Pearline Devlin

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Name: Pearline Tiffani Samara Devlin Birthdate: April 6th, 1991 Age: 14 Gender: Female Wand: 10 inch oak wand, phoenix core Blood: Pureblood Birthplace: Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, England Location: Bidford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, England Status or Class: Upper Class Race/Culture/Religion: Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/British/Agnostic Family: Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Sinclar Adair Delvin/45/Curse Breaker Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Natania Pandora Devlin/44/Stay at home wife Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: Gerard Alexander Devlin/21/Curse Breaker Pet Name/Species: Black cat named 'Hera'. The family owl 'Poseidon' brings her letters often, so while she doesn't keep him at Hogwarts, she still considers him a family pet. OWL Scores: Pearline has not taken her OWL's yet, but when she does, these will be the grades that she receives Astronomy: E Charms: E DADA: O Herbology: A History of Magic: E Potions: A Transfiguration: E Care Of Magical Creatures: O Divination: A Muggle Studies: P obviously dropped after Owls) NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable): N/A Astronomy: Charms: DADA: Herbology: History of Magic: Potions: Transfiguration: Optional Other Subject #1: Optional Other Subject #2: Optional Other Subject #3: 10 Words to describe your character: Smart, Vain, Coy, Elitist, Beautiful, Protective, Arrogant, Loving, Curious, Socialable


Pearline has a very interesting personality, there are so many sides to her. She's extremely vain and cares very much about her appearance and how she looks and carries herself. A model that she wishes to set for herself would be Rowan or Aislin as both are Slytherin purebloods.

She can also be very sweet. While she is a proud pureblood she doesn't see a problem with being polite to half-bloods and muggles.

However, at times Pearline can be a downright bitch. While she sees nothing wrong with being nice to people of other blood classes, sometimes Pearline just cant stand certain people, or their habits, and since Adrian isn't as prone to conceal his emotions, she finds entertainment in bitching with him (and at him) privately about other people.

She can also be very nosey, because of her concern for Adrian, she likes to get information out of her roommates and others about what they know about Amorisa- what type of girl she is, what people think Adrian sees in her, etc. She likes to know about the people she's socailzing or competing against so she can know their weaknesses in case it ever comes in handy.

She takes her studying very seriously; she's not a Ravenclaw for nothing. She's always reading ahead to keep up on her assignments and to know a little of what the Professor is talking about at the next class meeting. This is usually when she snarks with Adrian, when she sees fellow Ravenclaw's and students not taking their studying as seriously as they should.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:

Magically, Pearline's strength's are the classes and magic that require wand work. It something she excels at. The way she sees it, you can determine weather or not the magic you are trying to do is right or wrong easier with wand work then you can if it's hands on work.

Personality wise, Pearline is fiercely loyal to her family and loved ones. Despite the differences she may have with them- despite the fact that Adrian is dating a half-blood, despite the fact that her parents and brother are out risking their lives every night and she constantly worries, despite the fact that her fiance drives her crazy- any decision that they make, Pearline will support them to the end and give them the support and encouragement that they need.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:

Pearline's magical weaknesses are classes that don't require wand magic. As a pureblood who has no interest in muggles or how they live, Muggle Studies is the one class she just cannot succeed at (despite being a Ravenclaw). It's not that she doesn't study, she does, she studies very hard. However, she is far better at Wand work then she is on hands on stuff like Potions, Herbology, Muggle Studies and Divination (the latter two in which she thinks is complete rubbish).

Personality wise, Pearline is afraid of not living up to pureblood standards. She already has a good marriage lined up for her, but she often lives in paranoia, wondering if she's acting like a 'proper' pureblood, wondering if the way she is acting would shame her parents and brother or make them proud.


Pearline will not admit she is afraid of anything. She wants to show that she's brave and strong and perfectly capable of taking care of herself and standing alone, but truthfully her biggest fear is not being perfect. This means not being the perfect student, not being the perfect daughter, not being the perfect sister, not being the perfect cousin, not being the perfect friend and not being the perfect fiancée to Drake Chasen. She strives on trying to be perfect and trying to be the model pureblood, but often fears that she is failing miserably.


Pearline was born on April 6th, 1990 to Sinclar Devlin and Natania Devlin. She has an older brother named Gerard that graduated Hogwarts a year before she started.

Pearline grew up in the company and 'compaionship' of her two cousins, Apollo and Adrian, whom she was months apart in age from. At a young age it was decided by Adrian's father, Nicolas, and Pearline's father, Sinclar, that Pearline and Adrian would marry to ensure the pureblood line. That did not go over well with either of them. While Pearline cares for both of her cousin's dearly, she just could not picture herself married to either one of them, even if in her own way she loves both of them very much.

One day however, the marriage was called off. To this day Pearline suspects that Adrian went to his mother and told her that he did not wish to marry her, and for that she will be eternally grateful to Adrian, but she'd never tell him that. The last thing she would ever want is for Adrian to know she feels indebted to him.

After the marriage contract with Adrian was canceled, her parents, still expecting their daughter to fufill her duty and continue the pureblood line, signed a contract with the Chasen family. Pearline would wed their son, Drake Chasen, whom was just a year older then she.

She and Drake have a love hate relationship. They are obviously attracted to each other, but they hate the fact that they are being forced to marry each other just to have a pureblood union.

Being the youngest child in her immediate family, Pearline feels extremely close to her older brother, especially since 7 years separates them. She feels special that he feels extremely protective of her, in turn she's extremely possessive of her older brother as well.

She started Hogwarts the same year as her two cousins and was delighted (and annoyed) at the same time to be in the same house with her cousins, and her betrothed, Drake.

Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion.

Pearline is 5'5. She has wavy brown hair that goes a little past her shoulders, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. She isn't like a knock out babe, but she's pretty enough for her to be vain and sure of herself.

Significant Relationships: Family: Optional: Pearline has a significant relationship with her two cousins Adrian Devlin and Apollo Devlin, both were born around the same time as she was and are all 4th year Ravenclaws. However, she and Adrian snark a lot (see History for reasoning) but when they aren't snarking at each other, they are snarking together about their housemates.

She is obviously very close to her mother and father. She's daddy's little girl, his only daughter, the apple of his eye. She's her mother's little angel, somebody that she could dress up and show off and mold into an image of herself. However, Pearline is closest to her older brother, who graduated Hogwarts before she arrived. Because of the vast age difference, Pearline is obviously close to her brother, and he sees her as his baby sister that needs protecting. They are very close and get together whenever possible. Gerard likes to spoil his little sister.

Friends: Optional:

Pearline has a few friends, but her significant relationships are with her two roommates Naia and Lia (despite the fact the Lia is a muggle-born). They have been her dorm mates for the past four years, and other then Apollo and Adrian, the two people that she has spent the most time with and gotten closest to at Hogwarts.

Other: Optional:Pearline is betrothed to Drake Chasen. So technically he is her boyfriend.

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval. Pearline has a shooting star; she rides it every so often, but mainly has one just to have one. She doesn't go out of her way to use it.

COMMUNITY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS -- ONLY ANSWER THE SECTION APPLICABLE TO YOUR CHARACTER Hogwarts: Year: 4th Year House: Ravenclaw Why are they in that house? Pearline comes from a long line of Ravenclaws, and even when she was little could more often then not be seen reading a book, or having her brother tell her the things that he learned from Hogwarts over summer vacation, eager to soak up information.

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