Pirate Bitch!
From Pirate Bitch
Pirate Bitch! is a planned album and tour extravaganza around the theme of Piratey deeds. The album will incorperate all aspects of pirate life and Nathan Page has assured critics that an authentic pirate sound will be developed, the recording studio is even on a large piratey frigate. The tour will obviously feature costumes, with both fans and band alike donning pirate garb and dancing like they were really sailing on those salty oceans of love. The band have also bandered around the concept of burying treasure someplace and leaving hints and coded maps at their gigs, the lucky fan who finds said chest gets a wealth of items, rumoured to be pictures of Count Nicholaus Watson naked and bearing all his cubely delights.
The album is currently in recording. Asked if it was nearly complete, Captain Rob Paterson simply replied 'Arghh'.
The track listing has been released as follows:
1. Avast Ye Scoundrels, Let's Get Naked!
2. Motherlovin' Sea Beastie ('Tis a Kraken!!)
4. Full to Starboard, and Give Me Some Port!
5. The Count, The Harpoon and Moby Dick
6. Rum, Rum, Rum, Rum, Rum, Rum
7. I Draw My Pistol, You Shall Not Last (Longer than Nathan Page in a Sleeping Bag)
8. Sex on The Seven Seas (I Like Your Cutlass Long and Hard)
9. Captain Garald and the Salty Sea Wench of Unfulfilled Love and Lust