Game 3

From Reydala

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Current revision as of 23:07, 31 October 2006

Log filename is "reydala2-25-06-05.html", system is is logging.
(2) Mikhal: ((whoops..log on..missed the first two line))
(4) Evanthe: ((you fail :( ))
(7) Locke: ((pasted them in))
(4) Evanthe: ((*votes Scott off the island*))
(3) Tanja: ((you are the weakest link))
(3) Tanja: ((...and other cliche tv terms))
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
(6) GM Voice: By the time they return, it is late in the evening.. what was cold in the afternoon with the passing of the sun becomes freezing..
(2) Mikhal: ((i can't be voted off, i won imunity))
(3) Tanja: ::visibly shivering::
** (2) Mikhal wrapped up in his winter blanket **</font>
(3) Tanja: c-c-c'mon....lets get...inside...n-n-now
** (4) Evanthe blows air on her fingers **
** (7) Locke offers to share blanket with Tanja **
(4) Evanthe: I won't argue with that
(6) GM Voice: They return again to the temple plaza, the fountain outside still flowing despite the tempeture...
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head. **
(4) Evanthe: I wonder how they manage that.
(2) Mikhal: the blessing of the goddess?
(3) Tanja: ::makes a beeline for the temple:::
** (4) Evanthe shrugs, "Perhaps." **
** (2) Mikhal follows Tanja inside the temple **</font>
(6) GM Voice: Tanja steps inside the temple.. followed by the rest
(4) Evanthe: ((thank you for not making us *follows* :D))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((auto-follow ON! >.>))
(7) Locke: ((*wanders off to the pub*))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) GM Voice: No services are happening at the moment.. though you can hear the howling wind from outside..
(3) Tanja: ::takes a minute to stop and sigh in relief:: oh that feels good... ::basks in the comparable warmth of the temple::
(3) Tanja: i don't know how you people do it...i really don't
(2) Mikhal: well, i've traveled all it's not all that bad
(7) Locke: we bring coats
(2) Mikhal: i've been in colder weather
(3) Tanja: ::mutters:: i should've let you freeze on the sled then ... i could've used that blanket
(4) Evanthe: ((is it even -winter- time?))
(6) GM Voice: ((yes ^_^))
(4) Evanthe: ((or is it just cold for no reason?))
(3) Tanja: ((GOOD))
(4) Evanthe: ((okay))
(3) Tanja: ((lol...its cold because a dragon's dying in a remote cave closeby! *remembers memorable storyline*))
** (4) Evanthe rubs her arms **
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) GM Voice: The chalice still sits at the far end of the chapel.. water flowing from it and into the pool below..
(4) Evanthe: I wish we could get in to speak to...whatshisname.
(7) Locke: ::mutters:: I did offer
(4) Evanthe: Alais? Alex?
(3) Tanja: ((didn't it start with an A?))
(6) GM Voice: ((*Demilich peers around corner...* You rang?))
** (4) Evanthe mumbles to herself **
(3) Tanja: ((da vindow viper))
(4) Evanthe: (( lol xD))
(3) Tanja: Alain?
(3) Tanja: ::looks thoughtful::
(4) Evanthe: I'll just call him Al to be safe.
(6) GM Voice: The door upstairs is slightly ajar, a beam of light emanates from it
(2) Mikhal: Alain sounds right
(3) Tanja: well, he's upstairs in any case
** (4) Evanthe looks thoughtful **
(4) Evanthe: Wonder what he's up to...
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
** (4) Evanthe moves towards the door silently **
(3) Tanja: ::intrigued, follows equally quietly::
(2) Mikhal: ((he's summoning demons, of course))
(3) Tanja: ::thinks to self---spying = cool. :::
** (4) Evanthe peeks through. **
** (7) Locke jumps VERY closely behind Tanja **
(7) Locke: ((I'm not trying to hit her butt, honest))
(4) Evanthe: ((First thought in my mind ;D)
(3) Tanja: *jumps a bit, clapping her hands over her mouth to not squeak*
(6) GM Voice: Evanthe moves up to the door silently... followed by Tanja... Around the door they can see the room lit up with multiple candle flames.. the once brilliant stained glass now just dull pigments
(3) Tanja: ((candles = demons = bad! die!))
(6) GM Voice: There doesen't seem to be any people in the room..
(3) Tanja: ::whispers:: is it safe to leave candles lit in an empty room...?
** (4) Evanthe moves forward and pushes the door open **
(3) Tanja: what if there's a fire?
(4) Evanthe: "Oops."
** (2) Mikhal creeps fowards up the steps **</font>
(4) Evanthe: Exactly, we're saving them if anything
(3) Tanja: ::nod nod::
** (4) Evanthe nods, moving into the room to look around **
(6) GM Voice: Evanthe pushes the door open... as Mikhal creeps past and up the steps...
(3) Tanja: ::follows, also looking around...::
(6) GM Voice: (in case we forgot...)
(6) GM Voice: The Temple of Mulinel (Lower Stair)

Behind the main temple, this room consists of a 10x40' hall, ending in a stairway at the eastern end that spirals upwards. Large windows of colored glass filter a multitude of colors The stairs and the center of the hall are carpeted in a soft royal blue. The stairs are made of sturdy stone.

(6) GM Voice: The Temple of Mulinel (Upper Stair)

This 30'x30' room is the end of the staircase and is far above the ground below, an arched wooden door leads to the west. Candleabras are set up along the walls, though they are currently unlit. Sunlight pours in from windows similar to downstairs. A large statue of Mulinel graces the northern wall.

(2) Mikhal: ((err..i didn't mean to pass them ^^;))
(3) Tanja: ((so wait...we're in the stairwell?))
(7) Locke: ::thinks to self -- didn't I explore this place already?::
(3) Tanja: ::thinks to self -- wait, why'm i creeping around a stairwell?::
(6) GM Voice: ((You're in the lower room with stairs up, mikhal's sneaking up to the upper room =p ))
(4) Evanthe: ((brb real quick, i am auto exploring or something >.>))
(3) Tanja: ::speeds up with mikhal::
(2) Mikhal: ((i didn't mean to past them >_>))
(2) Mikhal: ((bu toh well))
(3) Tanja: ::peeks into the door leading to the upstairs room::
(7) Locke: ((shush, GM made you ;D )
(6) GM Voice: They sneak up the stairs... this room is also well lit... the door heading into the upper hall is hanging open
(3) Tanja: ((i guess that hsould be peeks through the case the DM's being picky))
(6) GM Voice: Nobody seems to be in the hall.. though it is sufficiently lit if someone were to be
(3) Tanja: ::tentatively::: uh...hello..?
(7) Locke: ((*yells - "HONEY! I'M HOME!!"*)
(2) Mikhal: (( that we don't have the never ending supply of fish and grain anymore..))
(2) Mikhal: ((*throws fish in the next room and see what happens*))
(6) GM Voice: One of the door handles in the hall turns slowly..
(3) Tanja: ((*evil neptune comes and kills mikhal*))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Mikhal: ((*evil saturn comes and kills evil neptune*))
(6) GM Voice: The door opens and a priest looks out.... a human male, in his early 20s.. probably an apprentice... "I'm sorry.. all temple services have ended today.. can I help you?"
(3) Tanja: we're looking for he here?
(3) Tanja: ::tries to look like she belongs here::
(4) Evanthe: ((*detects evil*))
(4) Evanthe: ((does this mean I'm downstairs still?))
(6) GM Voice: "He is having a private meeting at the moment... Perhaps you could return?"
(3) Tanja: ::blinks::
(3) Tanja: i would...think he would want to speak with us
(6) GM Voice: ((You're on auto-follow... so you're up too ;) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((kay))
(3) Tanja: who's more important than us?  ::looks offended::
** (4) Evanthe nods slowly, "We have some ...pressing issues to discuss with him." **
(6) GM Voice: "I shall inform him then that you are here.." The initiate closes his eyes and seems to lapse into a deep thought...
(3) Tanja: ((*his eyes roll back in his head and his head rotates*))
(7) Locke: does he know who we even are?
(3) Tanja: he sent us on the mission
(7) Locke: he did ::shakes head::
** (7) Locke can't remember **
(6) GM Voice: "Ah, Now I see... he will meet you shortly.. he requests that you wait in the Priest's chapel"
(4) Evanthe: Neat trick there.
(3) Tanja: ::peers at him:: how'd you do that?
** (2) Mikhal gives the priest an odd look **</font>
(6) GM Voice: "Mulinel's grace allows us to speak to each other over long distances.. should the need arise..."
(4) Evanthe: I'll have to stop teasing Henny about her then..
(3) Tanja: ::awed::: wow. well...uh...good luck with that..
(4) Evanthe: Right, priest's chapel
(3) Tanja: ::Nod nod::
(6) GM Voice: "It is merely a matter of projecting thought..." He nods.. "I will show you the way.." He walks down the hall and makes a left..
** (4) Evanthe follows along, "What did you say your name was?" **
(3) Tanja: ((dracula))
(7) Locke: ((call me "prosty"))
(6) Aaron: "I am Aaron... I am a priest in training here, in service of our Goddess Mulinel.."
(4) Evanthe: ((i vant to suck your blood vla vla vla!))
(4) Evanthe: Nice to meet ya. Been here long?
(4) Evanthe: ((quick I'll distract him, you steal everything :D))
(6) Aaron: After he turns.. he passes a few more doors.. then stops in front of a set of double doors, nodding slightly.. "I have been here since my 16th year.."
(3) Tanja: ::loses interest in the conversation::
(4) Evanthe: This the Priest's Chapel, I take it?
** (4) Evanthe moves to open the door **
(6) Aaron: "Yes... Alain will meet with your shortly"
** (2) Mikhal walks inside the chapel **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::nods:: okay, thanks
(4) Evanthe: ((push me aside why don't you :D))
(3) Tanja: ::follows mikhal inside::
(3) Tanja: ((quick..empty room!))
** (7) Locke bows and enters last **
** (4) Evanthe waves to Aaron. **
(6) Aaron: ::nods:: May the Blessings of Mulinel follow you...  ::he exits back to his room::
(2) Mikhal: ((*helps Tanja steal everything*))
** (4) Evanthe looks around the room, taking it in. **
(3) Tanja: ((*steals the upholstery to fashion a larger bag*))
(7) Locke: ((*puts back what they steal*))
(2) Mikhal: ((*hefts a statue of the goddess and runs off*))
(3) Tanja: ((we've even got a sled now to carry large objects))
(6) GM Voice: ((*repost*))
(6) GM Voice: The Temple of Mulinel (Priest's Chapel)

This secondary chapel is subdued compared to the primary one below, and is probably for the priest's private use. Against the Far wall is a large statue of the goddess Mulinel smiling with open arms. At her feet a fountain bubbles forth fresh water. Wooden pews fill the rest of the room, with an aisle set with blue carpet. Additionally, There is a door in the far corner of the room.

