Aury Hakkan

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Aury Hakkan


Played ByJodelle Ferland
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HometownManchester, England
Current Year1st
Hogwarts HouseGryffindor
Favorite Subjects
Worst Subjects

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Aury Hakkan

  • Name: Jodelle Elizabeth Ferland
  • Bloodline: Halfblood
  • Birthplace: Manchester, England
  • Class:: lower-middle
  • Year: 1st
  • House: Gryffindor
  • Wand: Wood (grove) core (phoenix feather)


Aury's a total sweetheart. No, really. There's not a mean bone in the girl's body (usually) and she has a big heart. She cares a lot about her friends and brother and sticks by them no matter what. What a Hufflepuff, right? She's a bit gullible and naive and tends to believe a lot of what people tell her. She has a tendency to trust rather easily, which is more than a little bit bad.

Unfortunately, she has a major Gryffindor streak to her. She sometimes opens her mouth before speaking, has a tendency to be stubborn to the point of stupidity, and for all of her Ravenclaw tendencies (the girl loves reading. and studying. and learning), tends to think with her heart instead of her mind. Sure, she'll say "Guys? This is a bad idea..." but she can't help getting involved anyway. The idea of action and adventure is far too much fun to her.

Because of all the effort she puts into her work, she does fairly well in all of her classes. Charms and Transfiguration, however, tend to stick out more than the others, simply because she likes them best. She doesn't have the attention span for Herbology, however, and would fail at Divination/Ancient Runes if she ever took them.

Aury's definitely the sort of girl that's easy to be friends with. She's caring and gives with all of her heart. yeah, she's a total innocent and a doll. :P She’s an adventurer as well. She thinks things through more than her friends which gives her a slight upper-hand a lot of the time, but she’s always willing to go out and have fun. She’s curious about the world around her. She’s not afraid of many things either, though it can come off that way. She wants to learn as much as possible and will do anything to get that.

If it requires an attention span of more than two to three minutes? She probably struggles with it. She's the sort of kid who NEEDS to move about and have more busywork, or else she can't focus. Seriously. She gets fidgety and can't. Sit. Still. Thus, she does horribly in History of Magic and has probably gotten in trouble on numerous occasions for not focusing and paying attention. Potions, she can manage because that’s a bit more action… but just barely.

Oh, the poor girl. She tends to be a bit naive to how the world really works-- especially with her brother. She's positively CLUELESS to the true nature of some people. It has to be BLATENTLY OBVIOUS or she honestly won't get it. SIlly thing. She’s a bit too trusting for her own good and that can easily led to her being taken advantage of.

Physical Description

Aury’s a bit on the small size and is rather petite. She has short, curly, brown hair and wide brown eyes. Her facial expressions are on the… well, expressive side and her emotions are easily given away by her facial expressions and body movements. She’s a little spazzy and tends to flail a lot, especially when talking to one of her friends.


Aury was born to Anne and Ediz Hakkan and Manchester, England when her older brother Raza was sixteen years old. Unlike her older brother, Aury was raised in an environment that supported Dumbledore and the beliefs of the good side. She was always quite the little Gryffindor/Ravenclaw mix. While outgoing and adventurous (she always ran around making up little games to play/somewhat annoying her parents with her energy), she also had a passion for quiet and reading. Books have always been a mini-form of escape and a totally different adventure for her. While she disproves of rule breaking… well, nobody says she doesn’t do it on occasion.

When she was little, her brother left her and… well, she didn’t have very strong memories of him. After her parents were killed, however, she moved in with him. The two had a shaky relationship in the beginning, but now she absolutely adores her brother and would do anything to make him happy. She, of course, is blissfully unaware of what he does and where his loyalties are. Of course, there aren’t any plans for that to be found out soon, but if it did? Wow, conflict.



Gryffindor, the Warriors:

The Warriors, whose task was to protect land and lord, are generally brave, stubborn and fiery, as are Gryffindors. Hence, 'Gryffs rush in where others fear to tread'. Godric Gryffindor was clearly a Warrior.


Astronomy Charms DADA Herbology History of Magic Potions Transfiguration Care of Magical Creatures


The Player/Others

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Samantha Jones | Alex Departie | Tybalt Raynard | Phoebe Hamilton | Lucy Sharpe | Tristina Darcy | Claudia Lyons| Aury Hakkan
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