
From Np Hogwarts

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Harry Potter terms


Animagi-a person who can turn into an animal.

Auror-dark-wizard catcher

Axminster-a magic carpet seating twelve people.

Azkaban-the wizard prison.


Basilisk-a deadly Serpent known as the King of Serpents. It is born from a chickens egg hatched from a toad. It can live for hundreds of years. It can kill with its stare by making its victims petrified. It lives in the Chamber of Secrets.

Beater-a Quidditch player who hits the bludgers toward the other team

Bertha Jorkins-Voldemorts big information source.

Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans-jelly beans that come in every flavor possible.

Bludger-a black Quidditch ball that flys around trying to knock the players off of their broomsticks.

Boggart-a creature that turns into what you fear most.

Broomstick-a broom that wizards and witches fly on. It is used for Quidditch and there are many different models.


Bubotuber Pus-comes from bubotubers and if undiuluted Bubotuber pus toouches someones had it causes big boils.

Butter Beer-A fizzy and warm drink like hot chocolate.


Chamber of Secrets-the place where the Basilisk lives.

Chaser-a Quidditch player who tosses the Quaffle back and forth with their "Chaser" teammates as they try to score in the opposing teams goals.

Chocolate Frogs-Chocolate frog shaped candies with Witch and Wizard cards inside them.

Centaurs-half man and half horse creatures that gaze at Mars.

Cleansweep five-a broomstick that is slower than a cleansweep seven.

Cleansweep seven-a broomstick that is faster than a cleansweep five.

Comet two-sixty-a broomstick.

Cupboard under the stairs-where Harry lived at the Dursley's house.


Dark Mark-a green collosal skull composed of emerald stars with a snake sticking out from its mouth.

Degnoming-the throwing of gnomes out of your garden.

Deletrius-the spell that diminishes Prior Incantato.

Dementor-hooded figures who suck happiness out of people.

Diagon Alley-the alley that is behind the leaky cauldron. You buy your Hogwarts supplies there.

Droobe's Best Blowing Gum-chewing and bubble gum.


Enervate-a spell that destroys the stun effect on a thing.

Expelliarmus-a spell that disarms your opponent.

Eyelops Owl Emporium-where lucky wizards and witches buy their school owls.


Firebolt-the best broomstick in the world. It is a professional model.

Floo powder-magic dust that will take you to wherever you want to go.

Flying car-an enchanted car from the Ministry of Magic.

Forbidden forest-a forest that is used for detention.

Full Body Bind-Binds your entire body together


Galleon-14 silver sickles. It is wizard money.

Gnomes-little animals that invade your garden and eat your plants. You get to swing them around by their legs and throw them out of the garden. The Gnomes are curious so during a denoming the gnomes will investigate and they will be caught. The gnomes look like potatoes.

Goblins-they wear scarlet and gold uniforms. They have long fingers and big feet. They have beards and they have dark faces and they are clever. Some work at Gringotts.

Golden Snitch-the gold Quidditch ball that is worth 150 points. The snitch, when caught ends the game. The seekers try to get the snitch.

Grindylow-a sharp horned and silky green water creature.

Greenhouses 1,2 and 3-they are for herbology.

Gringotts-the wizard bank which is run by Goblins.

Gryffindor-it is one of the four houses in Hogwarts. The symbol is a lion and the ghost is Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington also known as Nearly Headless Nick.


Hanged Man, The-the pub in Little Hangleton.

Head Boy/Girl-student with best grades for that year.

Hinkypunk-a creature that Professor Lupin is fond of.

Hippogriff-a half-eagle and half-horse animal that bites people who make fun of it. It is very sensitive.

Hogsmeade-the place that you can go to when you are a third year and up.

Hogwarts-the best wizarding school in the world.

Hogwarts Express-the train to Hogwarts.

Honeydukes-a candy shop in Hogsmeade.

Howler-a letter from your parents that yells at you.

Hufflepuff-one of the four houses in Hogwarts. The symbol is a badger and the ghost is the Fat Friar.


Impervius-a spell that repels water.

Incendio-a fixing spell.


Jelly-legs spell-makes the person that it hits legs wobbly


Keeper-a Quidditch player who mans the goal for their team.

Kings Cross Station-the home of platform 9 and 3/4.

Knuts-a wizard coin. 27 of them make up a silver sickle.

Kwikspell-a course to make you a better wizard. Squibs use it.


Leaky Cauldron-the shop that is in front of Diagon Alley.

Leg-Locker Curse-locks the legs together until the countercurse is performed.

Leprachauns-little men in green that are the Irish team mascots.

Little Hangleton-the town where the Riddle House is.

Lumos-the spell to light the tip of a wand.


Mandrake-a plant that make a noise which is fatal to a human.

Ministry of Magic-the head of all wizards.

Morsmordre-a spell to make the Dark Mark appear.

Mudblood-the word for people with muggle parents who are wizards.

