Ashleigh Barton

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Revision as of 21:00, 25 October 2006 by Hope99 31516 (Talk | contribs)

Ashleigh Elizabeth Barton

Ashleigh Barton.

Played ByAli Larter
LJ accountuserinfo.gif ashleigh_barton
Current Year7th
Hogwarts HouseGryffindor
Favorite SubjectsCharms
Worst SubjectsTransfiguration

userinfo.gif hope99_31516


Ashleigh Barton

Ashleigh is a very friendly person. She's nice to you if you're nice to her. You have to actually do something to make her not like you. However, if she is previously bothered or aggravated, it takes a lot less to send her into defense mode. The people she cares about take top priority in her life. If you hurt them, you will have her as an enemy. She will fight for what she believes in... though she wont shove her beliefs down your throat. It is totally acceptable if you do not agree with her and she is capable of having a civil conversation about it. Ashleigh is quite shy when trying to speak to a large group; she feels much better during a one-on-one coversation. She's an honest person. If you don't want her actual opinion, it's best not to ask.

She is a determined and hard working individual. She will, normally, set aside fun to do what has to be done. She is practical and will choose to focus on a subject she needs as opposed to one that she is good at; even if the consequence for that action is a fallen grade in the less important class. Charms and DADA are her best classes. It takes very little studying to grasp or make top marks in these classes. She is also very good at Astronomy and History of Magic. Ashleigh is a very friendly person unless given a good reason not to be. She is more apt to sit back and ignore someone being rude to her but if you make the mistake of crossing one of her close friends she will quickly become a very vicious protector. She has quite a bit of book knowledge. When curious about anything she will find a book to learn about the subject.

Ashleigh chooses to ignore most aspects of the outside world until it is shoved in her face. When angered (though this rarely happens) she tends to lose rational thought. She doesn't use deductive reasoning she decides (using mostly her heart and emotions) and then acts. Potions and Transfiguration are her weak classes. She is strong at the written, the practical portion being her downfall. Ashleigh only managed OWLS in these classes because she determined they were the more useful classes and focused all of her attention on them. (Failing History of Magic and Astronomy, two classes she would normally be really good at, as a result.)


An only child, Ashleigh grew up alone in the home of her wealthy pureblood parents. Her mother, battling her own issues, was always very strict; only making brief appearances to scold Ashleigh about her grades (even if she had top marks). Due to the lack of motherly affection or attention, Ashleigh is and will forever be a daddy's girl. Her father did his best to make sure Ashleigh felt loved and had the things she needed and wanted. Due to this, Ashleigh is quite spoiled when it comes to her father... but only with her father. She doesn't let her wealthy up bringing cloud her judgment. Ashleigh spent her earlier years at Hogwarts lost in her studies, trying desperately to please her mother. (Choosing to miss out on things, like Hogsmeade, because she used every free minute to study her weakest subjects.) She, occasionally, found herself interested in this boy or that boy, even managing a few boyfriends but chose, in the end, to focus her attentions on school work and ended up treating said boyfriend more like a friend. Deciding that her mother's opinion was neither needed nor wanted, she's managed to open up quite a bit during her last year at Hogwarts.


Edward McMillan

Tilly Ryan

Taylor Delouise




  • Birthdate: January 13
  • Sign: Capricorn. The Quinotaur (half goat, half mermaid/merman). Cardinal, earth, yin - planetary ruler: Saturn.

Keywords: "I USE"

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and governs the bones, joints, and knees. Positive traits include pragmatism, maturity, patience, determination, awareness, a strong work ethic, realism, discipline, money management, the willingness to overcome hard luck, leadership, initiative, opportunism, prudence, and cunning. Negative traits include pessimism, melancholy, emotional coldness, manipulation, obsession with work and ambitions to the detriment of personal development, remoteness, and materialistic snobbery.


While not the most common sign for Gryffindors to be born under, the combination of Gryffindor aims with Capricorn traits results in wizards who are exceptionally well balanced. For once, here are Gryffindors who will not go charging off on quests without first making thorough preparations and arranging for backup. They are resourceful, well grounded, and self confident, hard workers, and extremely reliable. You can always trust a Gryffindor Capricorn's word; they will not only mean it when they say they will do something, they will follow through successfully. House Prefects often come from this sign, because they are responsible, good students, and natural leaders. What many people forget about the Capricorn is that although they are part goat, they are also part mermaid. That mermaid half represents all the fanciful dreams and lofty ambitions that the quiet Capricorn often hides beneath an unassuming surface. Perhaps Capricorns are sorted into this House because the House needs balance, but those hidden dreams and whimsies probably have a lot to do with it, too.

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