, and who's in back on the horse?))
(1) Mikhal: what are you worrying about?
(2) Tanja: ((awwww....sonya's got a boyfriend))
(6) Locke: ((I'm at the back))
** (4) Evanthe frowns. "We're all just speculating right now...any thought would be nice to hear, really." **
(6) Locke: ((you were on the horse first.... right? XD))
(1) Mikhal: ((yeah))
(2) Tanja: you mentioned the evacuations...are you worried about someone?
(4) Evanthe: ((zomg she's aaron's beau!))
(3) Sonya: There was a member of the Guard at Krasevae... I had been writing to over the course of many months..
(2) Tanja: ((i was just thinking that! lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((no wonder he seemed impervious to my wanton ways))
(6) Locke: ((it's the dumbass who put us in the temple :O))
(2) Tanja: ((lol!))
(2) Tanja: ((what was his name?))
(6) Locke: ((*looks at the logs*))
(2) Tanja: we only met a few of the guards
** (4) Evanthe wrinkles her brow. "I...don't know any of the guards, so I can't be sure. What was his name?" **
** (1) Mikhal squires a bit then glances back at Locke "stop moving your hands so much, it tickles" **</font>
(1) Mikhal: ((squirms*))
(3) Sonya: Ian, his name... I doubt you would've met him.. Krasevae is a large city, after all...
(6) Locke: ((Langley ... ? :o))
(2) Tanja: ((yup...i just looked it up))
** (4) Evanthe looks sympathetic. "As a guard, I'm sure he got out okay." **
(2) Tanja: Ian...
(2) Tanja: i don't think i've heard of him
(4) Evanthe: They were the ones keeping the cool heads during the whole thing. ((at least the ones who weren't running away wildly.. :o))
(6) Locke: or fought his best to defend the citizens
(1) Mikhal: He could also be under the protection of Mulinel
(2) Tanja: ((or the ones who didn't have arrows sticking out of them((
(3) Sonya: ...The protection of Mulinel?..
(2) Tanja: ((blasphemy!))
(3) Sonya: ((or the ones who aren't frost worm food, let's not forget))
(2) Tanja: ((*nodnod*))
(4) Evanthe: ((he shoulda climbed a tree))
(6) Locke: ((could've been both))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: from what it looked like, Mulinel flew into the city and surrounded it in a hemisphere of water, which quickly turned into ice
(4) Evanthe: Weeellll
(2) Tanja: we don't know anything for sure yet, Mikhal
(3) Sonya: ((I should give you people a portable tree ;) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((you don't love us enough for that :P))
(2) Tanja: ((ents? ants? those walking tree things))
** (3) Sonya looks down slightly... **
(1) Mikhal: i said from what it looked like, i'm not sure either
(6) Locke: ((they're slow))
(6) Locke: ((ents, it takes them 4 days to take 2 steps XD))
(2) Tanja: ((if it keeps us safe from frost worms, it can be as slow as its wants))
(3) Sonya: The intervention of the Gods is often a double edged sword..
(2) Tanja: ::swings her feet in boredom, already tired of the conversation::
** (4) Evanthe smiles at Sonya. "Don't lose hope just yet." **
(6) Locke: yes... the people are isolated from everything, including food supplies
(2) Tanja: ::drops her horse back by Mikhal and Locke::: wanna race?
(3) Sonya: They pass around the southern mountain... tall pine trees rising to either side of the road..
(2) Tanja: betcha my horse is faster than yours!
** (4) Evanthe laughs. **
(1) Mikhal: it probably is, with only one person on it
(3) Sonya: Their branches gradually becoming weighted with snow as they go further on..
(2) Tanja: you're no fun
(4) Evanthe: Where's your faith in your Junon, Mikhal? *raspberries him*
(1) Mikhal: *smiles sweetly* unless those weigh you down more then they look like they do *glances down for a sec*
(6) Locke: I'll join Evanthe if you really want a race
(2) Tanja: ::splutters:: what...!
** (4) Evanthe opens her mouth in shock, then closes it again. **
(3) Sonya: ...There's no horse in the world that can beat a Regal Knight steed
(1) Mikhal: ((it's Tanja that wants a race))
** (3) Sonya smiles slightly. **
(6) Locke: ((XD))
** (4) Evanthe smiles at Sonya mischievously. "Care to wager on that?" **
(2) Tanja: ::glares daggers at Mikhal:: i dunno...your horse might be faster...not being weighed down with a brain or anything...
(6) Locke: ((hey, only trying to make it fair))
(6) Locke: but two arses?
** (4) Evanthe hoots with laughter. **
(1) Mikhal: even with all the armor and a fully armored person?
(1) Mikhal: even though i solved the puzzle in the temple?
(3) Sonya: I would have to hold back much... As I am technically your Escort
(2) Tanja: ::brings her horse back by Mikhal and kicks at Junon's rear with her foot::
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: You fed our horses the same stuff didn't you? *eyes her*
(6) Locke: hey hey, don't pick on the horse
(2) Tanja: that was only because you were thinking with yours word...which is all you barbarians think of
(3) Sonya: Sonya shrugs "All horses are fed the regulation meal.. I doubt any exceptions were made"
(2) Tanja: c'mon! race me!
** (1) Mikhal keeps the horse under control **</font>
(2) Tanja: Locke can buddy up with Evanthe
(2) Tanja: i wanna race you!
(6) Locke: very well
(4) Evanthe: I wanna see Sonya's horse run *eyes wide*
(2) Tanja: this is a matter of pride now
(2) Tanja: if i win, you take back what you just said...i want to hear you say "i'm sorry" and mean it
** (1) Mikhal moves Junon close to Evanthe's horse **</font>
** (4) Evanthe brings her horse next to Mikhal's and reaches out a hand to Locke **
(2) Tanja: ::pats Cinder's neck comfortingly::: we can take him on, can't we?  ::grin::
** (6) Locke grabs Evanthe's hand and hops from horse to horse **
** (4) Evanthe whispers to Locke, "Want to bet on a winner?" **
** (3) Sonya fades her horse behind a bit, so she's able to see everyone... with a "What have I gotten into" look on her face **
** (1) Mikhal goes up next tO Tanja's horse **</font>
** (6) Locke whispers back, "10 silvers on that Mikhal wins" **
(2) Tanja: ::smiles:: may the best woman win!
(1) Mikhal: where are we racing to?
** (4) Evanthe nods, "Deal!" **
(2) Tanja: ::peers ahead:::
(2) Tanja: ((gimme an idea of what's up there, tony))
(2) Tanja: ((translation: give us an easy marker to race to))
(6) Locke: ((that pile of snow 50ft ahead))
(3) Sonya: The road is mostly a straight run to Krasevae.. The woods we are in now will soon pass into the frozen plains..
(2) Tanja: well...see any remarkable looking trees?
(2) Tanja: wait...i know! have someone ride ahead
** (4) Evanthe shrugs. "We can--yeah" **
(3) Sonya: Some 50 Miles hence... There is a grave site, it is near exactly the center of the trip, so many travelers use it for reference..
** (4) Evanthe spurs Mochi onward **
(4) Evanthe: FIFTY MILES?
(2) Tanja: ((50 miles?))
(6) Locke: ((that's a lot for a horse))
(2) Tanja: ::facefault:: i said RACE....not JOURNEY
** (4) Evanthe continues riding. "This'll be alot quicker," calling back **
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: 50 miles is a bit..much
(3) Sonya: I guess I underestimated your steeds, then..... ::she grins slightly::
(2) Tanja: this is just a quick race to see which of us is, of course
(2) Tanja: ((oooh burn))
(2) Tanja: ((you're next, witch!))
(6) Locke: ooh, she's challenging you
(3) Sonya: ((or overestimated... Yeah..>_>))
** (4) Evanthe stops about 200 feet ahead of them **
(4) Evanthe: Tanja is so gonna kick his butt.
(2) Tanja: ready? :::gringrin:::
(6) Locke: we'll see ::grin::
(1) Mikhal: sure *Smiles back*
(2) Tanja: ::looks back to sonya:: can you give us a count?
(2) Tanja: ::pats Cinder's neck::
** (3) Sonya shrugs "I suppose..." **
** (1) Mikhal bends down and whipers encouraging words to Junon **</font>
** (3) Sonya stares at the horses... "Get Ready...." **
(3) Sonya: Get Set...
(2) Tanja: ::giggles to herself::
(3) Sonya: and...
(4) Evanthe: I really want to ride one of those Regal Knight horses...*stares*
(4) Evanthe: I offense Mochi *pats her neck*
(3) Sonya: GO!
** (1) Mikhal spurs Junon foward! **</font>
(2) Tanja: :::spurs her horse on:::
(2) Tanja: go Cinder!
(3) Sonya: ((psst ride checks :) ))
(4) Evanthe: C'MON TANJA!
(2) Tanja: ((d20?))
(3) Sonya: ((Yup Yup))
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(4) Evanthe: ((d20+eleventeen, patti :O))
(1) Mikhal: Ride Skill Check: [1d20+2] -> [9,2] = (11)
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: ((yes!))
(2) Tanja: ::leans in close to Cinder's neck::
(3) Sonya: The two riders spur their horses forward...!
(1) Mikhal: ((i knew i should of put some points into ride >_>))
(6) Locke: ((wow... that's fun XD))
(2) Tanja: ((to win pointless races in the woods? good job  :) ))
(6) Locke: ((heheh))
(2) Tanja: ((hey, if you guys can have a drinking game in a tavern, we can have a race in the woods))
