Jamie Kendrick

From Np Hogwarts

Revision as of 00:34, 27 October 2006 by Kellerton (Talk | contribs)

Jamie Farrell Kendrick


Played ByJason Dohring
LJ accountuserinfo.gif jamie_kendrick
HometownKensington, England
Current Year6th
Hogwarts HouseRavenclaw
Favorite SubjectsPotions, HoM
Worst SubjectsAncient Runes, Divination

userinfo.gif kellerton


Jamie Kendrick

When you first meet Jamie, he seems loud, obnoxious, and full of himself. Most of the time, that's what he is. Jamie has always wanted to fit in with his friends and he does this by emulating their self-absorbed nature. He has been doing it for so long that he doesn't really know what he would be like if he didn't.

Although he can seem very self-involved, Jamie is still a very nice person. He is kind to almost everyone, especially if they are purebloods. If they are muggleborns however, Jamie is a tiny bit afraid of them. He will either try to politely remove himself from their presence or go the elitist route and tell them that they are not worthy of his time. He usually chooses the latter when his friends are around.

Jamie is also one of the co-founders of The Game.


Jamie spent most of his time growing up being cared for by his older brother Richard. Jamie always looked up to Richard, who his parents were also very proud of. Richard is a talented journalist and is now travelling the world, which still impresses his parents. Although she is 3 years younger than he is, Jamie is a little jealous of his younger sister, Angela. She is very intelligent and usually succeeds in anything that she attempts (academically, Angela has no use for sports or anything of that nature). Since both of his siblings were talented in their chosen fields, Jamie felt like the odd one out. He chose to deal with this by spending more time with his friends than his family.

Jamie came from a well-respected pureblood family. His parents, although they were not extremely well off, still managed invites to various social gatherings because of Olivers' father (he had many connections in the business). Jamie grew up knowing only pureblooded children. He in fact, was not aware there was even a muggle world until about age 7 when Richard began to tell him about muggles. The problem with this was that Richard himself did not know very much about the muggle world. He made up most of the stuff he told Jamie, making muggles out to be murderous, evil lunatics that were completely uncivilized. This left quite an impression on Jamie.


Trent Lexington is Jamie's best friend. They met in first year and have gotten along great ever since. Jamie thinks that Trent is a little weird for not scoring high in The Game, but he encourage him to do better.

CeCe Bree is Jamie's best girl friend. He finds her completely hilarious and they always have fun hanging out together. He's also a bit overly protective of her, and it may or may not be because he has feelings for her. And he may or may not know that yet.

Other Friends: Some of Jamie's other friends are Anora Bertrade, Taylor DeLouise, Phoebe Hamilton, and Daciana Javensworth. Jamie doesn't really get along with a lot of people in his own house, but he does think that Samantha Jones is pretty cool.

Lorelai Wellington is someone Jamie has never gotten along with. In first year, they had a dispute over Jamie stealing one of Lore's quills. He doesn't even remember doing it, and thinks she is kind of ridiculous for still caring about a quill after 6 years.

Zak Reso was someone that Jamie was sort of friends with, despite the fact that he was a muggleborn. That was, until Zak was arrested for murder which further confirmed Jamie's suspicions about muggles. He distanced himself from Zak after that.

Slytherin Quartet... they're a bunch of bloody ponces. 'Nuff said.


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