Nicodemus Florentine

From Np Hogwarts

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Player Name // Username: Kim // /candauleswife
Character Name: Nicodemus Cadmus Florentine
Preferred Character House: Ravenclaw
Character Age: 17 (18 on the 14th of December)
If your character is a student - what year is s/he? 7th
What kind of wand does your character possess? A BIG one A hideous one. It's ugly, and gaudy, and heavy. Nicodemus doesn't think that it suits him at all, he'd much prefer something whippy. Unfortunately for him, he was chosen by a twelve inch mahogany wand with a unicorn hair core. Also unfortunately for him, Ollivander was exercising his artistic license when he made the wand, and so somehow Nicodemus has turned up with an intricate (but disgustingly flashy) carved wand, with polished stones set into the handle. Nicodemus has considered breaking it on purpose, but he's not entirely sure that his parents would get him a new one. For now, he'll just wrestle with the embarrassing appendage, and continue to thank Merlin that others grew tired of teasing him for his wand when he was a second year. It looks like something from a Hollywood movie.
Does your character own a broom? Which brand? *Nimbus with mod permission only* Nicodemus used to have a Nimbus. Flying was his life. Unfortunately, there was an incident in his fifth year when he fell from his broom from a great height, and he's not been able to fly since. He doesn't even like looking at brooms anymore, and so his broom is back at home in the cleaning cupboard. He has hopes to give it to his little sister, but at the same time he's not entirely sure that he wants her doing something that's so dangerous.
Describe your character’s strengths (both magically and personality-wise. Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi, etc. are extremely rare and you MUST have Mod Permission.): Nicodemus is pretty adept at most things, and he has a love of learning from books (though not from his professors) so he gets along pretty well. His best classes are History of Magic, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy, because he has a deep interest in all of those. On the other hand, he is quite brilliant at charming people such as obliterating, and also is capable at silencing spells, etc. but isn't quite so good at animating inanimate objects, so if charms were to be listed as a strength, this would also need to be noted. He used to have a great strength in flying, however after his accident he put all of his effort and love into music, so that he could fill the gaps. He's now convinced that he's going to become a composer of some type (but believe me, poetry is a weakness!)
Finally, probably his most important personality strength is his curiosity. While not necessarily a good strength, it is a strength none the less and he uses it, and his ability to befriend most people, to his full ability. He likes to sneak, and watch, and store information. That's just who he is. Unfortunately, it also leads him to put his foot in it most of the time.
Describe your character’s flaws/weaknesses: As just hinted above, Nicodemus can sometimes be too nosey, which can lead to distrust. Although, for the most part people are unaware of anything underhanded that he does. His nosiness is a huge flaw in his great sense of morality, because the line between curiosity and spying is often very blurry. So too is the line between humor and insult, and unfortunately Nicodemus fails at being able to tell one from the other, leading to some very interesting revenge schemes on the behalf of his peers. Nicodemus has a great flair for dramatics, but he often speaks before he thinks and so he often says things that he wishes he hadn't. One of those areas where he's bound to put his foot wrong is the area of Sister's-significant-other. He has three sisters, and only one is older than him. Unfortunately, he feels highly protective of all of them, and anything said against them can throw him into a rage. When his sisters are involved, reason goes out the window. Especially if he thinks that they're going to get hurt.
As one might of guessed, Nicodemus is quite rash, and so you can imagine what it's like when dangerous ingredients, fire, and a reluctance to learn things from a professor instead of a book combine. The dungeons got a make-over in Nicodemus' third year courtesy of him and his lack of potions skills. He isn't sure what he wants to do, and so has continued on with potions to keep his options open. It's the one place where he is most aware of his dramatics, and the one place where he makes an effort to tone them down.
His deepest, darkest fear is flying. He gets terrified any time that he even looks at a broom, and his stomach turns whenever he remembers how he used to fly so effortlessly, but not for want of ever doing so again.
Describe your character's physical attributes. If you have a preferred PB, state it here: Nicodemus has light brown hair, which he usually wears long-ish, and always seems to be a bit messy. His eyes are blue, and he has to wear glasses when reading much to the amusement of his peers, who find the idea of Nicodemus and intellect together quite alien. His skin is tanned enough, though he does get quite pale in winter, as he exclaims, "I am a creature of sunshine, happiness, and warmth!" He isn't built, but he did used to play Quidditch until fifth year, and he has enough muscle on him to not look awkward and scrawny. His PB is River Phoenix
Is your character Muggle born, a half-blood, or a pureblood? Explain it. (half-breeds are rare and only with mod approval) What is this matter of blood? Nicodemus doesn't really care for it at all. Well, he was certainly glad that he knew about magic before he went to Hogwarts, being a half-blood whose a first generation wizard, but if people didn't, and yet they've still integrated successfully into Hogwarts... well, don't they have even more right to be at Hogwarts, if they've managed to overcome the struggles that the wizard-born never had to even consider? Anyway, Nicodemus' father is a Muggleborn, and his mother a pureblood who didn't care for all that fancy-shmancy stuff, she's much happier living her own life and parading about with the man that she loves.
Character Background/History: Nicodemus was born in 1987 to one Elidorium Florentine, and her husband Harold Florentine. He was the second child that they had, and certainly not the last- although he is the only boy. He grew up in Llangollen, a nice green place in Wales. He had free run there, and he adores the place still, it taught him a love of history even when he was younger, and there was always so much room to sing, and dance, and parade about. The freedom to do just that made Nicodemus' childhood into a happy one, and so he developed into something very active and fun. As a child he always loved to fly, and it was his most brilliant hobby.
His other hobby would have been singing, and playing the guitar. That comes from when he was a small boy, and his father would play the guitar and make up words and songs such as the award-winning Nicodemus Picks His Nose (he didn't by the way! Never!) So Nicodemus learnt to stumble forth with playing it, and by the time he was eleven he could play 'Skip to my Lou'. Unfortunately for him, he ran off to Hogwarts after that and didn't continue. He then fell off his broom in fifth year, after being on the team since second year.
His world crashed down around him with his new-found fear of flying, and in the months afterwards his older sister Amaryllis called him many things, with weak being the foremost. It seemed to him that his life was empty, until he went home for the summer, and Frank re-introduced his son to the guitar. From then on Nicodemus was able to fill in the empty parts of his life- the gaps between classes, the free time after dinner- with his new hobby, and so begun to heal and morph back into his happy self. Unfortunately for everyone else, he has now convinced himself that he wants to be a poet, composer, and bard, and he often subjects his peers to his works.
Next year he doesn't know what he wants to do, but he knows that he doesn't want to go to the ministry or have a desk-job. Hopefully he'll get some revelation, but he can't think of anything which combines all of his sneakery, spying, and his music. He jokes often that he'll become a goat-herd because he's had experience with it as a child. His sister is trying to convince him to go traveling with her, and he's going to give it a go this Chistmas to see how he likes it.
All in all, Nicodemus is a very flamboyant character who seems to not have insecurities, but really has them stowed away. He adores nothing more than his family, and his hobbies, and has a great sense of morality... even throughout his tendancy to stick his nose in where it doesn't belong.
[[Category:Seventh Years]]
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[[Category:Ravenclaw Seventh Years]]

