
From Reydala

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m (Oh, categories.)
m (...Yeah, I probably should clean up Ral's category tags, huh?)
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(I need to turn this from scribble notes in a .txt to actual write out some day.)
All that's needed for now is [[A Story Long Ago]].
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[[Image:Icon014.gif]]'''[[Aelthir]]:''' ''”Fabulous!  Fabulous!?  Find beauty within the halls of Mistress Laviege!!!”''
[[Image:Icon014.gif]]'''[[Aelthir Baequi'via]]:''' ''”Fabulous!  Fabulous!?  Find beauty within the halls of Mistress Laviege!!!”''
[[Image:Icon014.gif]]'''[[Katrin]]:''' ''”Hahahahahaha!  Fight against death, Cleric!  In the end you won't find any victory!”''
[[Image:Icon014.gif]]'''[[Katrin]]:''' ''”Hahahahahaha!  Fight against death, Cleric!  In the end you won't find any victory!”''
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Current revision as of 18:45, 28 February 2011


All that's needed for now is A Story Long Ago.


Image:Icon001.gifNanashi: ”The poor lost girl, stuck in the affairs of a strange land. Where's the honor found within the horrors you've gotten yourself into!? Hahahahahahahahaha!!”

Image:Icon014.gifNaomi: ”Your voice is off key and your lyrics inspire nothing but headache. The thought that I didn't leave a knife in your back is what really makes me sick!”

Image:Icon001.gifLykai: ”Traitor? I'm the traitor? Our objectives were the same! If my crime was not sharing motive, then let us all be judged as sinners!”

Image:Icon002.gifVidar: ”I knew you couldn't be trusted, and you knew I couldn't be either. Isn't it best to enter and leave enemies, without personal resentment?”

Image:Icon014.gifAelthir Baequi'via: ”Fabulous! Fabulous!? Find beauty within the halls of Mistress Laviege!!!”

Image:Icon014.gifKatrin: ”Hahahahahaha! Fight against death, Cleric! In the end you won't find any victory!”

Image:Icon014.gifFal: ”The might and power of the psionics pale in comparison to that of unreality! Perhaps you should refelct on this...!”

Image:Icon014.gifAlis: ”A warrior of a fallen God? Regial and Hald were fools! They failed to understand the truth of existence! Watch as the Dark Witch shows you true chaos, the true world!”

Image:Icon014.gifLendis: ”Pkih...ahihihih... Hahahahahahahahahhaahahaahahahahahahaah!”

Image:Icon014.gifAelyn: ”Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaa!”

