Avlis Persistence System

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Author: ???

Source: NWNX Site

Introduction - What does APS/NWNX ODBC2 do?

APS is a set of scripts written for Neverwinter Nights that work with NWNX2 to produce reliable persistence in a module. At the heart of the APS is an include file that lists a number of custom made functions for governing persistence. These functions can be used as is in your module or changed to suit your needs.

Whenever a script work with persistent data, it calls our APS functions and the Extender pulls the query out of the memory of the NWN server. It then passes it to the database, and writes the result of the query back into the memory of the server. The database has been tested with MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgresSQL, Microsoft Access, and the internal SQL database engine so far. Conceivably, any database with a decent ODBC driver will work.

We have included a demo module that illustrates how to use APS/NWNX ODBC2 and makes creating the database tables easy, and a second module demonstrating how persistent containers could be implemented.

Licence APS and NWNX2 ODBC2 are distributed unter the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE included in licence.txt.

Installing and updating APS

Installing the plugin

Copy the file odbc.dll to you NWN folder, and aps_demo.mod to your NWN module folder.

Importing the erf

In order to be able to use the APS functions, you will need to import the aps_include file into your module.

  • 1. Place the file "aps2.erf" into the C:\\Neverwinternights\\NWN\\erf directory.
  • 2. In the toolset, open up the module into which you wish to install the scripts.
  • 3. Under the File Menu, click Import. A window will pop up.
  • 4. Make sure the contents of the C:\\Neverwinternights\\NWN\\erf directory are showing in the window
  • 5. Select "aps2.erf" from the list
  • 6. Click Import and ignore any messages about missing resources (click Yes).

The following scripts should now be imported: aps_onload, aps_include.

Updating from previous versions

  • from ODBC v2.5 to ODBC2: Copy the new DLL into your NWN folder. Edit the database connection parameters in your nwnx.ini file (check the supplied example INI file what parameters can be used). Import the updated aps_include file (from ap2.erf) into your module.

Setting up a database

The first choice you have to make is what database you are going to use. We strongly suggest starting out with the internal SQL database (SQLite), which is one of the fastest and easiest options. It also comes with a prepared datase that is ready to go. Read the section "Configuration for the internal database" on how to set this up.

If you are using MySQL, go to the section "Configuration for MySQL database". If you are using any other database with an ODBC driver, go to the section "Configuration for ODBC database".

Configuration for the internal database

The internal NWNX ODBC2 database is based on SQLite v3, which is a fast SQL compliant database that developers can package with their applications - and that is what we did ! The main benefits of SQLite for NWN users are twofold:

  • 1. It is fast.
  • 2. It is easy to setup (zero configuration).

Note: We recommend this type of database for single instance servers, meaning setups where only one NWN server is accessing the database. We recommend against using it in setups where multiple computers access the database simultaneously.

Edit the nwnx.ini file and set the source= parameter to SQLite, and the file= parameter to the path and file where you want your database file:

   source = sqlite
   file = sqlite.db

Note: Omitting the path like in the example above will put the database file into your NWN folder. If you want it somewhere else, set the file parameter to e.g. c:\\temp\ wn.db.

Hint: One of the tools for working with the internal database is SQLiteCC. It is not needed to follow the setup instructions in this document, but will come in handy later. A somewhat more advanced tool would be DBManager Pro, which is also available as a freeware version.

Advanced note: After opening the database file, an implicit transaction is started automatically, since SQLite is significantly faster when access to the database is happening inside a transaction. If you want to access the database concurrently, or if you want to handle transactions yourself, issue a COMMIT right after the call to SQLInit to commit the implicit transaction.

Configuration for MySQL database

Below the various parameters are listed which are required in the configuration file nwnx.ini:

  • Server: Either the name or IP address of the database system which you are using. Most of the time this will be your local machine: 'localhost'.
  • User/pwd: This is the username and password of the user which will be used to connect to the database. For security reasons it is best to create a special user which has only access to the nwn database.
  • DB: The database name.

An example configuration file is displayed below. In this configuration you tell the plugin to use the direct mysql connection to the database nwn. This database resides on the localhost (same machine as NWN runs) and should be connected with user 'your_user' and password 'your_pwd'.

   source = mysql
   server = localhost
   user   = your_user
   pwd    = your_pwd
   db     = nwn

Configuration for ODBC database

If you have a different database system than MySQL you will use the ODBC connection method. In this section we will describe the steps needed to setup your system correctly. In the description below we asume that you are using Windows XP or a similar system.