(3) Tanja: ::already seen the room, eyes travel automatically to the unopened door:: what's in there?
** (4) Evanthe nears the door, listening to hear voices within (( >.>;;)) **
(3) Tanja: ::follows curiously::
(2) Mikhal: the head priest's room?
(6) GM Voice: Evanthe hears no voices within...
(4) Evanthe: Hmmmmm
(7) Locke: better not lead us into another attack
** (4) Evanthe touches the doorknob tentatively **
(3) Tanja: in a church?
(2) Mikhal: ((ZAP!))
(4) Evanthe: Oh I'm just looking around ::innocently::
(3) Tanja: ::scoffs like it didn't just happen a few days ago::
(7) Locke: we got attacked last time, didn't we?
(6) GM Voice: Evanthe touches the doorknob.... no million volt security system
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Tanja: is it locked?  ::urges::
** (4) Evanthe turns it gently **
(7) Locke: ((ZAP!! ugh))
(3) Tanja: ((we're evil...pure, pure evil))
(4) Evanthe: ((we'll be the first to be banned from the temple :D))
(6) GM Voice: It won't open, must be locked..
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((i haven't stolen the chalice yet))
(3) Tanja: hm...
** (4) Evanthe looks disappointed "Yeah" **
(3) Tanja: could it be locked for a reason?
(4) Evanthe: Oh where's the trust
** (4) Evanthe jiggles the handle for effect. **
(3) Tanja: ::giggles::
(6) GM Voice: The faint sound of footsteps coming back from the hall..
(2) Mikhal: is there a keyhole you can peep through?
(7) Locke: someone's coming
(3) Tanja: ::gulps and hightails it to the nearest pew::
** (7) Locke coughs **
(3) Tanja: :;sits down and swings her feet unconcernedly::
** (4) Evanthe jumps back guiltily, moving quickly to observe Mulinel's statue **
(6) GM Voice: The handles of the two doors turn, and they open with a slight creek, Alain stepping inside..
(4) Evanthe: Hey there
** (2) Mikhal waves hello to Alain **</font>
(6) Alain: "Ah, friends, you have returned... Sorry to have kept you waiting, there was some business of great importance"
(7) Locke: ((SEX))
** (4) Evanthe sobers "As is our business." **
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tanja: ((that's kinda ominous-sounding))
(3) Tanja: ((usually when people say that, they're plotting death))
(7) Locke: ((he's got a prostitute in the back room))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: We have news from Zakrit ((*hopes that's right*))
(2) Mikhal: ((he plotting to summon demons *nods*))
(6) Alain: "Indeed" he nods, somewhat expecting bad news.."Tell me what you have learned.."
(3) Tanja: they need help!
** (2) Mikhal gives Alain the note from the person ni Zakrit **</font>
** (4) Evanthe grimaces, "To say the least." **
(3) Tanja: they're...they've been...
(7) Locke: they're pretty run down
** (4) Evanthe looks expectantly at Alain while he reads. **
(6) Alain: Alain looks down at the parchment with Krast's seal on it... "So it is worse than I feared.... "
(6) Alain: "Just what happend?.."
(3) Tanja: ((...))
(4) Evanthe: ((I sure don't remember))
(3) Tanja: there were....huge holes everywhere...the worms, i think...
(7) Locke: ((worms attacked the village))
(4) Evanthe: We only saw the after effects
(6) Alain: "Frost worms...." he sighs softly... "Are the people safe?..."
(2) Mikhal: there are some people left
(3) Tanja: they need food, and aid
(7) Locke: ::thinks to self -- would we be here, if we were there during an attack?::
(3) Tanja: they have some to last them for a bit, but not long...
** (4) Evanthe nods. **
(6) Alain: He nods.. "I shall send a supply caravan immediately.. Thank you for relaying this.."
(3) Tanja: ::coughs delicately:: i...think there was..mention of a reward...
(3) Tanja: ((gimme the gold, pops))
** (7) Locke nudges Tanja **
(3) Tanja: ::injured look:: what? he promised!
(6) Alain: He shakes his head slightly... "Of course, of course..." he goes to the back room, taking out a key..
(3) Tanja: ((=O))
(3) Tanja: ((quick, backup...i wanna ram a pew through that door))
** (4) Evanthe inches towards him, hoping to get a peek of the interior of the room. **
(6) Alain: "I'll be just a moment..." he turns the key and steps into the room, closing it behind him.
(7) Locke: ((he's getting the prostitute :D))
(4) Evanthe: ((darn, don't foil me :o))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((quick, something heavy and ramming speed!))
(4) Evanthe: ((Mikhal! *cracks whip*))
(2) Mikhal: ((are we getting our own castle now?))
(6) Alain: Evanthe sees lots of storage furniture before the door closes... chests, drawers, shelves..
(4) Evanthe: ((do the elves command the frost worms?))
(6) Alain: A short 2 minutes pass, Alain returning with a leather sack... "For honest work, honest pay.. 500 gold terremes."
(4) Evanthe: ((what the...anything else we can do for him :o))
(3) Tanja: ((how much is that?))
(3) Tanja: (( i thought we deal with GP?))
(2) Mikhal: ((500gp ;) ))
(3) Tanja: ((oh, same thing?))
(2) Mikhal: ((yeah))
(7) Locke: ((gold points))
(6) Alain: ((Copper Terreme, Silver Terreme, Gold Terreme, Platinum Terreme... do they use electrum anymore?.. Electrum Terreme..))
** (4) Evanthe nods gratefully, "But I'm still concerned about the people. It was worse than I thought as well. Is there anything else we can do to help?" **
(3) Tanja: ((...for more GP?))
(4) Evanthe: ((of course ;) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm helpful, not *saintful*))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Mikhal: ((lol))
(2) Mikhal: ((money = love))
(3) Tanja: ::Looks uncomfortable::
(6) Alain: He thinks a moment "Do you know why the Worms attacked Zakrit?... It is puzzling..."
(4) Evanthe: I was wondering the same thing myself. Do the frost elves have some sort of power over them?
(2) Mikhal: maybe the snow elves have something to do with it
(3) Tanja: they seemed frenzied when they attacked, from what (((what was his name?))) said...
(4) Evanthe: ((snow elves, darn. i fail))
(7) Locke: ((*conking out* :S))
(4) Evanthe: ((Told you to sleep :( ))
(6) Alain: "They have not worked in conjunction in the past... but recent events have given clues that they now might have some power over the worms that we lack.."
(3) Tanja: but what would the snow elves gain by attacking zakrit? i thought their target was here...
(7) Locke: so we get to fight elves AND worms now
(6) Alain: "Frenzied.... Yes, I felt the same thing in the worms that broke through..."
(4) Evanthe: So do you have some sort of idea as to *how* they're doing it?
(6) Alain: "As I said previously... If our resources fall, we will slowly wither and die... Perhaps they are trying to choke us... though this is all speculation.."
(3) Tanja: hm...right...
(6) Alain: "Among those elves there are sorcerors of great power... I do not doubt some could have the power to control them.. but these looked more frightened than anything..."
(3) Tanja: something doesn't seem right though... ::still seated on pew, kicks at the floor in thought::
(6) Alain: "So what it could be.. I cannot say"
** (4) Evanthe scratches her head. **
(2) Mikhal: maybe they find the worms, and drive them towards the towns in some manner
(4) Evanthe: It's all speculation
(3) Tanja: Alain, could i ask a question? what is that chalice for downstairs? ((did we cover this already?))
(7) Locke: ((nope))
** (7) Locke eyes Tanja **
(3) Tanja: ::feels locke's eyes boring cruelly into her skull::
(6) Alain: "The Chalice is a sacred relic that Mulinel provided to her foremost Temple.. it, and it's sister relic far below the city, provide us with the water that never freezes.."
(3) Tanja: ((well, that answers one question))
(7) Locke: interesting
(6) Alain: "This water also has some healing properties... through Mulinel's blessing"
(4) Evanthe: Right, so...worms, I assume you have people looking into that?
(2) Mikhal: *idlely* so i was right about why the water doesn't freeze..
(3) Tanja: ::still looks troubled, but lets the conversation change::
(6) Alain: "We still have most of our hands tied, recovering from the most recent attack... There is lots of rebuilding, and healing to still be done.."
(6) Alain: "If I were to send someone, I would not know where to begin.."
** (4) Evanthe nods. **
(3) Tanja: ((make him beg >:) )))
(7) Locke: ((the black market whorehouse :D?))
(4) Evanthe: I would guess to say that our business is concluded then?
(6) Alain: "Well.. there is something you could do.. given the ferocity of the recent attacks..."
(3) Tanja: ::immediately looks annoyed::
** (7) Locke follows suit **
(3) Tanja: i really am getting tired of being volunteered
(2) Mikhal: *whispers to Tanja* it just means more moeny
** (4) Evanthe looks thoughtful. **
(6) Alain: "If I ask too much, I apologize, it's just that I have little recourse at the moment..."
(4) Evanthe: Well, I'm in no rush anywhere, so I volunteer myself. Whatcha need Al?
(3) Tanja: ((*scowl* lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(2) Mikhal: *shrugs* i'll go too
(7) Locke: if one group of people can make a difference, count me in
(6) Alain: "When Mulinel assisted us in founding the city, she knew well the Strength of the frost Worms..."
** (4) Evanthe listens halfheartedly, He's a long-winded one **
(3) Tanja: ::scuffs feet on the carpetting::
(6) Alain: "She crafted the relic below the city, not only giving us the water but giving it a calming effect on all worms that come near us... And it has worked well.. up until recently.."
(4) Evanthe: Which is obvious...
(3) Tanja: ::looks up::: how recently?
(2) Mikhal: maybe the relic below the city is gone *Shrugs*
(6) Alain: "I wonder if the Elves have tampered with it, somehow... Or, perhaps, stolen..."
(4) Evanthe: You mean to tell me that a relic of that kind of importance is left unguarded?
(3) Tanja: ::Shrugs:: why not? the entire temple was left unguarded a few days ago...
(7) Locke: Evanthe should've seen the chalice
(7) Locke: ((score))
(6) Alain: "Attacks in the past by worms have been half hearted at best, if we showed any resistance, they left us alone... That has not been the case since the last attack.."
(3) Tanja: ::blink::
(4) Evanthe: Riiiiiight.
(6) Alain: "Of course it is not left unprotected.. Mulinel's water Guardians stand watch over it at all times.. at least, they should..."
(3) Tanja: AFTER the last attack...?
** (4) Evanthe laughs in disbelief. **
(7) Locke: they could've been defeated after years of battles
(4) Evanthe: So I take it you want us to investigate.
(6) Alain: "That is a possibility... or perhaps the relic's long use has depleted it's power.."
(3) Tanja: ::frowns::
(6) Alain: "One moment.." Alain returns to the back room... coming back with a scroll
(3) Tanja: ((i must get into that room.))
(4) Evanthe: ((count me in))
(7) Locke: ((I want to see that prostitute))
(6) Alain: "If it is indeed still there... Recite this scroll in front of it, the most sacred blessings of Mulinel is written upon it, and the magic should return it to what it once was.."
** (4) Evanthe "notices" where Alain places his key ((>.>;;)) **
(4) Evanthe: Wait a minute. Wouldn't it be better recited by an actual follower of Mulinel?
(3) Tanja: can i ask a question without being ignored?
(3) Tanja: ::Frowns at the others::
(3) Tanja: (("no."))
(7) Locke: speak
(4) Evanthe: ((;D))
(7) Locke: ((*ignores*))
(6) Alain: "After and During the last attack, of course..."
(4) Evanthe: ((he's gotta think of an excuse why a follower of mulinel can't do it first :x))
(3) Tanja: ::hm..::
(6) Alain: "While Mulinel's guardians are strong, they are often...indescriminate... to put it lightly.."
(7) Locke: in the common language that would mean... what?
(3) Tanja: ((i have a thought.))
(3) Tanja: ((but i'm not gonna say it 'cause i second-guess the plot too often))
(7) Locke: ((I'm too tired to work out what that word means XD))
(4) Evanthe: Is there some chance they'd attack -us-?
(3) Tanja: they'll attack us as easily as they'll attack a bad guy
(3) Tanja: ::sums it up::
** (4) Evanthe frowns slightly **
(7) Locke: oh
(6) Alain: "Anyone who enters the chamber of the relic provokes their attack... as they stated.."
** (7) Locke looks around innocently **
(4) Evanthe: So, you'd rather jeopardize us instead of your own?
** (4) Evanthe raises an eyebrow at Alain. **
(3) Tanja: of course he would...we got locked in a temple because of that.
(6) Alain: He sighs "It seems that way, but you have proven yourself albe to triumph where we could not..."
(7) Locke: it wasn't his fault, it was the general
** (4) Evanthe isn't convinced. "What about that Aaron fellow? He looked sturdy enough." **
(4) Evanthe: He could accompany us at the very least.
(4) Evanthe: ((if we die so does the NPC!))
(7) Locke: ((*drags a friend over to fill in the NPC's spot*))
(6) Alain: "The initiate?... If you wish to bring him along, it will be up to you.... I must remind you that all of our powers are geared toward healing, not combat, however..."
(3) Tanja: ((=I you mean, we'd get our very own healer?))
(4) Evanthe: Well, I would think healing would be a great help if the guardians were to attack.
(2) Mikhal: or if we run into other nasty things down there
(6) Alain: "Very Well..." Alain closes his eyes and concentrates a moment
(3) Tanja: ::thinks to self --- or if we need to run away very fast..::
(7) Locke: it would be handy, if anyone ends up getting paralysed
(7) Locke: ...again
(6) GM Voice: A moment later, Aaron appears in the doorway, and bows before the high priest.
(3) Tanja: ::coughs:: or drunk ::coughs::
(6) Aaron: "You have need of me, my lord?..."
(7) Locke: ((heheh))
(4) Evanthe: Hello again
** (4) Evanthe smiles innocently **
(7) Locke: ((hiya cutie))
(3) Tanja: ((is aaron an elf?))
(4) Evanthe: ((he's human))
(3) Tanja: ((aaron doesn't sound like an elf name))
(7) Locke: ((*gives Angel a towel to mop the drool*))
(6) Alain: "Yes, Aaron of the 3rd circle... You shall accompany this group and assist them in their passage to the Lower Shrine"
(6) Aaron: Aaron Gulps silently... "Yes, my Lord, if that is your will.." he looks toward the group
(3) Tanja: ::stretches and put her hands behind her head, looking up at the ceiling in thought and boredom::
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm not drooling! I don't even know what this guy looks like ;P))
(3) Tanja: ((WCG!))
(4) Evanthe: (( Oh *drools puddles*))
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
(3) Tanja: ((*girls swoon*))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((After all these years, he came back for us *faints*))
(3) Tanja: ((*crawls on knees* take me away!))
(3) Tanja: ((i ditched that stuffy haruka! take me!))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) GM Voice: Aaron is cloaked in the blue ceremonial robes of Mulinel, he is 5'11" with shoulder length straight brown hair, his eyes are green.. Turn on's inclue reading, praising Mulinel, and staying alive
(7) Locke: ((*takes*))
(4) Evanthe: ((THAT long of hair?))
(4) Evanthe: ((tell me it's braided or something))
(3) Tanja: ((long hair..*check*))
(6) Aaron: ((Braided, sure ;) ))
(3) Tanja: ((plus he does that cool telepathy thing))
(2) Mikhal: ((what are Aaron's turn offs?))
(7) Locke: ((straight hair :p)
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(4) Evanthe: ((NO TURN OFFS INCLUDED))
(7) Locke: ((Aaron can be turned on? :D))