(1) Mikhal: ((well, then i'd be able to figh on a horse :D))
(3) Sonya: The two galloping steeds swiftly sprint over the road.. heading toward the finishing line...
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Locke: ((hey, I can't help if I passed out >.>;;))
(3) Sonya: But through the race there is a clear winner.... Tanja wins by a whole horse length..
(2) Tanja: ::laughing with the exhileration::
(2) Tanja: wheee~!
(6) Locke: well, I'll be damned
** (6) Locke hands Evanthe 10silvers **
** (3) Sonya laughs slightly **
** (4) Evanthe turns to Locke "We'll consider ourselves even." **
** (4) Evanthe grins impishly, "Til next time, I mean." **
** (1) Mikhal shrugs his shoulders, doesn't really care that he lost **</font>
(6) Locke: yes, next time ::grins::
(2) Tanja: ::turns Cinder around to greet Mikhal and Junon:: good race  :::grin::
(2) Tanja: you owe me an apology now
(1) Mikhal: i never agreed to that
(1) Mikhal: (burn!))
(6) Locke: ((DIE))
(2) Tanja: ::kicks at Junon's horse:: you ASS!
** (4) Evanthe rolls her eyes at Mikhal. "Reaaaallly honorable." **
(1) Mikhal: but if you want..i'm sorry
(2) Tanja: ::spurs ahead to Evanthe and Locke::
(2) Tanja: too late!
(2) Tanja: i can't hear you
(3) Sonya: ((Psst.. when I said 50 miles.. I meant 5... yeah.. >_>))
(1) Mikhal: ((>_>((
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((ha! so we weren't crazy))
(4) Evanthe: ((here I was "wtf is wrong with Tony O_o"))
(2) Tanja: ((i was thinking those were some hellacious horses to be able to go 50 miles...))
(1) Mikhal: you should be thankful that i don't kick Cinder, considering you have kicked Junon twice already
(3) Sonya: ((Curse you, Imperial measuring system))
(2) Tanja: i'm not talking to you!
(1) Mikhal: but you just did
** (4) Evanthe laughs **
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: And so this day starts with some excitement
** (1) Mikhal grins at Evanthe "i try" **</font>
(6) Locke: hahah
(2) Tanja: ::ignores Mikhal::: so how much longer to the mountain?
(3) Sonya: Many minutes pass... the trees begin to become more sparse.. back into the frozen plains that surround Krasevae..
(4) Evanthe: We must be getting closer now.
** (4) Evanthe hunches closer to Mochi's neck. **
(4) Evanthe: And please tell me that you've got food packed in all of that equipment, Sonya
** (4) Evanthe looks at her with a pained expression. **
(3) Sonya: They pass a small monument on the side of the road... It has no writing upon it, but is obviously intended to be a gravestone..
(2) Tanja: ::watches the gravestone as they pass:: who died?
(6) Locke: ((my mom ;_;))
(3) Sonya: "Regal Knights have no real need to carry food or drink..." she says blankly..
(4) Evanthe: What?
(2) Tanja: what are you, robots?
(4) Evanthe: You guys don't eat?
(6) Locke: you guys... fight on an empty stomach? that's insane
** (6) Locke 's tummy rumbles **
(4) Evanthe: Oh MikhaaaalMikhal *singsong voice*
(3) Sonya: "Oh, don't misunderstand.. we need sustenance as much as anyone... we just have improved access to such things... I suppose you can call it that..."
(1) Mikhal: yes Evanthe?
(2) Tanja: ::scowls::
(6) Locke: improved access?
(6) Locke: ((*sends Mikhal out to hunt :D?))
** (4) Evanthe puts on a face of pure sadness. "Got any extra yummy rations?" **
(3) Sonya: "As for the grave... nobody knows for certain, it has been here for as long as I have known and has spurn a new legend for every year it exists..."
** (4) Evanthe looks around them. "I'd offer to hunt, but there's not much out here." **
(2) Tanja: that's kinda sad for whoever it was for originally...
** (1) Mikhal hands Evanthe, Locke, and Tanja half a ration each **</font>
(2) Tanja: i'm not hungry.
** (4) Evanthe grins "Thanks Mikhal!" and proceeds to gulp it down. **
** (1) Mikhal shurgs and then eats the half he was gonna give to Tanja himself **</font>
(6) Locke: ((XD))
** (6) Locke chews on ration, "thank you" **
** (3) Sonya shrugs.. **
(3) Sonya: "At least they have not passed from memory... being remembered for a thousand deeds you may or may not have done might be better than reality, in some small way.."
(2) Tanja: ::unconvinced::: i guess...but when i die, i would rather be remembered for who i was...not who other people thought i was
(6) Locke: being remembered for what you are is always the best
(6) Locke: ((WIN))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((;D))
(2) Tanja: ::nods agreement with Locke::
** (4) Evanthe stares at Locke's ration, nodding as well...sort of. **
(3) Sonya: "No doubt Sor knows... though we are left to wonder.."
** (6) Locke breaks a half of what's left for Evanthe, "still hungry?" **
(1) Mikhal: ((Angel, a whole ration lasts a day ;) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((No arguing with eva's stomach!))
(6) Locke: ((we only got quarter :p))
(1) Mikhal: ((i gave you each a half :) ))
(3) Sonya: As more time passes... they begin to see a crest of a large dome across the horizon..
(6) Locke: ((oh XD))
** (4) Evanthe looks embarrassed, "Oh no no, I'm fine. Eat up, Locke" **
(2) Tanja: ((*goes and munches on twigs in the woods instead of eating Mikhal's food*))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(1) Mikhal: Tanja, are you sure you arn't hungry?
(2) Tanja: ::ignores::
(3) Sonya: "We are getting near.."
(6) Locke: ((did you eat her share? XD))
** (4) Evanthe nods, spying the dome. **
(4) Evanthe: ((what was the regal knight captain's name again?))
(2) Tanja: ::studies the dome as they ride:: its....kinda creepy, you know?
(4) Evanthe: ((remel?))
(6) Locke: ((Langley))
(4) Evanthe: ((rrrrrroger?))
(2) Tanja: ((remel, i thnk))
(2) Tanja: ((think*))
(6) Locke: ((oh, wrong captain >.>;;))
(4) Evanthe: Hopefully, we've caught up at least a little with Remel and the others.
(3) Sonya: The massive ice sculpture rises far above the city surface... it still blocks all sight inside..
(3) Sonya: "No doubt, they are already investigating.."
(3) Sonya: ((brb a sec.. bathroom))
(2) Tanja: ::rubs her arms against imaginary goosebumps:: i just wish i knew for sure where that dome came from
(1) Mikhal: it's kinda beautiful, in a way
(2) Tanja: if its...::tries to remember Mikhal's wording:: the grace of Mulinel, then we've got nothing to worry about
(2) Tanja: but..on the other hand...if its the Frost Elves...then that's another story altogether
** (4) Evanthe nods. **
(6) Locke: ((can we check it out? ))
** (4) Evanthe looks around for signs of Remel and the others, approaching the dome cautiously **
(2) Tanja: ((i think that's where we're headed, once tony gets back from the bathroom))
(6) Locke: ((oh, ok))
(6) Locke: (("where's the water fall? I hear it but don't see it"))
(3) Sonya: Evanthe heads toward the dome... there's no sign of the other Regal Knights... but a large passage has been carved through the ice near the southern gate..
(2) Tanja: wow...they sure work fast
(4) Evanthe: They'
(6) Locke: intriguing
** (4) Evanthe urgest Mochi towards the passage **
(3) Sonya: Nearby, the corpse of a frost worm draws attention... seemingly quite recently dispatched..
(2) Tanja: what would it take to carve through ice like that...? and they only had a few hours ahead of us?
(1) Mikhal: wow..they took out a frost worm
(2) Tanja: ((i want to be one of them))
(6) Locke: maybe they carved from the inside as well
(2) Tanja: ((where do i sign up?))
(1) Mikhal: ((tony was thinking about making a REgal Knight prestige class))
(4) Evanthe: I...
(3) Sonya: These are small feats for the Regal Knights...
** (4) Evanthe stares at the frost worm. **
(2) Tanja: ::awed::
** (6) Locke looks at the frost worm wide eyed **
(2) Tanja: small feats?? one of those almost had us for breakfast...i can't imagine what it would take to kill one that easily..
(4) Evanthe: If I weren't so impressed, I'd say you were bragging *winks at Sonya*
** (3) Sonya blushes slightly.. **
(3) Sonya: It is merely the truth.. that is all
(1) Mikhal: ((we can see her blush through a full helm?))
(4) Evanthe: ((she took off her helm when we first met her))
(6) Locke: ((yes, it's that huge of a blush))
(2) Tanja: ((uh...their helms are made out of mood ring material?))
(3) Sonya: ((She keeps her helm off when riding, cause that's what makes her go))
(1) Mikhal: ((ah))
(2) Tanja: ::Spurs her horse forward to the opening:: c'mon...lets go inside and see what's there
(3) Sonya: The tunnel leading through the ice is pitch black..
(2) Tanja: ::stops::
(2) Tanja: ((woah waoh))
(2) Tanja: ((*horse air brakes*))
(6) Locke: XD
** (1) Mikhal takes out his lantern and lights it **</font>
(6) Locke: (())*
(3) Sonya: The ice at least 6 feet thick.. it reflects almost all of the sunlight that tries to enter it.. and a layer of snow over it hasn't helped that much.
