Compensatory Narcissistic Personality Type

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We hope that the Inventive Personality Type will become a part of the Creative Commons.







Character Strengths and Virtues

  1. Originality, Artistry, Culture, Inquisitiveness, Boldness, Spontaneity, Creativity, Humorousness, Wittiness.
  2. Refinement, Idealism.
  3. Cheerfulness, Confidence, Self-Esteem, Hope, Joyfulness, Sociability, Tactfulness.
  4. Discipline, Earnestness.
  5. Diligence, Industriousness, Energy, Attentiveness, Persistence, Perseverance, Purposefulness, Enthusiasm.
  6. Judiciousness, Alertness, Rationality, Intelligence, Resourcefulness.
  7. Firmness, Tenacity, Independence.
  8. Tidiness, Cleanness, Orderliness, Meticulousness.
  9. Courtesy, politeness, Equitableness.
  10. Generosity, Liberality

Traits or Behaviors


Real World


Management Style






Good/Bad Matches


admiration, recognition, approval, attention, perfection, always being at one's best, identity, image, status, prestige, success, triumph, greatness, genius, stardom, fame, glory, wealth, inventiveness, cleverness, mockery, innovativeness, imagination, intellectualism, romanticism, stylishness, independence, being one-up, trust, autonomy, initiative, industry, intimacy, generativity, high hopes, high expectations


disfavor, obscurity, anonymity, failure, role confusion, anybody getting ahead of you, poverty, being thought inferior, being low in the pecking order, being one-down, dependence, imperfection, poor performance, negative reactions from others, critical judgments of others, evaluation by others, disapproval, being inadequate, being deficient, poor health, mistrust, shame and doubt, guilt, inferiority, isolation, stagnation, low hopes, low expectations,

Noteworthy Examples

James M. Barrie, Charles Baudelaire, L. Frank Baum, Julius Gaius Caesar, Truman Capote, Jimmy Carter, Kate Chopin, Richard Dawkins, "Helene Deutsch", Michael Douglas, John Edwards, Erik H. Erikson, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Michael J. Fox, Rosalind Franklin, Harry Potter, Mick Jagger, Julian Jaynes, George A. Kelly, Clare Booth Luce, Madonna, Christopher Marlowe, W. Somerset Maugham, Colin McGinn, Demi Moore, Bill Murray, Reinhold Niebuhr, Ross Perot, Peter Pan, Rick Pitino, Edgar Allan Poe, Dan Quayle, J.K. Rowling, Pat Sajak, Tom Sawyer, Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen, Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Socrates, Meryl Streep, Barbra Streisand, Harry S Truman, Mark Twain, Paul Twitchell, Andy Warhol, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tom Wolfe.


John M. Oldham and Lois B. Morris (1995). The New Personality Self-Portrait: Why You Think, Work, Love and Act the Way You Do. New York: Bantam.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. It uses material from PTypes Personality Types.

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