  • Make sure your database system (including ODBC support) is installed and running correctly on your machine (with a remote database system you only need the ODBC drivers on your machine).
  • Create an ODBC datasource: in the Control Panel select Administrative Tools and then Data Sources (ODBC). In the System Tab click on Add, and fill in the required fields. When finished the datasource should appear in the list (if not, consult your database system manual).

Edit the nwnx.ini file and set the dsn= parameter to the name you have just entered, e.g.:

   source = odbc
   dsn = nwn

Creating the database tables

Note: As there is an almost unlimited amount of different databases out there, we can not give detailed instructions for all of them. If you want to use a database server like MSSQL or PostgresSQL, try to follow the steps described below accordingly. If you are using the internal database, all tables have already been created for you (in the file sqlite.db).

Make sure your database is up and running and that you have a database that is accessible to the ODBC2 plugin. In order to store data in it, you have to create some tables in the database. The included module "aps_demo.mod" makes this easy for the internal database and MySQL. By default, it creates tables for the internal database. If you want to use MySQL instead, open the module with the toolset and edit the scripts "demo_createtable" and "demo_obj_create" accordingly.

Next connect to your server with the Neverwinter Nights client. On the left side, you will see several different signs in front of you:

  • Create table: Issues a database command that creates a table in the database
  • Store variable in database: Tries to save a test variable named "demoName" with the value "testValue" in the database
  • Load variable from database: Tries to retrieve the variable "demoName" from the database and prints the results in the server message window.

Now click every sign once, starting with the one on the left (Create Tables).

If the last sign sends you the message "Retrieved variable from database: testValue" your setup is ok and you're ready to start using APS. Note: This is the most basic setup. We encourage you to use more sophisticated databases and data structures if you feel confident to do so (see below).

On the right side, you will see several different signs that do almost the same as the other signs, but they are dealing with object instead of strings storage.

If the variable is not retrieved correctly, check out the log file odbc.txt for errors. Also check your database if the table really has been created. The SQL statement that is executed by default is suitable for MySQL. If you use a different database server, you should adjust that statement accordingly:

Create a table "pwdata" with the following fields player, tag, name, val, expire, last. Here is an example for MySQL (taken from aps_demo.mod, script demo_createtable):

    SQLExecDirect("CREATE TABLE pwdata (" +
        "player varchar(64) default NULL," +
        "tag varchar(64) default NULL," +
        "name varchar(64) default NULL," +
        "val text," +
        "expire int(11) default NULL," +
        "last timestamp(14) NOT NULL," +
        "KEY idx (player,tag,name)" +
        ")" );

Using the persistence functions in your module

  • 1. After installing according to the instructions above, go to Module Properties under the Edit menu.
  • 2. Select aps_onload for your module OnModuleLoad event.
  • Open aps_onload in the script editor and paste the contents of it into your pre-existing module's OnModuleLoad script. We only recommend doing this if you are familiar with NWScript.

The functions below are now implemented. Here is a lexicon containing information on their purpose and use:

void SQLInit()

Setup placeholders for ODBC requests and responses. This functions reserves memory APS and NWNX use for communication. Call this function once in the module load event.

SetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sValue, int iExpiration=0, string sTable="pwdata")

This sets a persistent string on an object. The object can be any valid object in the game. The command works the same way the usual SetLocalString function works, except you can optionally add a little more information:

  • object oObject - The object which you wish to set the persistent variable upon.
  • string sVarName - The name of the persistent variable. Ex: "Quest Flag 1" or "QuestCompleted_True_False"
  • string sValue - The string you want to store.
  • int Expiration - (optional) The number of days after which the variable should expire, i.e. be deleted from the database. If you don't specify this parameter or pass 0 here, the variable will never be purged from the database.
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value should be stored. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

SetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, int iValue, int iExpiration=0, string sTable="pwdata")

This sets a persistent integer value on an object. The object can be any valid object in the game. The command works the same way the usual SetLocalInt function works, except you can optionally add a little more information:

  • object oObject - The object which you wish to set the persistent variable upon.
  • string sVarName - The name of the persistent variable. Ex: "Quest Flag 1" or "QuestCompleted_True_False"
  • int iValue - The integer value of the variable. 1, 2, 3... etc.
  • int Expiration - (optional) The number of days after which the variable should expire, i.e. be deleted from the database. If you don't specify this parameter or pass 0 here, the variable will never be purged from the database.
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value should be stored. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

