
From Reydala

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== General Info ==
== General Information ==
[[Image:Kaer.jpg|thumb|300px|Kaer -- Punishing people in the name of the moon, or some such.]]
[[Image:Kaer.jpg|thumb|300px|Kaer -- Punishing people in the name of the moon, or some such.]]
'''Name:''' Kaer Galnic
'''Name:''' Kaer Gaelnic
'''Race:''' Human
'''Race:''' Human
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'''Gender:''' Male
'''Gender:''' Male
'''Age:''' 28
'''Date of Birth:''' Nichts (Niente) 18th, 3351
'''Class(es):''' Fighter/Wizard/Spellsword/Eldritch Knight/Fatespinner/Paladin
'''Date of Death:''' Verdor (Cadere) 32nd, 3399
'''Classes Known''' Fighter/Wizard/Spellsword/Eldritch Knight/Fatespinner/Paladin/Divine Emissary
'''Alignment:''' Lawful Good
'''Alignment:''' Lawful Good
'''Deity:''' Lucion
'''Deity:''' Lucion, though also following many of the same ideals as Dizal.
'''Height:''' 6'2"
'''Height:''' 6'2"
'''Weight:''' 177 lbs without armor, 205 lbs with armor and shield.
'''Weight:''' During the travels - 177 lbs without armor, 205 lbs with armor and shield.  Lesser after the point he began researching the ethereal until the end of his life.
'''Build:''' Muscular, but mostly just enough to wear his armor.  Armor that obscures his build for the most part.
'''Build:''' Muscular, but mostly just enough to wear his armor.  Often wearing armor that obscures his build for the most part.  More frail as the years waged on him.
'''Hair:''' Gray, and medium short length.
'''Hair:''' Gray, and medium short length.
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'''Eyes:''' Steel blue-grayish colour.
'''Eyes:''' Steel blue-grayish colour.
'''Appearance:''' Relatively tall man.  Putting aside the gray hair he has a young face.  Also wearing a full suit of armor, complete with a shield carried on his back.  With sword at his left side, you almost have a cliché knight.
'''Appearance:''' During the travels - Relatively tall man.  Putting aside the gray hair he has a young face.  Also wearing a full suit of armor, complete with a shield carried on his back.  With sword at his left side, you almost have a cliché knight.
After he began his research and put less thought towards his own condition, he had a more exhausted and worn expression.  Regardless, he frequently wore the suit of armor he became known with for much of his life.
'''Personality:''' Justice loving, spell casting, sword using mageknight.  He developed an overly strong sense of justice, and will fight for what he believes in, his own justiceSlowly, however, he has been learning to keep that 'justice zeal' to an appropriate, actually just level.  He tries to avoid killing when ever possible.  For some reason, he has a bad habit to speak in the most proper way possible, and also refers to most everyone as "Sir" , "Madam" , or other formal title.
'''Personality:''' Justice loving, spell casting, sword using mageknight.  Throughout his travels with his companions he shifted from a more zealous defender of good to one who embodied the concept of justice he so often fought for.  For all of Kaer’s life he spoke properly, often using more words then would be needed to explain things.  He also would use titles such as “Sir” or “Madam” for nearly everyone.
'''Religious Ideals:''' The same as the belief of all Lucionites, unreality must be brought to a balance.  Fighting the unjust and evil whenever possibleFurther, a more recent development, offering and seeking to give all that are evil as much of an option as possible for redemption.
'''Religious Ideals:''' What his ideals of following the gods eventually became could be described by the words Balance and RedemptionBalance of unreality in the world, and a balance of making sure that evil and chaos do not run rampant.  Redemption for those who do wrong, no matter what.
== Equipment ==
== Equipment ==
(Needs an overhaul next!)
During his travels, the following items were almost always carried on Kaer’s person.
'''Mythril Full-Plate''' - Strong armor used for defending.  It also is light [comfy] and easier to cast in [wear].  Includes Gauntlets.
'''Mythril Light Steel Shield''' - A light shield that virtually has no hindrance to casting.
'''Enchanted Longsword''' - An important sword Kaer has used for years.  Time tested to be able to aid his attacking or defending.  It's made of Ademantium.  The sword holds a bit of history, as it was originally a sword crafted by Kaer's father, and given to Kaer's mother many, many years ago.  She used the sword for many years before all but retiring from Paladin duties, and passing the blade onto Kaer.  Despite his own enhancements, the sword remains a treasure and heirloom to the enforcer.
'''''Misc Supplies'''''
'''Rope:''' Used for grapple-hooking as well as constricting the movement of people to be brought to justice.