** (1) Mikhal goes through the tunnel carefuly **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::gulps:: its dark...
(1) Mikhal: *is holding the lantern up*
** (4) Evanthe peers into it. "No different than the other" **
** (4) Evanthe rides onward, slowly **
** (3) Sonya hastens to be next to Mikhal.. **
(2) Tanja: ::follows win the light::
(2) Tanja: ((In*))
** (6) Locke looks around in caution **
(3) Sonya: They pass through the tunnel, past the city gates.... The houses nearby are still intact...
(3) Sonya: The south gate seems to have been relatively spared from attack
(2) Tanja: ((score! i can still find the house my key belongs to!))
(6) Locke: ((look for it now :D))
(4) Evanthe: ((drag mikhal behind you :o))
** (4) Evanthe calls out tentatively "Hello?" **
** (6) Locke whispers to Evanthe, "wonder if the Tavern is open, we could buy some food" **
(3) Sonya: Evanthe's voice echoes off the dome... it's errily quiet..
(2) Tanja: ::stomach rumbles quietly::
** (4) Evanthe laughs humorlessly. **
(2) Tanja: ::whispers:: i TOLD you it was creepy...
(1) Mikhal: Tanja, i still have more food
(3) Sonya: "Perhaps I should go on ahead... No sense you messengers getting caught in a dangerous situation.."
(2) Tanja: ::Ignores::
(2) Tanja: ::almost laughs:: it would NOT be the first time, Sonya
(4) Evanthe: Sonya, not without us. We're not *completely* defenseless, you know.
(4) Evanthe: feels safer with you nearby *laughs nervously*
(6) Locke: we've been put through caught up for some time now
(2) Tanja: i think you're the first person not to send us first
** (1) Mikhal walks over to Evanthe, hands her a ration, and whisers "give this to Tanja" **</font>
(6) Locke: ((*and caught up))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh right, give it to the excessively hungry girl))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(6) Locke: ((eat it XD))
(3) Sonya: "I can see from your equipment that you're no mere couriers... still, your safety is in my charge.."
** (4) Evanthe feels around for the ration. "Sure thing Mikhal." **
(2) Tanja: it wouldn't be safe to leave us behind...
(2) Tanja: not if something snuck up on us
** (3) Sonya nods. "Perhaps you are right.." **
(2) Tanja: ((*clings to sonya's leg*))
(6) Locke: ((kinky :o))
** (4) Evanthe reaches out a hand to Tanja "Hungry?" **
(6) Locke: ((*cough* >.>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((hand with ration in it*))
(2) Tanja: ::eyes it suspiciously:: where'd you get that from?
(2) Tanja: you were all stealing them from HIM a bit ago
(4) Evanthe: I uh, have extra, I just like to steal his food.
(4) Evanthe: Tastes better when it's not mine.
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ::laughs::
(3) Sonya: Sonya prods her horse north.. toward the temple.. "We should meet up with the others as soon as possible"
(2) Tanja: in that case...::accepts the ration:::
** (1) Mikhal follows next to Sonya, so she can see better, of course **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::follows the light::
(2) Tanja: ::eats half to curb her hunger::
(2) Tanja: ((Of the ration...not the light))
(1) Mikhal: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((;D))
(4) Evanthe: Yes, let's get moving. The sooner we find the others, the better.
(1) Mikhal: ((how would one eat light?))
(2) Tanja: ((i could've ate the lantern))
(6) Locke: ((yum, light))
(1) Mikhal: ((a nice burning sensation all the way down))
(4) Evanthe: ((it'd at least keep her warm))
(3) Sonya: After a few minutes of eerie silence except the sound of their horses... the houses start to look more and more ruined.... here and there you see a dwelling that is completely demolished...
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Locke: ((then you feel all warm all over :D))
(2) Tanja: ((teehee))
(4) Evanthe: Hmm...
(4) Evanthe: Did the worm get these houses?
(3) Sonya: Possibly...
(2) Tanja: i hope we catch up to Remel soon... ::rubs arms::
** (4) Evanthe frowns, keeping aware. **
(3) Sonya: They come upon the main temple courtyard... the fountain in the center is still flowing... though the statue that once stood there is irrevokably broken..
(2) Tanja: ((i thought the fountain was frozen?))
(1) Mikhal: it's..flowing now?
(4) Evanthe: I..
(3) Sonya: "Mulinel's Intervention restored the everflow.... my best Guess.."
(2) Tanja: i didn't think it could without the relics...
(2) Tanja: ((aka plot hole, move on))
(4) Evanthe: Well, seems sort of useless to restore the everflow with no people..
(6) Locke: Mulinel must have some powerful magicks to want the water to keep flowing
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head and keeps moving. **
** (1) Mikhal peers inside the temple as we pass it **</font>
(2) Tanja: ::follows, frowning::
(2) Tanja: if Mulinel could do that...why have relics in the first place?
(4) Evanthe: Saves her the trouble?
(3) Sonya: A shuffling sound.. from the east, and the west.... as if someone was dragging their feet across the rough stone street...
(2) Tanja: ((oh no))
(6) Locke: no point questioning the gods
** (4) Evanthe whips around, almost hitting Locke in the face **
(2) Tanja: ::perks up:; what's that?
(4) Evanthe: What was that?
(2) Tanja: ::slightly panicked::
(3) Sonya: and then again... from the north... lots of the same sound... *shuffle...shuffle....shuffle...*
(2) Tanja: ((braiiinnnsss...))
** (6) Locke is almost pushed off the horse from jumping back from Evanthe **
(6) Locke: ((XD))
** (4) Evanthe calls out tremulously "Remel?" **
(2) Tanja: ((zombie knights))
** (1) Mikhal thinks of scary Tanya, decides against it and pulls out his greatsword **</font>
** (3) Sonya pulls back her steed... pulling a long blade from her back... **
(1) Mikhal: ((scaring*))
(3) Sonya: Unlikely..
(6) Locke: ((Resident Evil again))
(2) Tanja: ::draws her bow::
** (6) Locke draws sickle **
** (4) Evanthe tries to locate the cause of the noise....well one of them. **
(3) Sonya: "I had a suspicion..... I suggest you retreat immediately to a safe place.."
(6) Locke: and leave you? no way
(2) Tanja: suspicion of what?  ::trying to decide the best way out of here::
(3) Sonya: Sonya's blade begins to glow faintly.... "I told you... the Intervention of the Gods is a double edged sword...."
(2) Tanja: ::Looks south, the only direction not mentioned hearing noises from:::
(6) Locke: the undead? but... how?
(2) Tanja: ((quick! stand in the fountain! holy water! lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((no kidding :o))
(6) Locke: ((heheh))
(3) Sonya: "Mulinel probably recrafted the relic you spoke of.... this required a massive amount of energy to restore it..."
(4) Evanthe: Lives??
(2) Tanja: ::rubs her arms, glad she's a Triana girl::
(6) Locke: causing the dead to give negative energy... making them undead... interesting
(3) Sonya: "Not Exactly... It is complex.. and I should save the explanation for another day...."
(6) Locke: ((cut me if I'm talking out of my ass XD))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: Right.
(3) Sonya: An army of shuffling..... everywhere.. especially from the north...
(2) Tanja: there's...nowhere safe?
** (4) Evanthe places a hand on her bow. "We can't fend off an entire army." **
(2) Tanja: what about underneath the temple?
(1) Mikhal: ((*cough* turn undead *cough*))
(6) Locke: might be a good start
(6) Locke: ((I don't have that >.>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(1) Mikhal: ((yes you do))
(2) Tanja: ((me neither))
(4) Evanthe: ((damn you lock! me!))
(6) Locke: ((I do?))
(1) Mikhal: ((Locke has it))
(1) Mikhal: ((all priests get it))
(3) Sonya: "Yes.... I fear it is the gaurd..."
(4) Evanthe: ((locke even))
(6) Locke: ((I don't know my own strength))
(2) Tanja: the guard?!
(1) Mikhal: ((or they get rebuke undead if they are evil))
(2) Tanja: you mean...Langely? and the others..?
(4) Evanthe: ((oh god, if she sees her dead boyfriend, we're all doomed))
(6) Locke: ((I'm good))
(2) Tanja: ((i was just thinking that))
(4) Evanthe: ((let's hope she isn't the crying type))
(2) Tanja: ((or the going crazy type))
(6) Locke: ((she's been big-headed so far))
(3) Sonya: One figure comes into Mikhal's spotlight.... a shuffling form... dressed in the mail of the Krasevae guard... clinging to a long spear...
(2) Tanja: ((oh c'mon tony!))
(2) Tanja: ((don't twist the knife!))
** (4) Evanthe raises her bow and aims at it. "Who're you?" **
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: (("braiiinnnss"))
(6) Locke: ((Death Gate series all over again))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Sonya: The figure makes no response.... only... keeps shuffuling toward them....
(6) Locke: ((they did this in the book of the earth world :o))

