Lucy Sharpe

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Lucy Sharpe

Twisted princess.

Played ByAmanda Seyfried
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Current Year7th
Hogwarts HouseSlytherin
Favorite SubjectsCharms
Worst SubjectsHistory of Magic

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Lucy Sharpe

  • Name: Lucille Anne Sharpe
  • Bloodline: Pureblood
  • Birthplace: East Kilbride, Scotland
  • Class:: Upper
  • Year: 7th
  • House: Slytherin
  • Wand: Dogwood and Veela hair

Dogwood symbolizes charm and finesse, and increases one’s social abilities and personality. This in combination with a core of Veela hair makes a wand that is very useful for all kinds of charms related to persuasion, seduction and illusion. The wizard or witch chosen by this wand is usually an actor or somebody with a gift for the visual arts. He or she likes being at the center of attention, usually due to an attractive personality rather than any actual accomplishments. But s/he can also be a very talented performer who brings entertainment and healing through the creation of beauty. On the darker side, this person may also be a skilled, sometimes compulsive, liar who puts on a mask to hide his/her true, and less colourful personality. Magically, Lucy has a strong knack for the things that require wandwork; they just seem to come naturally to her. She prizes these, particularly Charms, far above the rest of her classes. While she also does well in Potions and Divination, she does not have the same love for them that she has for her three favorite classes. She continues with them, however, because she enjoys being good at something.


Personality-wise, she comes off as being the sweetest, friendliest person in the world—but, of course, it’s just a mask. While she is genuinely and deeply cares for the few people she actually likes, most of it is a simple façade. She has a bit of a Slytherin streak to her-- cunning, manipulative, and does not care who she hurts in the process. She loves reading for the sheer pleasure of it, and can quote the most random things off the top of her head. Above everything else, she prizes intellectual pursuits. She also loves to be social and interact with people, making connections, and what not.

As stated, she is loyal and dedicated to those she does care about—to those few, she’s much more at ease then when around anyone else. She tends to let her guard down a bit more and enjoy the time with them. She is a completely different person when it comes to her loved ones. Any hostility, bitterness, or mean thoughts simply vanish.

Lucy is horrid at History of Magic. Horrid does not begin to cover what a disaster she is. Lucy cannot be bothered to memorize facts and dates, and does not bother to put forth the effort to try. She finds the class to be pointless and dropped it as soon as possible. Along the same lines, she is a terror at Ancient Runes—it bores her to death, so again, no effort was put into it, and she ended up dropping the class. Her Herbology skills are low as well, as she has a tendency to kill more plants than anything else.

Her true personality is that of a cold and distant person. To the few she actually lets in and cares about, she has a tendency to be extremely emotional, clingy, and needy. She is very childlike in that way—she needs the constant approval of others in order to feel secure. She plays it off as if she does not, but deep down, she really does need it, or else she’s uncomfortable and scared. It is easy for her to play her role as ‘good girl’ since it lets her escape this reality for a bit. She holds a nasty grudge and is extremely hostile when upset.


Lucy was born to Madeline and William Sharpe, a few years after their son Richard. She grew up amongst her Pureblood relatives, always taught to believe that Purebloods were indeed superior. Part of her, of course, didn’t want to believe it—but family word began to overrule and the young girl took the attitude of her relatives. She got along well with her sister and relatives, living the life of a spoiled Pureblood child. Unbeknownst to her, however, there were more problems in her life than she realized.

Lucy was active as a child, getting herself involved with as many things as possible. Whether it be outdoors with her brother, cooking with her mother, or reading a book alone, the girl never complained of boredom or not having anything to do. She could entertain herself for hours on end, quite content. One would think that, with her personality, she would end up being sorted into Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. It was a given, of course, that she would attend Hogwarts. It was just a matter of where she would be sorted.

