Rebuilding Rya

From Psycho Bonus Stage

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Psycho BS Episode ?

Having been reanimated several weeks ago, Rya enlists the aid of Joel and Phil to build her a new body. Rubyrulez gets a surprise visit from his own folk.

Characters (in order of appearance): Psychosis, Rubyrulez, Hagurumon, Munchy, Rex, Joel, Phil, Rya, YoYo Mom, Yata-Garasu, Dingodile, Jinzo



(Fade in to Xover House, refurbished. Jazz music plays, and Psychosis is facing the camera, with a glass of fizzy black liquid. Short pause. Cut to an hour later. The music is slowing down rapidly, and Psychosis is asleep. Long pause. The music stops completely. The lights go out, except that of the programmed sun. Another pause. Rubyrulez pops up.)


(opening credits)

(For no reason at all, the same scene plays over again, however some more footage is shown. After Ruby says Hello, Hagurumon pops in from offscreen.)




RUBYRULEZ: Oh...kay...



(Suddenly, the TRR theme starts to play, with video. Cut back to the previous scene, but in TRR style)

(Psychosis wakes up)

PSYCHOSIS: What's going on guys?

RUBYRULEZ: Hey Psychosis. We just got here.

HAGURUMON: I had to do an emergency Valentine's show for a few days.

(Munchy and Rex appear with a 'poofy' )

REX: There you are, Ruby. We've been looking all over Sonnet Town for you!

RUBYRULEZ: Um...didn't you see the note in my bedroom?

MUNCHY: We didn't dare. We thought you'd kill us.

RUBYRULEZ: Huh? Why would I kill you? That's dumb!

PSYCHOSIS: Uh...Ruby? What's going on?

REX: Who's he?

HAGURUMON: Who are they?

(Cut to Joel and Phil's house in proper BS style. Joel is looking out the window with Xray Binoculars.)

JOEL: Who are they?

PHIL: Who cares.

(Rya enters the room, clutching her stomach and looking a bit old.)

RYA: Guys, I really don't feel too well.

(Joel and Phil immediately appear at her sides. Joel picks her up and carries her to the lab while Phil follows, with a sad face.)

RYA: Huh? Wha...what's going on, Joel?

JOEL: Well remember when you came back from the dead in that action packed adventure?

RYA: Sure...?

JOEL: The reanimation spell or whatever is starting to wear off, so here's what we're going to do. We're going to turn you back into a robot, backup your database, build you a new body, put the database back in, and turn you back to human.

RYA: You'd do all this for me?

(Phil, Joel and Rya reach Joel's Lab. Joel lays her down on a convenient space on the lab table.)

PHIL: Sure Rya, you know we--

JOEL: You.

PHIL: Whatever. --we care about you.

RYA: Oh, that's sweet. (smiles, then coughs)

(Cut back to Xover House. Mandy has arrived and is wierded out by the argument going on: Rex and Munchy vs Rubyrulez)

REX: You said you would take us on a vacation some day!

RUBYRULEZ: This isn't a vacation! We're guest characters in Bonus Stage.

MUNCHY: You still could have invited us.

(Mandy steps in to help Ruby)

MANDY: Hey! There's five of us, and he just managed to get picked.


REX: Hey Ruby, what happened to Georgia?

(Mandy and Ruby become shocked)

RUBYRULEZ: That...that's still going okay. She's just one of the people helping.

(Black screen. Cut to the outside of Joel's house, with the TRR music. Cut to inside the treehouse, where Joel is setting up his bedroom, muttering angrily.)

JOEL: Stupid Phil, thinks he can just kick me kick-boxing. Well I can't stand this! (collapses to his knees) What the hell have I done to deserve this! Huh? (looks out window)

(Cut to the street. Yo yo Mom is walking down the street, with Yata-Garasu on his shoulder. Dingodile and Jinzo are with him.)

DINGODILE: So I don't know why he left us behind...maybe they had better things to do.

YO YO MOM: Maybe.. But they have a big adventure ahead of them, just like we do.

JINZO: Exactly.


YO YO MOM: I don't get it. Talking animals?

DINGODILE: 'Cept for the bird.

JINZO: Kazooie can talk!

DINGODILE: The raven, dummy.

YO YO MOM: Raven's a human, of course she can talk!

DINGODILE: The bird on your shoulder...

YO YO MOM: Oh...oops.

DINGODILE: Eh, never mind.

(Joel does a running jump onto the roof of Phil's house, does a high jump and lands in front of them.)