Revision as of 08:52, 13 April 2006

Player Name // Username: Kim // /candauleswife

Character Name: Nicodemus Cadmus Florentine

Preferred Character House: Ravenclaw

Character Age: 17 (18 on the 14th of December)

If your character is a student - what year is s/he? 7th

What kind of wand does your character possess? A BIG one A hideous one. It's ugly, and gaudy, and heavy. Nicodemus doesn't think that it suits him at all, he'd much prefer something whippy. Unfortunately for him, he was chosen by a twelve inch mahogany wand with a unicorn hair core. Also unfortunately for him, Ollivander was exercising his artistic license when he made the wand, and so somehow Nicodemus has turned up with an intricate (but disgustingly flashy) carved wand, with polished stones set into the handle. Nicodemus has considered breaking it on purpose, but he's not entirely sure that his parents would get him a new one. For now, he'll just wrestle with the embarrassing appendage, and continue to thank Merlin that others grew tired of teasing him for his wand when he was a second year. It looks like something from a Hollywood movie.

Does your character own a broom? Which brand? *Nimbus with mod permission only* Nicodemus used to have a Nimbus. Flying was his life. Unfortunately, there was an incident in his fifth year when he fell from his broom from a great height, and he's not been able to fly since. He doesn't even like looking at brooms anymore, and so his broom is back at home in the cleaning cupboard. He has hopes to give it to his little sister, but at the same time he's not entirely sure that he wants her doing something that's so dangerous.

Describe your character’s strengths (both magically and personality-wise. Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi, etc. are extremely rare and you MUST have Mod Permission.): Nicodemus is pretty adept at most things, and he has a love of learning from books (though not from his professors) so he gets along pretty well. His best classes are History of Magic, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy, because he has a deep interest in all of those. On the other hand, he is quite brilliant at charming people such as obliterating, and also is capable at silencing spells, etc. but isn't quite so good at animating inanimate objects, so if charms were to be listed as a strength, this would also need to be noted. He used to have a great strength in flying, however after his accident he put all of his effort and love into music, so that he could fill the gaps. He's now convinced that he's going to become a composer of some type (but believe me, poetry is a weakness!)

Finally, probably his most important personality strength is his curiosity. While not necessarily a good strength, it is a strength none the less and he uses it, and his ability to befriend most people, to his full ability. He likes to sneak, and watch, and store information. That's just who he is. Unfortunately, it also leads him to put his foot in it most of the time.

