Phoebe Hamilton

From Np Hogwarts

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[[Category:Sixth Years]]
[[Category:Sixth Years]]
[[Category:Slytherin Sixth Years]]
[[Category:Gryffindor Sixth Years]]
| caption= Elegant beauty.
| caption= Elegant beauty.
| PB= Rachel McAdams
| PB= Anne Hathaway
| character_name= Phoebe Hamilton
| character_name= Phoebe Hamilton
| ljaccount = phoebe_hamilton
| ljaccount = phoebe_hamilton
| hometown =  
| hometown = Ashford, England
| year = 6th  
| year = 6th  
| House = Slytherin
| House = Gryffindor
| favorite_subjects = Arithmancy, Divination
| favorite_subjects = Arithmancy, Divination
| worst_subjects = Charms, Transfiguration
| worst_subjects = Charms, Transfiguration
| mun_lj = starrynights75
| mun_lj = butterflyvision
==Phoebe Hamilton==
==Phoebe Hamilton==
Phoebe’s a very driven and motivated girl. If she wants something, she pushes the limits to get it, and never gives in. When she first started school, she did rather poorly, which forced her to better herself and improve. She wants the best for herself and out of life, limitations be damned. While she’s not the most social of people, Phoebe’s certainly not the shy wallflower. She goes about and talks to people, attempting to make different connections. She’s typically friendly and cheerful to all, unless a person is absolutely horriddefinite opinions, and won’t sway from them a bit. Once she has made up her mind about a person, that opinion stays—and she’s never afraid to voice that opinion either. Everything that she says and does has a great sense of self-assuredness. She has absolutely no regrets about the things she gets herself involved with, or the people she may end up hurting.
Phoebe is a spontaneous, free-spirited young woman. She is a romantic and a dreamer with a rich, poetic imagination. She'll try anything once, twice if she had a good time. Her motto is: "Don't complain, never explain." She trusts herself as well-- always has and always will. She has an electric vitality and her intuition is remarkable, radiant, and alive. She’s outgoing and friendly—the sort of person who will walk up to a perfect stranger and strike up a conversation. She’s not shy in the least and it has a tendency to make situations a bit awkward at times.
Magically, her strength lies in work that doesn’t require wands or potions. She’s best at Arithmancy and Divination, while somewhat decent at Ancient Runes. Her other classes aren’t horrid, but she mostly doesn’t have the patience to practice or work at those classes. So, she focuses on reading and learning in that way as opposed to hands-on work.
More adjectives to describe Phoebe? She is adventurous, curious, charming, funny, magnetic, proud and completely confident. She's also a smart-ass and very rebellious. To her credit, she can make the best out of any situation, no matter how bad or hopeless it may seem. Phoebe is a true original, one of a kind, and happy to stay that way. It's not that Phoebe dances to the beat of a different drummer, she's dancing to an entirely different band!
Phoebe’s greatest weakness lies in the fact that she can be a bit blind and naïve to a person’s motives. Yes, she’s a bit of a cynic, but she usually lets her guard down (which is where her MAJOR Gryffindor tendencies kick in) and trust people. That is, of course, until they break that trust, which she never forgives. Ever. She also wears her emotions on her sleeve, which can fall under a weakness because it’s easy for people to prey on how she’s feeling. And, it’s not difficult for her to fall prey to her own housemates’ tricks and manipulations, as much as she hates to admit.
Unlike most upper class girls, with their refined sensibilities, Phoebe is more down to earth and easy going. She shops at thrift stores and is generally care-free and relaxed. She’s certainly not an outcast in the sense of Luna Lovegood—she doesn’t go out of her way to stand out or be different, but she doesn’t conform either. She’s got her own unique and personal sense of style and she adores it.
Most teenage girls at Hogwarts are in relationships, have relationships that are budding or… whatever. While Phoebe’s certainly not against this sort of thing, it’s not her. Far too flighty and impulsive to be tied down by an actual serious relationship, Phoebe has a tendency to avoid the subject or idea. This is due to her great fear of commitment. The idea of completely committing scares her, so she pretty much avoids anything that extends past a friendship (yes, this includes snogging) with most boys.
On a less pleasant side, she’s as stubborn as they come. Nothing can really make her change her mind, and once her opinion is set on a person or thing, it takes quite a bit to convince her otherwise. And while she’s friendly, kind, and a good friend? She remains a bit detached from just about everyone in order to keep from being hurt. Yes, this includes best friends. There’s that whole fear of commitment again. And, really, the fear is a bit on the irrational side, seeing as she's had no REAL bad luck when it comes to that sort of thing. Silly girl.
Phoebe born into a rather wealthy family, always knowing the best in life, the perfect little brat. The only daughter o her parents (she does, however, have an older brother), she was doted upon while growing up. She changed, as she went through school, but not much. She still tends to get a bit upset when things don’t go the way she wants them to, but usually, she doesn’t whine or throw fits over it.
