Legends Episode Guide

From Pokemon Lento Saga

Revision as of 17:32, 28 September 2006 by Rubyrulez (Talk | contribs)

This is a list of the Pokemon: Lento Legends Episodes. There are a total of 52 Episodes, with 33 already released, and 19 remaining.

Title/Synopsis Text Audio
SP00: Team Rocket vs. Team Rocket Not Released as Text Here
#1: Homeward Bound Here Not Yet
#2: Lento Me a Hand Here Not Yet
SP01: May, Max and Brock! Pewter City Arrival Soon Not Yet
#3: Here Today, Gonbe Tomorrow Here Not Yet
#4: The Great Gym Caper Here Not Yet
#5: Keep on Moving Bunon! Here Not Yet
#6: Metapod Madness! Here Not Yet
#7: A Different A-Poach Here Not Yet
#8: Go On, Bunon Here Not Yet
#9: Single, Double, Trinple Here Not Yet
#10: Sparry Me Some Dignity! Here Not Yet
#11: That Warm and Darkfuzz-y Feeling! Here Not Yet
#12: Freaky Fan Day! Here Not Yet
#13: Mad About Lotad! Here Not Yet
#14: What's Up Dock? Here Not Yet
#15: Bubbler Blower Here Not Yet
#16: Leaflet Alone Here Not Yet
#17: Bummed Out! Here Not Yet
#18: A Conventional Problem Here Not Yet
#19: Third Time's The Charmander! Here Not Yet
#20: For Pinsir or Worse! Here Not Yet
#21: Let the Good Times Roll Here Not Yet
#22: A Regular Predicament Here Not Yet
#23: Hit Me Up! Here Not Yet
#24: A Farce to be Reckoned With Here Not Yet
#25: Puppy Power! Here Not Yet
#26: Right Into My Trapinch! Here Not Yet
#27: A Rival Rebuttal! Here Not Yet
#28: Starter Me Up! Here Not Yet
#29: Rain, Rain Go Away! Here Not Yet
#30: A Seedy Will Sprouty! Here Not Yet
Movie: Pokemon: The Lento Legends Movie Here Not Yet
#31: A Treelet Grows in Lento Here Not Yet
#32: Dock and Roll Here Not Yet
#33: Just Deserts! Here Not Yet
#34: Legendary Mess! Not Yet Not Yet
#35: Fight for the Flare! Not Yet Not Yet
#36: Steve in the Sky With Diamonds Not Yet Not Yet
#37: Water We Waiting For? Not Yet Not Yet
#38: The Fight From Within... Not Yet Not Yet
#39: Fuzzen Beyond All Reason Not Yet Not Yet
#40: Cruisin' For A Bruisin' Not Yet Not Yet
#41: Ash vs. Mysterious Ghost Trainer Phoebe! Not Yet Not Yet
#42: Phoebe and Smokey! Ash and the Elite Team! Not Yet Not Yet
#43: Murky Swamp! Catch Frogby! Not Yet Not Yet
#44: Rockbay Town! Snap and the Silver Graveler Legend Not Yet Not Yet
#45: Bouldon and the Rockbay Outskirts! Not Yet Not Yet
#46: The Silver Graveler Enters! Dangerous Photo Opportunity! Not Yet Not Yet
#47: A Water Pokemon Stage Show?! Not Yet Not Yet
#48: Ash vs. Sarah Again?! Large Training Battle! Not Yet Not Yet
#49: Ironshape Enters! Find the Way Home! Not Yet Not Yet
#50: Dangerous Forest! Separated and Lost! Not Yet Not Yet
#51: Frogby vs. Bunon! Question of Trust Not Yet Not Yet
#52: Base Town Clash! Team Evil vs. Team Rocket! (1) Not Yet Not Yet
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