At the age of ten, she received her Hogwarts letter, and the following school year, accompanied her brother on the train to the school. Upon arrival, she was sorted into , which out of the houses, she was most eager to enter. She was a social girl and made friends fairly quickly. When classes began, she discovered she had a knack for using a wand, and eagerly took to those classes. She also realized she had a great disdain for the ‘facts’ based class of History of Magic and oftentimes found herself dozing or daydreaming in the class, leading to detention after detention.

When it came time to choose her electives, she decided to add Divination and Ancient Runes to her class list, only to find that after beginning the latter, she despised the course. However, she stuck with it and oftentimes found herself begging for help from her roommates.

During these first three years, she was happy and extremely social (mostly to other Purebloods, but she’d associate with the occasional half-blood if she found them worthy) and enjoyed school quite a bit. As the years progressed, she began to show more signs of belonging to the house she was sorted in. She realized she could manipulate others to her own will and enjoyed it. She also began to see what her family meant by being superior—she was prettier, wealthier, and had a better family than those filthy mudbloods, so of course she was better!

Eventually, the outgoing and energetic young girl became the snobby elitist she is today. Of course, those who are close to her knows what lies beneath the surface, but she struggles to keep that hidden.

Physical Description

Lucy is a small girl, standing at about 5’4”, with a rather curvaceous build, with a slim frame. Her hair is doll-like—long, curly, and blonde. She also has striking green eyes that stand out from her pale skin. She has small, dainty hands that she uses quite a bit when talking. She also has a few scars here and there from when she was a child. She was very active when she was younger, leading to a few cuts and bruises here and there.


Edward McMillan. Wow. There are no words to describe how this.... thing works. They dayed in the past and she got more than a little scared of how she felt about him. The fact that she felt so at ease and relaxed with him made her back off and intentionally hurt him in the worst way she could. She kinda put that behind her, until this year, when he started to date Ashleigh Barton and it upset her greatly. At first, she failed to realize why... but then, it really hit her. She admitted her feelings, and... well. Yeah. Interesting times to come.

Zoey Montclair is her BFF. While Lucy is outwardly nice and plots destruction behind people's backs, she loves that Zoey is so open about her backstabbing and betrayal, and general meanness. They've known each other since childhood and have been close friends for most of their lives. Of course, Zoey doesn't approve of Lucy and Ed's relationship, so Lucy tries to keep details from her. They're pretty open about everything else, though...

Ashleigh Barton as if Lucy wouldn't hate her on the basis of being a Gryffindor ALONE, she has to be dating Ed, which makes Lucy despise the girl. Any other time, she would have given her a fair chance, but now? NO WAY.




Lucy adores Charms and finds them to be the best, and most useful, class. In fact... she does much better with anything that requires wandwork. Her History of Magic skills are HORRIBLE, but she takes them because her parents insist they're useful.


CANCER (June 21 - July 22) The Crab. Cardinal, water, yin - planetary ruler: the Moon Keywords: "I FEEL"

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and governs the breast and the stomach. Positive traits include loyalty, a love of home and family, the ability to express emotion, intensity, a great sense of humour, a sense of initiative, tenaciousness, a gift with finances, compassion, shrewdness, and intuition. Negative traits are self-indulgence, moodiness, clinging to other people, bossiness, emotional manipulation, and oversentimentality.

Slytherin Cancers

Potions, potions, and more potions. Any Slytherin born under a water sign will excel at potions, and the Cancer Slytherin is no exception. The leadership ability and the lofty dreams of Cancer will also be emphasized; as will loyalty (directed for the most part to one's House). Slytherins born under the sign of Cancer will be more hard-shelled and less sentimental than other Cancers, but don't be fooled by their bossy, efficient exteriors. On the inside they are soft and needy, and they learn from a young age to hide this well. Slytherins born under water signs have another thing in common with each other: keen insight into what makes other people tick. These Slytherins are good at manipulating other people's emotions, and good as well at quickly learning the hidden stories behind the otherwise inexplicable actions of acquaintances. They never forget a cut or a kindness, so it is best to stay on their good side unless you want an obsessive, vindictive enemy.

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