'''Grapple hook:''' Used in conjunction with rope for climbing, as we all know climbing and jumping in armor is hard enough.
'''Masterwork Artisan tools:''' Used for crafting, and crafting well.
== Background ==
(Needs an overhaul next!)
[[image:Lajourinish_area.JPG|left|thumb|200px|The general area of Lajourin, Kaer's hometown.]]
* '''''Earlier Years'''''
As a child, Kaer grew up in the medium sized city in North Eastern Riscana called Lajourin.  He was raised by his prominent blacksmith of a father and esteemed paladin of a mother, Alex and Sara Galnic.  His mother was a famous paladin of Dizal in the area, known best for being a protector of the city.  It was in the environment of learning blacksmithing from his father and picking up the art of swordplay from his mother that Kaer grew up.  At least, until the young child discovered a local library.
Inside this Library of Lucion, Kaer was fascinated by what he was reading was possible, and after talking to the more frequent visitors of the location, at the age of eleven Kaer began learning the arcane arts.  Where one might think his mother would be disproving of the path chosen, it was quite the opposite.  Even as a child Kaer had developed his own sense of justice, and this decision to carry out his beliefs in his own way only would grow to make his mother proud.
After individual study for about three years, Kaer had hit a slump in his learning.  Over the those years, he had become a better smith, a better overall fighter with most weapons (favoring the simple longsword he had first learned to use), and a good gasp on the basics of the arcane.  However he was left frustrated that he could find no way to combine any of those talents.  There were some theories he had read on the use of spells through weapons, yet Kaer was only able to brush the surface of such complex actions.
While pondering these thoughts, one day a small crisis occurred.  While his mother was out, a man came complaining of an event in the nearby forests where a man was being held hostage.  Feeling like he had obligation to do, Kaer picked up his mother's sword that she had not brought with that day, hoping she would forgive him for doing what he felt was right, and went to put an end to the situation.
* '''''Spellsword and the Enforcers'''''
While only narrowly surviving, Kaer ended up solving the situation with nothing but the sword.  He would later claim that it was his "burning passion for justice" that accounted for his victory.  Regardless, while in that encounter Kaer had made the connection he needed and began to study from a book that told of the art of the "Spellsword".  For another year he poured over book, forge, and training field to improve all his disciplines.  It was in this year Kaer acquired the suit of armor he wears to this day, as well as his first shield.  Once his mythril armor had been created, he enchanted it to combine two more of his skill sets.  With armor created, Kaer had planned to leave to search for a group he had heard of in passing at the Library of Lucion; The Full Moon Enforcers.  However, right before he left the sword his mother had used for so many years was handed to him.  As the Paladin of Dizal took a vow of peace, her legacy was passed on through the sword.
At age fifteen, Kaer began to travel from Library to Library, following lead after lead to get whatever information he could.  After months of search, luck would hold true for the young man and he would run into the fabled Full Moon Enforcers, among the group heencounted a man named Geon.  After a conversation, Kaer went to travel with the Full Moons, ultimatly to become an apprentice under Geon while joining their numbers in the struggle against unreality.  However, even if the objective of the Enforcers is to bring balance to reality and unreality, Kaer would never forget his roots and continue to do his missions, but also fight for what he believed as just.
== Relations ==
[[Image:Icon015.gif]] '''''Sara Galnic''''' - ''"I will find and follow my own justice, mother."''
Kaer’s mother and a renowned Paladin of Dizal from the city of Lajourin.  For much of her life she served as a defender of the area, following her own devout code of righteousness.  She is the previous owner of the blade Kaer wields to this day, having passed it unto him upon taking a vow of pacifism when she let the younger generation take over her old charge.
[[Image:Icon015.gif]] '''''Alex Galnic''''' - ''"With what you have taught me, no blade I create will ever dull!"''
Kaer’s father and also a famous blacksmith in the region of the Leyandra/Riscana boarder region.  The trade of forging weapons and armor has been passed on throughout those who carry the Galnic name for generations Kaer being no exception.  As per part of the trade, he dabbed into the basics of the Arcane to learn the concepts of Magic Arms and Armor, which only makes his works quite desired.
