Gillichu Chandler

From Np Hogwarts

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Player Name: Mandy ([info]theropicus)
Player House (Your character will be in the same house unless you have specific permission to do otherwise): Ravenclaw
Character Name: Gillichu Chandler
Character Age: 12
If your character is a student - what year is s/he?: 2nd year
What kind of wand does your character possess? twelve inch dogwood with a crup hair core
Does your character own a broom? Which brand? no - his mother thinks they're too dangerous :)
Does your character have any special abilities? (Natural flier or good at potions, for example {Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi are rare, and you MUST have mod permission for these}) Gillichu has an affinity for animals, dogs in particular. Because of this, he will do exceptionally well in Care of Magical Creatures... once he gets there. In the mean time, he does average work in most of his classes, though he does seem to show some skill at Herbology - but it could be that he just likes to dig in the dirt.
Describe your character’s flaws and magical weaknesses (if you have a strong magical ability you must counteract it with a magical weakness equal or greater than the talent): Gillichu's pretty much average when it comes to magical talent. He's also something of a joker, and definitely a troublemaker. He's ostensibly at war with his twin sister, Nimuë (also a Ravenclaw), so they're always sniping at each other, though they do come through for one another in a pinch.
Describe your character's physical attributes: Shaggy, sandy blond hair that's pretty much chin-length all-around, except for his bangs, which are slightly shorter, though they constantly hang into his eyes. Gillichu has hazel eyes which are prone to changing between grey, brown, and green, depending on what he's wearing and his surroundings. He's scrawny and gangly, which looks a bit strange, since at 4'11" he's short for his age (something which annoys him to no end). And, as I am a sheep (baaaa), I have made a doll to hold you until I can get more creative :)
Is your character Muggle born, a half breed, half-blood, or a pureblood? Explain it. As pure as you can get. The Chandlers are an old and very distinct wizarding family – Gillichu's parents like to say that his sister is named after the family founder, none other than the Nimuë herself. The family is respected and well enough known that few witches or wizards think to protest this claim.
Character Background/History: So far Gillichu has had a pretty much normal wizarding childhood. As a pureblood, he had very little (read: no) contact with Muggles and Muggle culture before coming to Hogwarts. This doesn't mean he looks down on Muggles especially – he does have some Muggle-born and half-blood friends – just that he doesn't know about much about the culture and is no great hurry to learn anything (after all, how can Muggles possibly be interesting? They haven't got any magic!). Gillichu does, however, feel a near constant need to prove to both himself and others that he's just as smart as his twin sister, who is generally considered the family favorite. For this reason, he'll sometimes go to great lengths to make people notice him - usually by acting out -.-;
[[Category:Second Years]]
[[Category:Second Years]]
[[Category:Ravenclaw Second Years]]
[[Category:Ravenclaw Second Years]]

Revision as of 06:55, 13 April 2006

Player Name: Mandy ([info]theropicus)

Player House (Your character will be in the same house unless you have specific permission to do otherwise): Ravenclaw

Character Name: Gillichu Chandler

Character Age: 12

If your character is a student - what year is s/he?: 2nd year

What kind of wand does your character possess? twelve inch dogwood with a crup hair core

Does your character own a broom? Which brand? no - his mother thinks they're too dangerous :)

Does your character have any special abilities? (Natural flier or good at potions, for example {Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi are rare, and you MUST have mod permission for these}) Gillichu has an affinity for animals, dogs in particular. Because of this, he will do exceptionally well in Care of Magical Creatures... once he gets there. In the mean time, he does average work in most of his classes, though he does seem to show some skill at Herbology - but it could be that he just likes to dig in the dirt.

Describe your character’s flaws and magical weaknesses (if you have a strong magical ability you must counteract it with a magical weakness equal or greater than the talent): Gillichu's pretty much average when it comes to magical talent. He's also something of a joker, and definitely a troublemaker. He's ostensibly at war with his twin sister, Nimuë (also a Ravenclaw), so they're always sniping at each other, though they do come through for one another in a pinch.

Describe your character's physical attributes: Shaggy, sandy blond hair that's pretty much chin-length all-around, except for his bangs, which are slightly shorter, though they constantly hang into his eyes. Gillichu has hazel eyes which are prone to changing between grey, brown, and green, depending on what he's wearing and his surroundings. He's scrawny and gangly, which looks a bit strange, since at 4'11" he's short for his age (something which annoys him to no end). And, as I am a sheep (baaaa), I have made a doll to hold you until I can get more creative :)

Is your character Muggle born, a half breed, half-blood, or a pureblood? Explain it. As pure as you can get. The Chandlers are an old and very distinct wizarding family – Gillichu's parents like to say that his sister is named after the family founder, none other than the Nimuë herself. The family is respected and well enough known that few witches or wizards think to protest this claim.

Character Background/History: So far Gillichu has had a pretty much normal wizarding childhood. As a pureblood, he had very little (read: no) contact with Muggles and Muggle culture before coming to Hogwarts. This doesn't mean he looks down on Muggles especially – he does have some Muggle-born and half-blood friends – just that he doesn't know about much about the culture and is no great hurry to learn anything (after all, how can Muggles possibly be interesting? They haven't got any magic!). Gillichu does, however, feel a near constant need to prove to both himself and others that he's just as smart as his twin sister, who is generally considered the family favorite. For this reason, he'll sometimes go to great lengths to make people notice him - usually by acting out -.-;

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