Water Maidens

From Reydala

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Medium Elemental (Water)
'''Medium Elemental(Water)'''
''Hit Dice:'' 2d8+2 (11 hp)
'''Hit Dice:''' 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Initiative: +2
'''Initiative:''' +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 Squares), swim 90 ft.
'''Speed:''' 20 ft. (4 Squares), swim 90 ft.
Armor Class: 12(+2 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 10.
'''Armor Class:''' 12(+2 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 10.
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+0
'''Base Attack/Grapple:''' +1/+0
Attack: Slam +0 Melee (1d4-1)
'''Attack:''' Slam +0 Melee (1d4-1)
Full Attack: Slam +0 Melee (1d4-1)
'''Full Attack:''' Slam +0 Melee (1d4-1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
'''Space/Reach:''' 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Healing Rain
'''Special Attacks:''' Healing Rain
Special Qualities: Elemental Traits, Reform, Water Blending.
'''Special Qualities:''' Elemental Traits, Reform, Water Blending.
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
'''Saves:''' Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14
'''Abilities:''' Str 9, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14
Skills: Spot +4, Listen +4, Heal +7, Knowledge (Religion) +3, Knowledge (Nature) +3, Sense Motive +4
'''Skills:''' Spot +3, Listen +3, Heal +6, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Knowledge (Nature) +2, Hide +3, Swim +7
Feats: Iron Will
'''Feats:''' Iron Will
Environment: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers
'''Environment:''' Oceans, Lakes, Rivers
Organization: Solitary, Team (3-4), or School (20-30)
'''Organization:''' Solitary, Team (3-4), or School (20-30)
Challenge Rating: 1
'''Challenge Rating:''' 1
Treasure: None
'''Treasure:''' None (Standard if the Water Maiden has class levels)
Alignment: Always Neutral Good
'''Alignment:''' Always Neutral Good
Advancement:3-40 HD (Medium) or by Character Class
'''Advancement:''' 3-40 HD (Medium) or by Character Class
Level Adjustment: +1
'''Level Adjustment:''' +2
''The shape of an unnaturally beautiful elf rises over the crest of the lake, formed entirely out of water.  It stares toward you with transparent eyes.  It seems impossible to tell where it ends and where the lake begins.''
Water maidens are the servants of [[Mulinel]], created from waters blessed by her divine hand.  The monitor the oceans, lakes, and rivers of Reydala in service of their goddess.  In times of dire need, they are sometimes sent on land in order to assist or protect terrestial life.  Otherwise, they are vary rarely seen away from water.  Though water maidens are entirely fluid, the outer surface of their bodies is solid to the touch, due to the compressed nature of their forms.  They are capable of wearing clothes, armor, and wielding weaponry, though they seldom choose to do so.   
The duties of the Water maidens are not very stringent in times of peace, and much of their lives are spent following the waves.  Most water maidens are curious about those that walk on land, but most are quite reserved. While they often observe mortals, they rarely make their presence known.  The more devoted water maidens often train their skills in a profession (usually cleric), while the more carefree spirits simply continue wandering, learning what they can from experience.   
A Water Maiden enters combat only as a last resort, and tries to escape at any possible junction if it is obviously outmatched.  If they are not alone, they will use their healing rain ability to aid any defenders they may have.  If faced with agression out of water, they will try to use their reform ability to get back to water, or failing that, to reach a hiding place.  Water Maidens with class levels are usually more composed in combat, though they still prefer to take a supporting role if at all possible.
'''Healing Rain(Su):''' As a standard action, a water maiden can spread blessed droplets of her form into her immediate vincinity, healing 2 hit points of damage for every HD the Water Maiden has to every creature standing within 5 feet (Including herself).  The water maiden can perform this action indefinitely if she is in a body of water.  On land, the water maiden will become fatigued after 3 uses of this ability, and exhausted after 5 uses.  Once Exhausted, the water maiden can no longer use this ability.  Any undead in the area are damaged by the same amount as was healed.
'''Reform(Ex):''' As a standard action, the water maiden can choose to dissolve her humanoid form into a small pool of water, which then proceeds to split and move, seemingly in all directions.  While moving in this form, the Water Maiden does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and can seep through crevices her normal form would never be able to fit through (Under Doors, through grates, and the like).  The water maiden cannot suppress her humanoid form for long, however, and always reforms at the end of her turn.  Any equipment the water maiden is wearing or carrying falls to the ground in the space she occupies upon invoking this ability.  The water maiden can perform this action even while grappled or pinned.
'''Water Blending(Ex):''' When swimming in water, a water maiden is nearly impossible to discern from the water itself.  While fully submerged in clear water, treat the Maiden as being under the effect of a ''Greater Invisibility'' spell.  In murky or otherwise clouded water her pure water form is more obvious, but she still receives a +10 racial bonus to hide checks while submerged.
'''Skills:''' Water Maidens receive a racial bonus to move silently checks equivalent to their Hit Dice while swimming through water at least 3 feet deep. 
'''Elemental Traits:''' Darkvision out to 60 feet. Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits or flanking.
'''Water Subtype:'''  Water maidens can move in water without making swim checks.  In addition, they can take 10 on any swim check they are forced to make, even when distracted or rushed. 
==Water Maidens as Characters==
The Water Maiden's favored class is Cleric.  Water Maiden clerics can only worship [[Mulinel]].
Water Maiden characters possess the following racial traits:
*Racial Ability Modifiers: -2 STR, +2 WIS.
*Healing Rain, Reform, Water Blending, as described above.
*Elemental Traits as described above.
*Water Subtype Traits
*Racial Bonus equivalent to their hit dice to move silently checks while in water at least 3 feet deep.
*Level Adjustment: +2 with 2 racial hit dice.