(3) Sonya:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(2) Tanja: ((which is it? langely or ian?))
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+4] -> [13,4] = (17)
(6) Locke: ((we'd recognise langley))
(2) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [9,4] = (13)
(6) Locke: ((+1?))
(1) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [3,2] = (5) Init
(3) Sonya: ((Yup think so))
(6) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [11,1] = (12)
(1) Mikhal: ((*shoves the bad dice to Chris this game*))
(6) Locke: ((muahah))
(3) Sonya: Sonya [1d20+5] -> [20,5] = (25) Init
(4) Evanthe: ((O_o))
(2) Tanja: ((jeez))
(6) Locke: ((holy shit, CHEE IT))
(1) Mikhal: ((*cough*full plate onlu lets you get a max dex bonus of +1))
(3) Sonya: ((*cough* improved init ))
(6) Locke: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((oh XD))

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(25): Sonya

(3) Sonya: Sonya looks to the north...
(3) Sonya: "There's far more that way... The direction of the original attack?"
(4) Evanthe: Yes.
(6) Locke: ((hahah, love the pic XD))
(3) Sonya: She prods her steed... "You said you have some ability.. now is the time to prove it.... I will take the northern faction..."
(2) Tanja: ((she'll let us hack at her boyfriend?))
(4) Evanthe: Be careful, Sonya...
(2) Tanja: ((oh how kind))
(4) Evanthe: Please call for us if you need us..
(6) Locke: ((her boyfriend is probably on the northern faction
(6) Locke: ))
(3) Sonya: "If you get overwhelmed... Retreat to the south.. I will be able to assist you momentarily.."
(3) Sonya: Her sword flashes brilliantly all of a sudden.... lighting up the surrounding area..
(4) Evanthe: ((why didn't she do that before >.>))
(2) Tanja: ((i didn't need to see the second one))
(4) Evanthe: ((what the..))
(2) Tanja: ((or...those two))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Locke: ((TU !!))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(6) Locke: ((only get to use it once today? >.>;;
(6) Locke: ))
(1) Mikhal: ((you fail. you forgot to cast gloria))
(3) Sonya: Sonya Charges to the north....!
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Locke: ((she's taking on 7! :O))
(2) Tanja: ((More power to her))
(6) Locke: ((leaving us 4 >.>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((well she IS a badass or something))
(2) Tanja: ((she should be able to take ALL of these on))
(4) Evanthe: ((they take down worms, somehow I don't worry for her))
(6) Locke: ((heheh, each of use gets one? :D))
(2) Tanja: ((Hell, she could take the 7, and her horse could take the 4))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Locke: so, one each?
(3) Sonya: It's not all that easy to see what's happening... she seems to be charging into a sea of mail and weapons...
(4) Evanthe: Where the hell is Remel and the others?

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(17): Evanthe

(6) Locke: ((hey Tony, could you clear the black down the bottom right a little? :o
(6) Locke: ))
** (4) Evanthe draws and aims her bow at the one with the crossbow **
(3) Sonya: In your immmediate area... There are 4 of the guard heading toward you..
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [14,5] = (19)
(4) Evanthe: [1d8] -> [6] = (6)
(6) Locke: ((Angel's kicking ass tonight :D))
(4) Evanthe: ((shh too early to say :o))
(3) Sonya: One with a longsword and shield.. one with a halbred.. the one with a spear.. and the one with a crossbow...
(6) Locke: ((yeah, wasn't sure on the halbred one, thanks XD))
(3) Sonya: Evanthe quickly lets loose an arrow at the range equipped one... it pierces through it's mail, but doesen't seem to halt it's progress in the slightest...
(2) Tanja: ((...))
(4) Evanthe: ((;___;))
(6) Locke: ((....))
(2) Tanja: ((guess angel and i will buddy up on

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(13): Tanja

(6) Locke: ((yes :D))
(4) Evanthe: ((yay for same thinking ;D))
(2) Tanja: ::stares in shock, and lets loose an arrow of her own at the one with the crossbow:::
(1) Mikhal: Evanthe, will the hold the reins for Junon?
(6) Locke: ((Mikhal will cause another undead blood bath all the same))
(2) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [12,4] = (16)
(2) Tanja: [1d6] -> [3] = (3)
(4) Evanthe: Sure, Mikhal
(2) Tanja: ((undead don't have blood, i don't think))
(3) Sonya: Tanja's arrow sinks in right next to Evanthe's.... but it doesen't so much have flinch
(2) Tanja: ((i think we have problems))