SetPersistentFloat(object oObject, string sVarName, float fValue, int iExpiration=0, string sTable="pwdata")

This sets a persistent float value on an object. The object can be any valid object in the game. The command works the same way the usual SetLocalFloat function works, except you can optionally add a little more information:

  • object oObject - The object which you wish to set the persistent variable upon.
  • string sVarName - The name of the persistent variable. Ex: "Quest Flag 1" or "QuestCompleted_True_False"
  • float fValue - The float value of the variable. 1.6, 2.542, 3.0989... etc.
  • int Expiration - (optional) The number of days after which the variable should expire, i.e. be deleted from the database. If you don't specify this parameter or pass 0 here, the variable will never be purged from the database.
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value should be stored. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

SetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarName, location lLocation, int iExpiration=0, string sTable="pwdata")

This sets a persistent location on an object. The object can be any valid object in the game. The command works the same way the usual SetLocalLocation function works, except you can optionally add a little more information:

  • object oObject - The object which you wish to set the persistent variable upon.
  • string sVarName - The name of the persistent variable. Ex: "Quest Flag 1" or "QuestCompleted_True_False"
  • location lLocation - The location you want to store.
  • int Expiration - (optional) The number of days after which the variable should expire, i.e. be deleted from the database. If you don't specify this parameter or pass 0 here, the variable will never be purged from the database.
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value should be stored. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

SetPersistentVector(object oObject, string sVarName, vector vVector, int iExpiration=0, string sTable="pwdata")

This sets a persistent vector on an object. The object can be any valid object in the game. The command works the same way the usual Set local variable functions work, except you can optionally add a little more information:

  • object oObject - The object which you wish to set the persistent variable upon.
  • string sVarName - The name of the persistent variable. Ex: "Quest Flag 1" or "QuestCompleted_True_False"
  • vector vVector - The vector you want to store.
  • int Expiration - (optional) The number of days after which the variable should expire, i.e. be deleted from the database. If you don't specify this parameter or pass 0 here, the variable will never be purged from the database.
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value should be stored. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

GetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable="pwdata")

This function works in the same manner as GetLocalString. It gets the persistent string from object oObject.

  • object oObject - This is the object from which you are retrieving the value of the variable.
  • string sVarName - This is the name of the variable that will be retrieved off of oObject. Ex: "Quest Flag 1"
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value can be found. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

GetPersistentInt(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable="pwdata")

This function works in the same manner as GetLocalInt. It gets the persistent integer value from object oObject.

  • object oObject - This is the object from which you are retrieving the value of the variable.
  • string sVarName - This is the name of the variable that will be retrieved off of oObject. Ex: "Quest Flag 1"
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value can be found. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

GetPersistentFloat(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable="pwdata")

This function works in the same manner as GetLocalFloat. It gets the persistent float value from object oObject.

  • object oObject - This is the object from which you are retrieving the value of the variable.
  • string sVarName - This is the name of the variable that will be retrieved off of oObject. Ex: "Quest Flag 1"
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value can be found. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

GetPersistentLocation(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable="pwdata")

This function works in the same manner as GetLocalLocation. It gets the persistent location value from object oObject.

  • object oObject - This is the object from which you are retrieving the value of the variable.
  • string sVarName - This is the name of the variable that will be retrieved off of oObject. Ex: "Quest Flag 1"
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value can be found. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

GetPersistentVector(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable="pwdata")

This function works in the same manner as the other get local variable functions. It gets the persistent vector value from object oObject.

  • object oObject - This is the object from which you are retrieving the value of the variable.
  • string sVarName - This is the name of the variable that will be retrieved off of oObject. Ex: "Quest Flag 1"
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value can be found. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

void DeletePersistentVariable(object oObject, string sVarName, string sTable="pwdata")

This function deletes a variable from the database.

  • object oObject - This is the object on which the variable has been stored.
  • string sVarName - This is the name of the variable that will be deleted.
  • string sTable - (optional) You can specify in which database table the value can be found. This parameter defaults to "pwdata".

void SQLExecDirect(string sSQL)

Executes a SQL statement. If the statement returns a result set, you can read the data with the next two functions.

int SQLFetch()

Position cursor on next row of the resultset. Call this function before using SQLGetData(). Returns

  • SQL_SUCCESS if there is a row
  • SQL_ERROR if there are no more rows

int SQLFirstRow() (*deprecated*)

Function is deprecated but still there for backward compability. Simply calls SQLFetch().

int SQLNextRow() (*deprecated*)

Function is deprecated but still there for backward compability. Simply calls SQLFetch().

string SQLGetData(int iCol)

Return value of column iCol in the current row of result set sResultSetName.


