Daciana Javensworth

From Np Hogwarts

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== Weaknesses: ==
== Weaknesses: ==
''Personality:''She’s incredible naïve, due to her isolated upbringing, and thus she can be easily swayed in her thoughts and convictions towards elitism and purity of blood (that’s what she was taught). She doesn’t understand Muggles at all, having thought that they were actually foreign creatures until the age of eleven when she actually did see one (she still retains quite a bit of her old thoughts and ways). She also posses very few social skills that would allow her to interact with the student body as a whole, as she’s never really needed them. She possesses excellent manners and is perfectly poised, but finds actual people (especially those not raised in her elitist world) to be a complete shock. She's so desperate to be loved, she'll let people use her under the guise of actual love.
''Magical:'' She’s absolutely horrible at Herbology, believing that subject to be a damning waste of time and gets quiet upset when professors don’t take a shine to her (she has the tendency to be a bit of an overachiever). Despite her love of animals, she cannot take care of them, as the tend to react badly to her and sense her 'weakness'.
== Fears: ==
== Fears: ==

Revision as of 23:56, 26 October 2006

Daciana Isolde Javensworth


Played ByKirsten Bell
LJ accountuserinfo.gif girltrapshadow
Current YearFifth
Hogwarts HouseSlytherin
Favorite SubjectsPotions, Ancient Runes
Worst SubjectsHerbology

userinfo.gif echochaser9


Daciana Javensworth


Daciana is the epitome of what a wealthy, pureblooded daughter of elitist and wealthy parents should be. In fact, at times, she’s a bit too idealised to be real, her behaviour and need to be perfect in every sense of the word border on obsessive. She’s pretty, prim, polite, sweet, and above all naïve and extremely sheltered. Whenever she is exposed to any personality stronger or more forceful than her own, she is very easily moulded and shaped by what she sees. In her life, her morals are very limited, but she is not an amoral person. In fact, her morals are so skewed by her childhood and how she was raised. Above everything else she values politeness and being well mannered, which causes her to ignore behaviour and actions that others would be horrified by in the name of morals. She’s a very sweet girl, with almost a childlike outlook on life. Her emotional maturity level is roughly that of a nine or ten year old girl, despite her age. She’s incredibly obedient, and her goal in life is to please her parents and Grandmother, on the urge to get them to notice her and prove that she is alive and worth something. She doesn’t react well to being noticed and large amounts of attention, and has this tendency to be very awkward in any social situation, immediately apologising for any action she does. She’s quiet and studious, not particularly because that is how she is, but because she feels that those will help her earn the affection she so rightly desires. She’s a bit of a dreamer, living in a myriad of girlish fantasies, most of which centre around being loved.


Magical:Daciana’s only real magical talent lies in Charms, which she excels at with great ease. She’s quite good at Potions as well, finding that subject fascinating and easy, but that’s less magic and more focus, as is her talent for Ancient Runes. She has a tendency to find Potions quite fascinating, even if the teacher confuses her sometimes, but she is the sort of girl who will eagerly work ahead and ask for more work. She's a bright girl, even if she is a bit spacey.

Personality:She’s an excellent student, more because she knows that her parents will not tolerate anything less than the best out of their perfect “doll” of a child and because she cannot stand to have others beat her. She’s competitive and hard worker, almost to the point of being a perfectionist, mostly because she feels it’s expected over her. She doesn't want to be overlooked, something that she has all her life, and she wants people to be proud of her and love her, which she feels can be achieved by being the best. She's got willpower, she just might not exercise it all the time.


Personality:She’s incredible naïve, due to her isolated upbringing, and thus she can be easily swayed in her thoughts and convictions towards elitism and purity of blood (that’s what she was taught). She doesn’t understand Muggles at all, having thought that they were actually foreign creatures until the age of eleven when she actually did see one (she still retains quite a bit of her old thoughts and ways). She also posses very few social skills that would allow her to interact with the student body as a whole, as she’s never really needed them. She possesses excellent manners and is perfectly poised, but finds actual people (especially those not raised in her elitist world) to be a complete shock. She's so desperate to be loved, she'll let people use her under the guise of actual love.