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(12): Locke

(6) Locke: ((wait... what the... how do I use TU? >.>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((I guess just rp the attack))
(3) Sonya: ((short answer: ::uses TU:: long answer: Make it fancy))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Sonya: ((And d20 ;) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((make flashy one, to outshine Sonya))
(3) Sonya: ((err wait))
(3) Sonya: ((2d6+4))
(6) Locke: ((ah, ok))
** (6) Locke chants a very weird and boring chant, casting Turn Undead on the zombie with the longsword **
(6) Locke: ((boring enough? XD))
(6) Locke: [2d6+4] -> [5,3,4] = (12)
(4) Evanthe: ((good enough ;D))
(3) Sonya: ((Err wait again.. 1d20.. Thennn That.. I'll use that roll, just add a d20))
(6) Locke: [Bad dice format] - [d20+4]
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((1d20+CHA first))
(4) Evanthe: ((forgot your 1))
(6) Locke: ((oops :x))
(1) Mikhal: ((well, cha modifier))
(6) Locke: [1d20] -> [11] = (11)
(3) Sonya: ((+2 for Cha.. is 13))
(6) Locke: ((hmm... *updates files* I got Cha as 14 :x))
(4) Evanthe: ((no, i think he was just adding your dice))
(3) Sonya: Locke holds out his holy symbol.. chanting a very weird and boring chant...
(3) Sonya: It shines with the holy energy of (insert God you never chose here) !
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((XD;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((there's a hint for you ;P))
(6) Locke: ((I need to look into that a lot more >.>;;))
(3) Sonya: However.... very soon it gets snuffed out again by utter blackness.... the horrible creature continues unabated...
(2) Tanja: ((*sigh*))
(4) Evanthe: ((let's blame scott for this one))
(2) Tanja: ((sounds good))
(6) Locke: ((good enough))
(3) Sonya: ((Want to move at all?))
(2) Tanja: ((can we move to hawaii?))
(4) Evanthe: ((i'll go with that))
(1) Mikhal: ((i say we blame Canada))
** (6) Locke moves to the square left of Evanthe **
(2) Tanja: ((oh goodie))
(3) Sonya: Locke, seeing his efforts resisted, moves to protect the elf...
(2) Tanja: ((no protection on either side now))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh i thought he meant beside me :o))

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(5): : Mikhal

** (1) Mikhal hands Evanthe the reings of Junon, hooks the lantern on the saddle and dismounts **
(6) Locke: ((*slays Sonya* NOT SO TOUGH NOW ARE YOU!?))
(1) Mikhal: ((is dismounting a move action?))
(4) Evanthe: ((She's our meatshield!))
(3) Sonya: ((Eh, probably, but I'm generous so I'll give it to ya free))
(1) Mikhal: ((yay))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
** (1) Mikhal runs to the square below crossbow and plunges the sword into it **

(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [8,6] = (14)
(1) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+6] -> [3,2,6] = (11)
(1) Mikhal: ((probably didn't hit..))
(4) Evanthe: ((I hope so...))
(6) Locke: ((we can always run :p))
(1) Mikhal: ((the square belove the crossbow zombie))
(1) Mikhal: ((below*))
(3) Sonya: Mikhal slashes his sword through the zombie's armor.... and thunks it backward a few feet... it shuffles angrily toward him..
(6) Locke: ((belove the zombie :D))
(6) Locke: these guys are stubborn
** (4) Evanthe huffs out her breath, "To say the least..." **
(2) Tanja: ((uhoh))
(2) Tanja: ((now if LOCKE were still there...))
(6) Locke: ((:x))
(4) Evanthe: ((well I'm blocking with Mikhal's horse))
(3) Sonya: The zombies armed with the spear and Halberd shuffle forward toward Tanja and Evanthe...
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((;-;))
(2) Tanja: ((so are our arrows doing anything?))
(3) Sonya: The one with the longsword comes in range of Locke...
(4) Evanthe: ((those things are just scary looking))
(6) Locke: ((ooh, kinky))
(3) Sonya: ((Making sure their mail doesen't fall off?..))
(4) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(2) Tanja: ((i guess that's a no))
(6) Locke: ((aww))
(4) Evanthe: you guys think the fountain water would help?
(1) Mikhal: ((if i remember correctly, slashing/piercing weapons do half damage to undead. blunt weapons do full damage to them))
(2) Tanja: ((*whips out mace*))
(4) Evanthe: ((they're not undead if TU didn't affect them :o))
(6) Locke: I think that's a good place to head for
(2) Tanja: ((i think TU missed))
(3) Sonya: The one near Mikhal tries to bash him over the head with it's crossbow..
(4) Evanthe: I'm not sure..
(6) Locke: ((TU missed))
(1) Mikhal: ((his TU wasn't powerful enough))
(3) Sonya: Conking the barbarian on the head for four damage.
(4) Evanthe: ((ok okokok :D))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Locke: ((I'm weak :o))

(3) Sonya:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round

(4) Evanthe: ..Anyone else?

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(25): Sonya

(2) Tanja: ((lets see sonya kill them all))
(1) Mikhal: ((this is how TU works, in a nut shell, you roll 1d20+CHA mod to see how high of a level of things you can effect. with the roll he got, he could effect undead up to 3 levels. and these are above level 3))
(6) Locke: ((bet you she'll kill them faster than us))
(2) Tanja: ((no bet))
(4) Evanthe: ((of course I'd feel stupid if we threw water on them and they just looked at us))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((and drinking yourself in a stupor wasn't stupid? :) ))
(3) Sonya: Sonya slices her blade into one of the zombie creatures... It erupts in a golden explosion of light...
(6) Locke: ((they're undead, what would they remember? XD))
(2) Tanja: ((i want one of those))
(6) Locke: ((hahah))
(4) Evanthe: ((Tony, how far away is the fountain from us?))
(3) Sonya: And then the only thing left of the one she struck is a smoking pair of boots and a pile of ash...
(3) Sonya: ((You're right next to it))
(4) Evanthe: ((what the))
(3) Sonya: ((5-10 feet))
(2) Tanja: (lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm gonna jump in the fountain and splash))
(2) Tanja: ((probably that circle we're under))
(3) Sonya: ((Yes.. the circle..))
(3) Sonya: ((The art isn't impressive, please pretend it is))

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(17): Evanthe

(2) Tanja: ((i mean...the artistically-rendered 3-dimensional masterpiece))
(1) Mikhal: ((tony, it's the best art i've EVER seen. it puts the teacher i had for art to shame))
(4) Evanthe: ((Um guys, input?))
(6) Locke: ((it's a beauty
(6) Locke: ))
(4) Evanthe: ((attack or try that water thing?))
(1) Mikhal: ((Whatever you want? :D))
(2) Tanja: ((water thing can't hurt....its not like we'd be doing damage anyway >.> ))
(6) Locke: ((heh))
(3) Sonya: ((Well.. Evanthe can possibly do damage..))
(2) Tanja: ((...))
(2) Tanja: ((ouch))
(4) Evanthe: ((if I crit?))
(3) Sonya: ((They just absorb the first 5 points of damage from non-slashing sources))
(4) Evanthe: ((okay, nevermind, I'll try the water thing first ;_;))
(4) Evanthe: ((not enough faith in my rolls for that))
(1) Mikhal: ((Damage Reduction 5/Slashing))
(2) Tanja: ((we faced down a frost worm...splashing in a fountain will not be stupid))
** (4) Evanthe spurs her horse to the fountain, swoops down and splashes the longspear guy. **
(4) Evanthe: Die...or something!
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ((believe in Mulinel holy water!))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm waiting for one of tony's patented idiot lines))
(4) Evanthe: ((same here :x))
(6) Locke: ((believe in the force... I mean, Mulinel))
(3) Sonya: Evanthe spurs her horse toward the fountain....
(3) Sonya: ((Leaning over side saddle in order to be able to reach the fountain's water, cause she's an elf and they're cool like that...))
(2) Tanja: ((uhhuh...legolas could))
(4) Evanthe: ((duh, legolas is my cousin))
(6) Locke: ((then Zifnab turns up with his dragon and kills the zombies))
(3) Sonya: And tries to splash some of the water from the fountain onto the zombie...
(3) Sonya: ((d20))
(2) Tanja: ((what))
(4) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
(2) Tanja: ((d20 for splashign water? sheesH))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((i know, right :x))
(3) Sonya: Drops of water splash upon the zombie.... every one causes the creature to sizzle slightly... (1d8))
(4) Evanthe: [1d8] -> [5] = (5)
(2) Tanja: ((*wide eyes*))
(4) Evanthe: ((SCORE))
(2) Tanja: ((okayyy everybody to the fountain))
(6) Locke: wow ::wide eyed::
(4) Evanthe: ((I will get no more bashing for stupid ideas :D))
(2) Tanja: ((none here))
(1) Mikhal: ((i can do more damage with my sword..sometimes))
(6) Locke: ((except Mikhal, who can still slaughter without the water XD))