(4) Evanthe: ((*inches closer*))
(2) Mikhal: ((XD))
(3) Tanja: ((like a light :) ))
(7) Locke: ((*gives Aaron porn*))
(6) Alain: "If you complete the task assigned to you... I trust 1000 gold Terremes will be sufficient?"
(3) Tanja: ((how about that key?))
** (4) Evanthe 's eyes bulge. **
(7) Locke: 1200
(7) Locke: ((;D))
(2) Mikhal: ((XD))
(3) Tanja: ::stares at locke::
(3) Tanja: and you give ME a hard time
** (4) Evanthe glances at Locke, and I thought he was the stuffy one **
** (2) Mikhal shakes his head at Locke **</font>
(6) Alain: "Very well, 1200... But that is all we can afford.."
(3) Tanja: i don't ever want to feel you judging me ever again after this
(3) Tanja: ::scowls at locke::
** (7) Locke looks around innocently **
** (4) Evanthe sticks her tongue out at Locke while Alain is looking away. **
(3) Tanja: ::sighs::: well, i guess this cons me into it too
(6) Alain: "Do you except?.." Alain looks on plaintively
(3) Tanja: ((accept!))
(4) Evanthe: We accept, yes
(7) Locke: ::gives Evanthe the "I got my reasons" look::
(3) Tanja: ((you lose.))
(4) Evanthe: (( ;D))
(4) Evanthe: ((tony fails! he's next off the island))
(6) Alain: He smiles: "Very well.. I shall show you the way... Come, Aaron"
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Tanja: ::hops off pew and follows::
(4) Evanthe: ((does Aaron look scared?))
(3) Tanja: ((*snicker*))
(6) Aaron: ((There's some obvious nervousness about him))
** (4) Evanthe falls in step beside Aaron. "You shouldn't worry so much, we'll be fine." **
(4) Evanthe: ((*puts on that elven charm*))
(4) Evanthe: you know something we don't?
(7) Locke: with Evanthe close by, definitely
(3) Tanja: ::silently rolls her green eyes::
** (4) Evanthe flashes a winning smile at Locke. **
(6) Aaron: Aaron looks at Evanthe, trying to smile a moment.. "I am sure Alain would not send me to my death.... but only members of the 1st circle are supposed to even have power to enter the shrine.."
(3) Tanja: ((...))
(3) Tanja: so how are we supposed to get there?
(4) Evanthe: Think of it as a..promotion.
(7) Locke: a big promotion
(4) Evanthe: Huge. And maybe with royalties.
(6) Alain: Alain leads the group back to the main chapel...
(3) Tanja: ((is that downstairs?))
(6) Alain: ((Yup))
(3) Tanja: ::stares at the golden chalice::
(3) Tanja: ((insert thoughtfully into that sentence))
(4) Evanthe: ((random, but are our avatars up?))
(4) Evanthe: ((I don't see any))
(6) Alain: He kneels before the pool... and speaks softly... "Mulinel.. Please with your purity show us the way..."
(6) Alain: ((all will become clear))
(4) Evanthe: ((he's leading us into an ambush :( ))
(7) Locke: ((5 goblins each))
(6) Alain: He touches a spot on the rim of the pool with a glowing hand... The chalice above stops to flow.. and the pool begins to drain..
(2) Mikhal: *wonders if that causes the fountain outside to stop*
(6) Alain: A spiral stair leads deep around the edge of the pool.. into darkness below..
(3) Tanja: sure leave things dark down there, don't you?
(4) Evanthe: Neat ...trick.. *stares*
(6) Alain: "Aaron.. guide them well, do not fail me"
(4) Evanthe: ((or ..DEATH))
(7) Locke: ((HE ALREADY FAILED))
(3) Tanja: ((duhn duhn DUHHHN))
(6) Aaron: "Yes, Holy one.." He says a soft prayer, and his holy symbol flares up with luminous light
(3) Tanja: ::sideways look:: well, that's convenient
(2) Mikhal: ((once we go down the steps, does that mean we can rape him? XD))
(6) Aaron: He holds it up, and tentatively steps down the dark stairwell... "This way, Please.."
(7) Locke: ((time to rape him :D))
(3) Tanja: ::Follows immediately, not wanting to be left behind in the dark::
** (2) Mikhal falls into stpe behind Tanja **</font>
(2) Mikhal: ((step*))
** (4) Evanthe waves to Alain "We'll be back before you know it." **
** (4) Evanthe follows Mikhal down **
(6) Aaron: They step down the staircase, "The masters spoke of it being deep in the heart of the earth... I'm afraid it may be a long descent.."
(3) Tanja: i had a thought while alain was talking...anybody want to hear it?
(2) Mikhal: what was the thought?
(4) Evanthe: Yeah
(7) Locke: please tell
(3) Tanja: know how he said that both the chalice and the artifact underground work in conjunction, right?
** (4) Evanthe nods, not realizing she couldn't be seen. **
(3) Tanja: he thinks the problem's in the one underground, which is why we're here, right?
(7) Locke: right
(3) Tanja: because the worms aren' know...being intimidated
(3) Tanja: what if the problem's in the chalice?
(3) Tanja: what if those elves did something to it while we weren't in the room when they attacked?
(4) Evanthe: Well, if that was so, wouldn't he know when he went to open this...passageway?
(3) Tanja: ::Frowns:: i was thinking that too...its just something doesn't make sense...
(6) Aaron: "The one below is the far greater relic.... But that is a valid supposition... Still, the master would probably have known if something was amiss.."
(3) Tanja: what if he's not one of us?
(4) Evanthe: Ahhh I see what you're getting at
(3) Tanja: i didn't want to say it...
(3) Tanja: but..
(4) Evanthe: I'm not even sure what 'one of us' is really..
(6) Aaron: Aaron riles his shoulders a little....
(3) Tanja: ::waves hands:: i just call 'em like i see 'em!
(4) Evanthe: Ah but I'm sure everything is fine, Alain has been nothing but nice
(3) Tanja: you should examine each and every side to the problem before you discount anything
** (4) Evanthe silently agrees. **
(3) Tanja: maybe...
(3) Tanja: ::unconvinced::
(6) Aaron: "I owe many things to him, he is a very Holy man... but I suppose there will always be doubters..."
** (4) Evanthe makes a note to speak of the matter more when Aaron isn't around ((>.>;;)) **
(3) Tanja: ::scowls in the dark::
(2) Mikhal: i think Alain is fine
(6) Aaron: ((Heyy *you* wanted to take him))
(3) Tanja: ((well now we have to kill him because he's heard too much))
(7) Locke: maybe it's not Alain, but what the ice elves did when they were there before we attacked them
(4) Evanthe: ((xDD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Aaron: After many, many, many stesps.. They arrive at the bottom of the stairwell..
(7) Locke: ((Angel, screw him and get it over with :D?))
(4) Evanthe: ((O.o))
(4) Evanthe: ((I am not drooling over Aaron!))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm a friendly person s'all ;_;))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) GM Voice: There is an archway in front that leads to a chamber, Aaron walks inside, lighting up the way
(3) Tanja: ((i don't like him anymore 'cause he called me a heathen, practically))
(3) Tanja: ::follows hesitantly::
(4) Evanthe: You seem to know your way around for never having been in here
(2) Mikhal: ((Flamer, you screw him instead? XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((take one for the team flamer!))
(7) Locke: ((ok))
(4) Evanthe: ((get us info while you're at it))
(3) Tanja: ((pictures!))
(6) Aaron: He smiles faintly... "You see.. there is only one way to go..."
(3) Tanja: ((burn.))
(7) Locke: wouldn't he not know the way either? being lower ranked...
(7) Locke: ((rawr))
(7) Locke: ((*uploads pictures for all to see))
(6) GM Voice: This is a small room.. about 15'x15'... A large door stands on the opposite end of the room.. in the middle there is a pedestal..
(4) Evanthe: Oh, I can't see anything further than Mikhal's head
(6) GM Voice: Some writing is upon it..
(7) Locke: is that meant to be a complement?
** (4) Evanthe tries to read the writing. **
(3) Tanja: ::attempts to read the writing::
** (2) Mikhal reads the writing too **</font>
(6) GM Voice: Evanthe reads: "The way to Mulinel's blessings shall open for the one who can turn a curse into a cure"
(3) Tanja: (("if you read this..."))
(3) Tanja: oh..well, that clears things up...
(4) Evanthe: Anyone good with riddles?
(6) GM Voice: The words glow with a light blue aura..
(7) Locke: (("if you read this, you must screw the scolyte"))
(3) Tanja: ((what was that riddle...))
(3) Tanja: ((teeth!))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tanja: you know what to do about this Aaron?
(7) Locke: exorcism?
(6) Aaron: He shakes his head.. "The masters spoke nothing of this..."
(3) Tanja: ((we sacrifice aaron...))
(4) Evanthe: ((useless!))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm for that))
(3) Tanja: ::examines the door beyond the pedestal::
(4) Evanthe: Okay, forget the masters, do you have any ideas?
** (2) Mikhal looks around the room looks for anything else **</font>
(4) Evanthe: ((c'mon npc be useful!))
(7) Locke: ((can I just screw him? :( ))
(4) Evanthe: ((I can't see patti's avatar still *random*))
(6) Aaron: The door looks to be of solid stone.. there is no lock mechanism to be seen
(3) Tanja: ((i can see it...))
(4) Evanthe: ((not while we're all here :o))
(3) Tanja: ::Examines the top of the pedestal::
(6) Aaron: The rest of the room is carved out of hewn rock with perfect angles.. nothing else is in the room, it's even immaculately clean
(3) Tanja: ::chews lip in thought::
(4) Evanthe: ((and we all die stumped by the first riddle))
(3) Tanja: kinda clean considering its been locked up so long... ::randomly::
(6) Aaron: "I was never one for riddles.." he says sheepishly..
(2) Mikhal: hmm
(3) Tanja: ::examines the top of the pedastal:::
(2) Mikhal: a curse into a cure..
(3) Tanja: ((again))
** (4) Evanthe touches the writing, making a face. **
(2) Mikhal: if you take the s out in curse, you get a cure
(6) Aaron: On top of the pedestal is only the writing...
(2) Mikhal: ((get cure*))
(3) Tanja: ::Traces the S experimentally::
(4) Evanthe: Why couldn't it ask us to whisper some Mulinel prayer
(6) Aaron: Tanja touches the S on the pedestal..
(3) Tanja: ((Bzzzt!))
(4) Evanthe: ((Nothing happens.))
(6) Aaron: There is a loud grinding noise of stone on stone... and the door lifts up into the ceiling... the way is open!
(4) Evanthe: ((YAY))
(3) Tanja: ((*victory sign*))
** (2) Mikhal smiles msugly **</font>
(3) Tanja: ((hooray for our idiot warrior! he has brains!))
(4) Evanthe: Good thinking.
(7) Locke: what a weird riddle
(2) Mikhal: ((XD))
(6) Aaron: ((The Barbarian solved your riddle for you, that's no great victory..=p))
(4) Evanthe: ((brains AND brawn :o))
(3) Tanja: got that right... ::Makes a face::
(2) Mikhal: ((i like swords))
(3) Tanja: ((oh shaddup tony))
(6) Aaron: Beyond is a stairway leading further down...
(3) Tanja: ((i'm gonna MPK your butt so bad in FFXI for that... j/k))
(4) Evanthe: Great. More stairs.
(3) Tanja: onward?  ::Looks to aaron::
(6) Aaron: ((Yeah.. well... I'll spread rumors you sub BLM *runs*))
** (4) Evanthe heads towards them. **
(3) Tanja: ((=O lies!))
(6) Aaron: Evanthe heads toward the stairs.. these are straight this time.. no spirals..
(2) Mikhal: ((*is confused*))
(3) Tanja: ::follows after evanthe::
** (7) Locke looks around while walking **
** (2) Mikhal follows! **</font>
(3) Tanja: ((*leaves aaron behind*))
(6) Aaron: Walking down the stairs for a few moments.. the reach the end...
(7) Locke: ((me and Mikhal in a room alone *love*))
(4) Evanthe: ((mikhal left you :( ))
(7) Locke: ((*clings* never!!))
You must be either a player or GM to use the miniature Layer
(6) Aaron: They stand on a raised platform.. before them is another large room.. most of the room is submerged in a few feet of water.
(3) Tanja: ((Psst brb bathroom))
** (4) Evanthe stands at the edge of the platform, looking down **
** (7) Locke sticks Sickle into the water **
(6) Aaron: At the far end... it seems an intense light is coming from the next room, it leaves shimmers upon the water..
(6) Aaron: ((<_<... bathroom too ^_^*))
(6) Aaron: ((err.. Bathroom Too.. just a sec ^_^))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((it's contagious!))
(7) Locke: ((lets rape Aaron))
(4) Evanthe: ((let's push him in the water to test it))
(7) Locke: ((at least he'll be useful))
(3) Tanja: ((okay back))
** (2) Mikhal looks to see if there is a riddle or something **</font>
(4) Evanthe: ((if all else fails, we can use him as a flotation device to get across))
(7) Locke: you don't want to walk in waters you don't know about
(4) Evanthe: I'll agree with that.
(6) Aaron: There is a sound of a torrential waterfall, also coming from the far room...
(7) Locke: ((that's the sound of people going to the bathroom >_>))
(4) Evanthe: ((sewage, ewww))
** (4) Evanthe watches Flamer's sickle **
(4) Evanthe: ((ack!))
(4) Evanthe: ((Locke*****))
(3) Tanja: ((*sizzle*))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Aaron: Evanthe sees the water is perfectly clear... When locke's sickle hits it, it seems to wave the pond much more than it should for such a small object...
(4) Evanthe: Okay, semi-creepy.
(3) Tanja: is it an....illusion..?
(4) Evanthe: Any volunteers to find out?
(7) Locke: shall we try something bigger?
** (2) Mikhal experimentally sticks a finger in the water **</font>
** (4) Evanthe looks to Mikhal automatically at the word 'bigger' **
(3) Tanja: ::curiousity leads her to the edge::
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Mikhal: ((hey..i'm only 5'3"!))
(4) Evanthe: ((I picture a stocky looking elf for some reason))
(3) Tanja: ((we need mages and banish illusion spells...))
(6) Aaron: Mikhal sticks a finger into the water.. He doesen't feel anything unusual... but the water seems to wave away from him...
(3) Tanja: ((submarineee refrection!))
(3) Tanja: well...
(7) Locke: interesting
(3) Tanja: no guts, no glory, right?
** (7) Locke steps into the water **
(3) Tanja: ::Leaps in::
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
** (4) Evanthe shrugs and follows. **
(7) Locke: ((hah, first!))
(3) Tanja: ((not according to my screen!))
(6) Aaron: ((Tanja dives into 2 feet of water?...))
(6) Aaron: ((Spinal injury!))
** (2) Mikhal shrugs and heads into the water **</font>
(4) Evanthe: ((she didn't dive, she leaped!))
(3) Tanja: ((leap as in jump...i didn't say dive))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Tanja: ((You can leap feet first too))
(6) Aaron: ((Fine fine... you coulda just used the stairs.. ;) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((no fun in that ))
(3) Tanja: ((and do things the easy way? ))
(3) Tanja: ((exactly...thank you))
(4) Evanthe: ((shoulda did a cartwheel))
(6) GM Voice: They jump into the water... the water waves out toward the corners of the room, and seems to stay there, as if there were clumps of water in the corners....
(2) Mikhal: ((look at that..i'm automatically in the front))
You must be either a player or GM to use the miniature Layer
(4) Evanthe: (I was before ;P)
(6) GM Voice: Suddenly they start to rise into vaguely humanoid shapes.. formed of water...
(4) Evanthe: Oh great.
(2) Mikhal: i think those are the guardians..
** (4) Evanthe puts a hand to her bow. **
(7) Locke: water guardians... should've guessed
(3) Tanja: ::thinks to self -- woah really?:
(6) GM Voice: Their eyes glare with a light blue light....
** (7) Locke stands at defensive stance **
(4) Evanthe: So much for gaining Mulinel's blessing *grumbles*
(3) Tanja: Mulinel shouldn't have guardians that attack innocent people then...
(7) Locke: Alain did warn us about these things
(6) GM Voice: They slowly lurch forward....
(4) Evanthe: I was talking about the riddle in the first room