Magical: She’s absolutely horrible at Herbology, believing that subject to be a damning waste of time and gets quiet upset when professors don’t take a shine to her (she has the tendency to be a bit of an overachiever). Despite her love of animals, she cannot take care of them, as the tend to react badly to her and sense her 'weakness'.



Daciana has the ‘privilege’ of being the only daughter and heir of two very wealthy, powerful, elitist and ancient Wizarding families. Her parents’ marriage was seen as the perfect serendipitous culmination (her parents’ marriage wasn’t arranged, but there is doubt as to whether or not they actually love each other) of two ancient lines. She has no siblings as her mother didn’t want to risk ruining her figure and saw one child as enough, and they used their daughter as a status symbol in their lives. The only relative Daciana has is cousin, whom she barely knew before Hogwarts but now is a extremely attached to (Boyko Phobes).

Daciana spent her entire childhood mostly isolated, with the exception of a few parties that her parents threw and used as a vehicle to show off their lifestyle. She grew up in a large manor and the surrounding grounds just outside of Cromer, Norfolk. The only people she had any routine contact with was Nanny (the house elf), Amos, her tutor, her Grandmother (Hero), who was a cold frigid woman. When she’d see her Grandmother, she’d often have interactions with one Elanor Hawthorne-Munwane, and as a result the two formed a tight, yet awkward bond, with Elanor being the closest thing Daciana has to a sister.

Because of her limited socialisation, Daciana immersed herself in books and other sorts of things. She has perfect manners for parties and other sorts of pureblood gatherings, but none that would get her along in the real world. When she got her letter for Hogwarts, it wasn’t a surprise, though she hoped it would bring her parents home to see her off. It didn’t rather, all she got was a letter from her mother telling her that Ravenclaw wouldn’t be much of a disappointment as neither her nor her father felt she was strong enough for Slytherin. As spite, Daciana got herself Sorted as a Slytherin, because she was determined not to disappoint them. Now that she is a Slytherin, she’s spent her time being moulded just as much by her housemates her as by the curriculum, though she is still sweet and naïve, if not a bit sassy and coquettish at times.

Physical Description:

Daciana is about 5 feet 5 inches tall, and has a very thin, very light frame, making her appear to be more of a ghost than a real girl. Her skin is very very fair, and her hair is so blonde it is nearly white and she wears it in the traditionally style of long and well-kept. All of her features are very fine, giving her the appearance of a doll, and she’s noticeably pretty, making the fact that she is ‘kept’ and not raised even more apparent. The only thing that is remarkable apart from her doll-like qualities, is the fact that she somehow possesses very vibrant violet eyes, they are distinctive and almost scary (no one else in her family has them, except one relative who lived roughly 500 years ago).

Hogwarts House:

Significant Relationships:

Boyko Phobos

Slytherin Picans:

This is not the most natural of sun signs for a Slytherin to be born into, but it's not unheard of, and when it happens, the results are usually interesting. These Slytherins dream big. Because of their romantic streak and their need for mystery and glamour, their dreams are often the most dazzling of all. To put them into fruition, they either need to develop a pragmatic streak, or partner up with a practical wizard who will help midwife the dreams and keep them going. These Slytherins are loners or followers rather than leaders, but don't assume that they are doormats - they wouldn't be Slytherin if they didn't have some backbone. They will accomodate people to the best of their limits, but if those limits are pushed or violated, they will get angry - and they will remember. A Pisces never forgets a cut or a kindness. Ever. Slytherin Pisceans often delve into mysteries involving death and afterlife, for Pisces is naturally placed in the house of endings; Pisces wizards in House Slytherin will also be brilliant seers and potion brewers. Because these wizards are good with people and human psychology, they understand everybody around them; and because they are so quiet and unassuming, nobody notices that they are there. The wise Pisces in House Slytherin of course is aware of this, and uses it to advantage.

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