Phoebe born into a rather wealthy family, always knowing the best in life, the perfect little brat. The only daughter o her parents (she does, however, have an older brother), she was doted upon while growing up. She changed, as she went through school, but not much. She still tends to get a bit upset when things don’t go the way she wants them to, but usually, she doesn’t whine or throw fits over it.
Phoebe’s mother, Helena Applegate, was born to a Muggle and a Pureblood, while her father, Demeterius Hamilton, heils from a long line of purebloods. Both are well-known families. Helena works in a clothing shop in Diagon Alley, while Demeterius works for the Dept. of International Magical Cooperation. Her brother Oliver is someone who she’s extremely close to. She loves him to death and considers him to be one of her best friends. She had quite the happy and privileged childhood.
Phoebe’s mother, Helena Applegate, was born to a Muggle and a Pureblood, while her father, Demeterius Hamilton, heils from a long line of purebloods. Both are well-known families. Helena works in a clothing shop in Diagon Alley, while Demeterius works for the Dept. of International Magical Cooperation. Her brother David is someone who she’s extremely close to. She had quite the happy and privileged childhood.
Her blood heritage, while not a complete disgrace to her (though, she’s certainly not proud of it), is not something she’d openly announce and speak of. In fact, she’ll keep her true heritage to herself and those closest to her, and keep up a ‘Pureblood’ standing to anyone else. She has a fierce sense of devotion to those few that she’s close to, and doesn’t bother much with those she doesn’t care for—unless they can somehow work to her advantage.
Although, now/at school? She doesn’t really show it that much, settling for more ‘classic’ things that run a bit cheaper and stand out more from her schoolmates. She’s always been the friendly and social sort, though not always studious, and she’s a huge fan of Quidditch. Phoebe doesn’t hold any special positions in school, but she doesn’t fret over that sort of thing.
At Hogwarts, she is a dedicated student, and puts all of her effort into the assignments she cares about, and just barely finishes the ones she doesn’t. She’s not overly studious; she just gets done what she has to.
Her bloodline’s not completely pure, but it’s not the sort of topic she confirms or denies. Really, she just lets people think whatever. It’s easier than actually talking about it.
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*****History of Magic
*****History of Magic
(January 20 - February 18)
(September 23 - October 22)
the Water Bearer. Fixed, air, yang - planetary rulers: Saturn and Uranus. Keywords: "I KNOW"
the Scales of Justice. Cardinal, air, yang - planetary ruler: Venus. Keywords: "I BALANCE"
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and governs the kidneys, lower back, and buttocks. Positive traits include a rational, logical mind, a fine sense of aesthetics, diplomatic aplomb, good taste, charm, skill with words, intelligence, an innate sense of fairness and justice, and exceptional beauty. Negative characteristics include indecisiveness, excessive dependence on other people, conformist tendencies, manic depression, extravagance, and manipulation.  
Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the "real world," over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness.
This combination of sun sign and House ought to be nicknamed "The Magical Corps of Diplomats." Slytherins born under this sign are poised, polished, suave, well read, well bred, and excruciatingly polite and correct in everything they do - the perfect gentry of the magical world. Never a bully or a bravo here! No, these Slytherins would say "I despise you and think your are worthless scum" and make it sound like "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." They are discreet, sympathetic, easy to talk to, and know how to put people at ease. This can, of course, be a wonderful asset in espionage (the flip side of diplomacy!) and these Slytherins are more than capable of hiding their true feelings in order to get information or befriend a rival. Because they need to act in partnership with others and hate to be alone, they are rarely decision makers, and must be careful who they seek to befriend, lest they be led astray into the wrong crowd. Slytherin Libras also ought to marry into money if they don't have much of their own, for their love of luxury and culture can make for extremely high maintenance expenses.
Gryffindor Aquarians are the social activists and loons of their House. They'll picket for House Elf Liberation. They'll wear their robes inside out because they spent all night reading, not pay attention to how they dressed the next day, and not care if their rumpled appearance is pointed out to them. They are intellectual rebels and will loudly defend their opinions, even if doing so makes enemies. They are apt to question authority. "Even Merlin was wrong, some of the time," they'll say, shrugging. While not particularly good at dealing with crisis situations (they stress out easily) they do tend to have enough foresight to see the situations coming, and prevent them from happening in the first place. They can be flamboyantly talented, but are less interested in using their talent to "make it big" than in using it to make a better life for themselves or other people. Because Gryffindor tends to be a flamboyant house, these oddballs (they are always odd) tend to stick out for being unusual.

