Moira Douglas

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Moira Josephine Douglas

Mo the Marauder

Played BySophia Myles
LJ accountuserinfo.gif worldofstages
Current YearSeventh
Hogwarts HouseHufflepuff
Favorite SubjectsCharms
Worst SubjectsHerbology

userinfo.gif echochaser9


Character Profile

Name: Moira Josephine Douglas

LJ: All The World's A Stage

Played By: Sophia Myles

Birthdate: 6 April, 1988

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Wand: willow, core of phoenix tail hair, 10 inches

Blood: Muggleborn

Birthplace: Moss Side, Manchester, England

Location: Moss Side, Manchester, England

Status or Class: Lower Class

Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/British/Christian (Protestant)


Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: James Luke Douglas / 46 / Obituary Writer

Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Joan Agnes Douglas (nee Hutchins) / 46 / shopkeeper

Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: William James Douglas/22/mechanic Peter John Douglas/15/student

Pet Name/Species: none

OWL Scores:

Astronomy: A

Charms: O


Herbology: P

History of Magic: A

Potions: D

Transfiguration: T

Muggle Studies: E

Divination: E

NEWT Scores: Expected:

Astronomy: A


Charms: O

Transfiguration: O

Muggle Studies: E

Divination: E

10 Words to describe your character: sociable, outgoing, friendly, dreamer, loud, madcap, extroverted, spacey, nice, genuine


Personality: Moira is friendly, sweet, nice, and outgoing. She’s an extrovert to the very definition of the word and gets fidgety when left alone and in silence for too long. She’s the sort of girl who goes out and makes her own fun if she doesn’t have it around her immediately, and is constantly pretending to be another character. She’s bouncy and friendly and is the sort of person who acts before thinking most of the time. She can be very determined when she wants to be and works hard for what she wants. She loves deeply and passionately, will stand by those she cares about to the very end. She’s generally without biased and tends to look on the lighter side of life. She can be a bit crazy, flowing about from point a to b incredibly quickly and is entirely willing to jump into a game or story for the fun of it. The only times when she gets really awkward is when confronted with real and actual feelings, including her own. She doesn’t know what to do and then starts to react by thinking what is the best way to hide. She does get affectionate (she expresses her verbal love of many all the time), but only shows physical affection to those she is close to. Her personal space boundaries move and change depending on how comfortable she is at the moment.

Moira has no problems being center-stage, so long as it is on her own terms. She's adaptable and copes with different and difficult situations by playing a character. At times, it's hard for her to open, to truly be honest with people, but she never does anything without meaning it. She's sincere, be it for good or evil.


She’s extremely friendly and social, having the ability to put almost anyone at ease in a situation. Also, for a girl whose dream is to be an actress, she does have the key ingredient down: talent. It makes her great at telling people what they want to hear, even if it breaks her heart. Her one real skill magic wise lies in Charms, but she has no idea how that came to be at all, she just goes along with it. She finds Charms to be fun.


Moira is a dreamer, with her loftiest aspiration being to be an actress, meaning that classes like Potions and the like that require large amounts of concentration for long periods of time do nothing for her. She’s a talented liar, which is a horrible flaw. Her mind has this tendency to be a million places at once and she doesn’t often have time to think before she acts. She also is rubbish at Herbology find it to be a waste of time, though she likes to look at the flowers, just not touch them. History she thinks is boring and well, you get the picture. She can’t really focus for long periods of time, which makes things like studying harder. She also has the problem of, despite being a good actress, of really knowing who she is. She can pretend to be someone else like no other, but when it comes to being Moira, she’s stuck in left field holding an unreadable map.


Moira has several fears, ranging from those that can be dismissed as a bit frivolous and others that are truly serious. She’s afraid that something is going to happen to her family (she worries about her little brother, who has a tendency to get into trouble), and that she won’t be able to help them. She’s afraid of losing her dreams. She is so desperately attached to becoming an actress, she’s afraid that if she fails, she’ll not know what to do with her life and that will make her failure even larger. Her resentment of the wealthy also somewhat borders on a fear, because she's afraid they can use their money to destroy her dreams by bringing up her past. She's terrified of lawyers and the law and doesn't cope well with the concept of fear, she doesn't like that she's afraid.


