Dariana Davison

From Np Hogwarts

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Player Name // Username: Lena//lenabee

Character Name: Dariana Sophia Davison (darianaclaw)

Preferred Character House: Ravenclaw.

Character Age: 16

If your character is a student - what year is s/he? Sixth Year

What kind of wand does your character possess? 11 inch hazel with a unicorn hair core.

Does your character own a broom? Which brand? *Nimbus with mod permission only* I'd like to request a Nimbus on the grounds that her family would have wanted her to have the best, even though she rarely flies it because she is afraid of heights. Her family buying her a Nimbus would just be a symbol of how much they don't know her (ie buying her something she would never, ever use). If a Nimbus is not allowed, then the next broom below that would be fine.

Describe your character’s strengths (both magically and personality-wise. Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi, etc. are extremely rare and you MUST have Mod Permission.): Dari is very intelligent in terms of book learning and she has a special gift for Potions, which is her favorite subject. She is also skilled in Divination.

Because she loves to read and learn, she has a wealth of knowledge of many subjects. Her knowledge of muggle subjects is more sketchy as she's had to hide those types of books from her family, but she is very well-read, especially when it comes to the wizarding world.

Describe your character’s flaws/weaknesses: Dari is very naive/innocent. While she has a good intuition for people, she also likes to believe the best about them and she's very sheltered in terms of how the world works. Most innuendo will go right over her head and she's pretty oblivious to the darker aspects of life.

Magically, she is horrid at Transfiguration and only slightly better at Charms. She performed well in her OWLs considering, because she studied obsessively for them and basically aced the written portion to make up for a mediocre performance on the practical. She understands the theory perfectly when she reads it. She just doesn't do so well at actually performing the magic.

Describe your character's physical attributes. If you have a preferred PB, state it here -- although check the list (http://www.livejournal.com/community/hihnp_ooc/121506.html) first!: Long dark brown hair and bright green eyes. She has a very sweet and innocent look to her. PB: Sophia Bush

Is your character Muggle born, a half breed, or a pureblood? Explain it. Pureblood. Her parents are both from old pureblood families and she's had the typical rich, influential pureblood upbringing.

Character Background/History: Dari has a younger sister who is also at Hogwarts. I am going to be vague about her age for now in case anyone else feels like RPing the character at any point. For now, I'll just refer to her on occasion as an NPC if that's alright.

Her parents are the stereotypical rich, snobbish purebloods. They constantly lecture her about the proper way to behave and the proper people to associate with. Though she tries to compensate for her "poor judgement" in friends by getting top marks at school, she's essentially a constant disappointment to them. She basically hides the details of her life from them to avoid their lectures.

Dari's first sign of magic came at the age of 5 when she manages to summon one of her favorite books from a shelf in her nursery. She was supposed to be napping, but she really wanted to read instead, so when her mother refused to get her the book, she made it come to her.

Her favorite toy when she was younger was the wizarding equivalent of a chemistry set which including some basic potions ingredients which helped to fuel her natural love and aptitude for potions.

Her mother is a healer for St Mungos and her Father works for the Ministry of Magic.

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