(6) GM Voice:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [17,4] = (21)
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+4] -> [12,4] = (16)
(7) Locke: ((at least there won't be a blood bath today))
(2) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [18,2] = (20) Init
(3) Tanja: ((me first!))
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
(6) GM Voice: ((just...a bath))
(4) Evanthe: ((i really did laugh at that ;_;))
(7) Locke: ((I don't remember any of my mods :x))
(6) GM Voice: ((+1 I believe))

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(21): Tanja

(3) Tanja: ::draws her bow slowly, and launches an arrow at the one at the far end of the room in front of her::
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [18,4] = (22)
(3) Tanja: ((woah))
(4) Evanthe: ((yay :D))
(3) Tanja: ((normal dice...?))
(6) GM Voice: Tanja's arrow flies at one of the water guardians, piercing it right between it's eyes..!
(6) GM Voice: ((1d6.. yeah))
(3) Tanja: [1d6] -> [4] = (4)
(3) Tanja: ((That's all i get for a 22? *Sulk*))
(6) GM Voice: It lurches back a little... then continues it's pursuit forward...
(7) Locke: ((better than 1))

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(7) Locke: ((here comes the big shower))
** (2) Mikhal pulls out his greatsword and slashes at the water guardian in front of him **

(2) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+5] -> [17,5] = (22)
(2) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+6] -> [2,1,6] = (9)
(2) Mikhal: ((the damage roll sucked =x))
(4) Evanthe: ((splish splash i was takin a bath))
(6) GM Voice: Mikhal slahses the guardian with his blade... the form of the guardian shivers significantly.. warping into more liquid like states... then returns to it's human appearence...
(7) Locke: wow
** (4) Evanthe looks to Aaron. "Do you know nothing of them and their weakness?" **
(6) GM Voice: The guardian angrily tries to return Mikhal's strike... forming a fist... but Mikhal parries with his weapon, the water losing it's force..

