
From Ouroboros

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Masks dwell in the frost of Moch. They are a species of large, predatory creatures sharing several attributes with the earthly gorilla. They are found rarely on their home world, and, very rarely, found in the arctic regions of Terr. They have a thick layer of white fur which provides warmth and camoflauge.



Masks have small, irredescent, multifasceted eyes, which are believed to see based on heat. However, the limitations of the eyes, due to their multifasceting, are quite large, and Masks can rarely detect prey beyond fourty feet. Of course, that's generally farther than something which is blinded by the thick fog can.

Also of note is the Masks digestive tract, which is capable of consuming the tiny mammals it consumes for periods of up to one week. Throughout this entire time, the Mask is fully energized and capable of moving. A Mask can survive for weeks on end without any food in it's stomach. It is commonly believed that Masks generally waiting nature is a consequence of a limited energy supply brought on by their slow but efficient digestive track.

The Mask brain is comparable in size to that of a wolf. It is capable of planning ahead, creating tactics and such, but has little to no ability to alter it's environment to it's advantage.

Bone Structures

Masks have large forearms, which, if they were not already strong and well equipped for combat, would be a valid attack form. At the end of their forearms is not an arm, but rather a massive hook. This is their primary combat weapon, and also a method of locomotion. They can walk along on the rounded edge of the hook, with some minor support from their back legs, and they can also scale the occasional icy peak of their world.

They also have large frontal teeth, which they use to rip and tear slain prey. They frontal teeth are not a valid form of attack and are never used to bite down into living prey since they can fairly easily break by doing so. Since Masks never have baby teeth nor do they grow a new set, they must be careful not to consume still flailing prey.

External Appearance

Masks have a thick (one inch or longer) coat of white (tinted slightly blue) fur. This provides them with both limited protection from enemies, camoflauge and an easy method of keeping their heat inside.


Sexual Content Warning: Minor, nongraphical sexual content may be found below. The original author believes it does not include detailed descriptions, but it does include generalizations which some might find disgusting. Do not read past this if you may be offended.

Masks have sexual organs similar to, but distinct from, those found on Terr. Firstly, the male genetalia are generally enlongated and, when erect, can be moved like a tentacle (albeit only out to a couple of feet). Secondly, the female genetalia is covered up by a thick layer of fur, which forms a mouth-like shape around the genetalia. When a male Mask attempts to mate with a female, it must either force it's way into the genetalia (a difficult task to do without killing the mate) or be found to be desirable and the female genetalia opens.

Sexual Content Ends Here

After mating, the female generally tries to kill the tired male, and oftentimes succeeds. Those male Masks that avoid such a fate are rare and far between, though rational thought should say that they will become the dominant type of male. However, such an evolution in genetics will take a very, very long time considering the scarcity of Masks.

Once the female's pregnancy is complete, the child is born in an encased egg. Such eggs are buried underneath the soil, while others are placed in crevices in the icey cliffs. To be general, such eggs are well-hidden.


Social Order

Masks are solitary predators. On the rare occasion that a Mask encounters another Mask, it will either try to kill it (in the case of two same-sex Masks encountering eachother), mate with it (in the case of males encountering viable, desirable females), or mate with it and then kill it (in the case of females encountering viable, desirable males). No packs or groups of Masks exist.

Hunting Style

Masks normally hunt by lying in wait. A Mask that has laid it's trap will sit patiently until prey comes nearby, then shoot out and attack it. Such Masks can wait for days, even weeks before moving. The prefered location for such a trap is generally cliff edges, which it clings to with it's hooks.

More rarely, Masks hunt by simple wandering. Creatures that are within it's radius will be mercilessly killed and consumed. This is, to all who have seen it, described as one of the sickest things they have ever had to observe. The sheer cold rage with which the Mask moves is difficult to describe, but it is truly disgusting. Masks generally resort to this only when they have been starved in their present trapping area.

Masks in Society

Masks are the largest creature that lives on Moch, and they're the largest by a long shot. Though they stand a good eight or nine feet on their own, the second largest creature is skinny rodent similar to the earthly ferret about one foot long.

Masks are, rarely, domesticated, generally by mages who prefer to be left alone. To do such, they must (unless they live in the arctic regions) make magical alterations to allow them to live in the ordinary realm, which of course turn them into paramasks.

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