[[Image:Icon015.gif]] '''''[[Geon]]''''' - ''"What are the latest orders, Sir... and why have you animated that table set?"''
A member of the Full Moon Enforcers, Geon is Kaer's superior and looked up to as a mentor.  Kaer spent time as Geon's apprentice during his early years with the organization, finely tuning his arcane arts under Geon's eye, despite Kaer's own personal atrocious luck.
[[Image:Icon013.gif]] '''''Mulie''''' - ''"A friendly greeting is quite fine!"''
A familiar of Aknier’s who, for some strange reason Kaer has developed a fondness for.  Perhaps it is the fact she is a friendly flying puppet, or maybe because of the time she carried a Freedom of Movement spell to keep him from sinking underwater.  But it is most likely because of the frequent “High fives” that she and Kaer exchange.
'''PCs''' ''(Overhaul'd on 7/29.  One more overhaul post campaign)''
[[Image:Icon015.gif]] '''''[[Aknier]]''''' - ''"Let us use our talents for the better of all, my friend!"''
Through all that the party has been through, the Enforcer has become good friends with the Theurge, stronly helped by their somewhat similar ideals on ethics as well as respect for the others respective talents.
[[Image:Icon013.gif]] '''''[[Dante]]''''' - ''"What? Sir Dante?  Please, do no- ...Argh, nevermind."''
*'''Mythril Full-Plate''' - Strong armor used for defending.  It also is light [comfy] and easier to cast in [wear]. Includes Gauntlets.
While Kaer can't agree with Dante on many issues, he holds growing respect for a man who lives freely, yet still does what seems to be the right thingThis doesn't mean Kaer can stop keeping an often worried eye on Dante, however.
*'''Shield''' - A light shield that would have no hindrance to his casting abilitiesHe eventually reached a skill level where the material of which the shield was composed of did not impact his spell casting capabilities.
[[Image:Icon012.gif]] '''''[[Locke]]''''' - ''"A pint does not sound like a bad idea, Sir Locke."''
*'''Longsword''' - An important sword Kaer has used for years.  Time tested to be able to aid his attacking or defending.  It's made of Ademantium.  The sword holds a bit of family history.  Despite his own enhancements to it, the sword remains a treasure and heirloom.
How can anyone truly dislike the drinking Cleric?  Although sometimes seeming careless, Kaer cannot fault him.
*'''Wizardry Supplies:''' Including Material Components, Spellbooks, and Scrolls.
[[Image:Icon012.gif]] '''''[[Mikhal]]''''' - ''"I will try not to call you sir, even though you more than deserve the title."
*'''Rope:''' Used for grapple-hooking as well as constricting the movement of those who need to be restrained.
An interesting fellow, especially due to the half-dragon heritage.  Kaer sees Mikhal in a generally good light.  Although Mikhal seems to follow his own agenda as he pleases, he does not act unjust while he does such.
*'''Grapple Hook:''' Used in conjunction with rope for climbing, as climbing and jumping in armor is hard enough.
[[Image:Icon015.gif]] '''''[[Seremela]]''''' - ''"It does not matter what we may face; I will be your sword and shield, madam."''
*'''Masterwork Artisan Tools:''' Used for forging items of the highest quality.
While their initial relationship was rather strained, what with altering reality and all, the assignment placed on Kaer forced him to keep an eye on the Elven Princess.  As time went on, this began to be less of an obligation of assignment and more like helping a friend.  It is with this current mindset that Kaer continues to travel as one of many willing to protect her.
*'''Masterwork Daggers:''' Simple reagents used for the spell [[Destroy Unreality]], often kept safe within his armor.
[[Image:Icon013.gif]] '''''[[Wren]]''''' - ''"Hello?  Madam, are you there?  You seem to be... standing exactly as I am...  How strange."''
*'''Bag of Holding:''' A bag crafting by his friend [[Aknier]], it was used to frequently hold anything from a small armory of swords to a modest library of books and scrolls.
Regardless of how seemingly spacey Wren is, she has proven to be a competent in a fight, and all around good person.  With those two qualities attributed to her, the enforcer can not fault her.  In fact, he considers her a rather strong ally.  Just an ally who does some questionable things such as throw the unconscious into tortured flames.
'''Retired PCs'''
[[Image:Icon010.gif]] '''''[[Aelis]]''''' - ''May you and your woodland companions fair well, madam."''
== History ==
=== Gaelnic Family Background ===