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(16): Evanthe

** (4) Evanthe aims her bow at the guardian in front of her, letting loose an arrow **
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [6,5] = (11)
(4) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(6) Aaron: "I know not... I have never seen such things...."
(7) Locke: ((*pat pat*))
(3) Tanja: ((at least your modifier made it into the double-digits...))
(6) Aaron: ((oh and...))
(3) Tanja: ((oh and by the're all dead.))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Aaron: Evanthe's arrow misses the guardian she aims at... skittering against the wall behind it!

(6) Aaron:
Next init:
(13): Locke

(2) Mikhal: ((..oh! we get to decorate walls again! XD))
** (7) Locke stands guard ready for later action **
(4) Evanthe: ((oh and what?))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Aaron: ...((any trigger...?))
(4) Evanthe: ((don't leave us hanging))
(4) Evanthe: ((what's a trigger?))
(3) Tanja: ((huh?))
(7) Locke: ((trigger?))
(6) Aaron: ((With a readied action you have to leave a trigger...))
(2) Mikhal: ((you do..?))
(4) Evanthe: ((still not knowing what a trigger is))
(6) Aaron: (("In case I see something.." "In case he starts to cast a spell.. " "If he comes near me"))
(4) Evanthe: ((did I do a readied action?))
(6) Aaron: ((no))
(3) Tanja: ((what's a readied action?))
(6) Aaron: ((You delay acting based on another condition))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh))
(4) Evanthe: (( trigger...*smiles like she knows*))
(3) Tanja: ((oh so if the monster does the said'll trigger the player to do his action?))
(7) Locke: ::In case Evanthe gets hit::
(6) Aaron: ((yes))
(3) Tanja: ((*lightbulb*))
(7) Locke: ((I don't know, best I can think of XD))
(6) Aaron: Locke watches Evanthe.. ready to react to any damage

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(11): Aaron

(4) Evanthe: ((haste us!))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((in fact, bless us AND haste us))
(3) Tanja: ((i want refresh, regen, protect III ... ))
(3) Tanja: ((reraise II))
(2) Mikhal: ((((except haste is a wizard spell. you fail))
(4) Evanthe: ((hey hey, he can do mind tricks but he can't haste?))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Aaron: "Mulinel.. Please help these brave companions in their time of strife..!..." Aaron says a prayer to his Goddess...
(4) Evanthe: ((i call crock >:( ))
(3) Tanja: ((=O))
(4) Evanthe: ((he says that like he's not in danger too :o))
(7) Locke: ((I call prick :o))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh, he's praying from the staircase))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Mikhal: ((ofr course not. tony won't kill him off))
(6) GM Voice: A soothing glow passes from Aaron to all the party... making them feel a bit better... ((Bless))
(4) Evanthe: ((YES))
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
(3) Tanja: ((hooray!))
(7) Locke: ((save me from casting it XD))
(3) Tanja: ((...what's bless?))
(2) Mikhal: ((is it bless level 10? XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((I dunno but I feel good now  :D))
(6) GM Voice: ((+1 To all attacks, saves..))
(2) Mikhal: ((+1 to attack roll and damage roll))
(4) Evanthe: ((cause he didn't ignore us))
(3) Tanja: ((ooooh))
(6) GM Voice: The Guardians surge forward...!
(4) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(3) Tanja: ((uhoh))
(4) Evanthe: ((hp checks, I'm curious))
(3) Tanja: ((8))
(2) Mikhal: ((14))
(4) Evanthe: ((*uses Mikhal as a shield*))
(3) Tanja: ((*ditto*))
(6) GM Voice: Tanja's crashes forth slams into her with a vicious attack.. The torrential force of the water gives her 5 points of damage
(3) Tanja: ((or...3 now))
(4) Evanthe: (whoa))
(3) Tanja: ::screams::
(4) Evanthe: ((don't touch me ;_;))
(7) Locke: ((*touches Angel*))
(2) Mikhal: ((*scream out* Tanja!))
(6) GM Voice: Another one surges toward Mikhal....!
(4) Evanthe: ((:P))
(3) Tanja: (((aaron! save me!))
(6) GM Voice: He too feels the force of a watery strike.. a fist of water knocking him back for 7
(3) Tanja: ((holy shit))
(2) Mikhal: ((ouch..))
(7) Locke: ((wow))
(3) Tanja: ((umm...))
(2) Mikhal: ((who has the scroll thingy the priest gave us?))
(3) Tanja: ((i thought you grabbed it))
(4) Evanthe: ((if he uh hits me that hard, I'm dead))
(7) Locke: ((do you have the site with the skills? XD;;))
(4) Evanthe: ((RECITE IT))
(6) GM Voice: The last one reaches for Evanthe.... but this one can't seem to land a blow on the nimble elf
(3) Tanja: ((maybe aaron took it?))
(4) Evanthe: ((*winnah!*))

(6) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(21): Tanja

(4) Evanthe: ((he's trying to kill us by not reading it :( ))
(3) Tanja: ((for being blasphemous heathens))
(4) Evanthe: ((exactly))
(2) Mikhal: ((mmm..peanut butter))
(4) Evanthe: ((I'm glad I got the retarded guardian on me))
(6) GM Voice: ((I'd have to check the log... but he told you to recite it over the Relic, not play guardian storytime.. =p))
(3) Tanja: ::bruised and bloodied, nevertheless shoots an arrow at the one in front of her::
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [16,4] = (20)
(3) Tanja: [1d6] -> [6] = (6)
(4) Evanthe: ((that'd be funny though...*reads scroll, guardian eats it*))
(3) Tanja: ((i rock tonight))
(7) Locke: ((ooh))
(4) Evanthe: ((yay :D))
(3) Tanja: ((too bad i'm dying))
(6) GM Voice: Tanja shoots an arrow at point blank...!... It sails through a water creature..
(6) GM Voice: It's form distabilizes... and it flows to the floor with a crash of water..
(4) Evanthe: Nice!
(3) Tanja: ::winded from her injuries::
(7) Locke: ((bath time!))

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(3) Tanja: ((of course, that leaves it open for the one in front of me...))
(4) Evanthe: ((I thought they were healing waters...dunk yourself quickly!))
(3) Tanja: ((it was illusionary water))
(4) Evanthe: ((throw yourself into a guardian :( ))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) GM Voice: ((The water's quite real... but.. the healing effect isn't that potent =p))
(4) Evanthe: ((CHANGE IN THE STORY))
** (2) Mikhal lets out a pirmal yell as his muscles bulge out (raging) and slashes at the one he already wounded **

(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((for convenience sakes))
(4) Evanthe: ((he's going hulk on us))
(7) Locke: ((lol))
(2) Mikhal: ((Err..rage is +2 or +4?))
(7) Locke: ((turn green skin :D))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) GM Voice: ((+4 to str... so +2 to atk))
(4) Evanthe: ((RAWR))
(2) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+7] -> [11,7] = (18)
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((and you needed it :o))
(3) Tanja: ((yup))
(2) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+8] -> [2,1,8] = (11)
(4) Evanthe: ((that blasted 1))
(6) GM Voice: Mikhal just barely swipes his raging blade into the Guardian in front of him!.... It splashes water against the wall as another one destabilizes..
(4) Evanthe: ((now if I could just hit mine i'd be good))

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(16): Evanthe

** (4) Evanthe shoots off another arrow at her guardian **
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [3,5] = (8)
(4) Evanthe: ((not tonight :D))
(3) Tanja: ((bzzt))
(6) GM Voice: ((No Legolas for you))
(3) Tanja: ((*starry eyes*))
(7) Locke: ((heheh "I killed 8"))
(4) Evanthe: ((He's overrated!))
(3) Tanja: ((lies!))
(2) Mikhal: ((Arwen :) ))
(4) Evanthe: ((aragorn >3))
(3) Tanja: ((he beats that greasy aragorn guy any day!))
(6) GM Voice: Another arrow whizzes past the guardian in front of her.. It tries to make a counter strike against her but again can't seem to land it..

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(13): Locke

(7) Locke: ((sex > * ))
(4) Evanthe: ((:o! lies and slander ))
(4) Evanthe: ((so we're staring at each other...not hitting))
** (7) Locke cuts in between the injured Tanja and Water Guardian **
(3) Tanja: ((well there goes arrows))
(2) Mikhal: ((and i just looked up back through the text..and Alain said recite it over the relic))
(4) Evanthe: ((first to blink dies ))
(6) GM Voice: Locke interposes himself between the injured Tanja and a hostile foe.... attacking?
** (7) Locke slashes at the water guardian, hoping for distracting it **
(4) Evanthe: ((oh hell i forgot my skills))
(7) Locke: ((uh geez... >_>;;))
(7) Locke: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
(7) Locke: ((how'd I guess XD))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((and somehow turns himself around to smack tanja ))
(3) Tanja: ((at least we're not doing fumbles))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh we're not JOY))
(6) GM Voice: Locke tries to play the hero and nearly ends up losing grip on his weapon!..