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(13): Tanja

(4) Evanthe: ((Yeah, but it's good for us non-damagers))
(4) Evanthe: ((...or just me))
(2) Tanja: ((can i get so that i'm by the fountain and longspear?::
(2) Tanja: ))
(3) Sonya: ((You're already there, really..))
(2) Tanja: ((Oh...well, in that case)))
(2) Tanja: :::makes like Evanthe and splashes water on Longspear::
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
(2) Tanja: ((oh boy))
(4) Evanthe: ((*gargles*))
(2) Tanja: ((here comes one of tony's lines))
(6) Locke: ((O_O))
(4) Evanthe: ((Tanja drowns Evanthe))
(6) Locke: ((you gave Angel a bath instead))
(2) Tanja: ((i fall in))
(4) Evanthe: ((I figure, we're safer in the water anyway))
(3) Sonya: Tanja lines up a perfect splash upon the longspear equipped zombie...
(3) Sonya: But Hydrodynamics is a tricky thing at best..
(2) Tanja: ((*sulk*))
(4) Evanthe: ((never one to disappoint ;D))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: (('course not...he lives for these lines =D ))
(3) Sonya: She splishes when she should've splashed... and water ends up passing meanlessly through the air and onto the ground
(2) Tanja: ::coughs::
(2) Tanja: i mean...uh...that was my warning shot!

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(12): Locke

(6) Locke: ((aww, no hitting Eva))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Locke: ((I can use TU again, right? :o))
(2) Tanja: ((come join the fun in the fountain))
(1) Mikhal: ((yup))
(3) Sonya: ((Let's not have two women having a splash fight in the fountain..))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((Really now, don't give them ideas))
(3) Sonya: ((This isn't a beer commercial people))
(2) Tanja: ((how much XP would that net me?))
(1) Mikhal: ((are either of the women wearing white? >=D))
(6) Locke: ((*pays the ladies to do it* it's not prostitution, so what the hey))
(4) Evanthe: ((tu tu tutu))
(2) Tanja: ((yes...TU!))
(2) Tanja: ((>.>))
** (6) Locke casts another Turn Undead, this time, on the zombie with the Long Sword **
(6) Locke: [1d20+2] -> [3,2] = (5)
(6) Locke: ((oh geez...))
(3) Sonya: Locke might as well be trying to club the monster with his holy symbol, it's certainly not helping him much otherwise
(6) Locke: ((eh heh.... *whacks zombie*))

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(5): : Mikhal

(4) Evanthe: ((so what level would one have to be to take down a frost worm?))
** (1) Mikhal plunge shis sword into the zombie again **

(6) Locke: ((67))
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [13,6] = (19)
(1) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+6] -> [5,3,6] = (14)
(6) Locke: ((kick ass))
(4) Evanthe: ((Muuch better *heart))
(4) Evanthe: ((*heart**))
(1) Mikhal: ((>3))
(3) Sonya: Mikhal swings his sword into the crossbow wielding zombie... and whacks off the things head!... it rolls on to the ground and bounces a few times...
** (1) Mikhal takes a 5 foot adjustment to the north **

(3) Sonya: It doesen't seem to mind so much though.. as it keeps trying to club him!
(6) Locke: ((decapitation already? XD))
(1) Mikhal: ((err..or not))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((O_o))
(2) Tanja: ((lets all go sit in the fountain and wait for sonya to be done))
(6) Locke: ((gives the story "the headless chicken" a new meaning))
(3) Sonya: Missing the barbarian horribly
(4) Evanthe: ((i'm all for that))
(3) Sonya: The spear-armed zombie takes a stab at evanthe...!
(1) Mikhal: ((brb..grabbing a pizza from the garage))
(6) Locke: ((ooh, pizza))
(4) Evanthe: ((O_o
(4) Evanthe: ))
(6) Locke: ((share? :D))
(3) Sonya: The still razor sharp point pierces her shoulder... ((8 damage))
(2) Tanja: ((ouch))
(4) Evanthe: ((what the))
(3) Sonya: The one with the halberd moves closer to Tanja...
(6) Locke: ((woah))
(2) Tanja: ((egads))
(4) Evanthe: ((i know last level i would have been dead))
(4) Evanthe: ((how much hp do you have total patti?))
(2) Tanja: ((12))
(4) Evanthe: ((okay..3hp left for me then :x))
(4) Evanthe: ((*drinks the water* ;_;))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Sonya: Multiple zombies swing their weapons at Sonya...
(6) Locke: ((run into the middle of the fountain))
(2) Tanja: ((lol...yesss))
(2) Tanja: ((it didn't feel like attacking me))
(4) Evanthe: ((i think the move counted or something))

(3) Sonya:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(25): Sonya

(4) Evanthe: ((think we're angering mulinel for traipsing around in her fountain?))
(2) Tanja: ((think i care?))
(3) Sonya: Sonya hacks through one zombie... onto the next! The first falls at her feet... she gives the other another slice and cleaves it in two...
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((hehe))
(6) Locke: ((she can attack two? ;_;))
(2) Tanja: ((as long as she kills them, i don't care))