Revision as of 12:46, 25 October 2006

Phoebe Hamilton

Elegant beauty.

Played ByAnne Hathaway
LJ accountuserinfo.gif phoebe_hamilton
HometownAshford, England
Current Year6th
Hogwarts HouseGryffindor
Favorite SubjectsArithmancy, Divination
Worst SubjectsCharms, Transfiguration

userinfo.gif butterflyvision

Phoebe Hamilton

Phoebe is a spontaneous, free-spirited young woman. She is a romantic and a dreamer with a rich, poetic imagination. She'll try anything once, twice if she had a good time. Her motto is: "Don't complain, never explain." She trusts herself as well-- always has and always will. She has an electric vitality and her intuition is remarkable, radiant, and alive. She’s outgoing and friendly—the sort of person who will walk up to a perfect stranger and strike up a conversation. She’s not shy in the least and it has a tendency to make situations a bit awkward at times.

More adjectives to describe Phoebe? She is adventurous, curious, charming, funny, magnetic, proud and completely confident. She's also a smart-ass and very rebellious. To her credit, she can make the best out of any situation, no matter how bad or hopeless it may seem. Phoebe is a true original, one of a kind, and happy to stay that way. It's not that Phoebe dances to the beat of a different drummer, she's dancing to an entirely different band!

Unlike most upper class girls, with their refined sensibilities, Phoebe is more down to earth and easy going. She shops at thrift stores and is generally care-free and relaxed. She’s certainly not an outcast in the sense of Luna Lovegood—she doesn’t go out of her way to stand out or be different, but she doesn’t conform either. She’s got her own unique and personal sense of style and she adores it.

Most teenage girls at Hogwarts are in relationships, have relationships that are budding or… whatever. While Phoebe’s certainly not against this sort of thing, it’s not her. Far too flighty and impulsive to be tied down by an actual serious relationship, Phoebe has a tendency to avoid the subject or idea. This is due to her great fear of commitment. The idea of completely committing scares her, so she pretty much avoids anything that extends past a friendship (yes, this includes snogging) with most boys.

On a less pleasant side, she’s as stubborn as they come. Nothing can really make her change her mind, and once her opinion is set on a person or thing, it takes quite a bit to convince her otherwise. And while she’s friendly, kind, and a good friend? She remains a bit detached from just about everyone in order to keep from being hurt. Yes, this includes best friends. There’s that whole fear of commitment again. And, really, the fear is a bit on the irrational side, seeing as she's had no REAL bad luck when it comes to that sort of thing. Silly girl.


Phoebe born into a rather wealthy family, always knowing the best in life, the perfect little brat. The only daughter o her parents (she does, however, have an older brother), she was doted upon while growing up. She changed, as she went through school, but not much. She still tends to get a bit upset when things don’t go the way she wants them to, but usually, she doesn’t whine or throw fits over it.

Phoebe’s mother, Helena Applegate, was born to a Muggle and a Pureblood, while her father, Demeterius Hamilton, heils from a long line of purebloods. Both are well-known families. Helena works in a clothing shop in Diagon Alley, while Demeterius works for the Dept. of International Magical Cooperation. Her brother David is someone who she’s extremely close to. She had quite the happy and privileged childhood.

Although, now/at school? She doesn’t really show it that much, settling for more ‘classic’ things that run a bit cheaper and stand out more from her schoolmates. She’s always been the friendly and social sort, though not always studious, and she’s a huge fan of Quidditch. Phoebe doesn’t hold any special positions in school, but she doesn’t fret over that sort of thing.

Her bloodline’s not completely pure, but it’s not the sort of topic she confirms or denies. Really, she just lets people think whatever. It’s easier than actually talking about it.


  • Arithmancy
    • Divination
      • Ancient Runes
        • Muggle Studies
          • History of Magic

==Astrology==AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18) the Water Bearer. Fixed, air, yang - planetary rulers: Saturn and Uranus. Keywords: "I KNOW"

Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the "real world," over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness.


Gryffindor Aquarians are the social activists and loons of their House. They'll picket for House Elf Liberation. They'll wear their robes inside out because they spent all night reading, not pay attention to how they dressed the next day, and not care if their rumpled appearance is pointed out to them. They are intellectual rebels and will loudly defend their opinions, even if doing so makes enemies. They are apt to question authority. "Even Merlin was wrong, some of the time," they'll say, shrugging. While not particularly good at dealing with crisis situations (they stress out easily) they do tend to have enough foresight to see the situations coming, and prevent them from happening in the first place. They can be flamboyantly talented, but are less interested in using their talent to "make it big" than in using it to make a better life for themselves or other people. Because Gryffindor tends to be a flamboyant house, these oddballs (they are always odd) tend to stick out for being unusual.

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