Character Sheet

Name: Relaene Taveon Level: 8 Class: Invoker Paragon Path: N/A Epic Destiny: N/A
Race: Tiefling (Devil/Elf) Size: Medium Age: 118 Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Weight: 156 lbs. Alignment: Neutral Evil Deity: Laviege Origin: Walstad
Ability Scores
Statistic Score Base Racial Class Modifier Mod+Level
STR 8 8 0 0 -1 3
DEX 8 8 0 0 -1 3
CON 14 14 0 0 2 6
INT 18 16 2 0 4 8
WIS 19 19 0 0 4 8
CHA 20 18 2 0 5 9
Defense Value Level Stat Item Class Enh Misc
AC 24 14 4 6 0 0 0
Fort 17 14 2 0 1 0 0
Reflex 19 14 4 0 1 0 0
Will 20 14 5 0 1 0 0
Conditional Bonuses N/A
Initiative Dex 1/2 Level Misc
6 -1 3 4
Score Base Armor Item Misc
6 6 0 0 0
Action Points: 1
Bonus Skill Stat Mod Trained Armor Misc
3 Acrobatics DEX 3 0 0 0
13 Arcana INT 8 5 0 0
3 Athletics STR 3 0 0 0
18 Bluff CHA 9 5 0 4
16 Diplomacy CHA 9 5 0 2
8 Dungeoneering WIS 8 0 0 0
6 Endurance CON 6 0 0 0
8 Heal WIS 8 0 0 0
7 History INT 7 0 0 0
13 Insight WIS 8 5 0 0
9 Intimidate CHA 9 0 0 0
8 Nature WIS 8 0 0 0
8 Perception WIS 8 0 0 0
12 Religion INT 7 5 0 0
5 Stealth DEX 5 0 0 2
9 Streetwise CHA 8 0 0 0
3 Thievery DEX 3 0 0 0
Hit Points
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
47 23 11 8
Racial Features
+2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
Fire Resistance
Infernal Wrath
Class Features
Channel Divinity
Divine Covenant (Covenant of Wrath)
Ritual Casting
Languages Known
Score Passive Sense Base Skill Bonus
22 Passive Insight 10 12
17 Passive Perception 10 7
Bonus Ritual Casting
1st Laviege's Unreality
2nd Implement Expertise
4th Improved Initiative
6th Scouring Wrath
Level Spell Action Target Bonus Damage Miss/Special
At-Will Spells
1 Grasping Shards Standard Burst 1
(Within 10)
Wisdom vs. Fortitude Wisdom Modifier radiant damage. Target slow until end of your next turn.
1 Sun Strike Standard One Creature (Range 10) Wisdom Vs. Reflex 1d8 + WIS Modifier radiant damage. Slide the target one square.
Encounter Spells
Race Infernal Wrath Minor Personal N/A +1 Power bonus on next attack against enemy hit last turn. If attack hits, add CHA mod as extra damage.
Invoker Armor of Wrath Immediate One Creature (Close Burst 5) N/A Target takes damage equal to CON mod. Can push target 2 squares.
Invoker Rebuke Undead Standard All undead (Close Blast 5) Wisdom vs. Will 2d10 + WIS Modifier radiant damage. Push target 2 squares. Target dazed until end of your next turn.
1 Spear of the Inquisitor Standard One creature (Range 10) Wisdom vs. Reflex 1d10 + WIS Modifier radiant damage. Target immobilized until end of your next turn.
3 Chains of Carceri Standard All in burst 1 (Range 10) Wisdom vs. Reflex 2d8 + WIS Modifier damage. Target slowed until end of your next turn.
7 Rain of Blood Standard All enemies burst 2
(Range 10)
Wisdom vs. Fortitude 2d6 + WIS Modifier damage. Target vulnerable 5 until end of next turn. Allies in burst get power bonus to attack rolls equal to CON modifier.
Daily Spells
1 Purging Flame Standard One Creature (Range 10) Wisdom vs. Reflex 1d10 + WIS modifier fire damage, ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends) Miss: Half damage, ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
5 Grasping Chains of the Justiciar Standard All enemies burst 2
(Range 10)
Wisdom vs. Reflex 1d6 + WIS modifier force damage, target immobilized (save ends) Miss: Half damage, target is slowed until end of your next turn.
Utility Spells
2 Emissary of the Gods Minor (Daily) Personal N/A +5 power bonus to next Diplomacy or Intimidate check. If part of a skill challenge, get 2 successes with one pass, and no failures if fails.
6 Astral Step Move (Daily) You and allies (Close Burst 5) N/A Teleport each target 3 squares. N/A
Item Exploits
3 Skald’s Armor Immediate (Daily) Adjacent Creature N/A Enemy targets you with melee attack - instead it targets your choice of adjacent creature. Always passive +2 item bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks
Level Ritual Time Duration Component Cost Component Type Key Skill
1 Hand of Fate 10 minutes 10 minutes 70 gt ¯\(º_o)/¯ Religion
1 Tenser's Floating Disk 10 minutes 24 hours 10 gt ¯\(º_o)/¯ Arcana
Worn Items
Slot Item Level
Both Hands Quarterstaff 1
Armor +1 Skald's Leather Armor 3
Carried Items
Ritual Book N/A
Standard Adventurer's Kit N/A
Everburning Tourch
Money and Wealth
0 Copper Terremes
5 Silver Terremes
32 Gold Terremes
0 Platinum Terremes
Ritual Components
Alchemical Components ??? gt
Incense ??? gt
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