(3) Sonya:
Next init:
(17): Evanthe

** (4) Evanthe splashes more water onto longspear **
(4) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
(4) Evanthe: [1d8] -> [5] = (5)
(6) Locke: ((ooh))
(4) Evanthe: ((errr))
(2) Tanja: ((ahh))
(4) Evanthe: ((someone kill him after I die))
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Locke: ((>.>;;))
(1) Mikhal: ((back, and i'm sharing the pizza with my friend that is over :-P))
(6) Locke: ((*heals*))
(2) Tanja: ((maybe you'll fall off your horse into the healing wate))
(2) Tanja: ((water*))
(6) Locke: ((ran into the fountain ;_;))
(4) Evanthe: ((can we theoretically grab them and dunk 'em in the ater?))
(4) Evanthe: ((water, too))
(1) Mikhal: ((yup))
(2) Tanja: ((ick))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ((you'll probably have to make skill checks up the wazoo though))
(6) Locke: ((5 times more damage :D?))
(2) Tanja: ((a check to grab it, a check to lift it, a check to dunk it...))
(2) Tanja: (('cause y'know..d&d is anal like that))
(6) Locke: ((forget lifting, just dunk after grabbing XD))
(2) Tanja: ((i just had a crazy plan))
(2) Tanja: ((i have 50 feet of silk rope, right?))
(1) Mikhal: ((or, you could dunk your self in the fountain, and give the zombies a hug))
(4) Evanthe: ((cowgirl!))
(3) Tony (exit): 01:41
(4) Evanthe: ((i forgot about my rope))
(2) Tanja: ((i grab one end, someone grabs the other, and we sweep them into the fountain on our horses))
(6) Locke: ((o_o))
(6) Locke: ((Tony just pinged out))
(2) Tanja: ((yah i see))
(2) Tanja: ((*kills all the zombies))
(1) Mikhal: ((*waves his pinky and kills them all*))
(2) Tanja: ((we need a wonder wand))
(2) Tanja: ((think we could petition tony for one?))
(1) Mikhal: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((or my magical rock ;_;))
(1) Mikhal: ((i want my elemental wands back))
(2) Tanja: ((i forgot what that rock did...))
(4) Evanthe: ((or hell, neptune to use the waters with a ds))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((the rock did nothing cause i was too afraid to use it :x))
(1) Mikhal: ((we might have to switch to an AIM chat, internet stopped working on tony's computer
(1) Mikhal: ))
(1) Mikhal: ((he is rebooting right now))
(6) Locke: ((oh))
(6) Locke: wow
(6) Locke: (())*
(2) Tanja: ((so...tired...*crawls around*))
(6) Locke: ((they're having angelus maniac in archer village, Angel >.>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm kinda tired here too @__@))
(1) Mikhal: ((so am i -_-))
(6) Locke: ((24 people in two parties, casting angelus))
(4) Evanthe: ((<___<))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh jeebus))
(4) Evanthe: ((DONG))
(1) Mikhal: ((i've been up since like 10, and was helping a friend and his family move today..and i was helping yesterday too))
(6) Locke: ((yeah x_x))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm just...tired. lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((db 'em ;D))
(2) Tanja: ((i have no excuse))
(6) Locke: ((should we call it a night? XD))
(1) Mikhal: ((tony is still rebooting))
(4) Evanthe: ((ooh))
(1) Mikhal: ((Patti, your excuse is this: you're lazy XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((being tired at 1am doesn't make one lazy :P))
(1) Mikhal: ((true, hehe))
(2) Tanja: ((not a bit))
(1) Mikhal: (( proves that you are human?))
(6) Locke: ((it does, if you only got up at 12am))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: ((i was up at 8))
(2) Tanja: ((am, that is))
(6) Locke: ((wow, you must be tired XD))
(2) Tanja: ((yah i am...but i'm still good for a bit longer if tony hurries >.<))
(2) Tanja: ((>.> ))
(6) Locke: ((heh))
(1) Mikhal: ((i think Michigan hates tony))
(2) Tanja: ((i hate michigan))
(14) Tony (enter): 01:50
(1) Mikhal: ((w00t))
(4) Evanthe: ((wb))
(4) Evanthe: ((we killed all the zombies while you were gone))
(14) Tony: ((Sorry about that... not sure what happend))
(6) Locke: ((wb))
(2) Tanja: ((we killed them all while you were gone))
(2) Tanja: ((to save you the trouble))
(6) Locke: ((we even killed Sonya))
(4) Evanthe: ((so, don't worry about al that))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD Flamer))
(2) Tanja: ((and stole her horse))
(6) Locke: ((I wanted a horse, so she had to go ;_;))
(4) Evanthe: ((happy day for us <3))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(14) Tony: ((Last thing I saw it was Evanthe's turn))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((did you see my roll and everything?))
(14) Sonya: ((Nope))
(6) Locke: ((she splashed water on him))
(4) Evanthe: ((I asked about dunking them in the water...and the kinds of checks))
(14) Sonya: ((Basically a Bull Rush))
(4) Evanthe: ((rolled a 16 to hit, and 5 damage))
(4) Evanthe: ((don't think I can take that back though))
(14) Sonya: ((Okay))
(4) Evanthe: ((because i forgot about them hitting back))
(2) Tanja: ((what does a bull rush entail?))
(4) Evanthe: ((bull rush...intereseting))
(2) Tanja: ((maybe i can manhandle that one into the fountain before it kills you))
(6) Locke: ((I remember playing bull rush in primary school))
(14) Sonya: ((And I lost initiatives.. so going from memory!))
(14) Sonya: ------------- 13 - Tanja -------------------------------
(4) Evanthe: ((sonya, eva, tanja, locke, mikhal))
(4) Evanthe: ((25, 17, 13, 11, 5))
(2) Tanja: ((so can i try and shove that one into the fountain?
(2) Tanja: ))
(2) Tanja: ((before it splatters angel?))
(14) Sonya: ((d20 if you want to))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm on a horse, remember!))
(14) Sonya: ((That might make things more difficult..))
(2) Tanja: ((i mean))
(4) Evanthe: ((no horse, she was kidding!))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm not on a horse))
(14) Sonya: ((That's what I thought))
(2) Tanja: ((sorry sir))
(14) Sonya: ((What horses? I never gave you free horses! Stop talking about things that aren't there!))
(2) Tanja: ::charges into Longspear yelling and flailing wildly to shove him into the fountain:::
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [7] = (7)
(6) Locke: ((*hides free sex toy*))
(2) Tanja: ((*sploosh*))
** (6) Locke thinks she's gone mad **
(2) Tanja: ((that's a hilarious mental picture...))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(14) Sonya: Opposed Str Check [1d20+2] -> [19,2] = (21)
(4) Evanthe: ((well ifyou missed, let's hope you land back in the fountain))
(2) Tanja: ((oh lord))
(4) Evanthe: ((what's with his rolls ;_;))
(2) Tanja: ((i'm somewhere by the south gate, guys...come pick me up when you're done))
(6) Locke: ((I don't know))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(14) Sonya: ((They don't call it a Tony for nothing))
(4) Evanthe: ((:P))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(14) Sonya: Tanja runs up to the zombie with the long spear, attempting to hurl it into the fountain..
(4) Evanthe: ((and ironically slips on the water she splashed before!))
(2) Tanja: ((well, i tried
(14) Sonya: But it has a much better footing that she predicted... it easily overpowers any attempt to move it..
(6) Locke: ((the zombie lands on Angel instead of the water and gives her a big hug))
(4) Evanthe: ((ew))

(14) Sonya:
End of Initiative Round

(2) Tanja: ((if anything, i'm playing bodyguard))
(14) Sonya: Oh yeah..
(4) Evanthe: ((*cough*run in mikhal))
(14) Sonya: Err.. Locke!
(6) Locke: ((:o))
(2) Tanja: ((*weak cry* help us!))
(6) Locke: ((who's turn? :o))
(4) Evanthe: ((yours))
(2) Tanja: ((yours))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
** (6) Locke runs beside Tanja and casts Cure Light Wounds on her wounds **
(2) Tanja: ((not me!))
(6) Locke: ((*Eva))
(2) Tanja: ((angel!))
(6) Locke: ((dammit, that came out wrong XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((So Tanja is EXTRA strong))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(14) Sonya: Locke casts cure light wounds on the ailing evanthe... d8
(6) Locke: ((d8?))
(6) Locke: [1d8+2] -> [3,2] = (5)
(6) Locke: ((oops >.>))
(4) Evanthe: ((awesome! thanks Flamah :D))
(2) Tanja: ((better than a 1))
(4) Evanthe: ((Oh))
(2) Tanja: ((oh))
(4) Evanthe: ((didn't see the 2 :x))
(6) Locke: ((yeah :x))
(2) Tanja: ((me neither))
(4) Evanthe: ((I demand a reroll!))
(6) Locke: ((I forgot it was still inputted))
(14) Sonya: ((it's supposed to be +2))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh))
(2) Tanja: ((oh))
(6) Locke: ((oh XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((then yay again!))
(2) Tanja: ((well then..))
(4) Evanthe: ((stop playing with our emotions ;___;))
(1) Mikhal: ((it's 1d8+level (up to 5) ))
(2) Tanja: ((*cries in the corner*))
(14) Sonya: Evanthe feels a whole lot better... her wounds healing before her eyes..
(6) Locke: ((cool))
(14) Sonya: Mikhal!
(4) Evanthe: ((FINISH HIM))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: die damnit! *slashes the zonbie again*
(6) Locke: ((FATALITY))
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [6,6] = (12)
(1) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+6] -> [1,1,6] = (8)
(6) Locke: ((woah))
(2) Tanja: ((jeez))
(6) Locke: ((is that possible?))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(14) Sonya: Mikhal swings his sword and chops off one of the legs of the zombie, it crashes to the floor, and crumbles into dust..
(4) Evanthe: ((hits on a 12, wish I could do that :o))
** (1) Mikhal takes a 5 foot adjustment north **