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(11): Aaron

(3) Tanja: ((or we are? i thought we weren't?))
(4) Evanthe: ((No i had no idea))
(2) Mikhal: ((there are no fumbles in 3.0 and 3.5 D&D))
(2) Mikhal: ((unless the DM decides to use them, that is))
(6) GM Voice: Aaron steps in behind Tanja.. and speaks a few words... A Healing glow passes from him to her.. restoring her HP to full!
(3) Tanja: ((...from behind?))
(7) Locke: ((anal!! XD))
(2) Mikhal: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: (( :3))
(3) Tanja: ::straightens from covering her wounds:: thank you...
(6) GM Voice: One of the remaining guardians takes a swipe at Locke...!
(6) GM Voice: The Torrent crashes into him, smacking him against the wall for 4
(7) Locke: ((whee))
(7) Locke: ((I mean...))
(7) Locke: oww
(6) GM Voice: The final one makes another strike at Evanthe... Slamming the Ranger for 5!
(3) Tanja: ((woah))

(6) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(21): Tanja

(4) Evanthe: ((w t f mate ;_;))
(3) Tanja: ((if i step sideways a square, would i be able to hit the one in front of evanthe?))
(7) Locke: ((wtf? :o))
(3) Tanja: ((with my bow, i mean))
(3) Tanja: ((and not hit anybody..))
(4) Evanthe: ((can't you shoot the one in front of locke?))
(6) GM Voice: ((Yeah.. but you'd provoke AoO's just like she does))
(3) Tanja: ((i could, but i run the risk of hitting locke instead of it))
(4) Evanthe: ((AoO?)
(3) Tanja: ((attacks of opportunity))
(2) Mikhal: ((Attack of oppurtunity))
(4) Evanthe: ((oooh))
(3) Tanja: ((*bites lip*))
(4) Evanthe: ((hmm))
(2) Mikhal: ((you can take a 5 foot ajustment (1 square) backwards and shoot without provoking one..directed at angel))
(4) Evanthe: ((Oh I didn't kno wthat))
(6) GM Voice: ((yup))
(3) Tanja: ((and not run the risk of hitting either you or angel?))
(3) Tanja: ::backs up and aims at the one in front of angel::
(3) Tanja: ((erm..evanthe))
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [15,4] = (19)
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
(3) Tanja: [1d6] -> [5] = (5)
(4) Evanthe: ((sizzle))
(7) Locke: ((you're kicking ass tonight))
(3) Tanja: ((*blows on fingers* legolas <3 ))
(3) Tanja: ))
(6) GM Voice: Maybe Legolas wasn't an elf after all.... Tanja sends another arrow rocketing through a guardian..!
(7) Locke: ((he was half-elf!))
(4) Evanthe: ((aragorn was a ranger though! :D))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))\\
(4) Evanthe: ((*drooldrooldrool*))
(7) Locke: ((XD
(7) Locke: ))

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(3) Tanja: ((you can have aragorn if i can have legolas))
(4) Evanthe: ((deal :D))
(7) Locke: ((takes gimly))
** (2) Mikhal takes a step foward and swings his blade through the water guardian **

(4) Evanthe: ((gimly is awesome :D))
(4) Evanthe: ((which one? :o))
(7) Locke: ((I got the hairy dwarf :D))
(2) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+7] -> [17,7] = (24)
(3) Tanja: ((not the one i wounded! that's cheating!))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh okay))
(2) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+8] -> [6,6,8] = (20)
(7) Locke: ((he took a step, take your pick ;) ))
(2) Mikhal: ((i win? :D))
(4) Evanthe: ((nice!))
(7) Locke: ((more baths))
(2) Mikhal: ((and i think it's suppose to be +9..but i doubt that matters ;D ))
(7) Locke: ((*prepares umbrella*))
(3) Tanja: ((overkill is overkill))
(6) GM Voice: Mikhal steps forward.... swinging his mighty blade through the air he slices through a guardian's neck.. instantly the two halves turn to blobs of water and crash to the ground!

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(16): Evanthe

** (4) Evanthe shakily takes aim at the guardian in front of her **
(7) Locke: ((come on Angel, win one for the team D: ))
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [6,5] = (11)
(4) Evanthe: ((Not today!))
(3) Tanja: ((*pat pat*))
(6) GM Voice: ((I'll just say you back up a step so you don't get splattered... ^_^*))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(7) Locke: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((isn't Tanja behind me though?))
(3) Tanja: ((what a kind DM))
(4) Evanthe: ((that's why I didn't :o))
(3) Tanja: ((no, i'm off to your right((
(3) Tanja: ))
(4) Evanthe: ((ooh whoops))
(6) GM Voice: Another of Evanthe's elven arrows goes incredibly astray...

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(13): Locke

** (4) Evanthe scowls. **
(7) Locke: ((you're an elf!! :( ))
(4) Evanthe: ((I fail at being elven :( ))
(4) Evanthe: ((i lose the internet))
(6) GM Voice: ((Maybe you should try throwing shields))
(4) Evanthe: ((or party members))
(7) Locke: ((I have a shield to throw? >_>;;))
(6) GM Voice: ((Or the dwarf))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((or my rock))
(7) Locke: ((*throws gimly*))
(4) Evanthe: ((i miss my rock ;_;))
(3) Tanja: ((i miss my 6 foot hole...))
(6) GM Voice: Go Locke ;)
** (7) Locke stands leaning against the wall, chanting the shield of faith skill ((I think)) **
(6) GM Voice: Locke enchants the shield of faith spell... an aura forms around him, making him feel much safer

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(11): Aaron

(3) Tanja: ((careful, he likes sneaking up on you))
(6) GM Voice: Aaron backs out of close company with Tanja and heads over to Evanthe... Chanting the same prayer of healing over her.. "This is the last I can perform..."
(4) Evanthe: ((so he's a ninja))
(6) GM Voice: Evanthe healed up to full!
(3) Tanja: ((close company, huh?))
(4) Evanthe: ((he needs to put his "healing hands" on you))
(3) Tanja: ((*cry* i need an adult!))
(4) Evanthe: ((xDDD))
(7) Locke: ((come to daddy >:D))
(7) Locke: ((*cough*))
(6) GM Voice: Alone and outnumbered... the final guardian lashes out at the only thing it can get it's hand on.. which happens to be Mikhal
(6) GM Voice: It strikes him hard in desperation, Slamming him down for 6
(7) Locke: ((poor thing XD))
(3) Tanja: ((ouch))
(4) Evanthe: ((holy crap))
(7) Locke: ((wow :x))

(6) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(21): Tanja

(3) Tanja: ::confidently sights and lets one last arrow fly!::
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [2,4] = (6)
(2) Mikhal: ((i'm still up? =x))
(3) Tanja: ((...))
(4) Evanthe: ((1hp ))
(2) Mikhal: ((actually 3 hp))
(3) Tanja: ((well, it was good while it lasted >.>)
(7) Locke: ((:o))
(4) Evanthe: ((ooo 3 :D))
(2) Mikhal: ((when i rage i gain an extra 2 hp/level))
(6) GM Voice: Tanja gives Evanthe a sympathy arrow... it bounces into the corner
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((Thanks :D))

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(7) Locke: ((heh))
(3) Tanja: ((That's right...gotta look out for the less-fortunate))
(4) Evanthe: ((Locke can you heal Mikhal?))
(4) Evanthe: ((aaron has lost his use :( ))
** (2) Mikhal spins around on 1 foot in a fury and slams his sword into the water guardian **

(2) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+7] -> [8,7] = (15)
(2) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+9] -> [4,5,9] = (18)
(4) Evanthe: ((nevermind))
(3) Tanja: ((easy there, killer..))
(6) GM Voice: Mikhal's greatsword barely swings wide...!
(4) Evanthe: ((:o))
(2) Mikhal: ((damn >_> ))
(3) Tanja: ((*GASP!*))

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(16): Evanthe

(3) Tanja: ((isn't that his first miss?))
(2) Mikhal: ((locke, heal meh! ;-; ))
(2) Mikhal: ((for this game))
(2) Mikhal: ((i've missed before))
(7) Locke: ((:o))
(7) Locke: ((*heals*))
** (4) Evanthe shakes her head trying to concentrate, and lets an arrow loose **
(7) Locke: ((:D?))
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [3,5] = (8)
(4) Evanthe: ((what IS this))
(6) GM Voice: ((ouch...))
(7) Locke: ((8pat pat*))
(3) Tanja: ((huh.))
(2) Mikhal: ((you love 8s and 11s?))
(4) Evanthe: ((*gives patti back her bad dice*))
(4) Evanthe: ((take them ;_;))
(6) GM Voice: Evanthe again can't land an arrow... she wonders if someone has tampered with her equipment..
(3) Tanja: ((nono, that's okay))

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(13): Locke

(2) Mikhal: ((*Gives angel his dice and takes hers*))
(4) Evanthe: ((thank you :D))
(2) Mikhal: ((heal plz))
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
** (7) Locke chants an enchantment of the Heal Skill on Mikhal **
(6) GM Voice: ((..Psst... cure light wounds))
(2) Mikhal: ((err..heal skill doesn't heal hp ^^; ))
(7) Locke: ((umm... yeah, that))
(6) GM Voice: ((and d8))
(4) Evanthe: ((what does heal do?))
(2) Mikhal: ((1d8+1))
(7) Locke: ((I'm half asleep :x))
(7) Locke: [1d8+1] -> [5,1] = (6)
(4) Evanthe: ((yay :D))
(2) Mikhal: ((knowledge about diseases, how to treat certain things, bandage mortal wounds, etc.))
(4) Evanthe: ((oooh))
(6) GM Voice: Locke heals Mikhal back up to 9
(6) GM Voice: (err.. 10)

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(11): Aaron

(7) Locke: ((err... 11 :D?))
(4) Evanthe: ((Aaron watches with popcorn))
(3) Tanja: ((lets see some slo-mo karate skills))
(7) Locke: ((matrix style back flip kick))
(6) GM Voice: Aaron asks Mulinel's assistance for Evanthe the next round... (Guidance)
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((he took pity on me))
(4) Evanthe: ((but the thing'll be dead after another round of tanja and mikhal :x))
(6) GM Voice: The remaining guardian smashes at Mikhal again... but can't connect!

(6) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(21): Tanja

(3) Tanja: ::Frowns at her miss, and tries again::
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [7,4] = (11)
(3) Tanja: ((...))
(7) Locke: ((*pat pat*))
(4) Evanthe: ((hell I'm goiing to THROW an arrow next turn))
(6) GM Voice: Tanja skitters another arrow against the wall..!

