Samantha Jones

From Np Hogwarts

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(Samantha Jones)
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Samantha’s an intelligent girl and very much the essential Ravenclaw. Nothing comes before her studies (except maybe family) and she works hard at them.
*Samantha’s an intelligent girl and very much the essential Ravenclaw. Nothing comes before her studies (except maybe family) and she works hard at them.
Her best classes by far, are those that involve wand work. She finds those the most useful and interesting to learn. She excels at Charms and naturally took to them from the time she started to learn them. Transfiguration comes in a very close second—she’s good at the class, but doesn’t like it nearly as much as she does Charms.
Her best classes by far, are those that involve wand work. She finds those the most useful and interesting to learn. She excels at Charms and naturally took to them from the time she started to learn them. Transfiguration comes in a very close second—she’s good at the class, but doesn’t like it nearly as much as she does Charms.
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Oh, God, her classes by far are Potions and History of Magic. She’s not that great at Herbology or Divination either, but those two are by far her worst.
*Oh, God, her classes by far are Potions and History of Magic. She’s not that great at Herbology or Divination either, but those two are by far her worst.
Potions? She can’t seem to get a handle on without lots of tutoring and help. She worked her butt off to get into the N.E.W.T level class and continues to work harder on that than any other class she currently takes. Potions don’t come easily to her, and she can’t do the work completely on her own. Seriously. She hates the class, it hates her, but she forces herself to do well so she can get to her life’s dream.
Potions? She can’t seem to get a handle on without lots of tutoring and help. She worked her butt off to get into the N.E.W.T level class and continues to work harder on that than any other class she currently takes. Potions don’t come easily to her, and she can’t do the work completely on her own. Seriously. She hates the class, it hates her, but she forces herself to do well so she can get to her life’s dream.

Revision as of 15:25, 25 October 2006

Samantha Jones

Hopeless dreamer

Played ByKeira Knightley
LJ accountuserinfo.gif bewitched_sam_
HometownGlasgow, Scotland
Current Year6th
Hogwarts HouseRavenclaw
Favorite SubjectsCharms, Transfiguration
Worst SubjectsPotions, Herbology

userinfo.gif butterflyvision


Samantha Jones

  • Name: Samantha Katharine Jones
  • Year: 6th
  • House: Ravenclaw
  • Ten Words: Empathetic, loyal, caring, naive (to a degree), studious, forgiving, logical, supportive, stubborn, helpful

Sam's a really nice girl. Like... really, reallly nice. She's open to everyone and has a big heart. She firmly believes in giving a person more than one chance, because... really. Why hold grudges when life is short? Live it up! That said, she's friendly and has a smile for everyone, no matter how they may have treated her in the past. Because of this, it can be somewhat easy to take advantage of her. She won't catch on right away, but when she does? Woo, funtimes.

Samantha also has issues dealing with any strong emotions. She likes to be as mellow and relaxed as possible, so dealing with anything that can throw her off of that is something she does not want. She's mastered the art of ignoring and pretending things have not happened. Life is so much easier that way.


  • Samantha’s an intelligent girl and very much the essential Ravenclaw. Nothing comes before her studies (except maybe family) and she works hard at them.

Her best classes by far, are those that involve wand work. She finds those the most useful and interesting to learn. She excels at Charms and naturally took to them from the time she started to learn them. Transfiguration comes in a very close second—she’s good at the class, but doesn’t like it nearly as much as she does Charms.

Sam is very open to others, and has a heart for everyone. If you need a shoulder to cry on, she'll hold you; if you need someone to listen, she'll lend an ear; if you're belly's aching, she'll make you a sandwich; etc. She's not all that shy, and is definitely able to just walk right up to people and start a conversation, or start drilling them with questions as she is known to do. She wouldn't be called an introvert or an extrovert, really.

She believes in fairness and justice for all, and will fight to the death for that. There’s a belief of ‘protect the innocent, not punish the guilty’—she’ll fight for those who need someone to fight for them, but she won’t actively go out to seek revenge for something done to her.


  • Oh, God, her classes by far are Potions and History of Magic. She’s not that great at Herbology or Divination either, but those two are by far her worst.

Potions? She can’t seem to get a handle on without lots of tutoring and help. She worked her butt off to get into the N.E.W.T level class and continues to work harder on that than any other class she currently takes. Potions don’t come easily to her, and she can’t do the work completely on her own. Seriously. She hates the class, it hates her, but she forces herself to do well so she can get to her life’s dream.

History of Magic is something she didn’t have the attention span for. Her mind wandered and she couldn’t bring herself to focus on anything while the professor was instructing. Most of her time was spent doodling or trying not to fall asleep during lectures. She ended up doing horribly in the class and dropped it as soon as she could.

She’s a bit of clingy person, needing the acceptance and approval of others before she can move on with something. It’s hard for her to make up her mind about anything, which can leave her in a huge rut. If she’s stuck between two things, she does the Ravenclaw thing by weighing her options, but that doesn’t make the decision making process any easier.