Muggle-non-magical people


Nagini-a twelve foot long snake who gives milk.

Nimbus two-thousand-the best broomstick of Harry's first year at Hogwarts.

Nimbus two-thousand and one-the best broomstick of Harry's second year.

Nox-a spell to turn off the light coming from the tip of a wand.


Obliviate-a charm which updates your memory.

Olivanders-a wand store in Diagon Alley.

O.W.L.s-Ordinary Wizarding Levels.

Owl-a bird that delivers mail.


Parseltounge-the language of snakes. Some people can speak and understand it.

Phoenix-a bird that dies and is born again from its ashes.

Pixies-little blue annoying creatures.

Platform 9 and 3/4-the platform where the Hogwarts Express leaves sharply at 11:00.

Prefect-perfectly behaved students who are given a postion in the ranks of the Hogwarts rules system.

Prior Incantato-a spell that shows the last spell done with that wand.

Priori Incantatem-when two wands sharing a core from the same creature try to battle but link with a golden line instead.

Polyjuice Potion-a potion that turns you into someone else for a limited amoount of time.

Pumpkin Pasties-pastries filled with pumpkin.


Quaffle-a Quidditch ball that is red. The chasers toss it around. If this ball is thrown into the opposing teams goal the scoring team receives ten points.

Quidditch-a wizard sport that is played world-wide. It is played on broomsticks.

Quietus-a spell to make your voice quieter.


Ravenclaw-one of the four houses. The symbol is and eagel and their ghost is the Gray Lady.

Remembrall-a ball that lights up when you forget something that you need to do.

Reparo-a spell that fixes something broken.

Riddle House-the house where the Riddles' lived and the people thought that it was haunted


Seeker-a Quidditch player who tries to catch the snitch.

Sickle-wizard money that's silver.

Slytherin-one of the four houses. Its symbol is a serpent and its ghost is the Bloody Baron.

Sonorus-a spell to make your voice louder.

Sorcerer's Stone-a stone that produces the elixer of life and it give you the power of alchemy.

Sorting Hat-a hat that tell you what house you will be in and also has the sword of Godric Gryffindor.

Spell-o-tape-wizard tape that is really strong.

Squib-a wizard who isn't very good at magic, or not magical at all.

Supreme Mugwup- a synonym for Albus Dumbledore


Three Broomsticks-a bar where you can buy butterbeer.

Ton-Tounge Toffee-toffee that makes your tounge large.

Transfiguration-the transforming of one object into another

Triwizard Tournament-a competition between the three major wizard schools in Britain, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. One person from each school competes in magical conests for a prize of 1,000 Galleons.


Unicorn blood-elixer of life but it curses you forever.


Veela-Besutiful creatures who turn into ferocious birds when angry. They are also the Bulgarian team mascot.


Wizards duel-a fight between two wizards involving the use of a wand and no physical contact.

Whomping Willow-a tree that will hit anyone or anything that comes near it.

Witch/Wizard- a person with the ability to do magic


Yew-a thirteen inch wand.


Zonko's-a prank shop.

General roleplay terms


Powerplaying is, in a sense, a form of Godmoding and is also against the rules. Powerplay is when you control other people’s characters in your role-play post. For example, if you encounter someone else’s character in the forest and shout “hello” out to them, you cannot say that they looked up, smiled to you and walked over –that’s the other person’s job to decide what their character’s do. However, you can powerplay with NPCs (non-playable characters, ie. A character other than a main RP character). I suppose one is in most danger of powerplaying in fight or battle role-plays. However tempting it may be to control another person’s character in a fight, please do not do it as it is very frustrating and aggravating for the other person who’s having their character controlled. If you’re lucky, the other person will just bite the bullet and continue, but if you’re not, there’s a high chance you will get warned for it. Nevertheless, avoid powerplaying at all costs (subtle powerplay in situations where it can’t be helped is For example, and IC post would be a post written from your character’s point of view, under the influence of your chexcusable) and you’ll be fine smile.gif

In-Character (mostly referred to as IC)

In-character (or IC) basically means anything from the point of view of your character (like you being in your character’s mind from the character’s perspective, emotions, feelings, opinions…basically, In-character is where you switch over from being you, to being your character.


Out-of-character (or OOC) is pretty much the opposite of IC, where you’re being well…you. You’re out of your character’s mind and back into your own, would be one way of seeing it. It’s what is meant by OOC boards –boards where we all step away from the imagined world of role-play, and just become ourselves and interact with each other as people. OOC boards are a way of getting to know the people behind the characters, which is usually a very interesting thing to do!


Newb, or Newbie, is just simply a term to describe new members.


Another name for a topic.


RP is short for role-play, and RPers is, obviously, short for role-players. Used quite often.


RL is short for "Real Life" and is used when explaining something to do with the persons real life outside of Avalon.


Played by, or player body. The image a player picks and uses for their character. Also known as a body model.

Posting Order

The order in which players post their characters. Typically follows some sort of pattern.

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