(6) GM Voice:
Next init:
(20): : Mikhal

(3) Tanja: ((run up and stab it))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
** (2) Mikhal thrusts his sword foward! **

(7) Locke: ((run up and stab it into it :D))
(2) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+7] -> [18,7] = (25)
(4) Evanthe: ((LIES, you said you switched the dice ;_;))
(2) Mikhal: Damage! [2d6+9] -> [2,6,9] = (17)
(4) Evanthe: ((oh it's gone :D))
(7) Locke: ((overkill))
(6) GM Voice: Mikhal turns the last guardian into a puddle of water!!
(2) Mikhal: ((do i overkill much? ;D))
(6) Aaron: "Is everyone alright?.."
(3) Tanja: ::tired nod::
** (4) Evanthe looks sour. "Yeah." **
** (2) Mikhal comes out of the rage and breathes heavily **

** (7) Locke rubs arms "we're ok" **
(2) Mikhal: *panting* i'm..a little...banged up
** (4) Evanthe goes over to help treat Mikhal's wounds. **
(7) Locke: ((no comment))
(6) Aaron: Aaron goes over to Mikhal... "This is all I have left... " he says two quick prayers, and Mikhal heals 2 hp..
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Evanthe: ((*whaps Flamer*))
(3) Tanja: i guess...the next room is where we need to be...?
(2) Mikhal: probably?
** (4) Evanthe puts her bow away, and heads out. **
(3) Tanja: ::scuffs around in the water, looking for shiny objects::
(3) Tanja: ((dropped by the water never know))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh yeah, i forget to look))
** (7) Locke searches the ground as well **
(3) Tanja: ((i don't know how much change ethereal water beings carry on them,...))
(6) Aaron: Tanja reaches into the water...
(6) Aaron: Her hands feel something metal..
(3) Tanja: ((...and pulls out legolas!))
(3) Tanja: :::tugs curiously:::
(2) Mikhal: (('s an arrow!))
(7) Locke: ((a dildo))
(6) Aaron: She pulls it up from the water's surface to reveal a curved sword... with a very shiny blade...
(3) Tanja: ::awed look::
(6) Aaron: Perhaps the remains of some other who tried to get past the guardians..
(2) Mikhal: ((swing it around to see if it's magical!))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ::acquires said shiny sword and joins the others, looking immensely pleased with herself:::
(3) Tanja: ((don'tworry, i didn't steal
(6) Aaron: They pass into the next room...
** (2) Mikhal continues into the next room **