  • Make sure you include aps_include in every script where you want to use these functions, i.e. add the line
          #include "aps_include"

at the top of your script.


The APS is merely a set of custom functions that were originally used for the Avlis persistent world. The names of the functions and their parameters can be set to whatever is convenient for your module. Below is a hypothetical example of how customization can be done.

The "PowerG I33t" persistent world maintains their persistence with the Joe Bloe Persistence system (JBPS). In that system, a persistent string is set with the following JBPS function:

SetStickySring(string sVariableName, string sVariableValue, object oTarget)

All 5000 scripts in PowerG's elite world are written with the SetStickyString function, and they wish to retrofit their world to use NWNX. They would follow these steps:

  • 1. Open up the file aps_include in the script editor.
  • 2. Change the name of the APS function called SetPersistentString to SetStickyString.
  • 3. Rearrange the parameters of:
      SetPersistentString(object oObject, string sVarName, string sVarValue, int iExpiration, string sTable = "pwdata")
      SetStickyString(string VarName, string VarValue, object oObject, int iExpiration = 0, string sTable = "pwdata")
  • 4. Build the module, i.e. recompile all scripts.

Once the module is restarted, all of PowerG I33t's old persistent string scripts should be running the new persistence system. All it took was changing one script.

The above example is a simplified one, and the rest of the functions in the JBPS would need to be changed in the same manner. In cases where the function parameters were completely not equivalent to those used by the APS, they may have to be changed throughout every script in the module. Many but not all of the persistence systems out there should be convertible by the above method. We encourage further modification of aps_include to tailor the variable handling to your needs.

For persistence systems that use tokens, conversion will not be as easy. In these systems, token items are used to represent information on a player character. These tokens are not lost because they are actually in the inventory of the character. Because these systems work with tokens and not actual variables it will be hard to convert them into a database format. The module will most likely have to be completely re-fitted.

On possible idea to do this scriptomatically would be to write a module OnEnter script that strips the character of their tokens and issues SetPersistent variable commands into the database before destroying them. That would preserve the information that is there, but handling the actual scripts throughout the module will have to be done separately.

Alternatively, you can have a look at the GetPersistentString() function in "aps_include". There are some comments in this functions that should give you ideas on how to convert persistent data from your current system to APS.

Speed comparison

To give you an idea what to expect from the various database options, we conducted a small test involving 500 writes and reads. Note that this test is very artificial, since many aspects like table fragmentation, concurrent access, database size, and more realistic queries are not factored in. All tests were done on a Athlon 64 3200+ with database server, NWServer, and NWClient running local (NWClient with reduced process priority).

Writes were done with the following code:

    for (i = 0; i < 500; i++)
        SQLExecDirect("INSERT INTO pwdata (player, tag, name,val) values " +
            "('~', '~', 'iter_" + IntToString(i) + "', 'value')");

Reads were done with the following code:

    SQLExecDirect("SELECT * from pwdata");
    while (SQLFetch() == SQL_SUCCESS) {}

Bioware DB reads and write were done with the following code:

    for (i = 0; i < 500; i++)
        SetCampaignString("test", "iter_" + IntToString(i), "value");
      -- respectively --
        s = GetCampaignString("test", "iter_" + IntToString(i));



  • SQLITE (1): Using a transaction. No commit after the for loop.
  • SQLITE (2): Using a transaction. Commit after the for loop.
  • SQLITE (3): Not using a transaction. Terribly slow ! Note that NWNX ODBC2 starts an implicit transaction automatically. If you want to handle transactions yourself, issue a COMMIT right after SQLInit() to end the implicit transaction.
  • Bioware DB (4): This comparison is a bit unfair, since the call to the Bioware database is significantly simpler and less flexible than its ODBC2 counterpart. Real world examples utilizing e.g. SQL resultsets would probably favor ODBC2.


Starting out with NWNX ODBC2 can be a bit daunting at first, especially if you are on your own. We highly encourage you to visit us at www.nwnx.org to ask question and get help with setting this system up.

Database Write Read
SQLite (1) 30 ms 20 ms
SQLite (2) 36 ms 20 ms
SQLite (3) 2800 ms 20 ms
MySQL via ODBC 71 ms 38 ms
MySQL direct 68 ms 22 ms
Bioware DB (4) 856 ms 10 ms
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