Amorisa Amherst

From Np Hogwarts

Revision as of 09:51, 20 October 2006 by Ladydiamond (Talk | contribs)

Amorisa is a 3rd year Slytherin. Amorisa is very sweet and very loyal to her family and friends. She wants to be friends with everyone, she wants to love the world and have the world love her back. However she can also be quite naive about the world around her and the way it works. She’s in average student in her classes, though with a Ravenclaw boyfriend she hopes to achieve better grades. Her best class however is Care of Magical Creatures because she loves animals of any sort. She’s also an only child, but in no means spoiled. Amorisa has a god brother, Colin Mayfield and a brother that she ‘adopted’ at Hogwarts named Maxamillion Windett.

Amorisa likes spending her days with her boyfriend Adrian under their favorite tree, or with her friends. She isn’t fond of flying because she isn’t very good at it, but she loves Quidditch

Just as easily as Amorisa can love, she can hate and despise as well. She hates trickery or secrets and if you betray her, it will take a long time for you to regain her trust back.

Amorisa is also a hopeless romantic. She believes in love at first sight and believes that her boyfriend Adrian is the man of her dreams. She spends a lot of time reading Muggle and Wizard romance novels alike. She believes that romance is real and that if you look hard enough you will be able to find it

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