(6) Aaron: It's lit up bright as day in this room... the narrow passage opens into a massive cavern..
(3) Tanja: ::blinks owlishly in the sudden light:: why's it so bright...?
(6) Aaron: The platform extends out over a massive underground lake, some 150 feet below..
(3) Tanja: ::skitters away from the edges::
(6) Aaron: On the center of the extruding platform is a pedestal, with an eight sided gem floating above it...gleaming brilliantly
(4) Evanthe: Echo ::echoes her voice:: ((>.>;;))
(3) Tanja: ((*avalanche*))
(2) Mikhal: i'm guessing that's the relic..?
(4) Evanthe: I take it this is the relic?
(6) Aaron: It is surrounded by a huge column of water... that crashes into the lake below
(4) Evanthe: ((*wins*))
(7) Locke: amazing
(2) Mikhal: ((*Wins more* i was first!))
(6) Aaron: "Mulinel's Tear..." Aaron says softly...
** (7) Locke looks around in the water **
(3) Tanja: so...lets say our words whatever it is we're supposed to do?
(3) Tanja: ::has a sudden uneasy thought::
(4) Evanthe: Right
** (4) Evanthe rummages around for the scroll...that she's...not...carrying... >.>;; **
** (2) Mikhal walks up to the gems and pulls the scroll out? **
(2) Mikhal: ((i hav eno clue who had it >_>))
(6) Aaron: Mikhal steps up to the gem and pulls out the scroll..
(4) Evanthe: ((:D))
(6) Aaron: He steps through the curtain of water on his way..
** (2) Mikhal opens it up and starts reading it **
(4) Evanthe: Shouldn't Aaron be reading it?
(3) Tanja: ::randomly:: did alain ever say where this scroll came from...?
(6) Aaron: "The temple keeps many scrolls to aid the clerics in time of dire need... Presumably it is one from that collection.."
(3) Tanja: i hate to beat a dead horse here...but i really don't like trusting so much in this...
(6) Aaron: Mikhal stands over the gem and starts to recite the words written on the scroll
(3) Tanja: because what if this isn't going to do what it's supposed to..?
(4) Evanthe: I guess we'll find out.
(3) Tanja: ::warily watches::
(6) Aaron: His voice echoes throughout the cavern as he says the words... that are remarkably easy to understand..
(7) Locke: what is it supposed to do?
(4) Evanthe: Empower the relic
(2) Mikhal: ((well, if the gem blows up, then we know something went wrong))
(3) Tanja: ((no..i'm thinking more along the lines of turning it over to the bad guys :P))
(7) Locke: ((who're the bad guys? :P))
(6) Aaron: Finally, he reaches the end of the scroll...... The crystal begins to glow brighter and brighter...
(4) Evanthe: ((hey hey good, bad, it's a grey area as long as we're rich and able to leave :o))
(3) Tanja: ((snow elves?))
(6) Aaron: The light becomes blinding....
(3) Tanja: ::Shields her eyes:::
** (4) Evanthe shields her eyes **
** (2) Mikhal shields his eyes **
(7) Locke: ((we don't know it is the snow elves yet))
** (7) Locke turns head the other way **
(4) Evanthe: ((*remembers to cover next time*))
(3) Tanja: ((whatever it is, i'm convinced that alain guy is no-good))
(4) Evanthe: ((Let's raid his room))
(7) Locke: ((I want his prostitute))
(6) Aaron: And Then Suddenly... all the light turns in upon itself.... The crystal turns dark..... with a massive *CRACK* the relic shatters to pieces!...
(2) Mikhal: ((i say we raid the storage room when he keeps the goodies))
(3) Tanja: (yeah! nobody listen to the thief!))
(4) Evanthe: Uhhh
(2) Mikhal: ((where*))
(7) Locke: wha.........?
** (4) Evanthe looks at Aaron questionably. **
(3) Tanja: ::triumphantly::: i knew it!
(4) Evanthe: ((w t f mate. w t f.))
** (7) Locke looks at Aaron accusingly **
(6) Aaron: Instantly the column around the crystal forms icicles from ceiling and floor... trapping Mikhal in a coccon of Ice...!
(7) Locke: ((*looks at Tony more*))
(3) Tanja: ((........))
(6) Aaron: The Water Below Freezes over in an instant...
** (4) Evanthe aims an arrow at Aaron. "You knew of this!"" **
(3) Tanja: Mikhal! mikhal!
(4) Evanthe: ((not that she can hit the broad side of a barn))
(3) Tanja: ::runs up and bangs on the ice:: mikhal!
(6) Aaron: "T..This can't be.... I knew nothing.. I swear it..!...."
** (7) Locke runs to where Mikhal's tomb is **
** (2) Mikhal tries to chips the ice with his great sword **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::turns furiously on aaron:: see wher eyour blind faith gets you!
** (4) Evanthe lowers her bow slowly **
(6) Aaron: Mikhal rushes against the wall of ice with his sword..!
(3) Tanja: your tunnel vision, only seeing what you want to see, is what screws people like you over in the end!
** (7) Locke starts chip at the ice with his sickle **
(3) Tanja: ((*Kills aaron out of principle*))
(4) Evanthe: Now isn't the time to fling accusations...
(6) Aaron: Aaron can't believe his eyes... he stares on in disbelief...
(4) Evanthe: Well, at Aaron anyway
(2) Mikhal: ((Aaron
(4) Evanthe: We'll have to pay good ol Al a visit.
(4) Evanthe: I dislike being used.
(3) Tanja: ((*mutters* told you so.))
** (4) Evanthe tries to find a way to get Mikhal out **
(2) Mikhal: ((Aaron's turn offs: have high priess turn againt him))
(7) Locke: that's easier said than done ::continues chipping::
(2) Mikhal: ((having*))
(3) Tanja: ((we nee burning hands))
(3) Tanja: ((wait))
(7) Locke: ((Aaron's turn off, found out that the priest was molesting him))
(3) Tanja: ((does a sun rod produce heat?))
(3) Tanja: ((or just ligh?))
(6) Aaron: Mikhal is flinging off chips of ice... the others are starting from the other side... It takes awhile to crash him out of there... but finally Mikhal is able to crash through the ice..
(3) Tanja: ((Nevermind))
(4) Evanthe: Are you alright??
(2) Mikhal: i'm fine
(2) Mikhal: ((are the words gone from the scroll?))
** (7) Locke hands Mikhal his cost **
(7) Locke: ((coat))
(6) Aaron: Aaron starts to hold his hands around his ears.. "No... No!... Why?.."
** (4) Evanthe puts a hand on Aaron's shoulder **
(6) Aaron: ((The scroll is spent))
(3) Tanja: the telepathy!
(3) Tanja: don't try to talk to him, aaron
** (2) Mikhal doesn't accept the coat **</font>
(7) Locke: it's too late for that
(3) Tanja: no, locke...i don't think aaron knew
(6) Aaron: Aaron falls to his knees.... holding his head... "Stop it... Stop it..."
** (4) Evanthe shakes him urgently "Aaron!"" **
(4) Evanthe: ((i'll bitchslap him if I have to :o))
(3) Tanja: ::grimaces and slaps him sharply:: snap out of it!
(3) Tanja: ((too late))
(7) Locke: telepathic flooding?
(4) Evanthe: ((foiled :( ))
(4) Evanthe: I believe it's called shock.
(3) Tanja: don't make me do it again! i'll do it!
** (2) Mikhal walks back over to the group **</font>
(4) Evanthe: We need to get out of here.
(6) Aaron: Evanthe tries to bring him around... as Tanja slaps him onto his back... He rips his nails into his head... And then falls unconcious..
(3) Tanja: not without aaron
** (4) Evanthe tries to help Aaron to his feet **
(7) Locke: is there another way out?
(4) Evanthe: Well I didn't mean to leave him for dead
(4) Evanthe: Mikhal...
(7) Locke: it'll be dangerous exiting through back there
(3) Tanja: only for water, i'd imagine...
(2) Mikhal: *removes the holy symbol from his neck* maybe the communicate using that..
(2) Mikhal: *And then picks him up*
(3) Tanja: the water gets to the fountain out in the square, but i doubt we could go the same way
(4) Evanthe: I wouldn't try it.
(6) Aaron: Mikhal takes the holy symbol.. then slings him over his shoulder...
** (4) Evanthe edges towards the way they came. **
(7) Locke: lets search around for another exit
(3) Tanja: ::angry look:: lets just go back the way we came...i want to talk to alain
(6) Aaron: Evanthe starts to head back the way they came... The pool of water is now frozen solid...
(7) Locke: ::sigh::
** (4) Evanthe scowls. **
** (2) Mikhal follows and walks carefuly over the ice **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::ditto the follow::
** (7) Locke slowly follows a good distance away **
** (4) Evanthe picks up the pace a little, anxious to get out. **
(6) Aaron: They walk back the way they came, following back through the passage and up the chalice's well..
(7) Locke: ((*feels lonely*))
(3) Tanja: ::Grim look::
** (4) Evanthe looks over Aaron's...wounds. **
(6) GM Voice: When they reach the ground floor chapel... the doors of the place are swung open wide..... a bell is ringing in the distance....
(3) Tanja: the worms...
(3) Tanja: ::genuinely frustrated:: why didn't i see this before??
(7) Locke: how'd I guess...
(3) Tanja: i knew something wasn't right!
(7) Locke: I told you ::scolds::
(4) Evanthe: None of us could have.
(6) GM Voice: The fountain outside is cearly frozen over...
** (2) Mikhal is wearing a dark scowl on his face **</font>
(6) GM Voice: People are running Panicked in the streets
(7) Locke: so then.. shall we run back?
(4) Evanthe: We need to find a safe place for Aaron
(4) Evanthe: Before we can go find Alain. He could be dangerous.
(3) Tanja: we can leave him in one of the rooms we stayed in
(4) Evanthe: I just hope he doesn't hurt himself before we make it back.
(6) GM Voice: A Squad of soldiers rushes to the north... Wielding bows and polearms..
(4) Evanthe: Hey! What's going on? *tries to get one's attention*
(3) Tanja: would it be too much to hope that alain's upstairs...?
(2) Mikhal: he probably skipped town
(7) Locke: by now
(3) Tanja: ((which leaves his door unguarded))
(4) Evanthe: Let's go kick down his secret door.
(3) Tanja: ((=D))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Locke: I'm curious on what he's hiding there also
(7) Locke: lets head there and put Aaron down
(6) GM Voice: "Worms! Get to your Homes! I've never seen them Like this.... Has Mulinel Forsaken Us?!" A Guard calls out... no one seems to be listening..
(3) Tanja: ::scowls at the golden chalice::: this is all your fault, you know
(4) Evanthe: ((can we split up as a party?))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) GM Voice: Tanja looks up and notices the Chalice missing..
** (2) Mikhal puts Aaron in a side room **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::Flinches visibly::
(4) Evanthe: Oh WONDERFUL
(7) Locke: what's wrong?
(6) GM Voice: Mikhal puts down Aaron in the storage room
(3) Tanja: the chalice is gone
(4) Evanthe: Worms!
** (7) Locke wide eyes "no way" **
** (4) Evanthe 's eyes darken visibly. "I'll never forgive him for this." **
(3) Tanja: ::bitterly:: it makes sense, doesn't it?
(3) Tanja: we left the chalice unguarded, just like they did
(7) Locke: we'll talk about that when the time is right
(3) Tanja:, we need to find alain
(6) GM Voice: Another guard runs by the temple.. "Elves! Elves! From the West!!"
(4) Evanthe: I'd say we have other issues
(3) Tanja: ((are you a good elf, or a bad elf?))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(4) Evanthe: ((worms, elves, worms, elves))
(4) Evanthe: The people need help
(7) Locke: ((I'm a grey elf, I swear))
(3) Tanja: ((*hums wicked witch of the west theme*))
(4) Evanthe: Worms, elves, and no Alain.
(7) Locke: we can't do much for the people, the numbers are too overwhelming
(2) Mikhal: ((is listening to the music from Wicked right now XD))
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(7) Locke: ((nice))
(4) Evanthe: I guess you're right.
(4) Evanthe: Let's go find Alain.
(3) Tanja: [1d12] -> [10] = (10)
(3) Tanja: oops
(3) Tanja: (())
** (4) Evanthe runs to the Priest's Chapel **
(3) Tanja: ((i clicked in a wrong area :) ))
** (2) Mikhal follow! **</font>
** (7) Locke runs after Evanthe **
(3) Tanja: ::Follow::
(6) GM Voice: Evanthe runs to the Priest's Chapel... No sign of Alain around
** (4) Evanthe skids to a stop at the door and looks to Mikhal. **
(3) Tanja: ::investigates the lock first::
(7) Locke: err...
(6) GM Voice: Tanja tries the lock.. the door swings open
(7) Locke: who's watching Aarom?
(4) Evanthe: Mulinel strike him down for this *mutters*
** (7) Locke runs back **
(3) Tanja: ((aww man))
(3) Tanja: ::swings the door open wide::
(3) Tanja: ((unlocked doors means he's already cleaned house))
** (4) Evanthe searches the room **
(6) GM Voice: It seems Alain didn't intend to come back.. the chests are empty..
(7) Locke: ((yeah, most likely))
(7) Locke: ((try that key of yours XD))
(3) Tanja: ::kicks one over out of spite::
(2) Mikhal: ((damn you tony! we wanted magical goodies ;-; ))
(6) GM Voice: There are a few maces, and some suits of light armor around.... and some scrolls on a high shelf..
(4) Evanthe: ((and we don't get paid :())
(6) GM Voice: But that's about it
** (4) Evanthe cleans him out >.>; **
(4) Evanthe: ((well not really since he's not coming back))
(7) Locke: ((yeah, my haggling backfired ;_; ))
(6) NPC: A voice calls from the street down below.. "Mikhal...Mikhal!... For God's sake are you in there?"
(3) Tanja: :::looks questioningly at mikhal::
(3) Tanja: ((he's a traitor too!))
** (2) Mikhal goes over to the window "i'm up here!" **</font>
(7) Locke: who are you?
(2) Mikhal: just a performer in a circus
** (4) Evanthe taps her chin in thought. "Do you think that telepathy power enables them to locate each other?" **
(6) NPC: Mikhal looks down and sees a wagon Train, Tallistro at the Reins!
(4) Evanthe: ((I had to ask :( ))
(3) Tanja: you saw what alain did to aaron...if he can do something like that, i don't think aaron would be able to locate him..
(3) Tanja: i wouldn't ask him to try, either
(4) Evanthe: Well, I was hoping to find another
(4) Evanthe: I wouldn't ask anything of Aaron at the moment
(6) NPC: "We're Leavin town!... Not much we can do here anymore!, We'll try an out run the worms... If you wanna join us I suggest you hurry!"
** (2) Mikhal glances down again "well, if you guys want to get out of town safely and quickly. we best get going **</font>
(7) Locke: you're not going with them?
(3) Tanja: ((give me your GP first))
(4) Evanthe: Are you not interested in finding Alain?
(2) Mikhal: he is obviousaly not in the town anymore
(3) Tanja: aren't you angry by this?  ::still worked up::
(7) Locke: should we drop Aarom with them?
(2) Mikhal: and if we stay here, we would get killed
(2) Mikhal: or atleast badly wounded
(4) Evanthe: Yes but if we go we also have a harder time tracking his trail.
(4) Evanthe: We need to find some sort of clue first.
(6) NPC: The horses outside whinny with fright.. "It's your Choice! Make it quick!.. I think they breached the west wall!"
(3) Tanja: ::sigh:: i've done some questionable things in my life, but even i know this is unforgiveable ... but if you want to go back to your circus troupe, go right ahead.
(3) Tanja: just remember that we were ultimately responsible for what happened to the crystal
(4) Evanthe: And I can't just abandon all these people, I want to at least help some survive.
** (2) Mikhal sighs and shouts back out the window "you go on ahead, i'm gonna try to help the people out. don't worry, i'll catch up later!" **</font>
(4) Evanthe: ((next time we do a job, let's ask for an advance in payment ;_; ))
(7) Locke: ((yeah))
(7) Locke: ((losing 1200 gp ;_; ))
(4) Evanthe: ((too good to be true ))
(6) NPC: "You're crazy!...." Tallistro struggles to control the horses.. "Don't go dying on me!".. he pulls the reigns and the wagon starts to depart... The other circus members looking up at the window in sadness..
(7) Locke: ((explains why he accepted straight away))
** (2) Mikhal waves to them "don't worry, i'll be fine!" **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::wanders restlessly around the room, anxious to get going::
(6) NPC: The wagon train makes full speed toward the south gate..
(7) Locke: ::thinks to self -- too bad we don't know if that will be true::
** (4) Evanthe looks around the outer room for anything **
(7) Locke: ((Aaron is still here right?))
(4) Evanthe: ((he's in a bedroom))
(6) NPC: ((Aaron is downstairs in the storage room..))
** (7) Locke keeps watch of Aaron and the surroundings **
** (4) Evanthe also keeps an eye out for more Mulinel temple people **
** (2) Mikhal goes to the Alain's bedroom (assuming it's at the temple) and searches through it **</font>
(7) Locke: ((psst, keep an eye out for treasure))
(6) NPC: Evanthe spots a few Temple priests in the chaotic masses, trying desperately to calm people down...
** (4) Evanthe approaches one, "I have an injured initiate" **
(4) Evanthe: He needs your help, will you watch over him?
(6) NPC: Mikhal finds a sealed note..
(6) NPC: The priest nods to Evanthe... and tries to draw people with him toward the temple so he can try to help them both..
** (2) Mikhal opens up the note and reads it **</font>
** (4) Evanthe rushes to Locke to try to help him bring Aaron to the priest. **
(6) NPC: "My Dear little Sheeps...
(3) Tanja: ((...))
(4) Evanthe: ((oh hell no >:( ))
(4) Evanthe: (( :D))
(7) Locke: ((...))
(3) Tanja: ::followed mikhal to his room))
(3) Tanja: ::
(6) NPC: "By the time you're reading this, i'm sure you are confused,...or maybe you have figured it out"
(4) Evanthe: ((Tony's out to ruin my character's optimistic outlook :( ))
(3) Tanja: figured it out, for all the good it did us... ::resists the urge to rip the note up::
(6) NPC: "I thank you for being so blinded by gold as to Help advance my plan... I told you, the snow elves have as much right to this land as you do.. in fact, they have more right to it"
(4) Evanthe: ((i knew he'd include a barb about greed for gold :P))
(3) Tanja: ((grr...))
(6) NPC: "Sincerly, Alain. P.S. I hope the silverware suits you nicely"
(4) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tanja: give me that note.
(7) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Mikhal: ((lol))
(2) Mikhal: the silverare..? *hands Tanja the note*
(3) Tanja: :::rips it up into tiny little pieces and stomps on them::
** (4) Evanthe , after safely handing Aaron off to the priest, finds Mikhal and Tanja **
(4) Evanthe: Wha..?
(3) Tanja: the...the... ::splutters::
** (7) Locke joins up **
(3) Tanja: jackass!
(7) Locke: what happened?
(2) Mikhal: *scowling* just a nice little note from alain
(4) Evanthe: Any hints?
(3) Tanja: none.
(7) Locke: what'd it say?
(4) Evanthe: Since...I can' it
(6) NPC: There is a massive crash from the north.. like something tall and stone just fell to the ground....
(3) Tanja: he used our greed against us, the snow elves have more right to the land than we do..
(2) Mikhal: and that's pretty much it
(3) Tanja: no hints as to where he went
(4) Evanthe: We need to get the hell out of here
(3) Tanja: i'm going to kill him.
(6) NPC: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(3) Tanja: ::Nods once::
(7) Locke: XD
** (4) Evanthe kicks her dice down the stairs **
(3) Tanja: *cheerfully throttles tony**
(4) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [13,5] = (18)
(4) Evanthe: WHAT
(7) Locke: LMAO

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