Moira grew up in Manchester, as the middle child and only daughter of very middle class parents. Her father writes obituaries for a local newspaper, and does the bookkeeping for the corner shop he owns with his wife (her mother works there). Her older brother is a mechanic and lives on his own and her younger brother tends to be a bit reckless and get into a bit of trouble. As a child, she was handled with a bit more care because she was her parents only daughter, but they mostly spent a lot more time trying to keep their daughter firmly planted on planet earth. She was a dreamer, from day one, and is was always all over the place, which caused many of her teachers at her Muggle primary school to want to pull their hair out. Her early life was, to put it simply, entirely uneventful and ordinary, which drove Moira to seek excitement in the world of her head. She was always dressing up in costumes of her own creation and putting on mini-performances.

Moira's dark days came about at the age 8 when she first came to face the fact classism really did exist. She was taunted and mocked by wealthy youths when making a delivery for her mother, and realised that she may never be able to have her greatest dreams come true because she doesn't have money. She almost resents the rich, because they have freedom she'll never possess, but she tries not to think about it. This resentment keeps coming up in her life and has led to darker things, including the one thing she tells no one about (the only people who know are her family and that's it so far) which is the fact that just like most of the people from her area of Manchester (Bradford), she has had a run-in with the law. It only happened once, as was dismissed because there wasn't enough strong evidence against her (she sometimes thinks it's because she was a girl that she got away) and she burned a wealthy family's garage to the ground. An act of hooliganism brought on because she was hurt and afraid, and mad at several things.

The highlight of Moira’s young life would have to be getting her letter to Hogwarts, as she saw it as her chance to be different, to stand out. She still had every intention of being an actress, but she saw this as a chance to get an edge. She didn’t mind being Sorted in Hufflepuff, regardless of the limited low scale reputation she’d heard on the train, because she always liked the colour yellow and saw it as simple as that. She also found the people to amusing and a great deal of fun. Whenever she was confronted with being considered ‘lesser’ for being muggleborn, she smiled and laughed and took it as a point of pride, because she saw it as making her different.

Her first six years at Hogwarts have high points and low points and at times she wonders how she managed to pass until this point. Overall she’s liked, enjoyed it immensely, though she does plan on returning to the Muggle world to be an actress. It's been her dream since she was very small and she's not going to let people or magic get in the way of it.

Physical Description:

Moira is about five foot five, with a heart-shaped face and is of a stockier, yet still extremely feminine frame. Her skin is more of peaches and cream sort and she has curly dirty blonde hair (which she wears in a variety of styles) and wide blue eyes. She’s almost always smiling and has the uncanny ability to wiggle her nose and raise both of her eyebrows separately. Mo likes to dress in casual clothes as well as costumes (she loves fancy dress parties) and will use almost anything as an excuse to dress up. Her favourite shoes are a pair of scuffed dirty black Converse, and she adores her scarves. She uses the way she looks to fit her characters.


Year: 7th

House: Hufflepuff

Why are they in that house? Moira’s the classic example of a Gryffinpuff. She’s implusive and loud, and tends to act before thinking, which are all very Gryffindor like traits, yet at the same time she’s a kind genuine person. She’s a dreamer and loyal to a fault, when she wants something she’ll work hard for it, and believes that so long as you have people you care about beside you, nothing really can go wrong.

Significant Relationships:

Moira is quite deeply attached to her family and the place where she comes from. Her mother, Joan, is someone she is closed to, but always worked to ground her flightly daughter in reality and bring her back down to Earth (even if she is protective of her only female child). She is a bit of a daddy's girl, and used to go to work with James from time to time when she was younger. She gets along better with her older brother William than she does with Petey. She idolises William and he keeps her balanced with his quiet, hardworking ways. She worries immensely about Petey, whom she feels is going to go down a path that she almost stumbled upon herself. Her best friend from home is a chavvy, brash, loudmouthed, crass girl named Lavendar 'Lav' Hartman, who is known for dispelling low class adviced.

At school, Mo gets along with a numerous amount of people, blending in with any number of social circles as she flits from one group to another. In her own house, she is good friends Rosalind Alleyn and Danielle Littleton, the three of them making up the blond trio of Hufflpuff, though recent circumstances have caused Dani to become even more awkward about Mo. She is good friends with Vincent Monroe, whom she argues with about Star Wars. Out of house friends include Dariana Davison whom she gets up to no good with and gossips with. She is also good friends with Ashleigh Barton.

She is currently still awkward and working through past conflicts with fellow Hufflepuff Bryant Sawyer who used to bully her back when they were children as her father works/worked for his. This awkwardness doesn't stop her from doting on his little sister Isabelle Sawyer.

Moira is currently dating fellow Seventh YearHufflepuffRupert Windsor-Jones, after a long awkward, embarassing hate, awkward, pseudo-friendship path. Now she thinks she may love him, much to the embarassment of the rest of the house.

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