Chronicles 2/Episode 0

From Pokemon Lento Saga

Revision as of 22:44, 17 September 2006 by Rubyrulez (Talk | contribs)


After a recent blast off, Team Rocket lands in the middle of a forest. Jessie insists that they go after Ash and his friends once more, to which James and Meowth agree. After a little while of walking, Meowth begins to complain about how tired he is, and James insists they rest. Jessie yells at them, saying that they can't rest.

Meanwhile, Cassidy and Butch are walking around the same forest, looking for Pokemon they can give to Giovanni. Butch is confused as to why Giovanni wants them to catch wild Pokemon, as is Cassidy. They then run into Rattata. Butch is wary to catch the Rattata, but Cassidy reminds him that they have to bring Giovanni whatever they can find.

She calls out her Houndour, and orders a Flamethrower. Houndour fires at Rattata, scoring a direct hit. Cassidy pulls out an empty Pokeball and errantly tosses it, hitting Jessie in the face. Jessie and James then get into an argument with Cassidy and Butch over whether or not they failed their Hoenn mission. Jessie states that they caused the downfall of Team Magma and Team Aqua, but Cassidy just laughs at this. Outraged, Jessie challenges Cassidy and Butch to a Pokemon battle, which they accept. James and Meowth insist that Jessie reconsider, but she sticks by her word. After Cassidy and Butch leave, Jessie states that their is training to be done.

In another part of the forest, Jessie sends out her Seviper, and orders it to use Poison Tail. Seviper slices a moderately large branch right off a nearby tree. James is amazed by this, while Meowth is not surprised that Seviper has gotten so strong. James gets excited and releases his Cacnea, who hugs James upon coming out of the Pokeball. James is frustrated by this, but orders a Pin Missle. Cacnea complies, and shoots off an extremely powerful Pin Missle. James expresses his surprise at how much better Cacnea has gotten.

A while later, Jessie and James face off against Cassidy and Butch. They agree on a Tag Battle, with each participant using one Pokemon each. Jessie and Cassidy share some trash talk before Cassidy sends out Houndour and Butch sends out Hitmontop. Jessie and James then send out Seviper and Cacnea.

Houndour leads off with Tackle, while Jessie has Seviper counter with Poison Tail, which causes damage to Houndour. Butch calls for a Rapid Spin and James calls for Needle Arm. Htimontop gets the first hit in, however, and Cacnea is in a lot of pain. Houndour then uses a Flamethrower on Seviper, causing it pain. Cassidy and Butch gloat about their good fortune. Jessie and James order their Pokemon to attack, which Houndour dodges. Hitmontop then hits them both with Rolling Kick, nearly knocking them out.

After being offered to give up by Cassidy, Jessie and James decline. Cacnea then evolves to Cacturne. Cassidy just laughs this off, but Cacturne's Needle Arm causes Hitmontop to faint. Cacturne and Houndour go at each other head-on with Needle Arm and Ember, which causes an explosion, sending each group blasting off.

Jessie, James and Meowth land far away, upset that they were evenly matched with Cassidy and Butch. James states that there's always room for improvement, while Meowth notices the twerps walking along the road. Jessie, James and Meowth then decide to follow after them once more.


  • James's Cacnea evolves into Cacturne.


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