Hannah Salix

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== Hannah Salix ==
== Hannah Salix ==
Well, what can you say about Hannah? She's a pureblood witch. Dark hair, almost black eyes, she doesn't back down from confrontation
Hannah can be rather contradictory. She's extremely loyal to those that she loves, yet if she feels that they have wronged her, she'll cut them out of her life... or beat them up. She loves to argue and fight with people. Sometimes, she'll just randomly pick a fight with someone. To most people that she meets for the first time, she tries to be personable. However, if she's in a bad mood then she probably won't be very nice. She can be extremely vindictive at times, and will go to almost any length to humiliate someone if she feels that they deserve it. Despite all of these negative tendencies, she can be very sweet. However, sweetness and kindness are regarded as weaknesses to her, so she rarely allows herself to let her guard down and be nice.  On occasion, Hannah has been known to be quiet and subdued. This would be when she's despondent (like anyone else would be) or if she's studying. Yes, she does study. And surprisingly enough, she's rather good at it. Of course, that's only in small regulated doses. Hannah craves crazy wacky adventures. Studying just doesn't provide that.
One of the major flaws in her personality is her choice of role models. She can be very suggestible and thrives on attention from whoever she picks as a role model. Her adoration of her older brother has definitely influenced how she sees people. Characters who are good at manipulation such as Alex Departie will have an easy time impressing Hannah. As loathe as she is to admit it, she loves praise and attention from people. One might even call her a "fangirl".
== Strengths ==
=== Magical===
She is excellent at Charms and has improved her hexing ability since she's been enemies with Lucas Longshore. Hannah isn't excellent at dueling, though if she really worked at it, I'm sure she could be. With proper motivation, Hannah could be excellent at DADA as well. Another class that she really enjoys is Divination. She doesn't put that much effort into it, but it does hold her interest, and she likes tarot cards and tea leaves. Her flying skill is decent, though she rarely flies so it isn't as good as it could be.
=== Personality ===
Personality wise, she's extremely loyal and would do anything for someone that she loves. When she disagrees with something, she'll speak up and voice her opinion, rarely caring who hears her. Hannah can't be pushed around, and once she decided on something, she sticks to it. Surprisingly enough, she gets along with younger kids. Pimento, Gillichu, Ethan, are just a handful of first and second years that she gets along with. Hannah is protective of her friends and for the most part won't stand for any of them being hurt or mocked. She generally doesn't care what most people think of her, and has a decent amount of self-confidence.
== History ==
== History ==
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[[Bri Richards]] is Hannah's solace. Since Hannah tends to get a little crazy and worked up over things, Bri is always there to talk her down and show up with the logical side of things.  Also, Bri is excellent at Potions and is mostly easy going and calm.  Her relationship with Tim Ashford has made Hannah happy because Bri is happy with him.
[[Bri Richards]] is Hannah's solace. Since Hannah tends to get a little crazy and worked up over things, Bri is always there to talk her down and show up with the logical side of things.  Also, Bri is excellent at Potions and is mostly easy going and calm.  Her relationship with Tim Ashford has made Hannah happy because Bri is happy with him.
[[Tobias Kinsella]] is one of Hannah's good friends.  He's always up for some pranking or mischief.
[[Derek Bly]] is The Boyfriend.  They have had extreme ups and extreme downs.  Hannah tends to run away from him and not want to actually deal with feelings.  She's done stupid things and surprisingly he's forgiven her.  Derek's influence on Hannah has been nothing but good, as she tends to seek out the more unstable older students and tries to befriend them.  This would normally result in her destruction but now that Derek is around, she tends to do that a lot less.  Also, even when Hannah broke up with Derek, she realized how utterly miserable she was without him.  Really, he's the one for her, no matter how crazy they get.   
[[Derek Bly]] is The Boyfriend.  They have had extreme ups and extreme downs.  Hannah tends to run away from him and not want to actually deal with feelings.  She's done stupid things and surprisingly he's forgiven her.  Derek's influence on Hannah has been nothing but good, as she tends to seek out the more unstable older students and tries to befriend them.  This would normally result in her destruction but now that Derek is around, she tends to do that a lot less.  Also, even when Hannah broke up with Derek, she realized how utterly miserable she was without him.  Really, he's the one for her, no matter how crazy they get.   

Revision as of 07:49, 28 October 2006

Hannah Salix


Played ByJordana Brewster
LJ accountuserinfo.gif hannah_salix
HometownVersailles, France
Current Year5th
Hogwarts HouseRavenclaw
Favorite SubjectsCharms
Worst SubjectsPotions, Herbology

userinfo.gif raven_annabelle


Hannah Salix

Hannah can be rather contradictory. She's extremely loyal to those that she loves, yet if she feels that they have wronged her, she'll cut them out of her life... or beat them up. She loves to argue and fight with people. Sometimes, she'll just randomly pick a fight with someone. To most people that she meets for the first time, she tries to be personable. However, if she's in a bad mood then she probably won't be very nice. She can be extremely vindictive at times, and will go to almost any length to humiliate someone if she feels that they deserve it. Despite all of these negative tendencies, she can be very sweet. However, sweetness and kindness are regarded as weaknesses to her, so she rarely allows herself to let her guard down and be nice. On occasion, Hannah has been known to be quiet and subdued. This would be when she's despondent (like anyone else would be) or if she's studying. Yes, she does study. And surprisingly enough, she's rather good at it. Of course, that's only in small regulated doses. Hannah craves crazy wacky adventures. Studying just doesn't provide that.