For those seeking a blade or suit of armor in northern and eastern Riscana, the name Gaelnic would often come up.  The name was associated with a family trade of blacksmithing carried through generation after generation, holding pride in being one of the first to learn some secrets from the dwarves.  While it always remained a relatively small family, the art of the craft was passed from father to eldest son. This tend continued for what could have and must have been thousands of years, until the birth of Sara Gaelnic.
Kaer sees her as an odd one, this oneShe seemed to be the most normal of the group, for some reasonSadly, the image was never gloriously shattered, however Kaer hopes the ranger will be able to rebuild her home city.
The Gaelnic family was always more concerned with keeping their craft top notch then they were with how the equipment was being used.  It was not exactly being concerned with the profits turned, but with knowing that the highest quality weapon was craftedThis changed when Sara Gaelnic was born.  As an only child it was suspected that she would continue to carry the craft, yet even as a young girl she held lofty ideals of right and wrong, and simply selling a weapon to someone who could easily be a crook was something she did not believe in.  A direct result of this was that Sara took up the sword herself, so that if ever there were those who would defile a weapon crafted in her family’s name, she could bring them to justiceAt least, that was initially her motivation.  As she learned the way of the sword, she became attached to the ideals of Dizal.  Eventually, she went on to become a paladin at the young age of sixteen.  After obtaining the title and rank, she began to fight for what she believed to be just, as well as served as a principle protector and leader of the city of Lajournin.
[[Image:Icon010.gif]] '''''[[Arciel]]''''' - ''"Even if you come off as cold, madam, you have an air of professionalism many can dream to obtain."''
All the while, the current head of the Gaelnic family was searching for a way to keep the art alive. Multiple apprentices were taken in, few of them lasting more then a few months.  However from these there was one young man who remained.  Bearing no actual surname from having no family, a young man by the name of Alex trained in the art of blacksmithing for multiple years.  He brought in his own, albeit somewhat limited, knowledge of the arcane to excel, eventually going on to be thought of as the successor to the Gaelnic art.  Conveniently enough, he also had fallen for the current master of the crafting art’s daughter, Sara.  One day, before Sara Gaelnic left on one of her frequent patrols throughout the countryside around Lajournin, Alex confessed to her and also gave her a blade he had been working on for many months.  A longsword which would help her defeat her enemies, yet also serve to protect her from harm.  A few months after her return, the two were wed.  Some years after that, they had a child.  A boy they named Kaer Gaelnic.
Kaer has had few occasions where he worked with Arciel, so he knows little of her or of her past, however they have never been on opposing sides, or seemed to have opposing idealsShe seemed to be strictly business, something Kaer could respect.
=== Early Years ===
Growing up, Kaer stayed mostly within the city of Lajournin.  Neither Sara nor Alex Gaelnic wished to force their child down a path, be it of forging or of swordplay; rather they simply allowed him to learn what he wished to.  Somewhat luckily, as a child Kaer was a sponge to knowledge, quickly learning both of his parents’ specialties, as well as much general knowledgeAll the learning he did as a child caused him to view the world in a somewhat cold, logical fashion.  While he had many of the same beliefs as his mother, he assessed situations based on careful consideration and the likely impacts and results, not putting as much of an emphasis on how it would effect the people it would.
[[Image:Icon007.gif]] '''''[[Dagnir]]''''' - ''"No side is still a side? I shall learn to respect that."''
During this time of learning, Kaer stumbled into a local Library of Lucion. There he found himself able to indulge in all the knowledge he could find, quickly developing a passion for the arcane arts. Neither of his parents objected to this path he undertook, not even if he would have stoped learning what they would teach him themselves.  Even his mother, Paladin of Dizal, held no problem to her son growing into a follower of Lucion.  After all, Kaer held his own sense of right and wrong, and that was all she could ask for.
In part because of his extreme neutrality, this druid bothers KaerProtecting the balance is one thing, yet Dagnir is somewhat perplexingStill, he has proven to be a strong comrade in trying times.
