
From Reydala

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Name: Xanadros "Mentat" Xerxes                                              <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
Race: Elan
Allignment: True Neutral
Gender: Male
Age: Anywhere from 20 to 500
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 240
Hair: Brown of a medium length
Eyes: Brown
Skin Tone: A bit paler then average.
Physical Appearance: Tall with an average build, but a bit on the thin side.
This average sized male Human would stand before you with a proud air to him. His pants were simple and efficient with several pockets for hiding items, and the only embroidery on the black material were several golden flames. His top was a billiant blood-red dyed leather armor with more of the golden flames embroidered onto it. It would shimmer in the light, giving the appearance that the flames could move. A simple black cloak was over his shoulder, and a jagged light crossbow made of what at first glance appeared to be obsidian hung by his side, the quiver full on his back. His dark brown eyes seemed to bore through you, sizing you up and judging you from the start, although there was no air of hostility about him. He merely seemed to wish to know your possition and your attitude, studying you whether you are an enemy or an ally, judging your worth in battle. His dark brown hair seemed to flow in the wind, even indoors, the short locks falling about to his shoulders. He was a bit paler then average, but not unhealthily so, and his build seemed about average as well, a little on the thin side. A crystal of the purest, clearest material floated about his head, seeming to speak to him somehow. At least, he seemed to nod every now and then as if he were listening to it. A skeletal black dragon was embroidered onto the back of his cloak, the head seeming to be disconnected from the beast and lying on the ground.
This average sized male Human would stand before you with a proud air to him. On his right hand was a ring with a simple etched pattern of several tiny shields engraved into the metal, and on his left was an intricate signet ring. His pants were simple and efficient with several pockets for hiding items, and the only embroidery on the black material were several golden flames. His top was a billiant blood-red dyed leather armor with more of the golden flames embroidered onto it. It would shimmer in the light, giving the appearance that the flames could move. A simple black cloak was over his shoulder, and a jagged light crossbow made of what at first glance appeared to be obsidian hung by his side, the quiver full on his back. Right dab in the middle of his forehead was a third eye of the clearest crystal. On his head slightly above the crystal eye is a beautiful little headband. His dark brown eyes seemed to bore through you, sizing you up and judging you from the start, although there was no air of hostility about him. He merely seemed to wish to know your possition and your attitude, studying you whether you are an enemy or an ally, judging your worth in battle. His dark brown hair seemed to flow in the wind, even indoors, the short locks falling about to his shoulders. He was a bit paler then average, but not unhealthily so, and his build seemed about average as well, a little on the thin side. A crystal of the purest, clearest material floated about his head, seeming to speak to him somehow. At least, he seemed to nod every now and then as if he were listening to it. A skeletal black dragon was embroidered onto the back of his cloak, the head seeming to be disconnected from the beast and lying on the ground. Finally, a crystal mask that seemed to distort whatever was viewed through it was hung protectively at his side.
Brother: Name unknown.
Apparently he owns a mercenary outfit. No appearance as of yet.
Apparently he owns a mercenary outfit. No appearance as of yet.
His Psicrystal, name unknown.
Relations with the party:
Relations with the party:
Aelis: He does not actually know this person yet, although he saw her briefly.
[[Image:Icon008.gif]]Aelis: He does not actually know this person yet, although he saw her briefly.
Aknier: He trusts his judgement allready, and although doesn't think of him as a fighter, he considers him a powerful ally for his mind and healing abilities.
[[Image:Icon010.gif]]Aknier: He trusts his judgement allready, and although doesn't think of him as a fighter, he considers him a powerful ally for his mind and healing abilities.
Dagnir: He met him very briefly, and wonders if there is some connection that he doesn't know of between him and Seremela.
[[Image:Icon008.gif]]Dagnir: He met him very briefly, and wonders if there is some connection that he doesn't know of between him and Seremela.
Dante: He hates him with a passion, but has been ordered to protect him.
[[Image:Icon014.gif]]Dante: He hates him with a passion, but has been ordered to protect him.
Kaer: He knows little about Kaer at the moment, although he's seen him to be a strong ally.
[[Image:Icon009.gif]]Kaer: He knows little about Kaer at the moment, although he's seen him to be a strong ally.
Mikhal: Mentat allready had a decent oppinion of Mikhal from the start, which has had it's ups and downs. Bassically he would rather have Aknier do the negotiating and Mikhal do the killing.
[[Image:Icon010.gif]]Mikhal: Mentat allready had a decent oppinion of Mikhal from the start, which has had it's ups and downs. Bassically he would rather have Aknier do the negotiating and Mikhal do the killing.
Seremela: He knows little about her other then her apparent status as a forgotten Princess. Time will tell what his motives are for helping her.
[[Image:Icon011.gif]]Seremela: He knows little about her other then her apparent status as a forgotten Princess. Time will tell what his motives are for helping her.
Wren: He knows almost as little about her as he does about Aelis, although he's been around her more. He has figured out that she is a martial artist, but besides that nothing else is known. And that apparently she works for Dante.
[[Image:Icon008.gif]]Wren: He knows almost as little about her as he does about Aelis, although he's been around her more. He has figured out that she is a martial artist, but besides that nothing else is known. And that apparently she works for Dante.