Describe your character’s flaws/weaknesses: As just hinted above, Nicodemus can sometimes be too nosey, which can lead to distrust. Although, for the most part people are unaware of anything underhanded that he does. His nosiness is a huge flaw in his great sense of morality, because the line between curiosity and spying is often very blurry. So too is the line between humor and insult, and unfortunately Nicodemus fails at being able to tell one from the other, leading to some very interesting revenge schemes on the behalf of his peers. Nicodemus has a great flair for dramatics, but he often speaks before he thinks and so he often says things that he wishes he hadn't. One of those areas where he's bound to put his foot wrong is the area of Sister's-significant-other. He has three sisters, and only one is older than him. Unfortunately, he feels highly protective of all of them, and anything said against them can throw him into a rage. When his sisters are involved, reason goes out the window. Especially if he thinks that they're going to get hurt.

As one might of guessed, Nicodemus is quite rash, and so you can imagine what it's like when dangerous ingredients, fire, and a reluctance to learn things from a professor instead of a book combine. The dungeons got a make-over in Nicodemus' third year courtesy of him and his lack of potions skills. He isn't sure what he wants to do, and so has continued on with potions to keep his options open. It's the one place where he is most aware of his dramatics, and the one place where he makes an effort to tone them down.

His deepest, darkest fear is flying. He gets terrified any time that he even looks at a broom, and his stomach turns whenever he remembers how he used to fly so effortlessly, but not for want of ever doing so again.

Describe your character's physical attributes. If you have a preferred PB, state it here: Nicodemus has light brown hair, which he usually wears long-ish, and always seems to be a bit messy. His eyes are blue, and he has to wear glasses when reading much to the amusement of his peers, who find the idea of Nicodemus and intellect together quite alien. His skin is tanned enough, though he does get quite pale in winter, as he exclaims, "I am a creature of sunshine, happiness, and warmth!" He isn't built, but he did used to play Quidditch until fifth year, and he has enough muscle on him to not look awkward and scrawny. His PB is River Phoenix

Is your character Muggle born, a half-blood, or a pureblood? Explain it. (half-breeds are rare and only with mod approval) What is this matter of blood? Nicodemus doesn't really care for it at all. Well, he was certainly glad that he knew about magic before he went to Hogwarts, being a half-blood whose a first generation wizard, but if people didn't, and yet they've still integrated successfully into Hogwarts... well, don't they have even more right to be at Hogwarts, if they've managed to overcome the struggles that the wizard-born never had to even consider? Anyway, Nicodemus' father is a Muggleborn, and his mother a pureblood who didn't care for all that fancy-shmancy stuff, she's much happier living her own life and parading about with the man that she loves.

Character Background/History: Nicodemus was born in 1987 to one Elidorium Florentine, and her husband Harold Florentine. He was the second child that they had, and certainly not the last- although he is the only boy. He grew up in Llangollen, a nice green place in Wales. He had free run there, and he adores the place still, it taught him a love of history even when he was younger, and there was always so much room to sing, and dance, and parade about. The freedom to do just that made Nicodemus' childhood into a happy one, and so he developed into something very active and fun. As a child he always loved to fly, and it was his most brilliant hobby.

His other hobby would have been singing, and playing the guitar. That comes from when he was a small boy, and his father would play the guitar and make up words and songs such as the award-winning Nicodemus Picks His Nose (he didn't by the way! Never!) So Nicodemus learnt to stumble forth with playing it, and by the time he was eleven he could play 'Skip to my Lou'. Unfortunately for him, he ran off to Hogwarts after that and didn't continue. He then fell off his broom in fifth year, after being on the team since second year.

His world crashed down around him with his new-found fear of flying, and in the months afterwards his older sister Amaryllis called him many things, with weak being the foremost. It seemed to him that his life was empty, until he went home for the summer, and Frank re-introduced his son to the guitar. From then on Nicodemus was able to fill in the empty parts of his life- the gaps between classes, the free time after dinner- with his new hobby, and so begun to heal and morph back into his happy self. Unfortunately for everyone else, he has now convinced himself that he wants to be a poet, composer, and bard, and he often subjects his peers to his works.

Next year he doesn't know what he wants to do, but he knows that he doesn't want to go to the ministry or have a desk-job. Hopefully he'll get some revelation, but he can't think of anything which combines all of his sneakery, spying, and his music. He jokes often that he'll become a goat-herd because he's had experience with it as a child. His sister is trying to convince him to go traveling with her, and he's going to give it a go this Chistmas to see how he likes it.

All in all, Nicodemus is a very flamboyant character who seems to not have insecurities, but really has them stowed away. He adores nothing more than his family, and his hobbies, and has a great sense of morality... even throughout his tendancy to stick his nose in where it doesn't belong.

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