(14) Sonya: ((Zombies are easy to hit..>_>))
(2) Tanja: ((sure they are))
(4) Evanthe: ((rub it in why don't you ;_;))
(1) Mikhal: ((according to this, an AC of 11))
(14) Sonya: The longsword equipped zombie shambles over to Mikhal...
(2) Tanja: ((i'm about to be short a head and knees in a second))
(6) Locke: ((yay, we've killed one and she's killed three))
(4) Evanthe: ((shh))
(14) Sonya: The longspear equipped one again stabs at evanthe.... Missing and splashing the surrounding water
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
(6) Locke: ((backstab :D))
(2) Tanja: ((i don't think i can do damage))
(1) Mikhal: ((you can't backstab undead))
(14) Sonya: The halberd one adjust slightly and swings it's mighty Halberd at Tanja...
(2) Tanja: ((*ducks?*))
(6) Locke: ((aww :( ))
(14) Sonya: Again.. missing the nimble rogue as she dodges to the side
(2) Tanja: ((phew))
(2) Tanja: ((i may not hit, but they can't hit me either))
(4) Evanthe: ((which is awesome))
(14) Sonya: Sonya grips her silver sword necklace... chanting a soft prayer...
(2) Tanja: ((insta death?))
(6) Locke: ((it's like two combo-monks fighting in PvP))
(6) Locke: ((neither one hits the other))
(14) Sonya: She glows with a bright holy light.... rays stabbing two of the zombies, destroying them utterly.
(6) Locke: ((damn that XD))
(14) Sonya: Evanthe?
(4) Evanthe: ((oh sorry))
** (4) Evanthe splish splashes more water at the longspear **
(6) Locke: ((did everyone else have battle mode cut out?))
(4) Evanthe: Holy Water Stuffs [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
(4) Evanthe: DAMAGE! [1d8] -> [7] = (7)
(6) Locke: ((OMG!))
(4) Evanthe: ((labels help *heart*))
(6) Locke: ((BURN ZOMBIE))
(14) Sonya: The zombie staggers as more of the water splashes on it... sending rivulets of smoke into the air
(14) Sonya: Tanja?
(2) Tanja: ((together we'll melt him))
(4) Evanthe: ((yaay get 'em :D))
(2) Tanja: ::joins in the splashing fun against Longspear:::
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
(14) Sonya: ((Personally I'd go for pushing them in...))
(2) Tanja: [1d8] -> [3] = (3)
(6) Locke: ((holy... aww))
(14) Sonya: ((d20 againn for critical water splash))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tanja: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
(4) Evanthe: ((maybe she gets an extra splash ;D))
(2) Tanja: ((disfigurement!))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(14) Sonya: ((2 more d8
(2) Tanja: ((2 more?))
(6) Locke: ((how many? :o))
(2) Tanja: [2d8] -> [4,6] = (10)
(14) Sonya: ((Yep))
(2) Tanja: ((well...a 4 and a 6
(1) Mikhal: ((go patti))
(4) Evanthe: ((wheee!))
(4) Evanthe: ((we don't like to touch ooey gooey undead things. we splash from afar instead))
(2) Tanja: ((no kidding))
(14) Sonya: The longspear user shrieks as a torrent of the holy water cascades upon it..... it disintegrates under the torrent of water
(2) Tanja: ((*victory sign*))
(14) Sonya: Locke?
(2) Tanja: ((and tony thought it'd be better if i pushed it in...pssh))
** (6) Locke casts another enchantment of Turn Undead at the Halberd Zombie **
(6) Locke: [1d20+2] -> [20,2] = (22)
(14) Sonya: ((Welll it's insta death compared to picking it off one at a time..))
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
(2) Tanja: ((*gasp*))
(14) Sonya: ((2d6+4))
(6) Locke: ((wow >.>;;))
(2) Tanja: ((we just needed to get going))
(6) Locke: [2d6+4] -> [2,3,4] = (9)
(4) Evanthe: ((:DD))
(6) Locke: ((ooh :D))
(14) Sonya: Locke lifts his holy symbol up high!... It glows with the radiant power of an unknown deity..!.... The creature shrinks back in fear... and starts to head the opposite direction..
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Locke: ((hey! don't run ;_;))
(2) Tanja: (( turn them
(6) Locke: ((never thought of that XD))
(14) Sonya: Mikhal?
(4) Evanthe: ((that's okay with me))
(1) Mikhal: ((well, if he was a higher level cleric, it wold kill them utterly))
(4) Evanthe: ((*sits in the water humming*))
(1) Mikhal: ((would*))
** (1) Mikhal stabs! **

(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [6,6] = (12)
(1) Mikhal: Better then j00 Damage! [2d6+6] -> [5,2,6] = (13)
(14) Sonya: Mikhal's sword clashes against the longsword wielder's shield..
(2) Tanja: ((*gasp*))
(14) Sonya: The Halberd User makes a run for it!..
(4) Evanthe: ((O_o))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: ((flamer didn't roll high enough to turn the longsword?))
(6) Locke: ((nope))
(14) Sonya: ((Hmm...actually he did))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((score!))
(1) Mikhal: ((haha..i hit then? :D))
(6) Locke: ((oh XD))
(2) Tanja: ((well turn that sucker outta here))
(14) Sonya: The longsword user starts cowering too... running away from Locke's glow..
(4) Evanthe: ((*sits by Locke*))
(2) Tanja: ((*/point* */laugh*))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(14) Sonya: ((*Cackle at Sonya critical hit..*))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ((c'mon sonya...we killed our're you doing on your 7? >.> ))
(14) Sonya: Sonya eviscerates another zombie.... cleaving straight through to another..
(14) Sonya: She looks at the last one a moment, the shoves her blade through it's torso, and catapults it into the fountain with a sizzle..
(4) Evanthe: ((showoff))
(2) Tanja: ((amen))
(6) Locke: ((show off ;_;))
(14) Sonya: ((We're running overr, so sue me))
(2) Tanja: ((not if you take into consideration we started late))
(4) Evanthe: ((so let's scavenge :D))
(1) Mikhal: ((i'm sorry i got here late >_>))
(2) Tanja: ((but i'll not argue...the wind's picking
(1) Mikhal: ((Sonja would probably kill us for looting them))
(14) Sonya: And.... all is quiet once more....
(4) Evanthe: ((it's DARK, she can't see us))
(6) Locke: ((lets loot Sonya as well)
(2) Tanja: ::hunts around for shiny objects::
(6) Locke: ((I call dibs on her panties >.>;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((not to mention a handy thief))
(4) Evanthe: ((who steals silverware for fun))
(2) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((Chris, gonna wear them as armor? XD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tanja: ((aww man!))
** (4) Evanthe feels around for items as well.... **
(2) Tanja: ((i didn't get my souvenir fork from that last city we were in))
(14) Sonya: Tanja finds everything the zombies were still wearing... the armor Technically not the cleanest of pieces, and in need of some repair...
(6) Locke: ((+ 100 to armour))
** (4) Evanthe hunts around for something to keep a bit of holy water in >.> **
(14) Sonya: The weapons are much cleaner and don't have the condition of just being slashed through..
** (6) Locke looks for souvenirs as well **
** (1) Mikhal walks back over to Junon and gets on **
(2) Tanja: ((a.k.a. nothing of interest))
(14) Sonya: Evanthe doesen't seem to have anything... Locke finds a pebble the shape of a rock
** (6) Locke grabs the crossbow **
(4) Evanthe: Welll....
(2) Tanja: ::sighs:::
(2) Tanja: ((nothing
(6) Locke: ((ooh, a pebble *keeps* :D))
(4) Evanthe: Sonja, are you okay?
(4) Evanthe: ((Sonya too))
(6) Locke: ((Sonja... I keep typing that >.>))
** (14) Sonya looks at Evanthe for a moment.. **
(14) Sonya: I am fine.. They were stronger than usual... but Regal Knights prepare for worse things..
(2) Tanja: ((i think that was a "you're kidding, right?" look))
(6) Locke: ((yeah, I think so too))
** (14) Sonya steps toward the temple.. **
(4) Evanthe: Stronger than usual? Meaning you've fought these before?
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head. **
(4) Evanthe: Regal Knights are truly impressive..
(2) Tanja: ::follows sonya::
** (4) Evanthe follows her towards the temple. **
(14) Sonya: The Regal Knights have cleaned up after many... Godly Interventions..
(6) Locke: ((how can you it was stronger? they didn't even touch you))
(4) Evanthe: ((yeah really >.>))
(14) Sonya: ((Hey Hey.. I just didn't report her damage))
(4) Evanthe: ((she walked over "PWN!" then came back))
(6) Locke: ((*tell, even))
(14) Sonya: In this line of work.. You get used to seeing things....
** (4) Evanthe glances around the temple cautiously, gripping her bow just in case. **
** (14) Sonya enters the temple... **
(2) Tanja: ((i sense impending drama))
** (6) Locke stays at the rare **
(2) Tanja: ::follows closely::
(14) Sonya: Especially used to destroying things that used to be good friends...
(14) Sonya: ********************************************************
(6) Locke: ((OMFG! it's the real high priest))
(6) Locke: :o

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