Current revision as of 01:42, 4 May 2009

Name: Xanadros "Mentat" Xerxes <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="Untitled.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

Race: Elan

Allignment: True Neutral

Gender: Male

Age: Anywhere from 20 to 500

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 240

Hair: Brown of a medium length

Eyes: Brown

Skin Tone: A bit paler then average.

Physical Appearance: Tall with an average build, but a bit on the thin side.


This average sized male Human would stand before you with a proud air to him. On his right hand was a ring with a simple etched pattern of several tiny shields engraved into the metal, and on his left was an intricate signet ring. His pants were simple and efficient with several pockets for hiding items, and the only embroidery on the black material were several golden flames. His top was a billiant blood-red dyed leather armor with more of the golden flames embroidered onto it. It would shimmer in the light, giving the appearance that the flames could move. A simple black cloak was over his shoulder, and a jagged light crossbow made of what at first glance appeared to be obsidian hung by his side, the quiver full on his back. Right dab in the middle of his forehead was a third eye of the clearest crystal. On his head slightly above the crystal eye is a beautiful little headband. His dark brown eyes seemed to bore through you, sizing you up and judging you from the start, although there was no air of hostility about him. He merely seemed to wish to know your possition and your attitude, studying you whether you are an enemy or an ally, judging your worth in battle. His dark brown hair seemed to flow in the wind, even indoors, the short locks falling about to his shoulders. He was a bit paler then average, but not unhealthily so, and his build seemed about average as well, a little on the thin side. A crystal of the purest, clearest material floated about his head, seeming to speak to him somehow. At least, he seemed to nod every now and then as if he were listening to it. A skeletal black dragon was embroidered onto the back of his cloak, the head seeming to be disconnected from the beast and lying on the ground. Finally, a crystal mask that seemed to distort whatever was viewed through it was hung protectively at his side.




Brother: Name unknown.


Apparently he owns a mercenary outfit. No appearance as of yet.


His Psicrystal, name unknown.

Relations with the party:

Image:Icon008.gifAelis: He does not actually know this person yet, although he saw her briefly.

Image:Icon010.gifAknier: He trusts his judgement allready, and although doesn't think of him as a fighter, he considers him a powerful ally for his mind and healing abilities.

Image:Icon008.gifDagnir: He met him very briefly, and wonders if there is some connection that he doesn't know of between him and Seremela.

Image:Icon014.gifDante: He hates him with a passion, but has been ordered to protect him.

Image:Icon009.gifKaer: He knows little about Kaer at the moment, although he's seen him to be a strong ally.

Image:Icon010.gifMikhal: Mentat allready had a decent oppinion of Mikhal from the start, which has had it's ups and downs. Bassically he would rather have Aknier do the negotiating and Mikhal do the killing.

Image:Icon011.gifSeremela: He knows little about her other then her apparent status as a forgotten Princess. Time will tell what his motives are for helping her.

Image:Icon008.gifWren: He knows almost as little about her as he does about Aelis, although he's been around her more. He has figured out that she is a martial artist, but besides that nothing else is known. And that apparently she works for Dante.

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