Zebediah Zane
From Pirate Bitch
Zebediah Zane invented media studies. He was the lead programmer on Adobe Premier and only pretends to get frustrated by it. In actuality he is just demonstrating the acting skills that have made him famous the world across.
He is the hero of Garald S Kirk, Rob Paterson and Leonardo Mace.
Zebediah forecast the weather once. Unfortunately he got it wrong and many Glenns drowned.
Recent conflicts
He was recently drawn into a confrontation by a Jabba the Hutt lookalike. He said to her Stop eating food and she replied "Roar! Ho, Ho, Ho! Ki chuba du naga! Feck orf!".
Zebediah then said "Get AHHHHHHT!" and drew his lightsaber. Being a master of the force he is somewhat comparable to Yoda, although he is much taller, isn't green and doesn't live in a swamp.