Carrie White

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Player Name // Username: V00b // vividlycameron

Character Name: Carrie White // ravenclawcarrie

Preferred Character House: Ravenclaw

Character Age: Eleven (Birthday: January 14th)

Ravenclaws born under the sign of Capricorn excel at their studies, because they have both a love of knowledge for its own sake and a deep desire to use that knowledge to gain prestige or authority. They are disciplined students with acute perception and shrewd minds; they might take a little longer to reach conclusions than their peers, but their conclusions tend to be more well thought out and thorough. They have dry, ironic wit and are fond of making subtle jokes that only those blessed with intelligence and perception can understand. There's not much that these wizards miss; they usually know what is going on long before anybody else does.

If your character is a student - what year is s/he? First

What kind of wand does your character possess? 12 3/4 inches; walnut & ebony; unicorn tail hair

Does your character own a broom? Which brand? *Nimbus with mod permission only* None.

Describe your character’s strengths (both magically and personality-wise. Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi, etc. are extremely rare and you MUST have Mod Permission.): Carrie's best characteristic is her intelligence, which has always caused her parents to fawn over her and spoil her much more than they should. She gets very good grades in all of her classes, although she shows no interest in most of them. She observes others and prefers to learn from life's lessons, rather than from a textbook. However, she enjoys astronomy and herbology the most, and potions the least. Carrie also notices many things - she's very observant, although she rarely participates in anything. She rarely forgets what she sees, and probably makes people uncomfortable when she brings up something that would make her seem rather stalker-ish. Not that she isn't stalkerish, because she really is. Lastly, Carrie is a quick thinker, so she can hit or hex someone without a second thought.

Describe your character’s flaws/weaknesses: Carrie is creepy, anti-social, uninterested, and a bit of an asshole. Carrie does not seek out anyone, and she is not at all gifted with the ability of small talk. She thinks most people, especially those of her age, are stupid, and she's usually rather rude to them, also. She says creepy things and is deadly serious - the only humor she posseses is sarcasm. However, she does talk to people if they approach her, but she hates almost everyone. Also, she's not interested in many things and never gets excited like a normal kid.

Describe your character’s physical attributes. If you have a preferred PB, state it here -- although check the list ( first!: Dakota Fanning (not as a blonde, however). Dark hair, average weight and height for an eleven year old.

Is your character Muggle born, a half-blood, or a pureblood? Explain it. Half blood. Both of Carrie's parents are wizards, but there have been many squibs and muggles all through out the family, and hardly a trace of pure blood.

Character Background/History: While Carrie and her family are not at all rich (middle-class, rather), she is the only child of two loving parents, and is somewhat spoiled. They (Cosmo and Wanda) are very normal for a family, although Carrie isn't. Cosmo works for a broom-making company, while his wife, Wanda, is a house wife. She cares very much what the neighbors think and has a major guilt complex. All through school, Carrie had very little friends and never cared. She had several goldfish and small animals that always died, as she didn't care for them very much, and now has a small, black cat she named "Cat".

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