One of the major flaws in her personality is her choice of role models. She can be very suggestible and thrives on attention from whoever she picks as a role model. Her adoration of her older brother has definitely influenced how she sees people. Characters who are good at manipulation such as Alex Departie will have an easy time impressing Hannah. As loathe as she is to admit it, she loves praise and attention from people. One might even call her a "fangirl".



She is excellent at Charms and has improved her hexing ability since she's been enemies with Lucas Longshore. Hannah isn't excellent at dueling, though if she really worked at it, I'm sure she could be. With proper motivation, Hannah could be excellent at DADA as well. Another class that she really enjoys is Divination. She doesn't put that much effort into it, but it does hold her interest, and she likes tarot cards and tea leaves. Her flying skill is decent, though she rarely flies so it isn't as good as it could be.


Personality wise, she's extremely loyal and would do anything for someone that she loves. When she disagrees with something, she'll speak up and voice her opinion, rarely caring who hears her. Hannah can't be pushed around, and once she decided on something, she sticks to it. Surprisingly enough, she gets along with younger kids. Pimento, Gillichu, Ethan, are just a handful of first and second years that she gets along with. Hannah is protective of her friends and for the most part won't stand for any of them being hurt or mocked. She generally doesn't care what most people think of her, and has a decent amount of self-confidence.


Hannah's parents are Abigail and Marshall Salix. She has one brother named Gabe. Growing up, she was rarely seen without Gabe as the two were inseperable. Hannah idolizes her brother. Gabe taught her how to fly and he helped her with her Potions homework. He defended her when she got into arguments with her schoolmates and he was always there when she was feeling sad or scared. Her family rarely expressed their emotions. Hannah learned at a young age that crying was a sign of weakness. However, she is a stark contrast to her parents and her brother. While Abigail and Marshall are relatively cool, calm and collected, Hannah can fly off the handle without notice. She loves to argue with anyone about anything and her true Ravenclaw comes out when she has to back up her claims. Research is fun for Hannah if there's a reason for it.


Anora Bertrade is another of Hannah's best friends. They get crazy and silly together and tend to wear enormous hats at parties. Hannah adores Anora and is very judgemental of who she dates. When they were in third year, Hannah made a boy cry because he was trying to talk to Anora when he wasn't worthy. They have each other's backs and are both excellent at Charms.

Bri Richards is Hannah's solace. Since Hannah tends to get a little crazy and worked up over things, Bri is always there to talk her down and show up with the logical side of things. Also, Bri is excellent at Potions and is mostly easy going and calm. Her relationship with Tim Ashford has made Hannah happy because Bri is happy with him.

Tobias Kinsella is one of Hannah's good friends. He's always up for some pranking or mischief.

Derek Bly is The Boyfriend. They have had extreme ups and extreme downs. Hannah tends to run away from him and not want to actually deal with feelings. She's done stupid things and surprisingly he's forgiven her. Derek's influence on Hannah has been nothing but good, as she tends to seek out the more unstable older students and tries to befriend them. This would normally result in her destruction but now that Derek is around, she tends to do that a lot less. Also, even when Hannah broke up with Derek, she realized how utterly miserable she was without him. Really, he's the one for her, no matter how crazy they get.

Lucas Longshore is Hannah's nemesis. She loathes him with a passion, and sometimes ends up making out with him. But mostly she hates him.



Hannah was born October 29th, 1989

It's the Scorpion which symbolizes Scorpios, and it's no accident. Much like the Scorpion would rather kill itself than be killed, those born under this Sign are the ones who are in ultimate control of their destiny. It is life on the Scorpion's terms, too, since these folks promote their agenda (they are quite the executives) and see to it that things go forward. Others may find this overbearing (it can be) and even self-destructive, but that's the beauty of the Scorpion: these folks have tremendous regenerative powers, much like the literal Scorpion can lose its tail and promptly grow a new one. Fearless Scorpions rarely lose, per se, they just keep on going, since they are stubborn and determined to succeed (this Scorpio trait is in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign). Scorpios work as hard as they do so they can someday sit back and feel satisfied with themselves. These folks are intense, passionate and filled with desire. They're also complex and secretive, so don't expect to get much out of them, lest they become suspicious and exit stage left. It's best not to bet against Scorpios, either, since these folks are surprisingly resourceful.

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