Legacies Episode Guide

From Pokemon The Lento Saga

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| [[Legacies 15|#15: Enter Kirlia! Sarah's Sixth Pokemon?!]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''
| [[Legacies 15|#15: Enter Kirlia! Sarah's Sixth Pokemon?!]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''
| [[Legacies 16|#16: Sunflora and the Grassy Mountain!]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''
| [[Legacies 17|#17: Bluerock City Arrival! Ash vs. Leader Roland! (1)]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''
| [[Legacies 18|#18: Double Battle Continues! Tough Fight Against The Pebled Pair! (2)]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''
| [[Legacies 19|#19: Tough Training! Good Luck Sarah!]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''
| [[Legacies 20|#20: Training Battle! Two Evolutions?!]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''
| [[Legacies 21|#21: TBD]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''
| [[Legacies 22|#22: Begin Preliminaries! Bluerock Club Battle Tournament!]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''
| [[Lento Movie 2|Movie: Sinister Big City, Furrouse!]] || '''Not Yet''' || '''Not Yet'''

Current revision as of 01:40, 2 March 2006

Title/Synopsis Text Audio
#1: Base Town Clash! Team Evil vs. Team Rocket!(2) Not Yet Not Yet
#2: Mountainside Race! Bunon's Speed! Not Yet Not Yet
#3: Shining Cubone! Another Sarah Capture! Not Yet Not Yet
#4: Raindeer and the Unforgiving Drought! Not Yet Not Yet
#5: Ash's Brand New Sprouty! Not Yet Not Yet
#6: Egg City! Lily's Breeding Center! Not Yet Not Yet
#7: Tough Baby Pokemon! Lily and the Egg Badge! || Not Yet || Not Yet
#8: Secret Treasures off The Egg Coast! Not Yet Not Yet
#9: Dragin! Fly Away Toward the Sun! Not Yet Not Yet
#10: Bonsly! Daring Rescue in the Storm! Not Yet Not Yet
#11: Enter Clair! Mystery of the Missing President! Not Yet Not Yet
#12: Ash's Mystery Training! Not Yet Not Yet
#13: Burnbal Evolves?! Tikiburn's Burning Passion! Not Yet Not Yet
#14: Travel Town! Evil Attack at the Skyrail! Not Yet Not Yet
#15: Enter Kirlia! Sarah's Sixth Pokemon?! Not Yet Not Yet
#16: Sunflora and the Grassy Mountain! Not Yet Not Yet
#17: Bluerock City Arrival! Ash vs. Leader Roland! (1) Not Yet Not Yet
#18: Double Battle Continues! Tough Fight Against The Pebled Pair! (2) Not Yet Not Yet
#19: Tough Training! Good Luck Sarah! Not Yet Not Yet
#20: Training Battle! Two Evolutions?! Not Yet Not Yet
#21: TBD Not Yet Not Yet
#22: Begin Preliminaries! Bluerock Club Battle Tournament! Not Yet Not Yet
Movie: Sinister Big City, Furrouse! Not Yet Not Yet
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