As Kaer grew into a teenager, it became his desire to somehow use this talent for the arcane to work as a bridge to connect the talents he had learned from his parents:  Forging weapons and going into combat with them.  After much study that rapidly improved all three of his disciplines separately, he still remained unable to combine them allFrustration grew as he read various theories, yet was unable to actually apply them to his own styleHe was only able to brush the surface of such a complex merger of spells and swords.
[[Image:Icon006.gif]] '''''[[Mentat]]''''' - ''"...Such a strange one, you were."''
While he was off pondering these ideas, a small crisis occurred one day.  Sara Gaelnic was out of the area and a panicked man came with news of a hostage situation within the nearby forests.  Feeling that it was his obligation to cause this situation to end and that the hostage takers must be brought to justice, he picked up his mother’s sword, hoping she would forgive him for using the weapon, and headed to the forest himself.
Having a limited understanding for the Psionic arts, Kaer was unable to learn much from Mentat.  After multiple lapses in judgment the Psion made, Kaer had growing disliking for the man, although he would not show it towards one assigned to travel with themAs odd as he was, his final departure was equally unusual.
He was greatly outnumbered and barely survived the situation, but still was able to be the victor while only using the weapon, not having an opportunity to use spells at allKaer would later somewhat jokingly but also partially seriously confess the victory as a result of a burning passion for justice.  Regardless of the how, the end result of this was that Kaer was able to make a connection between his disciplines, and began to read, study, and attempt to master the art of a style of fighting known as the “Spellsword.
=== Spellsword and the Enforcers ===
For more years did he devote his time to his studies, the art of forging, the techniques of swordplay, and of course the technique of the spellsword.  Using a rare amount of mythril that his father had acquired, under proper guidance Kaer created the suit of armor and shield he wore for many, many years.  With this armor he was able to fully train in the way of the spellsword.  But to further his training even more, he felt he would need proper guidance and as such went out to seek and find the group of Arcanists he had heard of in passing while he spent his time at the Library of Lucion:  The Enforcers.  He spoke many times over his years in study with a member named Geon; who Kaer knew that if he were able to find him again, he would be able to join the organization, master his art, and also potentially be able to help fight for justice and balance. 
== Present Day ==
As Kaer prepared for his departure from Lajournin to find The Enforcers, his mother stopped him at the door.  Sara Gaelnic’s objective was not to prevent her son from leaving, however, but was to give to him the very blade he used when he made the revelation of the spellsword.  While at first he felt unable to accept such a gift, both his mother and father insisted it was alright.  Further, Sara felt it was time to pass on her combative duties to the younger generationOnce Kaer accepted the longsword, she took a vow of peace, knowing that her son would carry on her legacy as well as forge one of his own with that blade.  She would go on to become a very important leader and figure among the people of Lajournin.
Kaer still travels with the group, although his reason for doing so has changed time and time again.   
He also has not forgotten being tripped over that one time...
After leaving Lajournin at the age of fifteen, Kaer traveled from Library to Library following any lead he could on the location of The Enforcers. After many fruitless moths of searching, Kaer eventually encountered the man he had met before; Geon. One conversation later, Kaer went to travel with the Full Moon Enforcers; ultimately becoming an apprentice of Geon’s to assist in the struggle to maintain balance between reality and unreality.  Even if the primary objective of the Enforcers is to bring balance, Kaer would not forget his roots and would continue to do his missions as an Enforcer, but also fight for what he believed to be just.
Over the next twelve years, Kaer improved all of his arts to an admirable level of skill.  He would stop back at Lajournin every few years to see the state of things, and check on his parents.  Kaer managed to return back to see his father upon his deathbed, vowing to keep the Gaelnic tradition of crafting alive.  A few years after that visit back to Lajournin, Kaer would trip within a particularly trip-able part of the Enforcer base and both cause a large collapsing pile and encounter what could easily be described as his destiny...
=== Travels With The Group ===
(TO BE CONTINUED!  Or at least worked on next.)

