Legends Episode Guide

From Pokemon The Lento Saga

Revision as of 07:00, 18 January 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

This is a list of the Pokemon: Lento Legends Episodes. There are a total of 52 Episodes, with 27 already released, and 25 remaining.

Title/Synopsis Text Audio
#1: Homeward Bound Here Not Yet
#2: Lento Me a Hand Here Not Yet
#3: Here Today, Gonbe Tomorrow Here Not Yet
#4: The Great Gym Caper Here Not Yet
#5: Keep on Moving Bunon! Here Not Yet
#6: Metapod Madness! Here Not Yet
#7: A Different A-Poach Here Not Yet
#8: Go On, Bunon Here Not Yet
#9: Single, Double, Trinple Here Not Yet
#10: Sparry Me Some Dignity! Here Not Yet

More Soon...

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