JOEL: Who are you guys?

YOYO MOM: Hey...the name' yo Mom.

JOEL:'re a guy.

DINGODILE: Dingodile's the name, mate.

JINZO: Name's Jinzo.


PHIL: (faint, offscreen) Who are those guys?

(Joel looks slightly scared, and disappears to the backyard. Cut to Phil, alone with Rya in Joel's lab.)

PHIL: Arr, fine, Joel, come in and fix her up.

(On cue, Joel enters the room.)

JOEL: Alright, lets start working.

(The battle in Xover House has subsided a major bit. Rubyrulez is now conversing with Munchy and Rex on the couch.)

MUNCHY: So all these guys are your friends?

RUBYRULEZ: Yeah, basically. There's another guy, but we don't like him as much...but we deal with it.

REX: What about the others?

(Pan to Psychosis, playing something on his laptop. Pan to Mandy, who is brushing her hair. Pan to Hagurumon, being carried off by rehab men. Pan back to Ruby, Munchy and Rex.)

RUBYRULEZ: They're all my friends. Including you guys back home. So don't worry.

REX: If you say so...(looks at arm) Gotta go Ruby, we're late...for...something...(disappears with Munchy)

PSYCHOSIS: What was that all about?

RUBYRULEZ: Before doing this cartoon thing, I was in another cartoon. Those are my friends in the other cartoon.

MANDY: Okay.

PSYCHOSIS: Nice to know.

(Cut to Joel, Phil and Rya (who is now a deactivated robot) in Joel's lab.)

JOEL: The next part is not for amateurs, so Phil, scram. (shoots Phil with non-existant shotgun, he is pushed out of the room)

(Joel starts tinkering with Rya. Cut to YoYo, Dingodile, Jinzo and Yata-Garasu at Xover House.)

YOYO MOM: Is this it?

DINGODILE: Yep, the paper says it is.

JINZO: Then shall we go in?

YOYO: Hold on. We were told to wait for Clan.

JINZO: Let's just go in now.

DINGODILE: Yeah mate, we'd just be like, two steps away.

YOYO: Oh, fine...

(Cut to inside Xover house.)

JINZO: See? That wasn't so hard.

YOYO: I guess, I just wanted to be where Clan--

MANDY: (angrily and quickly) WhosaidClan?

DINGODILE: Calm down mate, it's just a new guy.


YOYO: The name's Yo Yo Mom...

PSYCHOSIS: ...Right...

YOYO: Just call me Yoyo.


MANDY: Are you affiliated with Clan?

YOYO: Umm, kinda--

(The sound of a door slamming is heard and Mandy disappears.)

YOYO: What did I say?

YATA: Caw!

RUBYRULEZ: She hates Clan, is all.

DINGODILE: Excuse me. (everyone looks at Dingodile) Yata-Garasu just told me that Clan's here.


PSYCHOSIS: The bird can talk?

RUBYRULEZ: Clan's here?


(The door opens and Clan steps in.)

CLAN: Hey peeps.

(Mandy steps back into the room.)

MANDY: Is it over--AHH!

(Clan grabs Mandy.)

CLAN: How are ya, girlfriend--


(Everytime Mandy says no, she hits Clan with various objects. She then walks to the position furthest from Clan.)

MANDY: I'll be over at Phil and Joel's place, k?

(Cut to Joel's lab, where Phil, Joel and a new female - supposedly Rya - wearing her old clothes are standing by idly.)

PHIL: You look different.

JOEL: Well, duh! She's a new person...with the memory of the old one.

RYA: Well, in any case, thanks for helping me.

JOEL: Anything for a fellow Bonus Stager. Two.

PHIL: (looks at Joel threateningly) And that concludes your stay in my house. Get out.


(Phil takes a shotgun from a cupboard and forces Joel out of the room. Phil moves very close to the camera, facing it. Pause.)

PHIL: And the episode.

(end credits)

Fun Facts


  • This season will contain ten episodes written by one person, and two by the whole group.
  • Joel seems to have got it in his head that Phil would kill him if he saw Joel.
  • This is the first episode where YoYoMom and Yata-Garasu have been seen.

Real World References

  • Munchy and Rex are characters from one of the contributors' own cartoons.
  • Kazooie is one of the protagonists in the Banjo-Kazooie Series.
  • Raven is a member of the Teen Titans.
  • The line "You said you'd take us on a vacation" is a reference to the TRR episode Weekend Getaway.


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