Current revision as of 23:35, 8 April 2009

Medium Elemental(Water)

Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)

Initiative: +2

Speed: 20 ft. (4 Squares), swim 90 ft.

Armor Class: 12(+2 Dex), touch 12, flat-footed 10.

Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+0

Attack: Slam +0 Melee (1d4-1)

Full Attack: Slam +0 Melee (1d4-1)

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Healing Rain

Special Qualities: Elemental Traits, Reform, Water Blending.

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4

Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14

Skills: Spot +3, Listen +3, Heal +6, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Knowledge (Nature) +2, Hide +3, Swim +7

Feats: Iron Will

Environment: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers

Organization: Solitary, Team (3-4), or School (20-30)

Challenge Rating: 1

Treasure: None (Standard if the Water Maiden has class levels)

Alignment: Always Neutral Good

Advancement: 3-40 HD (Medium) or by Character Class

Level Adjustment: +2

The shape of an unnaturally beautiful elf rises over the crest of the lake, formed entirely out of water. It stares toward you with transparent eyes. It seems impossible to tell where it ends and where the lake begins.

Water maidens are the servants of Mulinel, created from waters blessed by her divine hand. The monitor the oceans, lakes, and rivers of Reydala in service of their goddess. In times of dire need, they are sometimes sent on land in order to assist or protect terrestial life. Otherwise, they are vary rarely seen away from water. Though water maidens are entirely fluid, the outer surface of their bodies is solid to the touch, due to the compressed nature of their forms. They are capable of wearing clothes, armor, and wielding weaponry, though they seldom choose to do so.

The duties of the Water maidens are not very stringent in times of peace, and much of their lives are spent following the waves. Most water maidens are curious about those that walk on land, but most are quite reserved. While they often observe mortals, they rarely make their presence known. The more devoted water maidens often train their skills in a profession (usually cleric), while the more carefree spirits simply continue wandering, learning what they can from experience.


A Water Maiden enters combat only as a last resort, and tries to escape at any possible junction if it is obviously outmatched. If they are not alone, they will use their healing rain ability to aid any defenders they may have. If faced with agression out of water, they will try to use their reform ability to get back to water, or failing that, to reach a hiding place. Water Maidens with class levels are usually more composed in combat, though they still prefer to take a supporting role if at all possible.

Healing Rain(Su): As a standard action, a water maiden can spread blessed droplets of her form into her immediate vincinity, healing 2 hit points of damage for every HD the Water Maiden has to every creature standing within 5 feet (Including herself). The water maiden can perform this action indefinitely if she is in a body of water. On land, the water maiden will become fatigued after 3 uses of this ability, and exhausted after 5 uses. Once Exhausted, the water maiden can no longer use this ability. Any undead in the area are damaged by the same amount as was healed.

Reform(Ex): As a standard action, the water maiden can choose to dissolve her humanoid form into a small pool of water, which then proceeds to split and move, seemingly in all directions. While moving in this form, the Water Maiden does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and can seep through crevices her normal form would never be able to fit through (Under Doors, through grates, and the like). The water maiden cannot suppress her humanoid form for long, however, and always reforms at the end of her turn. Any equipment the water maiden is wearing or carrying falls to the ground in the space she occupies upon invoking this ability. The water maiden can perform this action even while grappled or pinned.

Water Blending(Ex): When swimming in water, a water maiden is nearly impossible to discern from the water itself. While fully submerged in clear water, treat the Maiden as being under the effect of a Greater Invisibility spell. In murky or otherwise clouded water her pure water form is more obvious, but she still receives a +10 racial bonus to hide checks while submerged.

Skills: Water Maidens receive a racial bonus to move silently checks equivalent to their Hit Dice while swimming through water at least 3 feet deep.

Elemental Traits: Darkvision out to 60 feet. Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits or flanking.

Water Subtype: Water maidens can move in water without making swim checks. In addition, they can take 10 on any swim check they are forced to make, even when distracted or rushed.

Water Maidens as Characters

The Water Maiden's favored class is Cleric. Water Maiden clerics can only worship Mulinel. Water Maiden characters possess the following racial traits:

  • Racial Ability Modifiers: -2 STR, +2 WIS.
  • Healing Rain, Reform, Water Blending, as described above.
  • Elemental Traits as described above.
  • Water Subtype Traits
  • Racial Bonus equivalent to their hit dice to move silently checks while in water at least 3 feet deep.
  • Level Adjustment: +2 with 2 racial hit dice.
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