Revision as of 08:34, 28 November 2008


General Information

Kaer -- Punishing people in the name of the moon, or some such.

Name: Kaer Gaelnic

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: Nichts (Niente) 18th, 3351

Date of Death: Verdor (Cadere) 32nd, 3399

Classes Known Fighter/Wizard/Spellsword/Eldritch Knight/Fatespinner/Paladin/Divine Emissary

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Lucion, though also following many of the same ideals as Dizal.

Height: 6'2"

Weight: During the travels - 177 lbs without armor, 205 lbs with armor and shield. Lesser after the point he began researching the ethereal until the end of his life.

Build: Muscular, but mostly just enough to wear his armor. Often wearing armor that obscures his build for the most part. More frail as the years waged on him.

Hair: Gray, and medium short length.

Eyes: Steel blue-grayish colour.

Appearance: During the travels - Relatively tall man. Putting aside the gray hair he has a young face. Also wearing a full suit of armor, complete with a shield carried on his back. With sword at his left side, you almost have a cliché knight. After he began his research and put less thought towards his own condition, he had a more exhausted and worn expression. Regardless, he frequently wore the suit of armor he became known with for much of his life.

Personality: Justice loving, spell casting, sword using mageknight. Throughout his travels with his companions he shifted from a more zealous defender of good to one who embodied the concept of justice he so often fought for. For all of Kaer’s life he spoke properly, often using more words then would be needed to explain things. He also would use titles such as “Sir” or “Madam” for nearly everyone.

Religious Ideals: What his ideals of following the gods eventually became could be described by the words Balance and Redemption. Balance of unreality in the world, and a balance of making sure that evil and chaos do not run rampant. Redemption for those who do wrong, no matter what.


During his travels, the following items were almost always carried on Kaer’s person.

  • Mythril Full-Plate - Strong armor used for defending. It also is light [comfy] and easier to cast in [wear]. Includes Gauntlets.
  • Shield - A light shield that would have no hindrance to his casting abilities. He eventually reached a skill level where the material of which the shield was composed of did not impact his spell casting capabilities.
  • Longsword - An important sword Kaer has used for years. Time tested to be able to aid his attacking or defending. It's made of Ademantium. The sword holds a bit of family history. Despite his own enhancements to it, the sword remains a treasure and heirloom.
  • Wizardry Supplies: Including Material Components, Spellbooks, and Scrolls.
  • Rope: Used for grapple-hooking as well as constricting the movement of those who need to be restrained.
  • Grapple Hook: Used in conjunction with rope for climbing, as climbing and jumping in armor is hard enough.
  • Masterwork Artisan Tools: Used for forging items of the highest quality.
  • Masterwork Daggers: Simple reagents used for the spell Destroy Unreality, often kept safe within his armor.
  • Bag of Holding: A bag crafting by his friend Aknier, it was used to frequently hold anything from a small armory of swords to a modest library of books and scrolls.


Gaelnic Family Background

For those seeking a blade or suit of armor in northern and eastern Riscana, the name Gaelnic would often come up. The name was associated with a family trade of blacksmithing carried through generation after generation, holding pride in being one of the first to learn some secrets from the dwarves. While it always remained a relatively small family, the art of the craft was passed from father to eldest son. This tend continued for what could have and must have been thousands of years, until the birth of Sara Gaelnic.

The Gaelnic family was always more concerned with keeping their craft top notch then they were with how the equipment was being used. It was not exactly being concerned with the profits turned, but with knowing that the highest quality weapon was crafted. This changed when Sara Gaelnic was born. As an only child it was suspected that she would continue to carry the craft, yet even as a young girl she held lofty ideals of right and wrong, and simply selling a weapon to someone who could easily be a crook was something she did not believe in. A direct result of this was that Sara took up the sword herself, so that if ever there were those who would defile a weapon crafted in her family’s name, she could bring them to justice. At least, that was initially her motivation. As she learned the way of the sword, she became attached to the ideals of Dizal. Eventually, she went on to become a paladin at the young age of sixteen. After obtaining the title and rank, she began to fight for what she believed to be just, as well as served as a principle protector and leader of the city of Lajournin.

All the while, the current head of the Gaelnic family was searching for a way to keep the art alive. Multiple apprentices were taken in, few of them lasting more then a few months. However from these there was one young man who remained. Bearing no actual surname from having no family, a young man by the name of Alex trained in the art of blacksmithing for multiple years. He brought in his own, albeit somewhat limited, knowledge of the arcane to excel, eventually going on to be thought of as the successor to the Gaelnic art. Conveniently enough, he also had fallen for the current master of the crafting art’s daughter, Sara. One day, before Sara Gaelnic left on one of her frequent patrols throughout the countryside around Lajournin, Alex confessed to her and also gave her a blade he had been working on for many months. A longsword which would help her defeat her enemies, yet also serve to protect her from harm. A few months after her return, the two were wed. Some years after that, they had a child. A boy they named Kaer Gaelnic.

