Sadistic Personality Type

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We hope that the Aggressive Personality Type will become a part of the Creative Commons.







Character Strengths and Virtues

  1. Disposition to command, disposition to dominate, leadership, strength, powerfulness, authoritativeness, responsibleness.
  2. Orderliness, conservatism.
  3. Discipline, self-control, self-restraint, craftiness, shrewdness, benevolence, protectiveness, generosity, liberality.
  4. Purposefulness, goal-directedness, expediency, practicality, pragmatism, disposition to achieve, disposition to accomplish, productiveness.
  5. Bravery, fearlessness, fortitude, toughness.
  6. Energy, activeness, aggressiveness, adventurousness, assertiveness, confidence, competitiveness.

Traits or Behaviors


power, being boss, dominating others, leadership, command, control, strength, competence, responsibilities, control of groups, fighting battles, confidence, taking responsibility, authority, hierarchical structures, being in charge, discipline, rules of order, expedience, goals, accomplishing objectives, getting the job done, success, action, adventure, asserting oneself physically, competition, competitive sports, winning, conflict, knowing how to take, use, manipulate, and keep power, sex, excitement of the win to come, combat, violence, sense of purpose,


Noteworthy Examples


John M. Oldham and Lois B. Morris (1995). The New Personality Self-Portrait: Why You Think, Work, Love and Act the Way You Do. New York: Bantam.

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