When it comes to other people and getting what she wants, she’s not above manipulating them to her will. Guilt trips? Oh, yes. She’s definitely not past using those to get what she wants.


Samantha Katharine Jones was born into a very wealthy and very upper-class Pureblood family lines in the wizarding world, though one wouldn’t be able to tell simply from talking to the girl. She’s not biased based on bloodlines in the least, and is very open about that. She’s a blood traitor and doesn’t hide it at all.

Her mother, from childhood until attending Hogwarts, was very much an elitist Pureblood. Snobby, bratty, and very much selfish, she tended to look down upon those who were ‘lessers’. It wasn’t until she attended school and realized the reality of the world she lived in that she slowly, but surely, began to change.

A large part of it, of course, had to do with the man she met, and would eventually marry. She was no longer a slave to her own heritage, but an open-minded young woman who was curious about the world around her.

Eventually, she realized she wanted to ‘pay back’ the wrongs she had done and became an Auror (something that, later on, her daughter aspires to be), and helps those who she once put down.

Years later, Samantha Katharina Jones was born.

She had a happy childhood, for the most part, aside from the occasional torment from her Pureblood cousins, who unlike her, felt very much above everyone else. Samantha, however, had the idea of equality instilled in her from a young age. And, unlike most Pureblood children, she was exposed to both the magical and Muggle worlds growing up, so she would better understand how similar the two world really are—along with their differences, of course. She's very open about her beliefs and ideas and sticks by them.

Growing up, Samantha wasn’t the strongest of children, and was easily picked on and bullied. She never really stood up for herself, and that’s probably affected the type of person she is today. She abhors fighting and seeing the smaller, weaker parties lose out.

Her first brush with magic, ironically, was due to a temper tantrum caused by one of her dearest cousins. The end result was said cousin having a nasty experience with boils. The two aren’t as close as they should be, obviously. Still, Sam would do anything to protect and help her cousin out. It’s not as if she hates her, no matter how much she pretends she does, she just disagrees with her. A lot.

In school, she’s always been friendly and sociable. She works hard at her classes (most of them, anyway) and lives up to the idea of the ‘stereotypical Ravenclaw’. She studies her butt off and manges to get good marks most of the time.

The girl doesn’t have a mean or bitter bone in her body, so she’s pleasant to just about everyone. She loves talking to people and flitting around different social groups. Samantha gets along fairly well with most people due to her pleasant nature. This, combined with her hard work, led to her being made a Prefect, something she takes great pride in.


Maddox Dixon is a male BFF. Sort of. Maddox is definitely one of the few people Sam feels completely comfortable around and opens up to fully.

Lucas Longshore ....odd relationship there. For whatever reason, she fell in love with the fool and dated him for a month. They are, however, broken up. Quite possibly for good, thank God.

Darin DeLouise is... well, another interesting thing there. Flirt quite a bit and may or may not have shagged at his birthday party... but definitely doesn't think of him as more than a good friend.

Dariana Davidson roommate/boy obsessor-with...or. Tends to let Dari know things she wouldn't dare tell anyone else.

Maggie Downey BFFs, in a weird way. Sam tends to give Maggie relationship advice and gets it in turn.

Natalie Corwin a year older than Sam, but Sam looks up to her quite a bit, and always has.

Hannah Salix former BFFs, but now at odds to the Ball Incident. Sam misses her TERRIBLY, though, and wishes they could talk again.

Naia Bergren Sam ADORES the younger girl. Naia amuses her greatly and she'll definitely do anything to help the girl out.

Zoey Montclair is Sam's other who is also in Slytherin. Sam... is often afraid and weary of her, and tends to go along with whatever she says.


Sam's favourite classes are Charms and Transfiguration, though she fairs decently in DADA. She likes Arithmancy well enough, but despises Potions. She only deals with that, and Herbology, for her future training.


LIBRA the Scales of Justice. Cardinal, air, yang - planetary ruler: Venus. Keywords: "I BALANCE"

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and governs the kidneys, lower back, and buttocks. Positive traits include a rational, logical mind, a fine sense of aesthetics, diplomatic aplomb, good taste, charm, skill with words, intelligence, an innate sense of fairness and justice, and exceptional beauty. Negative characteristics include indecisiveness, excessive dependence on other people, conformist tendencies, manic depression, extravagance, and manipulation.


All Ravenclaws are intellectual, but Ravenclaw Libras have their heads in the clouds more than most (Pisces Ravenclaws may have them beat, but not by much). They are romantic and idealistic, and prefer to live in the world of pure theory rather than in the messy world of action. While social and pleasant, they are still quiet and shy, and rarely make the first move when in a group of people. In the classroom, they tend to wait to be called on, or raise their hands when they are sure that no one else knows the answer, but they do tend to be the teacher's pet on a fairly regular basis. It's hard to hate them for this, because they are so pleasant to everybody. Ravenclaw Libras are the most speculative (and indecisive) of all Libras, because they have the intellectual capacity to explore all ramifications of every action and reaction.



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