Early Years

Growing up, Kaer stayed mostly within the city of Lajournin. Neither Sara nor Alex Gaelnic wished to force their child down a path, be it of forging or of swordplay; rather they simply allowed him to learn what he wished to. Somewhat luckily, as a child Kaer was a sponge to knowledge, quickly learning both of his parents’ specialties, as well as much general knowledge. All the learning he did as a child caused him to view the world in a somewhat cold, logical fashion. While he had many of the same beliefs as his mother, he assessed situations based on careful consideration and the likely impacts and results, not putting as much of an emphasis on how it would effect the people it would.

During this time of learning, Kaer stumbled into a local Library of Lucion. There he found himself able to indulge in all the knowledge he could find, quickly developing a passion for the arcane arts. Neither of his parents objected to this path he undertook, not even if he would have stoped learning what they would teach him themselves. Even his mother, Paladin of Dizal, held no problem to her son growing into a follower of Lucion. After all, Kaer held his own sense of right and wrong, and that was all she could ask for.

As Kaer grew into a teenager, it became his desire to somehow use this talent for the arcane to work as a bridge to connect the talents he had learned from his parents: Forging weapons and going into combat with them. After much study that rapidly improved all three of his disciplines separately, he still remained unable to combine them all. Frustration grew as he read various theories, yet was unable to actually apply them to his own style. He was only able to brush the surface of such a complex merger of spells and swords.

While he was off pondering these ideas, a small crisis occurred one day. Sara Gaelnic was out of the area and a panicked man came with news of a hostage situation within the nearby forests. Feeling that it was his obligation to cause this situation to end and that the hostage takers must be brought to justice, he picked up his mother’s sword, hoping she would forgive him for using the weapon, and headed to the forest himself.

He was greatly outnumbered and barely survived the situation, but still was able to be the victor while only using the weapon, not having an opportunity to use spells at all. Kaer would later somewhat jokingly but also partially seriously confess the victory as a result of a burning passion for justice. Regardless of the how, the end result of this was that Kaer was able to make a connection between his disciplines, and began to read, study, and attempt to master the art of a style of fighting known as the “Spellsword.”

Spellsword and the Enforcers

For more years did he devote his time to his studies, the art of forging, the techniques of swordplay, and of course the technique of the spellsword. Using a rare amount of mythril that his father had acquired, under proper guidance Kaer created the suit of armor and shield he wore for many, many years. With this armor he was able to fully train in the way of the spellsword. But to further his training even more, he felt he would need proper guidance and as such went out to seek and find the group of Arcanists he had heard of in passing while he spent his time at the Library of Lucion: The Enforcers. He spoke many times over his years in study with a member named Geon; who Kaer knew that if he were able to find him again, he would be able to join the organization, master his art, and also potentially be able to help fight for justice and balance.

As Kaer prepared for his departure from Lajournin to find The Enforcers, his mother stopped him at the door. Sara Gaelnic’s objective was not to prevent her son from leaving, however, but was to give to him the very blade he used when he made the revelation of the spellsword. While at first he felt unable to accept such a gift, both his mother and father insisted it was alright. Further, Sara felt it was time to pass on her combative duties to the younger generation. Once Kaer accepted the longsword, she took a vow of peace, knowing that her son would carry on her legacy as well as forge one of his own with that blade. She would go on to become a very important leader and figure among the people of Lajournin.

After leaving Lajournin at the age of fifteen, Kaer traveled from Library to Library following any lead he could on the location of The Enforcers. After many fruitless moths of searching, Kaer eventually encountered the man he had met before; Geon. One conversation later, Kaer went to travel with the Full Moon Enforcers; ultimately becoming an apprentice of Geon’s to assist in the struggle to maintain balance between reality and unreality. Even if the primary objective of the Enforcers is to bring balance, Kaer would not forget his roots and would continue to do his missions as an Enforcer, but also fight for what he believed to be just.

Over the next twelve years, Kaer improved all of his arts to an admirable level of skill. He would stop back at Lajournin every few years to see the state of things, and check on his parents. Kaer managed to return back to see his father upon his deathbed, vowing to keep the Gaelnic tradition of crafting alive. A few years after that visit back to Lajournin, Kaer would trip within a particularly trip-able part of the Enforcer base and both cause a large collapsing pile and encounter what could easily be described as his destiny...

Travels With The Group

(TO BE CONTINUED! Or at least worked on next.)

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