Adrian Devlin

From Np Hogwarts

Revision as of 07:45, 13 April 2006 by Jedilora (Talk | contribs)

Player Name: Lacey/orangewinters

Player House (Your character will be in the same house unless you have specific permission to do otherwise): Ravenclaw

Character Name: Adrian Devlin

Character Age: 14

If your character is a student - what year is s/he? 4th

What kind of wand does your character possess? 8 ½ inch oak with a dragon heart string core

Does your character own a broom? Which brand? Yes, he owns a Shooting Star, though he rarely flies (read, spoiled).

Does your character have any special abilities? Adrian’s primary skill is being able to get what he wants from people. He’s an avid people watcher, and is good at deciphering what makes them tick. In classes he’s a steady student, and he studies near religiously, but he prefers the abstract to more practical classes.

Describe your character’s flaws and magical weaknesses: Adrian is awful at Potions, or much of anything that requires he use his hands rather than a wand. He dislikes Herbology for this same reason.

Describe your character's physical attributes: Adrian looks the part of the shy intellectual. He can be very distant or very friendly, depending on his mood.

Is your character Muggle born, a half breed, half-blood, or a pureblood? Explain it. Adrian is a pureblood. Both of his parents come from established, if not well known or necessarily respected, families.

Character Background/History: Adrian is the second oldest of five children. His older sister recently completed her seventh year at Hogwarts and is living on her own in Hogsmeade, while only one of his younger siblings is yet old enough to attend. He comes from a family of Slytherclaws, and it was a toss up as to whether he’d follow his father and end up a Slytherin, or follow his mother and be in Ravenclaw. His mother’s side won out, which seemed only fair given that he’d always been closer to her. Recently the Devlin family has run into some trouble, Adrian’s mother having been locked up in a secure ward within St. Mungo’s for the criminally insane. His father has refused to talk much about it, though Adrian has a sneaking suspicion that his father knows far more about why and how she got there than he lets on. Since his mother was institutionalized the Devlin’s governess has become an even more prominent member of the household, a point which has also raised Adrian’s suspicions.

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